コード例 #1
        public static void CheckTapFileStructure(string fileName)
            TapFile tapFile    = TapFileReader.ReadTapFile(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/SampleTapFiles/" + fileName + ".tap"), fileName);
            string  testResult = tapFile.ToString();

            string expectedResult = null;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/SampleTapFiles/" + fileName + ".txt")))
                expectedResult = reader.ReadToEnd();

            if (testResult != expectedResult)
                throw new Exception("Tap file load test failed for file " + fileName);

            /*string testOverview = tapFile.GetContentsOverview();
             * string expectedOverview = null;
             * using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/SampleTapFiles/" + fileName + ".overview.txt")))
             * {
             *  expectedOverview = reader.ReadToEnd();
             * }
             * if (testOverview != expectedOverview)
             * {
             *  throw new Exception("Tap file overview test failed for file " + fileName);
             * }*/
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility method used to compare execution log with arithmetic operations results (8 bits arithmetic)
        /// </summary>
        private static void CompareExecutionResultsWithSample(string sampleProgramFileName, string sampleResultFileName, int instructionsPerLine, int accColumn)
            TestSystem testSystem = new TestSystem();

            testSystem.LoadProgramInMemory(sampleProgramFileName, Encoding.UTF8, false);

            Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(sampleResultFileName);

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                string line = null;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)

                    string[] columns    = line.Split(';');
                    string   AHexValue  = columns[accColumn];
                    byte     AByteValue = Convert.ToByte(AHexValue, 16);
                    string   FBinValue  = columns[accColumn + 1];
                    byte     FByteValue = Convert.ToByte(FBinValue, 2);

                    if (testSystem.CPU.A != AByteValue)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Error line {0}, A = {1}", line, String.Format("{0:X}", testSystem.CPU.A)));
                    else if ((testSystem.CPU.F) != FByteValue)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Error line {0}, F = {1}", line, Convert.ToString(testSystem.CPU.F, 2)));
コード例 #3
 public static void LoadScreenInVideoMemory(string screenFilePath, byte[] videoMemory, int startIndex)
     // Load sample picture in memory and set green border color
     using (Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(screenFilePath))
         using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
             reader.Read(videoMemory, startIndex, 6912);
コード例 #4
        public static byte[] Check_CompleteScreenCycle()
            ULATestSystem testSystem = new ULATestSystem();


            ULAStateLogger logger = new ULAStateLogger(testSystem.ULA);

                ULAStateLogger.ULAStateElements.MasterCounters | ULAStateLogger.ULAStateElements.DataIO | ULAStateLogger.ULAStateElements.VideoOutput | ULAStateLogger.ULAStateElements.VideoRegisters,
                new ULA.LifecycleEventType[] { ULA.LifecycleEventType.ClockCycle });
            for (int i = 0; i < ULA.ONE_FRAME_TICKS_COUNT + 7; i++)

            if (!logger.CompareWithSavedLog("ULA/Video/Logs/Check_CompleteScreenCycle"))
                throw new Exception("Log compare failed");

            ZXSpectrumComputer computer = new ZXSpectrumComputer();
            // Load a program that does nothing in computer ROM
            StringBuilder testProgram = new StringBuilder();

            testProgram.AppendLine("JP 0");
            // Load sample picture in video memory and set green border color
            using (Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("ULA/Video/ScreenSamples/BuggyBoy.scr"))
                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                    reader.Read(computer.RAM16K.Cells, 0, 6912);

            // Render the same screen with the complete computer
            for (int i = 0; i < ULA.ONE_FRAME_TICKS_COUNT + 7; i++)
            string testScreenValues     = GetDisplayAsString(testSystem.Screen.Display);
            string computerScreenValues = GetDisplayAsString(computer.Screen.Display);

            if (!testScreenValues.Equals(computerScreenValues))
                throw new Exception("Screen compare failed for complete computer");

コード例 #5
        public static void Check_Flags(int launchAddress, string testDescription)
            Console.Write(testDescription + "...");

            TestSystem testSystem = new TestSystem();

            string testSourcePath = "FlagsAndMemptr/z80tests-Flags.asm";

            using (Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(testSourcePath))
                testSystem.LoadProgramInMemory(testSourcePath, stream, Encoding.UTF8, false);
                ((TestSystem._TestMemory)testSystem.Memory).SetReadOnlySection(0x500, 0x5FF);
            testSystem.CPU.InitRegister(Z80Simulator.Instructions.Register.I, 63);

            /*StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             * int counter = 1;
             * foreach (string variable in testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables.Keys)
             * {
             *  if (variable.Contains("LAUNCH"))
             *  {
             *      sb.AppendLine("public static int " + variable.Replace("LAUNCH", "ADDR") + " = 0x" + testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables[variable].GetValue(testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables, null).ToString("X4") +";");
             *      sb.AppendLine("public static string " + variable.Replace("LAUNCH", "DESC") + " = \"" + testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Lines.First(line => (line.Comment !=null && line.Comment.Contains("test "+counter.ToString("D2")+" : "))).Comment.Split(':')[1].Trim() + "\";");
             *      counter++;
             *  }
             * }
             * sb.Clear();
             * for (counter = 1; counter <= 45; counter++)
             * {
             *  sb.AppendLine("FlagsAndMemptrTests.Check_Flags(FlagsAndMemptrTests.FLAGS_TEST_" + counter.ToString("D2") + "_ADDR, FlagsAndMemptrTests.FLAGS_TEST_" + counter.ToString("D2") + "_DESC);");
             * }*/

            /*CPUStateLogger logger = new CPUStateLogger(testSystem.CPU);
             * logger.StartLogging(
             * CPUStateLogger.CPUStateElements.InternalState |
             * CPUStateLogger.CPUStateElements.Registers,
             * new Z80CPU.LifecycleEventType[] {
             *      Z80CPU.LifecycleEventType.InstructionEnd
             *  });*/

            if (!(testSystem.CPU.A == 0 ||
                  (launchAddress == FLAGS_TEST_27_ADDR && testSystem.CPU.HL == 0x3063)))
                throw new Exception("Flags test for " + testDescription + " failed : expected checksum " + testSystem.CPU.BC.ToString("X4") + " / computed checksum " + testSystem.CPU.HL.ToString("X4"));

コード例 #6
        public bool CompareWithSavedLog(string filename)
            string filePath     = String.Format("{0}.csv", filename);
            Stream stream       = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(filePath);
            string referenceLog = null;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                referenceLog = reader.ReadToEnd();
            return(Log == referenceLog);
コード例 #7
        public static void CheckTapeRecorderPlayback()
            TapeRecorder tapeRecorder = new _TapeRecorder();

