public void Then_Returns_Silver_Achievement() { var result = Achievement.ClassUnderTest.IsAwardedForThisPlayer(PlayerId); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsTrue(result.LevelAwarded.HasValue); Assert.That(result.LevelAwarded.Value, Is.EqualTo(AchievementLevel.Silver)); foreach (var game in PlayedGames.Where(c => c.PlayerId == PlayerId)) { Assert.IsTrue(result.RelatedEntities.Contains(game.PlayedGame.GameDefinitionId)); } }
private void Start() { if (AverageTime != null) { AverageTime.Invoke(); } if (PlayedGames != null) { PlayedGames.Invoke(); } if (AverageScore != null) { AverageScore.Invoke(); } }
public PlayedGames GetPlayedGames(string id, string centerid, string gamedate, string otheruserid) { logger.Debug(Settings.MethodName()); PlayedGames playedGames = new PlayedGames(); if (isCorrectUser(id)) { // voor het opvragen van games van een andere gebruiker, gebruiken we het andere id if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(otheruserid)) { id = otheruserid; } long userid; long bowlingcenterid; int year; int month; int day; try { long.TryParse(centerid, out bowlingcenterid); long.TryParse(id, out userid); int.TryParse(gamedate.Substring(0, 4), out year); int.TryParse(gamedate.Substring(4, 2), out month); int.TryParse(gamedate.Substring(6, 2), out day); DateTime gameDate = new DateTime(year, month, day); S_User user = UserManager.GetUserById(userid); S_BowlingCenter bowlingcenter = BowlingCenterManager.GetBowlingCenterById(bowlingcenterid); if (user != null && bowlingcenter != null) { playedGames = GameManager.GetPlayedGamesByUserAndBowlingcenterAndDate(user, bowlingcenter, gameDate); } } catch { } } return(playedGames); }
public IActionResult AddGame(String gameName, String publisher, String genre, String rating, String platforms, string year) { try { DateTime Date = new DateTime(int.Parse(year), 1, 1); using (WgsipContext db = new WgsipContext()) { Game newGame = new Game(); Genre newGenre = db.Genres.First(g => g.GenreName.ToLower().Equals(genre.ToLower())); newGame.EsrbRating = rating; Publisher newPublisher; try { newPublisher = db.Publishers.First(p => p.PublisherName.ToLower().Equals(publisher.ToLower())); } catch (Exception) { newPublisher = new Publisher(); newPublisher.PublisherName = publisher; db.Publishers.Add(newPublisher); } newGame.Genre = newGenre; newGame.Publisher = newPublisher; newGame.GameName = gameName; newGame.Platforms = platforms; newGame.DatePublished = Date; db.Games.Add(newGame); PlayedGames playedGame = new PlayedGames(); playedGame.Game = newGame; playedGame.PlayedGame = false; playedGame.User = db.Accounts.First(a => a.AccountEmail.ToLower().Equals(User.Identity.Name.ToLower())); db.PlayedGames.Add(playedGame); db.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(new { message = "successfully added game to the Games database" })); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { message = e.Message })); } }
public IActionResult AddGameToPlayed(String gameName) { try { using (WgsipContext db = new WgsipContext()) { Game newGame = db.Games.Include(g => g.Publisher).Include(g => g.Genre).First(g => g.GameName.ToLower().Equals(gameName.ToLower())); PlayedGames playedGame = new PlayedGames(); playedGame.Game = newGame; playedGame.PlayedGame = false; playedGame.User = db.Accounts.First(a => a.AccountEmail.ToLower().Equals(User.Identity.Name.ToLower())); db.PlayedGames.Add(playedGame); db.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(new { message = "successfully added game to played games list" })); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { message = e.Message })); } }
public IActionResult SoundsGood(String game) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(Json(new { message = "You need to be logged in to add a game to your game list." })); } try { using (WgsipContext db = new WgsipContext()) { Account user = db.Accounts.First(a => a.AccountEmail == User.Identity.Name); Game gameEntry = db.Games.First(g => g.GameName.ToLower().Equals(game.ToLower())); PlayedGames playedGame = new PlayedGames(); playedGame.User = user; playedGame.Game = gameEntry; playedGame.PlayedGame = false; if (!db.PlayedGames.Include(pg => pg.Game) .Include(pg => pg.User) .Any(pg => pg.Game == gameEntry && pg.User == user)) { db.PlayedGames.Add(playedGame); db.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { message = "Game added to your games list! 😆" })); } else { return(Json(new { message = "The game is already in your games list." })); } } } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { message = e.Message })); } }