public void OnPostUploadField([FromBody] List <List <Coordinate> > JSON) { validateUser(); PlayerField myField = new PlayerField(); myField.fieldNumber = StaticResources.user.orderNumber; foreach (List <Coordinate> coordinatesList in JSON) { List <ICoordinate> coordinates = coordinatesList.Cast <ICoordinate>().ToList(); IBoat boat = new Boat(); boat.FillWithCoordinates(coordinates); myField.AddNewBoatToField(boat); } StaticResources.field = myField; StaticResources.user.ready = true; MessageSender sender = new MessageSender(); sender.SendReadyUpMessage(); }
public void MovePawn(Point next) { if (!CanMove(next)) { return; } if (IsItem(next)) { MyEventStream.Instance.Push(new ItemCollectedEvent()); if (!StillContainsItem()) { MyEventStream.Instance.Push(new AllItemsCollectedEvent()); } } this[Pawn.Location] = new EmptyField() { Location = Pawn.Location }; Pawn = new PlayerField() { Location = next }; this[next] = Pawn; MyEventStream.Instance.Push(new PawnMovedEvent()); }
void RemoveListeners(PlayerField <ICardInstance> field) { field.Hand.Changed -= HandChanged; field.DrawPile.Changed -= DeckChanged; field.DiscardPile.Changed -= DiscardChanged; field.RemovePile.Changed -= RemovedChanged; }
public void SendSurrenderMessage() { PlayerField field = new PlayerField() { fieldNumber = StaticResources.field.fieldNumber, hitList = StaticResources.field.hitList }; foreach (IBoat boat in { field.AddNewBoatToField(boat); } SurrenderResponse response = new SurrenderResponse() { playerId = StaticResources.user.PlayerId, field = field }; var indented = Formatting.Indented; var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All }; string line = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, indented, settings); ServiceBusHandler.program.topic.SendTopicMessage(line, MessageType.Surrender); }
void Display(PlayerField <ICardInstance> field) { _hand.Display(field.Hand); _draw.Display(field.DrawPile); _discard.Display(field.DiscardPile); _removed.Display(field.RemovePile); }
public StatsRow(CharacterBaseCharacteristic characteristic, PlayerField field) { if (characteristic == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("characteristic"); Base = characteristic.@base; Equipements = characteristic.objectsAndMountBonus; AlignBonus = characteristic.alignGiftBonus; Context = characteristic.contextModif; Field = field; }
public GameWindow() { InitializeComponent(); playerField = new PlayerField(playerFieldArea.Width, playerFieldArea.Height); computerField = new ComputerField(computerFieldArea.Width, computerFieldArea.Height); computer = new ComputerPlayer(playerField); DrawPlayerField(); DrawComputerField(); }
private Field[,] SetDataToPlayGround(string[] rawData) { int rows = int.Parse(rawData[1]); int columns = int.Parse(rawData[0]); Field[,] playground = new Field[columns, rows]; for (int line = 2; line < rows + 2; line++) { for (int sign = 0; sign < columns; sign++) { Field field = new EmptyField() { Location = new System.Drawing.Point(sign, line - 2) }; switch (rawData[line].Substring(sign, 1)) { case CommonConstants.POINT: field = new ItemField() { Location = new System.Drawing.Point(sign, line - 2) }; break; case CommonConstants.ITEM_SIGN: field = new ItemField() { Location = new System.Drawing.Point(sign, line - 2) }; break; case CommonConstants.PAWN: field = new PlayerField() { Location = new System.Drawing.Point(sign, line - 2) }; break; case CommonConstants.WALL: field = new WallField() { Location = new System.Drawing.Point(sign, line - 2) }; break; default: field = new EmptyField() { Location = new System.Drawing.Point(sign, line - 2) }; break; } playground[sign, line - 2] = field; } } return(playground); }
// get colliders of all ships on game field List <Collider> GetShipColliders(PlayerField field) { List <Collider> allColl = new List <Collider>(); foreach (Transform shi in field.transform) { allColl.AddRange(shi.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>()); } return(allColl); }
public Graphics(uint x, uint y) { Window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(x, y), "dsfdf"); Window.SetVerticalSyncEnabled(true); Window.Closed += (obj, e) => { Window.Close(); }; _groups = new List <Group>(); Window.Resized += (obj, e) => { FloatRect visibleArea = new FloatRect(0, 0, e.Width, e.Height); Window.SetView(new View(visibleArea)); Window.Clear(Color.Cyan); }; Window.MouseButtonPressed += (sender, args) => { if (args.Button != Mouse.Button.Left) { return; } foreach (var t in _groups) { Message message = new Message(); message.Dict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); message.Dict["X"] = args.X; message.Dict["Y"] = args.Y; t.Notify(EventType.Press, message); } }; Window.MouseButtonReleased += (sender, args) => { if (args.Button != Mouse.Button.Left) { return; } foreach (var t in _groups) { Message message = new Message(); message.Dict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); message.Dict["X"] = args.X; message.Dict["Y"] = args.Y; t.Notify(EventType.Release, message); } }; Window.KeyPressed += (sender, args) => { switch (args.Code) { case Keyboard.Key.F: PlayerField.GetGame().StartGame(9); break; } }; Window.MouseMoved += (sender, args) => { MousePosition = new Vector2f(args.X, args.Y); }; }