            Tape testTape = new Tape("TestTape",
                                     new TapeSection("section 1",
                                                     new ToneSequence("tone", 4, 5),                                 // 20 TStates
                                                     new PulsesSequence("pulses", new ushort[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }),      // 10 TStates
                                                     new DataSequence("data", new byte[] { 15, 175 }, 1, 2, 4)),     // 36 TStates
                                     new TapeSection("section 2",
                                                     new PauseSequence("pause", 1)),                                 // 3500 TStates
                                     new TapeSection("section 3",
                                                     new SamplesSequence("samples", new byte[] { 15, 175 }, 2, 7))); // 30 TStates


            StringBuilder sbResult = new StringBuilder();

            sbResult.AppendLine(tapeRecorder.PlayingTime + "," + tapeRecorder.SoundSignal.Level + "," + tapeRecorder.GetPosition());

            for (int i = 1; i < 70; i++)
                sbResult.AppendLine(tapeRecorder.PlayingTime + "," + tapeRecorder.SoundSignal.Level + "," + tapeRecorder.GetPosition());

            for (int i = 1; i <= 3492; i++)

            for (int i = 1; i <= 35; i++)
                sbResult.AppendLine(tapeRecorder.PlayingTime + "," + tapeRecorder.SoundSignal.Level + "," + tapeRecorder.GetPosition());

            string testResult = sbResult.ToString();

            string expectedResult = null;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/Logs/CheckTapeRecorderPlayback.csv")))
                expectedResult = reader.ReadToEnd();

            if (testResult != expectedResult)
                throw new Exception("TapeRecorder playback test failed");
コード例 #8
        public static void CheckTzxFileStructure(string fileName)
            TzxFile tzxFile    = TzxFileReader.ReadTzxFile(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/SampleTzxFiles/" + fileName + ".tzx"), fileName);
            string  testResult = tzxFile.ToString();

            string expectedResult = null;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/SampleTzxFiles/" + fileName + ".txt")))
                expectedResult = reader.ReadToEnd();

            if (testResult != expectedResult)
                throw new Exception("Tzx file load test failed for file " + fileName);
コード例 #9
        public static void Check_Memptr(int launchAddress, string testDescription)
            TestSystem testSystem = new TestSystem();

            string testSourcePath = "FlagsAndMemptr/z80tests-Memptr.asm";

            using (Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(testSourcePath))
                testSystem.LoadProgramInMemory(testSourcePath, stream, Encoding.UTF8, false);

            /*StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             * int counter = 1;
             * foreach (string variable in testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables.Keys)
             * {
             *  if (variable.Contains("LAUNCH"))
             *  {
             *      sb.AppendLine("public static int " + variable.Replace("LAUNCH", "ADDR") + " = 0x" + testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables[variable].GetValue(testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables, null).ToString("X4") +";");
             *      sb.AppendLine("public static string " + variable.Replace("LAUNCH", "DESC") + " = \"" + testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Lines.First(line => (line.Comment !=null && line.Comment.Contains("test "+counter.ToString("D2")+" : "))).Comment.Split(':')[1].Trim() + "\";");
             *      counter++;
             *  }
             * }
             * sb.Clear();
             * for (counter = 1; counter <= 58; counter++)
             * {
             *  sb.AppendLine("FlagsAndMemptrTests.Check_Memptr(FlagsAndMemptrTests.MEMPTR_TEST_" + counter.ToString("D2") + "_ADDR, FlagsAndMemptrTests.MEMPTR_TEST_" + counter.ToString("D2") + "_DESC);");
             * }*/

            /*CPUStateLogger logger = new CPUStateLogger(testSystem.CPU);
             * logger.StartLogging(
             * CPUStateLogger.CPUStateElements.InternalState |
             * CPUStateLogger.CPUStateElements.Registers,
             * new Z80CPU.LifecycleEventType[] {
             *      Z80CPU.LifecycleEventType.InstructionEnd
             *  });*/

            if (testSystem.CPU.A != 0)
                throw new Exception("Memptr test for " + testDescription + " failed");
コード例 #10
        public static void CheckProgram(string filename)
            string objFilePath = String.Format("Assembly/Samples/{0}.obj", filename);
            Stream objStream   = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(objFilePath);

            string asmFilePath = String.Format("Assembly/Samples/{0}.asm", filename);
            Stream asmStream   = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(asmFilePath);

            byte[] referenceMemory = ReadToEnd(objStream);

            Program   program        = Assembler.ParseProgram(filename, asmStream, Encoding.UTF8, false);
            MemoryMap compiledMemory = new MemoryMap(referenceMemory.Length);

            Assembler.CompileProgram(program, 0, compiledMemory);

            for (int i = 0; i < referenceMemory.Length; i++)
                if (compiledMemory.MemoryCells[i] != referenceMemory[i])
                    ProgramLine errorLine = null;
                    foreach (ProgramLine prgLine in program.Lines)
                        if (prgLine.LineAddress > i)
                        else if (prgLine.Type != ProgramLineType.CommentOrWhitespace)
                            errorLine = prgLine;
                    if (errorLine.Type == ProgramLineType.OpCodeInstruction)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Compilation result different from reference at address {0} - compiled {1:X} / expected {2:X} - line {3} starting at address {4}, {5}+{6} bytes : {7}", i, compiledMemory.MemoryCells[i], referenceMemory[i], errorLine.LineNumber, errorLine.LineAddress, errorLine.InstructionCode.OpCodeByteCount, errorLine.InstructionCode.OperandsByteCount, errorLine.Text));
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Compilation result different from reference at address {0} - compiled {1:X} / expected {2:X} - line {3} starting at address {4}, {5}+{6} bytes : {7}", i, compiledMemory.MemoryCells[i], referenceMemory[i], errorLine.LineNumber, errorLine.LineAddress, errorLine.Text));
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility method used to compare execution log with arithmetic operations results (16 bits arithmetic)
        /// </summary>
        private static void Compare16bitsExecutionResultsWithSample(string sampleProgramFileName, string sampleResultFileName, int instructionsPerLine)
            TestSystem testSystem = new TestSystem();

            testSystem.LoadProgramInMemory(sampleProgramFileName, Encoding.UTF8, false);

            Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(sampleResultFileName);

