コード例 #1
    PlayerButtonScript PBS;                 // Here will be the script of the player’s settings button, the color or shape of which we are currently changing

    public void ChangeColor(int NomberOfColor)                                                                        // Here is stored the number of the player for whom we select the color
        NoP = UIS.LastDDObject.GetComponent <PlayerButtonScript>().NumberOfPlayer;                                    // We put into the variable "Nop" the player number for which we select the color
        Color SelectedColor = gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().color;                                                // We put the selected color in the variable "SelectedColor"

        PlayerButton = UIS.ScrollContent.transform.GetChild(NoP).gameObject;                                          // We put a sample of the player’s button in the "PlayerButton" variable
        PBS          = PlayerButton.GetComponent <PlayerButtonScript>();                                              // Put in the variable "PBS" the button script of this player

        GM.MaterialsTurn.Insert(NoP, new Material(GM.Materials[NomberOfColor]));                                      // We put the new number of the selected material in the list "MaterialsTurn"
        GM.MaterialsTurn.RemoveAt(NoP + 1);                                                                           // Remove the old material number from the list "MaterialsTurn"
        GM.ColorsTurn.Insert(NoP, SelectedColor);                                                                     // We put the new selected color in the list "ColorsTurn"
        GM.ColorsTurn.RemoveAt(NoP + 1);                                                                              // Delete the old color for this player from the list "ColorsTurn"

        PlayerButton.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color             = GM.ColorsTurn[NoP]; // We change the selected color in the button header
        PlayerButton.transform.GetChild(3).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = GM.ColorsTurn[NoP]; // We change the selected color inside the drop-down list
        PlayerButton.transform.GetChild(3).GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = GM.ColorsTurn[NoP]; // We also change the color in the picture showing the figure itself
        PBS._hiddenMenu();                                                                                            // We call the button open / close method to reopen the window and sign it for the closing event
コード例 #2
    public void ChangeFigure(int NomberFigure)                                              // In this method, we change the player's figure to the selected one and open the dropdown-list
        NoP          = UIS.LastDDObject.GetComponent <PlayerButtonScript>().NumberOfPlayer; // We put into the variable "Nop" the player number for which we select the color
        PlayerButton = UIS.ScrollContent.transform.GetChild(NoP).gameObject;                // We put a sample of the player’s button in the "PlayerButton" variable
        PBS          = PlayerButton.GetComponent <PlayerButtonScript>();                    // Put in the variable "PBS" the button script of this player

        GM.FiguresTurn.Insert(NoP, (byte)NomberFigure);                                     // We put the new number of the selected figure in the list "FiguresTurn"
        GM.FiguresTurn.RemoveAt(NoP + 1);                                                   // Remove the old figure number from the list "FiguresTurn"
        GM.FiguresTurn.Insert(NoP, (byte)NomberFigure);                                     // We put the new selected figure in the list "FiguresTurn"
        GM.FiguresTurn.RemoveAt(NoP + 1);                                                   // Delete the old figure for this player from the list "FiguresTurn"

        // We change the selected image in the header of the drop-down list
        PlayerButton.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = UIS.Panels[8].transform.GetChild(2).GetChild(0).GetChild(GM.FiguresTurn[NoP]).
                                                                                       GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

        // We change the selected image from the drop-down list
        PlayerButton.transform.GetChild(3).GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = UIS.Panels[8].transform.GetChild(2).GetChild(0).GetChild(GM.FiguresTurn[NoP]).
                                                                                                   GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

        PBS._hiddenMenu();                                      // We call the button open / close method to reopen the window and sign it for the closing event