public void ToDTOOfPlayHistoryItem_ConvertedToDTO() { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var sut = new PlayHistoryItem { Context = new Context { ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "SomeHREF", Type = "SomeType", Uri = "SomeURI" }, Id = "Unneeded value.", PlayedAt = now, Track = new SimpleTrack { Artists = new List <SimpleArtist>(), AvailableMarkets = new List <string>(), DiscNumber = 1, DurationMs = 3600, Explicit = true, ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "AnotherHref", Id = "12345678", IsPlayable = true, LinkedFrom = new LinkedTrack(), Name = "My favourite song", PreviewUrl = "", TrackNumber = 5, Type = ItemType.Track, Uri = "AnotherURI" } }; var convertedPlayHistoryItem = new DTO.PlayHistoryItem { Context = new DTO.Context { ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "SomeHREF", Type = "SomeType", Uri = "SomeURI" }, PlayedAt = now, Track = new DTO.SimpleTrack { Artists = new List <DTO.SimpleArtist>(), AvailableMarkets = new List <string>(), DiscNumber = 1, DurationMs = 3600, Explicit = true, ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "AnotherHref", Id = "12345678", IsPlayable = true, LinkedFrom = new DTO.LinkedTrack(), Name = "My favourite song", PreviewUrl = "", TrackNumber = 5, Type = ItemType.Track, Uri = "AnotherURI" } }; var convertedObject = sut.ToDTO(); convertedObject.Should().NotBeNull(); convertedObject.Should().BeOfType <DTO.PlayHistoryItem>(); convertedObject.Should().BeEquivalentTo(convertedPlayHistoryItem); }
public void GivenAListOfSpotifyListeningHistory(Table table) { var fakeListeningHistory = new List <FakeResponseServer.Models.Spotify.PlayHistoryItem>(); var count = 0; foreach (var row in table.Rows) { var listeningHistoryItem = new PlayHistoryItem { PlayedAt = DateTime.ParseExact(row["Time of listening"], "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy HH:mm:ss", null), Track = new SimpleTrack { Artists = new List <SimpleArtist>(), AvailableMarkets = new List <string>(), DiscNumber = 1, DurationMs = 3500, Explicit = false, ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "", Id = count.ToString() + "SPOTIFY", IsPlayable = true, LinkedFrom = new LinkedTrack { ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "", Id = count.ToString() + "SPOTIFY", Type = "Track", Uri = "spotify:album:SomeOtherURI" }, Name = row["Song name"], PreviewUrl = "", TrackNumber = 1, Type = ItemType.Track, Uri = "SomeURI", }, Context = new Context { ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "", Type = "Album", Uri = "spotify:album:SomeURI" + count.ToString() + "SPOTIFY" } }; var fakeHistoryItem = new FakeResponseServer.Models.Spotify.PlayHistoryItem { Id = count.ToString(), PlayedAt = DateTime.ParseExact(row["Time of listening"], "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy HH:mm:ss", null), Track = new FakeResponseServer.Models.Spotify.SimpleTrack { Artists = new List <FakeResponseServer.Models.Spotify.SimpleArtist>(), AvailableMarkets = new List <string>(), DiscNumber = 1, DurationMs = 3500, Explicit = false, ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "", Id = count.ToString() + "SPOTIFY", IsPlayable = true, LinkedFrom = new FakeResponseServer.Models.Spotify.LinkedTrack { ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "", Id = count.ToString() + "SPOTIFY", Type = "Track", Uri = "spotify:album:SomeOtherURI" }, Name = row["Song name"], PreviewUrl = "", TrackNumber = 1, Type = FakeResponseServer.Models.Spotify.ItemType.Track, Uri = "SomeURI", }, Context = new FakeResponseServer.Models.Spotify.Context { ExternalUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Href = "", Type = "Album", Uri = "spotify:album:SomeURI" + count.ToString() + "SPOTIFY" } }; spotifyListeningHistory.Add(listeningHistoryItem); fakeListeningHistory.Add(fakeHistoryItem); count++; } dataSource.AddSpotifyListeningHistory(fakeListeningHistory); }