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                string line = null;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)

                    string[] columns    = line.Split(';');
                    string   HHexValue  = columns[3];
                    byte     HByteValue = Convert.ToByte(HHexValue, 16);
                    string   LHexValue  = columns[4];
                    byte     LByteValue = Convert.ToByte(LHexValue, 16);
                    string   FBinValue  = columns[5];
                    byte     FByteValue = Convert.ToByte(FBinValue, 2);

                    if (testSystem.CPU.L != LByteValue)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Error line {0}, L = {1}", line, String.Format("{0:X}", testSystem.CPU.L)));
                    else if (testSystem.CPU.H != HByteValue)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Error line {0}, H = {1}", line, String.Format("{0:X}", testSystem.CPU.H)));
                    // Ignore undocumented flags 3 and 5 : 11010111 = 215
                    else if ((testSystem.CPU.F & 215) != (FByteValue & 215))
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Error line {0}, F = {1}", line, Convert.ToString(testSystem.CPU.F, 2)));
コード例 #12
        public static void CheckMemoryDump(string filename)
            string objFilepath = String.Format("Assembly/Samples/{0}.obj", filename);
            Stream objStream   = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(objFilepath);

            string asmFilepath = String.Format("Assembly/DisassemblerResults/{0}.disasm", filename);
            Stream asmStream   = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(asmFilepath);

            string referenceAsmText = null;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(asmStream))
                referenceAsmText = sr.ReadToEnd();

            MemoryMap  memoryMap  = new MemoryMap(65536);
            CallTarget entryPoint = new CallTarget(new CallSource(CallSourceType.Boot, 0, null), 0);
            Program    program    = Disassembler.GenerateProgram(objFilepath, objStream, 0, new CallTarget[] { entryPoint }, memoryMap);

            if (program.ToString() != referenceAsmText)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Disassembly of program {0} does not match reference text", filename));
コード例 #13
        public static void DecompileZexall2()
            string  fileName = "zexall2";
            TapFile tapFile  = TapFileReader.ReadTapFile(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TestTapes/" + fileName + ".tap"), fileName);

            ProgramHeader loaderHeader    = (ProgramHeader)tapFile.DataBlocks[0];
            int           programLength   = loaderHeader.ProgramLength;
            int           variablesLength = loaderHeader.FollowingDataLength - loaderHeader.ProgramLength;

            TapDataBlock loaderBlock        = tapFile.DataBlocks[1];
            MemoryStream binaryMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(loaderBlock.TapeData);

            /* Read flag */
            BasicProgram basicLoader = BasicReader.ReadMemoryFormat(fileName, binaryMemoryStream, programLength, variablesLength);

            ByteArrayHeader codeHeader = (ByteArrayHeader)tapFile.DataBlocks[2];
            int             dataLength = codeHeader.DataLength;

            TapDataBlock codeBlock = tapFile.DataBlocks[3];

            binaryMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(codeBlock.TapeData);
            /* Read flag */

            int baseAddress  = codeHeader.StartAddress;
            int startAddress = codeHeader.StartAddress;

            SpectrumMemoryMap spectrumMemory = new SpectrumMemoryMap();

            // Load machine code in memory to generate entry points BEFORE dissassembly
            int  b = -1;
            int  currentAddress       = baseAddress;
            long streamPositionBefore = binaryMemoryStream.Position;

            while ((b = binaryMemoryStream.ReadByte()) >= 0)
                spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[currentAddress]            = (byte)b;
                spectrumMemory.MemoryCellDescriptions[currentAddress] = null; // Reset previous cell descriptions
            binaryMemoryStream.Position = streamPositionBefore;

            List <CallTarget> entryPoints = new List <CallTarget>();

            entryPoints.Add(new CallTarget(new CallSource(CallSourceType.ExternalEntryPoint, 0, null), startAddress));

            Program program = Disassembler.GenerateProgram(fileName, binaryMemoryStream, baseAddress, entryPoints.ToArray(), spectrumMemory);

            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine("PRINT_A EQU 0010H"));
            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine("CHAN_OPEN EQU 1601H"));
            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine(""));

            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8000, "MAIN");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8013", "START");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9F69, "MSG1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F41", "BDOS");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8043, "TESTS");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L802B", "LOOP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8038", "DONE");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9C4F", "STT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8040", "STOP");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9F8B, "MSG2");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9ED7, "FLGMSK");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9E49, "COUNTER");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9DB8", "INITMASK");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9E71, "SHIFTER");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9EB3, "IUT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8003, "MSBT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9FF4", "INITCRC");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9C94", "TLP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9CA8", "TLP1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9CAB", "TLP2");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E99", "TEST");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9DF8", "COUNT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E1C", "SHIFT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9CE9", "TLP3");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9FB5", "CMPCRC");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9F9A, "OKMSG");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9CE0", "TLPOK");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9F9F, "ERMSG1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F0C", "PHEX8");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9FA7, "ERMSG2");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9FB2, "CRLF");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9D5F, "CNBIT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9D83, "SHFBIT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9D60, "CNTBYT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9D84, "SHBYT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D13", "SETUP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D1C", "SUBYTE");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D3D", "SUBSHF");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D2C", "SUBCLP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D62", "NXTCBIT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D58", "SUBSTR");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D49", "SBSHF1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D86", "NXTSBIT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D7B", "NCB1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9D9F", "NSB1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9DA7", "CLRMEM");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9DC7", "IMLP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9DC8", "IMLP1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9DCE", "IMLP2");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9DEB", "IMLP3");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E04", "CNTLP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E13", "CNTEND");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E17", "CNTLP1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E28", "SHFLP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E3E", "SHFLP2");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E40", "SHFLPE");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9E44", "SHFLP1");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9F00, "SPSAV");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8011, "SPBT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9EFE, "SPAT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9EF0, "MSAT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9EFC, "FLGSAT");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0xA008, "CRCVAL");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9EE2", "TCRC");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9FCC", "UPDCRC");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9F04, "HEXSTR");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F11", "PH8LP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F1E", "PHEX2");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F27", "PHEX1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F34", "PH11");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F54", "PRCHAR");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F5C", "PRSTRING");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9F4F", "BDOSDONE");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9FBD", "CCLP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9FC8", "CCE");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0xA00C, "CRCTAB");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9FE5", "CRCLP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9FFE", "ICRCLP");