public static void Load() { if (!File.Exists(savePath)) { return; } string line; StreamReader file = new StreamReader(savePath); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] exp = line.Split(';'); if (exp[0] == "gold") { PlayerCoin.Set(int.Parse(exp[1])); } else if (exp[0] == "monster") { PlayerMonster.Add(exp[1], int.Parse(exp[2])); } else if (exp[0] == "item") { PlayerItems.Add(exp[1], int.Parse(exp[2])); } else if (exp[0] == "field") { if (exp[2] == "0") { PlayerField.Add(int.Parse(exp[1]), FieldStatus.FIELD_FAILED); } else if (exp[2] == "1") { PlayerField.Add(int.Parse(exp[1]), FieldStatus.FIELD_1STAR); } else if (exp[2] == "2") { PlayerField.Add(int.Parse(exp[1]), FieldStatus.FIELD_2STAR); } else if (exp[2] == "3") { PlayerField.Add(int.Parse(exp[1]), FieldStatus.FIELD_3STAR); } else { PlayerField.Add(int.Parse(exp[1]), FieldStatus.FIELD_EMPTY); } } PlayerMonster.Load(); } file.Close(); }
public uint this[PlayerField index] { get { return this[(int)index]; } set { this[(int)index] = value; } }
public uint this[PlayerField index] { get { return(this[(int)index]); } set { this[(int)index] = value; } }
public int this[PlayerField name] { get { int value; return Fields.TryGetValue(name, out value) ? value : default(int); } set { if (!Fields.ContainsKey(name)) Fields.Add(name, value); else Fields[name] = value; } }
public static void Save() { StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(savePath); file.WriteLine("gold;" + PlayerCoin.Get()); for (int i = 0; i < PlayerMonster.Count; i++) { file.WriteLine("monster;" + PlayerMonster.Get(i).monsterName + ";" + PlayerMonster.Get(i).exp); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in PlayerItems.Items) { file.WriteLine("item;" + pair.Key + ";" + pair.Value); } for (int i = 0; PlayerField.Has(i); i++) { switch (PlayerField.Get(i)) { case FieldStatus.FIELD_EMPTY: file.WriteLine("field;" + i.ToString() + ";-1"); break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_FAILED: file.WriteLine("field;" + i.ToString() + ";0"); break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_1STAR: file.WriteLine("field;" + i.ToString() + ";1"); break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_2STAR: file.WriteLine("field;" + i.ToString() + ";2"); break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_3STAR: file.WriteLine("field;" + i.ToString() + ";3"); break; } } file.Close(); }
public int this[PlayerField name] { get { int value; return(Fields.TryGetValue(name, out value) ? value : default(int)); } set { if (!Fields.ContainsKey(name)) { Fields.Add(name, value); } else { Fields[name] = value; } } }
public StatsRow this[PlayerField name] { get { StatsRow value; return(Fields.TryGetValue(name, out value) ? value : null); } set { if (!Fields.ContainsKey(name)) { Fields.Add(name, value); } else { Fields[name] = value; } } }
// check place for in field and don't touch other ships bool CheckShipCell(GameObject ship, PlayerField playerField) { Collider[] cols = ship.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(); foreach (Collider chi in cols) { Vector3 chiRelative = playerField.transform.InverseTransformPoint(chi.transform.position); if (chiRelative.x < 0 || chiRelative.x > 9 || chiRelative.z > 0 || chiRelative.z < -9) { return(false); } foreach (Collider othership in otherShipColliders) { if (chi != othership && chi.transform.parent.gameObject != othership.transform.parent.gameObject && ( chi.transform.position == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.up == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.down == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.forward == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.back == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.right == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.left == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.up == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.down == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.right + Vector3.up == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.right + Vector3.down == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.forward == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.back == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.right + Vector3.forward == othership.transform.position || chi.transform.position + Vector3.right + Vector3.back == othership.transform.position ) ) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