            string[] testNames = new string[] { "SCFOP", "CCFOP", "SCFCCF", "CCFSCF", "BITA", "BITHL", "BITX", "BITZ80", "DAAOP", "CPLOP", "ADC16", "ADD16", "ADD16X",
                                                "ADD16Y", "ALU8I", "ALU8R", "ALU8RX", "ALU8X", "CPD1", "CPI1", "INCA", "INCB", "INCBC", "INCC", "INCD", "INCDE", "INCE", "INCH", "INCHL", "INCIX", "INCIY",
                                                "INCL", "INCM", "INCSP", "INCX", "INCXH", "INCXL", "INCYH", "INCYL", "LD161", "LD162", "LD163", "LD164", "LD165", "LD166", "LD167", "LD168", "LD16IM", "LD16IX",
                                                "LD8BD", "LD8IM", "LD8IMX", "LD8IX1", "LD8IX2", "LD8IX3", "LD8IXY", "LD8RR", "LD8RRX", "LDA", "LDD1", "LDD2", "LDI1", "LDI2", "NEGOP", "RLDOP", "ROT8080",
                                                "ROTXY", "ROTZ80", "SRZ80", "SRZX", "ST8IX1", "ST8IX2", "ST8IX3", "STABD" };

            int testTableAddress = 0x8043;

            foreach (string testName in testNames)
                int testAddress = spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[testTableAddress++] + 256 * spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[testTableAddress++];
                program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(testAddress, testName);

            MemoryMap testMemoryMap = new MemoryMap(65536);

            Assembler.CompileProgram(program, 0x8000, testMemoryMap);
            for (int programAddress = program.BaseAddress; programAddress <= program.MaxAddress; programAddress++)
                if (testMemoryMap.MemoryCells[programAddress] != spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[programAddress])
                    throw new Exception("Error in decompiled program at address " + programAddress + " : source byte = " + spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[programAddress] + ", decompiled program line + " + ((ProgramLine)spectrumMemory.MemoryCellDescriptions[programAddress].Description).Text + " produced byte = " + testMemoryMap.MemoryCells[programAddress]);

            string htmlProgram = AsmHtmlFormatter.BeautifyAsmCode(fileName, program);
コード例 #14
        public static void CheckBasicText()
            string  fileName = "TreasureIsland";
            TapFile tapFile  = TapFileReader.ReadTapFile(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/SampleTapFiles/" + fileName + ".tap"), fileName);

            ProgramHeader firstHeader     = (ProgramHeader)tapFile.DataBlocks[0];
            int           programLength   = firstHeader.ProgramLength;
            int           variablesLength = firstHeader.FollowingDataLength - firstHeader.ProgramLength;

            TapDataBlock programAndVarsBlock = tapFile.DataBlocks[1];
            MemoryStream binaryMemoryStream  = new MemoryStream(programAndVarsBlock.TapeData);

            // Read flag

            BasicProgram program = BasicReader.ReadMemoryFormat(fileName, binaryMemoryStream, programLength, variablesLength);

             * 10 REM Treasure island
             * 100 REM parrot
             * 110 POKE USR "p"+0|0,BIN 00100000|32
             * 120 POKE USR "p"+1|1,BIN 00110110|54
             * 130 POKE USR "p"+2|2,BIN 00111110|62
             * 140 POKE USR "p"+3|3,BIN 00011100|28
             * 150 POKE USR "p"+4|4,BIN 00011110|30
             * 160 POKE USR "p"+5|5,BIN 00100111|39
             * 170 POKE USR "p"+6|6,BIN 01000000|64
             * 180 POKE USR "p"+7|7,BIN 00000000|0
             * 200 REM native
             * 210 POKE USR "n"+0|0,BIN 00000001|1
             * 220 POKE USR "n"+1|1,BIN 00011001|25
             * 230 POKE USR "n"+2|2,BIN 11011001|217
             * 240 POKE USR "n"+3|3,BIN 11111111|255
             * 250 POKE USR "n"+4|4,BIN 11011001|217
             * 260 POKE USR "n"+5|5,BIN 00011001|25
             * 270 POKE USR "n"+6|6,BIN 00100101|37
             * 280 POKE USR "n"+7|7,BIN 00100101|37
             * 300 REM ship sail
             * 310 POKE USR "j"+0|0,BIN 11111111|255
             * 320 POKE USR "j"+1|1,BIN 01111110|126
             * 330 POKE USR "j"+2|2,BIN 10100101|165
             * 340 POKE USR "j"+3|3,BIN 11000011|195
             * 350 POKE USR "j"+4|4,BIN 11000011|195
             * 360 POKE USR "j"+5|5,BIN 10100101|165
             * 370 POKE USR "j"+6|6,BIN 01111110|126
             * 380 POKE USR "j"+7|7,BIN 11111111|255
             * 400 REM ship
             * 410 POKE USR "s"+0|0,BIN 00010000|16
             * 420 POKE USR "s"+1|1,BIN 11111111|255
             * 430 POKE USR "s"+2|2,BIN 11111111|255
             * 440 POKE USR "s"+3|3,BIN 01111110|126
             * 450 POKE USR "s"+4|4,BIN 01111110|126
             * 460 POKE USR "s"+5|5,BIN 01111110|126
             * 470 POKE USR "s"+6|6,BIN 00111100|60
             * 480 POKE USR "s"+7|7,BIN 00111100|60
             * 500 REM quicksand
             * 510 POKE USR "q"+0|0,BIN 00001100|12
             * 520 POKE USR "q"+1|1,BIN 00011100|28
             * 530 POKE USR "q"+2|2,BIN 00111110|62
             * 540 POKE USR "q"+3|3,BIN 01111111|127
             * 550 POKE USR "q"+4|4,BIN 11111111|255
             * 560 POKE USR "q"+5|5,BIN 11111110|254
             * 570 POKE USR "q"+6|6,BIN 01111100|124
             * 580 POKE USR "q"+7|7,BIN 00111000|56
             * 600 REM man
             * 610 POKE USR "m"+0|0,BIN 00011000|24
             * 620 POKE USR "m"+1|1,BIN 00011000|24
             * 630 POKE USR "m"+2|2,BIN 01111110|126
             * 640 POKE USR "m"+3|3,BIN 00011000|24
             * 650 POKE USR "m"+4|4,BIN 00111100|60
             * 660 POKE USR "m"+5|5,BIN 01100110|102
             * 670 POKE USR "m"+6|6,BIN 01100110|102
             * 680 POKE USR "m"+7|7,BIN 00000000|0
             * 810 LET f=0|0
             * 820 LET xs=1|1: LET ys=1|1
             * 830 LET mes=0|0
             * 840 DIM v(10|10)
             * 850 DIM u(10|10)
             * 860 DIM l(20|20)
             * 870 DIM r(20|20)
             * 880 DIM x(20|20)
             * 1050 GO SUB 5000|5000
             * 1060 LET xm=x(t+1|1)
             * 1070 LET ym=t+1|1
             * 1100 GO SUB 3000|3000
             * 1110 PAUSE 50|50+RND *20|20
             * 1150 GO SUB 7000|7000
             * 1200 GO SUB 3570|3570
             * 1210 GO SUB 3500|3500
             * 1270 IF xm=xtAND ym=ytTHEN  GO TO 9000|9000
             * 1280 LET f=f+1|1
             * 1290 IF INT (f/5|5)=f/5|5THEN  GO SUB 6000|6000
             * 1300 IF x(ym)=xmAND INT (f/5|5)=f/5|5THEN  GO TO 1150|1150
             * 1310 IF x(ym)=xmTHEN  GO TO 1210|1210
             * 1330 REM off path
             * 1340 BEEP .3|0.299999999930151,-6|6: GO SUB 6000|6000
             * 1350 FOR q=1|1TO 10|10
             * 1360 REM test for quicksands
             * 1370 IF v(q)=xmAND u(q)=ymTHEN  GO SUB 4000|4000
             * 1380 NEXT q
             * 1400 IF RND <= .4|0.399999999906868THEN  GO TO 2000|2000
             * 1410 REM natives logic
             * 1420 GO SUB 7000|7000
             * 1430 PRINT AT 19|19,1|1; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"HOSTILE NATIVES AHEAD"
             * 1440 FOR n=1|1TO 3|3
             * 1445 LET r=INT (RND *3|3)
             * 1448 IF ym+r>= bTHEN  LET r=0|0
             * 1450 PRINT AT ym+r,xm; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"[UDG-N]"
             * 1460 NEXT n
             * 1470 LET ym=ym-3|3
             * 1480 IF ym<= t+1|1THEN  LET ym=t+1|1
             * 1490 LET xm=x(ym)
             * 1500 PRINT AT ym,xm; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"[UDG-M]"
             * 1550 LET mes=1|1
             * 1560 GO TO 1210|1210
             * 2000 REM parrot logic
             * 2010 GO SUB 7000|7000
             * 2020 GO SUB 3570|3570
             * 2050 PRINT AT 19|19,1|1; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"FOLLOW LONG JOHN SILVERS PARROT"
             * 2100 LET yj=ym+1|1
             * 2110 IF yj>pTHEN  LET yj=p
             * 2120 LET xj=x(yj)
             * 2130 PRINT AT yj,xj; PAPER 8|8; INK 2|2;"[UDG-P]"
             * 2140 LET mes=1|1
             * 2150 GO TO 1210|1210
             * 3000 REM print island
             * 3110 PAPER 7|7: INK 0|0
             * 3120 CLS
             * 3140 PRINT AT t,l(t);"[BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12]"(1|1TO r(t)-l(t)+1|1)
             * 3160 FOR y=tTO b
             * 3170 PRINT AT y,l(y);"[BG-9]";AT y,r(y);"[BG-6]"
             * 3180 NEXT y
             * 3260 PRINT AT b+1|1,l(b);"[BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12][BG-12]"(1|1TO r(b)-l(b)+1|1)
             * 3300 REM print path
             * 3350 FOR y=t+1|1TO p
             * 3360 PRINT AT y,x(y);"#"
             * 3370 NEXT y
             * 3400 PRINT AT 20|20,1|1;"X MARKS THE SPOT"
             * 3410 PRINT AT p,x(p);"X"
             * 3420 PRINT AT ym,xm;"[UDG-M]"
             * 3440 RETURN
             * 3460 GO TO 3510|3510
             * 3500 REM move man
             * 3510 BEEP .1|0.0999999999767169,6|6
             * 3515 LET a$=INKEY$
             * 3520 IF a$=""THEN  GO TO 3515|3515
             * 3525 PRINT AT ym,xm; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;" "
             * 3530 IF a$="h"THEN  GO SUB 8000|8000: RETURN
             * 3535 IF a$="5"THEN  LET xm=xm-1|1: GO TO 3560|3560
             * 3540 IF a$="8"THEN  LET xm=xm+1|1: GO TO 3560|3560
             * 3550 IF a$<> "6"THEN  GO TO 3510|3510
             * 3560 LET ym=ym+1|1