void Awake() { Data = GameObject.Find("Data(Clone)"); DataScript = Data.GetComponent <Data>(); Player1_Class = DataScript.GetPlayer1P(); Player2_Class = DataScript.GetPlayer2P(); ExitText.text = " "; ExitImage = GameObject.Find("ExitImage"); ExitImage.SetActive(false); KeyButton.SetActive(false); Player1_BackGround_Script = Player1_BackGround.GetComponent <PlayerField>(); Player2_BackGround_Script = Player2_BackGround.GetComponent <PlayerField>(); Player1_BackGround_Script.SetSkill_1(Skill1P_1); Player1_BackGround_Script.SetSkill_2(Skill1P_2); Player1_BackGround_Script.SetSkill_3(Skill1P_3); Player2_BackGround_Script.SetSkill_1(Skill2P_1); Player2_BackGround_Script.SetSkill_2(Skill2P_2); Player2_BackGround_Script.SetSkill_3(Skill2P_3); Player1_BackGround_Script.SetObject(-1, Player1_Class, Player, enemy, HP); Player2_BackGround_Script.SetObject(1, Player2_Class, Player, enemy, HP); }
private void Awake() { _slotPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("PlayerField"); if (!(_slotPrefab is null)) { _slotIsNull = false; } _controller = GetComponentInParent <PopupController>(); if (!(_controller is null)) { _controllerIsNull = false; } _playerField = GetComponent <PlayerField>(); if (!(_playerField is null)) { _fieldIsNull = false; } }
private void ShowGameEnd() { if (!messageBox.activeSelf) { int bonusMin = (PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy + 1) * 9; int bonusMax = (PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy + 1) * 12; if (playerHealth <= 0) { bonusMin = (PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy + 1) * 1; bonusMax = (PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy + 1) * 3; } int goldBonus = Random.Range(bonusMin, bonusMax); PlayerCoin.Add(goldBonus); GameObject gold = messageBox.transform.FindChild("GoldDisplay").gameObject; gold.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "+" + goldBonus; // Apply database foreach (GameObject go in activeMonster) { PlayerMonster.Get(go.GetComponent <Monster>().StorageIndex).exp = go.GetComponent <Monster>().Exp; } List <GameObject> dropItem = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject item in Reference.Asset.itemTemplate) { int rand = Random.Range(0, 100); if (rand <= item.GetComponent <Item>().DropWeight) { PlayerItems.Add(, 1); dropItem.Add(item); } } int count = 0; foreach (GameObject go in dropItem) { GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(go, new Vector3(count, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); item.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = 2; count++; } switch (defeatedEnemy) { case 0: if (PlayerField.Get(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy) != FieldStatus.FIELD_3STAR && PlayerField.Get(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy) != FieldStatus.FIELD_2STAR && PlayerField.Get(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy) != FieldStatus.FIELD_1STAR) { PlayerField.Add(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy, FieldStatus.FIELD_FAILED); } break; case 1: if (PlayerField.Get(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy) != FieldStatus.FIELD_3STAR && PlayerField.Get(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy) != FieldStatus.FIELD_2STAR) { PlayerField.Add(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy, FieldStatus.FIELD_1STAR); } break; case 2: if (PlayerField.Get(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy) != FieldStatus.FIELD_3STAR) { PlayerField.Add(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy, FieldStatus.FIELD_2STAR); } break; case 3: PlayerField.Add(PlayerMonster.IndexEnemy, FieldStatus.FIELD_3STAR); break; } messageBox.SetActive(true); } GameObject title = messageBox.transform.FindChild("TextHelper").gameObject; if (playerHealth > 0) { title.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "Victory"; title.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = new Color(255, 226, 0); } else { title.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "Defeated"; title.GetComponent <TextMesh>().color = new Color(233, 0, 0); } }
public ComputerPlayer(PlayerField playerField) { this.playerField = playerField; ChooseRandomCell(); }
internal StatsRow(CharacterBaseCharacteristic characteristic, PlayerField field, Action<StatsRow> onChanged) { m_onChanged = onChanged; }