             * 3570 PRINT AT ym,xm; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"[UDG-M]"
             * 3580 IF mes=0|0THEN  RETURN
             * 3585 FOR i=0|0TO 31|31
             * 3590 PRINT AT 19|19,i; PAPER 8|8;" "
             * 3595 NEXT i
             * 3598 LET mes=0|0: RETURN
             * 3600 REM print quicksands
             * 3620 FOR q=1|1TO 10|10
             * 3650 PRINT AT u(q),v(q); INK 4|4; PAPER 8|8;"[UDG-Q]"
             * 3660 NEXT q
             * 3700 PRINT AT 17|17,3|3; INK 0|0; PAPER 8|8;"[UDG-P]";AT 16|16,3|3;"[UDG-N]"
             * 3800 LET xs=xs+1|1
             * 3810 LET ys=ys+1|1
             * 3900 RETURN
             * 4000 REM quicksand
             * 4010 GO SUB 7000|7000
             * 4020 PRINT AT ym,xm; INK 6|6; PAPER 8|8;"[UDG-Q]"
             * 4100 PRINT AT ym+1|1,xm+1|1; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"AARGH"
             * 4110 FOR i=5|5TO -5|5STEP -1|1
             * 4120 BEEP .1|0.0999999999767169,i
             * 4150 NEXT i
             * 4160 PRINT AT 19|19,1|1; INK 0|0; PAPER 8|8;"IN THE QUICKSAND"
             * 4170 IF RND >0.5|0.499999999883585THEN  PRINT  INK 0|0; PAPER 8|8;"A friendly native pulled you out": PAUSE 100|100: RETURN
             * 4180 GO TO 9990|9990
             * 5000 REM calculate island
             * 5120 LET l=INT (RND *3|3)+10|10
             * 5130 LET t=INT (RND *3|3)+2|2
             * 5140 LET w=INT (RND *3|3)+10|10
             * 5150 LET b=INT (RND *2|2)+17|17
             * 5230 FOR y=tTO b
             * 5240 LET l(y)=l
             * 5250 LET r(y)=l+w
             * 5340 LET l=l-(SGN (10|10-y)*INT (RND *2|2))
             * 5350 LET w=w+(SGN (10|10-y)*INT (RND *2|2))
             * 5360 IF l(y)>30|30THEN  LET l(y)=30|30
             * 5380 NEXT y
             * 5500 REM path logic
             * 5510 LET x(t+1|1)=l(t+1|1)+INT (RND *4|4)
             * 5520 LET k=t+2|2
             * 5550 FOR p=kTO b-1|1-INT (RND *3|3)
             * 5610 LET x(p)=x(p-1|1)+INT (RND *3|3)-1|1
             * 5620 IF x(p)>= r(p)THEN  LET x(p)=r(p)-1|1
             * 5630 IF x(p)<= l(p)THEN  LET x(p)=l(p)+1|1
             * 5640 NEXT p
             * 5645 LET p=p-1|1
             * 5650 REM treasure
             * 5660 LET xt=x(p)
             * 5670 LET yt=p
             * 5700 REM quicksand logic
             * 5710 FOR q=1|1TO 10|10
             * 5720 LET d=INT (RND *(p-t-2|2))+t+1|1
             * 5750 LET u(q)=d
             * 5760 LET v(q)=x(d)+SGN (RND *.5|0.499999999883585)
             * 5770 IF v(q)<= l(d)THEN  LET v(q)=v(q)+3|3
             * 5780 IF v(q)>= r(d)THEN  LET v(q)=v(q)-3|3
             * 5790 NEXT q
             * 5800 RETURN
             * 6000 REM priate ship
             * 6010 INK 5|5: PAPER 5|5
             * 6020 CLS
             * 6030 LET r=INT (RND *3|3)
             * 6100 LET xs=xs+r
             * 6200 LET ys=ys+r
             * 6210 PRINT AT 18|18,18|18; INK 4|4;"[UDG-Q]"
             * 6220 PRINT AT ys,xs; INK 0|0;"[UDG-J]"
             * 6230 PRINT AT ys+1|1,xs; INK 0|0;"[UDG-S]"
             * 6240 PAUSE 50|50
             * 6250 IF ys<18|18THEN  RETURN
             * 6280 PRINT AT 19|19,1|1; PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"THE PIRATES HAVE LANDED"
             * 6290 PRINT  PAPER 8|8; INK 0|0;"YOU AE CAPTURED"
             * 6300 GO TO 9990|9990
             * 7000 REM reprint island
             * 7100 PAPER 5|5: INK 0|0
             * 7110 CLS
             * 7225 PRINT AT t-1|1,l(t); PAPER 6|6;"                                "(1|1TO r(t)-l(t)+1|1)
             * 7230 FOR y=tTO b
             * 7250 PRINT AT y,l(y)-1|1; PAPER 6|6;" "; PAPER 4|4;"                                "(1|1TO r(y)-l(y)+1|1); PAPER 6|6;" "
             * 7360 NEXT y
             * 7410 PRINT AT y,l(b); PAPER 6|6;"                                "(1|1TO r(b)-l(b)+1|1)
             * 7500 RETURN
             * 8000 GO SUB 3000|3000
             * 8010 GO SUB 3600|3600
             * 8020 PAUSE 100|100+INT RND *100|100
             * 8030 GO SUB 6000|6000
             * 8040 GO SUB 7000|7000
             * 8050 GO SUB 3570|3570
             * 8060 RETURN
             * 9000 REM treasure found
             * 9100 FOR c=0|0TO 6|6
             * 9140 BRIGHT 0|0
             * 9150 PAPER c
             * 9160 CLS
             * 9180 PAUSE 5|5
             * 9200 BRIGHT 1|1
             * 9239 CLS
             * 9240 BEEP .1|0.0999999999767169,c*2|2
             * 9260 PAUSE 5|5
             * 9270 NEXT c
             * 9300 PRINT AT 10|10,7|7;"YOU FOUND THE GOLD"
             * 9310 BEEP 1|1,14|14
             * 9350 BRIGHT 0|0
             * 9360 PAUSE 20|20
             * 9990 INPUT "Another game (y/n)?";a$
             * 9991 IF a$=""THEN  GO TO 9990|9990
             * 9995 IF a$(1|1)="y"THEN  RUN
             * 9999 PAPER 7|7: INK 0|0: CLS
             * --- PROGRAM VARIABLES ---
             #Number# f = 0
             #Number# xs = 1
             #Number# ys = 1
             #Number# mes = 0
             #Number# l = 10
             #Number# t = 2
             #Number# w = 11
             #Number# b = 18
             #ForLoopControl# y = value:8, limit:17, step:1, loopingline:3350, statementinline:2
             #Number# k = 4
             #ForLoopControl# p = value:17, limit:17, step:1, loopingline:5550, statementinline:2
             #Number# xt = 14
             #Number# yt = 17
             #ForLoopControl# q = value:11, limit:10, step:1, loopingline:5710, statementinline:2
             #Number# d = 12
             #Number# xm = 11
             #Number# ym = 3
             #Number# r = 2
             #Number# yj = 15
             #Number# xj = 10
             #ForLoopControl# i = value:32, limit:31, step:1, loopingline:3585, statementinline:2
             #ForLoopControl# n = value:4, limit:3, step:1, loopingline:1440, statementinline:2
             #String# a$ = 8
             #ForLoopControl# c = value:5, limit:6, step:1, loopingline:9100, statementinline:2
             #NumberArray# v = [ 13 14 14 13 14 14 15 14 15 14 ]
             #NumberArray# u = [ 6 14 12 5 11 14 15 14 15 12 ]
             #NumberArray# l = [ 0 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 0 0 ]
             #NumberArray# r = [ 0 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 21 21 0 0 ]
             #NumberArray# x = [ 0 0 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 13 14 0 0 0 ]
コード例 #15
        public static void CheckTapeRecorderStates()
            StringBuilder testStates = new StringBuilder();

            TapeRecorder tapeRecorder = new _TapeRecorder();


            // From initial state
            for (int i = 1; i < 5000; i++)

            // Tape inserted
            string fileName = "BuggyBoy.tzx";

            using (Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/SampleTzxFiles/" + fileName))
                tapeRecorder.InsertTape(stream, fileName);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3000; i++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 2000; i++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 2000; i++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 17500000; i++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 4000; i++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3000; i++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3000; i++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5000; i++)

            string testResult = testStates.ToString();

            string expectedResult = null;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TapeFiles/Logs/CheckTapeRecorderStates.txt")))
                expectedResult = reader.ReadToEnd();

            if (testResult != expectedResult)
                throw new Exception("TapeRecorder states test failed");
コード例 #16
        public Program LoadProgramInMemory(string filename, Encoding encoding, bool ignoreCase)
            Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(filename);

            return(LoadProgramInMemory(filename, stream, encoding, ignoreCase));
コード例 #17
        public static void DecompileZ80tests()
            string  fileName = "z80tests";
            TapFile tapFile  = TapFileReader.ReadTapFile(PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile("TestTapes/" + fileName + ".tap"), fileName);

            ProgramHeader loaderHeader    = (ProgramHeader)tapFile.DataBlocks[0];
            int           programLength   = loaderHeader.ProgramLength;
            int           variablesLength = loaderHeader.FollowingDataLength - loaderHeader.ProgramLength;

            TapDataBlock loaderBlock        = tapFile.DataBlocks[1];
            MemoryStream binaryMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(loaderBlock.TapeData);

            /* Read flag */ binaryMemoryStream.ReadByte();
            BasicProgram basicLoader = BasicReader.ReadMemoryFormat(fileName, binaryMemoryStream, programLength, variablesLength);

            ByteArrayHeader codeHeader = (ByteArrayHeader)tapFile.DataBlocks[2];
            int             dataLength = codeHeader.DataLength;

            TapDataBlock codeBlock = tapFile.DataBlocks[3];

            binaryMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(codeBlock.TapeData);
            /* Read flag */ binaryMemoryStream.ReadByte();

            int baseAddress  = codeHeader.StartAddress;
            int startAddress = codeHeader.StartAddress;

            SpectrumMemoryMap spectrumMemory = new SpectrumMemoryMap();

            // Load machine code in memory to generate entry points BEFORE dissassembly
            int  b = -1;
            int  currentAddress       = baseAddress;
            long streamPositionBefore = binaryMemoryStream.Position;

            while ((b = binaryMemoryStream.ReadByte()) >= 0)
                spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[currentAddress]            = (byte)b;
                spectrumMemory.MemoryCellDescriptions[currentAddress] = null; // Reset previous cell descriptions
            binaryMemoryStream.Position = streamPositionBefore;

            List <CallTarget> entryPoints = new List <CallTarget>();

            entryPoints.Add(new CallTarget(new CallSource(CallSourceType.ExternalEntryPoint, 0, null), startAddress));
            entryPoints.Add(new CallTarget(new CallSource(CallSourceType.CallInstruction, 0, null), 0x80B8));
            entryPoints.Add(new CallTarget(new CallSource(CallSourceType.CallInstruction, 0, null), 0x80C0));
            entryPoints.Add(new CallTarget(new CallSource(CallSourceType.JumpInstruction, 0x94CE, null), 0x94D1));
            ReadEntryPointsInTestsParametersTable(0x822B, spectrumMemory, entryPoints);
            ReadEntryPointsInTestsParametersTable(0x8407, spectrumMemory, entryPoints);

            Program program = Disassembler.GenerateProgram(fileName, binaryMemoryStream, baseAddress, entryPoints.ToArray(), spectrumMemory);

            foreach (ProgramLine line in program.Lines)
                if (line.Type == ProgramLineType.OpCodeInstruction)
                    TryReplaceAddressWithSystemVariables(spectrumMemory, program, line, 0);
                    TryReplaceAddressWithSystemVariables(spectrumMemory, program, line, 1);

            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine("VAR_MEMPTR_CHECKSUM EQU FFFFH"));
            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine("LAST_K EQU 5C08H"));
            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine("CHAN_OPEN EQU 1601H"));
            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine("CLS EQU 0D6BH"));
            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine("START EQU 0000H"));
            program.Lines.Insert(5, Assembler.ParseProgramLine(""));

            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8000, "MAIN");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8003", "EXEC_LDIR");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L800A", "EXEC_LDDR");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8011", "EXEC_CPIR");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L801A", "EXEC_CPDR");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8023", "EXEC_DJNZ_FF");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L802B", "EXEC_DJNZ_FF_LOOP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L802E", "EXEC_DJNZ_01");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8036", "EXEC_DJNZ_01_LOOP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8039", "MENU_SCREEN");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8042", "MENU_SCREEN_INPUT");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80DA", "INIT_SCREEN");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x803C, "Menu screen string start address");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x8114, "--- Menu screen string ---");
            CharDecoder decoder = new CharDecoder();