public Goban(GoRulesBase rulesBase) { _rulesBase = rulesBase; _grid = new GameObject[rulesBase[0], rulesBase[0]]; _scoreObjects = new TextObject[2]; Vector2u windowSize = PlayerField.GetGame().MainFrame.Window.Size; GameObject back = new GameObject(new RectangleShape((Vector2f)windowSize)); back.Shape.FillColor = Color.Blue; AddShape(back); int minDimension = (int)Math.Min(windowSize.X, windowSize.Y); int offset = minDimension / 20; int placeSize = minDimension - offset; GameObject place = new GameObject(new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(placeSize, placeSize))); place.Subscribe = new NotifierSub(place); place.Subscribe.AddObserver(new OnPressMessage(((i, i1) => { if (!rulesBase.GetActivePerson().IsBot&& !rulesBase.IsFinished) { int id = rulesBase.GetActivePerson().Id - 1; Console.WriteLine(id.ToString()); _selectedStone = new Stone(_cubeSize / 3f); Color customColor = new Color(); customColor.A = 255; customColor.R = (byte)(255 * id); customColor.G = (byte)(255 * id); customColor.B = (byte)(255 * id); _selectedStone.Shape.FillColor = customColor; _selectedStone.ChangeState(new GrabedState(_selectedStone)); _selectedStone.Update(); AddShape(_selectedStone); } }))); place.Subscribe.AddObserver(new OnReleaseMessage(((x, y) => { if (!rulesBase.GetActivePerson().IsBot) { if (_selectedStone != null) { (bool canPlace, int xStone, int yStone) = CanTookStone(x, y); bool isStepDone = rulesBase.GetActivePerson().MakeStep(xStone, yStone); if (isStepDone) { _selectedStone.ChangeState(null); TookOnGrid(_selectedStone, xStone, yStone); CheckConfirmity(); } else { RemoveShape(_selectedStone); } _selectedStone = null; } } }))); AddShape(place); place.Shape.Position = new Vector2f(offset / 2.0f, offset / 2.0f); place.Shape.FillColor = Color.Green; int size = rulesBase[0]; _cubeSize = (float)placeSize / size; _rectOffset = offset / 2.0f + _cubeSize / 2; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { RectangleShape lineHorizontal = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(placeSize - _cubeSize, 1)); lineHorizontal.FillColor = Color.Black; lineHorizontal.Position = new Vector2f(_rectOffset, _rectOffset + _cubeSize * i); AddShape(new GameObject(lineHorizontal)); RectangleShape lineVertical = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(1, placeSize - _cubeSize)); lineVertical.FillColor = Color.Black; lineVertical.Position = new Vector2f(_rectOffset + _cubeSize * i, _rectOffset); AddShape(new GameObject(lineVertical)); } _scoreObjects[0] = new TextObject("Score: 0", new Font("C:/CurrentProjects/LetsGo/Game/FONT.ttf")); _scoreObjects[0].Text.FillColor = Color.Black; _scoreObjects[1] = new TextObject("Score: 0", new Font("C:/CurrentProjects/LetsGo/Game/FONT.ttf")); _scoreObjects[1].Text.FillColor = Color.White; Vector2f textSize = new Vector2f(_scoreObjects[0].Text.GetGlobalBounds().Width, _scoreObjects[0].Text.GetGlobalBounds().Height + 20); _scoreObjects[0].Text.Position = (Vector2f)PlayerField.GetGame().MainFrame.Window.Size - textSize; textSize = new Vector2f(_scoreObjects[1].Text.GetGlobalBounds().Width, _scoreObjects[1].Text.GetGlobalBounds().Height); _scoreObjects[1].Text.Position = new Vector2f((PlayerField.GetGame().MainFrame.Window.Size.X - textSize.X), 0); AddShape(_scoreObjects[0]); AddShape(_scoreObjects[1]); TextObject passText = new TextObject("Pass", new Font("C:/CurrentProjects/LetsGo/Game/FONT.ttf")); GameObject pass = new GameObject(new RectangleShape(new Vector2f( passText.Text.GetGlobalBounds().Width * 1.5f, passText.Text.GetGlobalBounds().Height * 1.5f))); //ButtonObject Pass = new ButtonObject("Pass", new Font("C:/CurrentProjects/LetsGo/Game/FONT.ttf")); pass.Shape.Position = new Vector2f(650, 300); passText.Text.Position = new Vector2f(650, 300); passText.Text.FillColor = Color.Magenta; pass.Subscribe = new NotifierSub(pass); pass.Subscribe.AddObserver(new OnPressMessage(((i, i1) => { if (!rulesBase.GetActivePerson().IsBot) { ((Player)rulesBase.GetActivePerson()).Pass(); } if (rulesBase.IsFinished) { string endText; if (rulesBase.Persons[0].Score < rulesBase.Persons[1].Score) { endText = "WHITE WIN"; } else if (rulesBase.Persons[0].Score > rulesBase.Persons[1].Score) { endText = "BLACK WIN"; } else { endText = "DRAW"; } TextObject finishText = new TextObject(endText, new Font("C:/CurrentProjects/LetsGo/Game/FONT.ttf")); finishText.Text.Position = new Vector2f(250, 250); finishText.Text.FillColor = Color.Blue; AddShape(finishText); } pass.Shape.FillColor = Color.Green; }))); pass.Subscribe.AddObserver(new OnReleaseMessage(((i, i1) => { pass.Shape.FillColor = Color.White; }))); AddShape(pass); AddShape(passText); }
internal StatsRow(PlayerField field, Action<StatsRow> onChanged) : this(field) { m_onChanged = onChanged; }
public StatsRow(PlayerField field) { Field = field; }
public override void UpdateState() { Obj.Shape.Position = PlayerField.GetGame().MainFrame.MousePosition; }
public override void Update() { PlayerField.GetGame().MainFrame.Window.Draw(Text); }
public PlayerField GetMyDummyField() { int field = StaticResources.user.orderNumber; PlayerField myField = new PlayerField() { fieldNumber = field, }; List <List <ICoordinate> > CoordinateList = new List <List <ICoordinate> >() { new List <ICoordinate>() { new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 1, col = 1 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 1, col = 2 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 1, col = 3 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 1, col = 4 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 1, col = 5 } }, new List <ICoordinate>() { new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 4, col = 9 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 5, col = 9 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 6, col = 9 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 7, col = 9 } }, new List <ICoordinate>() { new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 7, col = 4 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 7, col = 5 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 7, col = 6 } }, new List <ICoordinate>() { new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 9, col = 7 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 9, col = 8 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 9, col = 9 } }, new List <ICoordinate>() { new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 3, col = 4 }, new Coordinate() { field = field, row = 4, col = 4 } }, }; foreach (List <ICoordinate> coordinates in CoordinateList) { IBoat boat = new Boat(); boat.FillWithCoordinates(coordinates); myField.AddNewBoatToField(boat); } return(myField); }
public StatsRow this[PlayerField name] { get { StatsRow value; return Fields.TryGetValue(name, out value) ? value : null; } set { if (!Fields.ContainsKey(name)) Fields.Add(name, value); else Fields[name] = value; } }
private void Awake() { _deck = _deckSo.CreateInstance(); _playerField = new PlayerField <ICardInstance>(); _playerField.Reset(_deck); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { List <GameObject> templates = Reference.Asset.monsterTemplate; Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 3f); bool empty = false; for (int i = 0; i < templates.Count - 2; i++) { GameObject go = null; if (i % 2 == 0) { go = (GameObject)Instantiate(areaDot, new Vector3(-2, -i, 0) + offset, Quaternion.identity); } else { go = (GameObject)Instantiate(areaDot, new Vector3(2, -i, 0) + offset, Quaternion.identity); } go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f); go.transform.parent = this.transform; if (empty) { go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); } FieldStatus fs = PlayerField.Get(i); switch (fs) { case FieldStatus.FIELD_EMPTY: if (!empty) { fs = FieldStatus.FIELD_FAILED; } empty = true; break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_FAILED: Instantiate(starFailedTemplate, go.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.75f), Quaternion.identity); break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_1STAR: Instantiate(star1Template, go.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.75f), Quaternion.identity); break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_2STAR: Instantiate(star2Template, go.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.75f), Quaternion.identity); break; case FieldStatus.FIELD_3STAR: Instantiate(star3Template, go.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.75f), Quaternion.identity); break; } fieldStats.Add(fs); areaList.Add(go); GameObject collider = (GameObject)Instantiate(colliderTemplate, go.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); collider.transform.parent = this.transform; colliderList.Add(collider); } // Generate path for (int i = 0; i < areaList.Count - 1; i++) { GameObject from = areaList[i]; GameObject to = areaList[i + 1]; Vector3 direction = to.transform.position - from.transform.position; for (int j = 2; j < 11; j++) { float randomVar = 0.2f * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * (j + 2) / 10); Vector3 randomOffset = new Vector3(randomVar, -randomVar); GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(connectorDot, from.transform.position + (direction.normalized * j) / 3 + randomOffset, Quaternion.identity); go.transform.parent = this.transform; } } }