            program.CommentStringChars(0x8114, decoder.DecodeChar, Program.StringTerminationType.SpecialChar, 0, 0xFF);
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8045, "If Key 1 was pressed");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8057", "FLAGS_TESTS");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8049, "If Key 2 was pressed");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L805F", "MEMPTR_TESTS");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x804D, "If Key 3 was pressed");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x8057, "=> exit to BASIC");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x80DA, "Clear the display");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x80DF, "Open a channel : user stream 02");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x80E2, "=> return to MENU_SCREEN");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80E2", "WAIT_KEYPRESS");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80E6", "WAIT_KEYPRESS_LOOP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80ED", "DISPLAY_STRING");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80D2", "SETIY_DISPLAY_STRING");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80F5", "DISPLAY_TWO_HEXBYTES");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80FE", "DISPLAY_TWO_HEXCHARS");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L810B", "DISPLAY_ONE_HEXCHAR");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x80ED, "Display all chars starting from address DE upwards, until char FF");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8072", "TEST_SCREEN");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L807D", "TEST_SCREEN_LAUNCH_TEST");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L80AF", "TEST_SCREEN_NEXT_TEST");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x80B8, "TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED", true);
            Program.ReplaceAddressWithSymbolInProgramLine(program.GetLineFromAddress(0x80A6), 1, false, "TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x80C0, "TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED", true);
            Program.ReplaceAddressWithSymbolInProgramLine(program.GetLineFromAddress(0x80AA), 1, false, "TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x805A, "Flags test screen string start address");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x81CD, "--- Flags test screen string ---");
            program.CommentStringChars(0x81CD, decoder.DecodeChar, Program.StringTerminationType.SpecialChar, 0, 0xFF);
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8057, "Flags tests parameter table start address");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x822B, "--- Flags tests parameter table ---");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8062, "MEMPTR test screen string start address");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x81EA, "--- MEMPTR test screen string ---");
            program.CommentStringChars(0x81EA, decoder.DecodeChar, Program.StringTerminationType.SpecialChar, 0, 0xFF);
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x805F, "MEMPTR tests parameter table start address");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x8407, "--- MEMPTR tests parameter table ---");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8067", "END_OF_TESTS");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8067, "End of tests string start address");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x81AB, "--- End of tests string ---");
            program.CommentStringChars(0x81AB, decoder.DecodeChar, Program.StringTerminationType.SpecialChar, 0, 0xFF);
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8226, "Space reserved to save HL in routine TEST_SCREEN");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8227, "Space reserved to save HL in routine TEST_SCREEN");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8228, "Space reserved to save SP in routine TEST_SCREEN");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8229, "Space reserved to save SP in routine TEST_SCREEN");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x8085, "Here HL points to an entry in the tests parameters table");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x8088, "Test params structure 0 - 1 : Pointer to an executable machine code function : the test launcher. 00H|00H marks the end of the parameters table.");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x8088, "Test params structure 2 -> FFH : starting with the third byte, the parameter table entry contains a string describing the test");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8091, "Display tested opcode name");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8094, "TAB");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8097, "BRIGHT ...");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x809A, "... 0");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x809C, ":");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x809F, "space");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x80AF, "=> jump to test launcher, start address found at the beginning the current parameter table entry");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L892D", "FLAGS_TEST_COMMON_EXEC");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9423", "MEMPTR_TEST_COMMON_EXEC");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L89B9", "FLAGS_TEST_REPEAT_EXEC");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8A0B", "FLAGS_TEST_DDCB_EXEC");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8A6D", "FLAGS_TEST_FDCB_EXEC");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8B03", "FLAGS_TEST_CB_EXEC");
            program.CommentStringChars(0x8208, decoder.DecodeChar, Program.StringTerminationType.SpecialChar, 0, 0xFF);
            program.CommentStringChars(0x820F, decoder.DecodeChar, Program.StringTerminationType.SpecialChar, 0, 0xFF);
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8083, "Set white border around the screen");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x808C, "Here : HL points to the address of the test laucher routine, DE points to the string describing the test");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x808F, "If HL = 00 : end of the tests table, else :");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x80A2, "After the end of the string, save the address of the next entry in tests table for next iteration");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x8208, "--- Passed test string ---");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x820F, "--- Failed test string ---");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x892D, "Generic execution environment for flags test");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9520", "ADD_FLAGS_TO_CHECKSUM");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x954A, "Flags Checksum value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x892F, "Replaces instruction CALL START below with CALL (test EXEC address)");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x894E, "==> call to one of the FLAGS_TEST_nn_EXEC routine");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x895C, "Display Flags checksum value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8964, "Compare Flags checksum with expected value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8966, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8968, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8949", "FLAGS_TEST_CMN_EXEC_AF_VAL");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x89BA, "Replaces instruction LDI below with one of the repeated instructions from the test table");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x89D1, "==> executes one of the repeated instructions from the test table");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L89C3", "FLAGS_TEST_REPEAT_EXEC_EXT_LOOP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L89CD", "FLAGS_TEST_REPEAT_EXEC_INN_LOOP");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x89E1, "Display Flags checksum value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x89E9, "Compare Flags checksum with expected value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x89EB, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x89ED, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8A1C", "FLAGS_TEST_DDCB_EXEC_LOOP");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8A1F, "<= third byte of opcode replaced with all values between 00 and FF by the line above");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8A45, "Display Flags checksum value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8A4D, "Compare Flags checksum with expected value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8A4F, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8A51, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8A81", "FLAGS_TEST_FDCB_EXEC_LOOP");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8A84, "<= third byte of opcode replaced with all values between 00 and FF by the line above");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8AAA, "Display Flags checksum value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8AB2, "Compare Flags checksum with expected value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8AB4, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8AB6, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8B14", "FLAGS_TEST_CB_EXEC_LOOP");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8B2A", "FLAGS_TEST_CB_EXEC_CASE1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8B2C", "FLAGS_TEST_CB_EXEC_CASE2");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L8B3A", "FLAGS_TEST_CB_EXEC_CASE3");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8B24, "<= third byte of opcode replaced with all values between 00 and FF by the line above at 8B17");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8B2A, "<= third byte of opcode replaced with all values between 00 and FF by the line above at 8B14");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8B51, "Display Flags checksum value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8B59, "Compare Flags checksum with expected value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8B5B, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8B5D, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L942E", "MEMPTR_CMN_EXEC_START");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x94CF, "==> loop back to MEMPTR_CMN_EXEC_LOOP");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x94CE, "==> jump to MEMPTR_CMN_EXEC_CHECKSUM");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x94D1, "MEMPTR_CMN_EXEC_CHECKSUM", true);
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L94E1", "MEMPTR_CMN_EXEC_RET");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x9429, "Compare Flags checksum with expected value");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x942B, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_FAILED");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x942D, "==> return to TEST_SCREEN_TEST_PASSED");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x9445, "--- NOPs below will be replaced by MEMPTR_TEST_nn_EXEC (instruction LDIR at address 9435 above) ---");
            program.InsertCommentAboveProgramLine(0x9459, "--- End of replaced code ---");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x94DB, "Display Flags checksum value");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L94E2", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L94EE", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_LOOP1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L94F0", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_LOOP2");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L94FB", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_CASE1");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L94FE", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_CASE2");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9500", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_LOOP3");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L950B", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_CASE3");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L950C", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_CASE4");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9515", "MEMPTR_CHECKSUM_CASE5");
            program.RenameSymbolInProgram("L9517", "RESET_FLAGS_CHECKSUM");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x8B5E, "Used to save and restore accumulator in FLAGS_TEST_CB_EXEC");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x822A, "Used to restore accumulator in MEMPTR_TEST_COMMON_EXEC");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x954B, "Not used ?");
            program.AppendCommentToProgramLine(0x954C, "Not used ?");
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x954A, "VAR_FLAGS_CHECKSUM", true);
            program.ReplaceAddressWithSymbol(0xFFFF, "VAR_MEMPTR_CHECKSUM", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8226, "VAR_SAVE_HL", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8228, "VAR_SAVE_SP", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x822A, "VAR_SAVE_A", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8114, "STRING_MENU_SCREEN", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x81AB, "STRING_END_OF_TESTS", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x81CD, "STRING_FLAGS_TESTS_SCREEN", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x81EA, "STRING_MEMPTR_TESTS_SCREEN", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8208, "STRING_PASSED_TEST", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x820F, "STRING_FAILED_TEST", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x822B, "TABLE_FLAGS_TESTS", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8407, "TABLE_MEMPTR_TESTS", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x8B5E, "VAR_SAVE_A2", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x9445, "MEMPTR_CMN_EXEC_LOOP", true);
            program.PrefixLabelToProgramLine(0x945C, "AREA_MEMPTR_TEST_INSERT", true);

            AddCommentsInTestsParametersTable(0x822B, spectrumMemory, decoder, program);
            AddCommentsInTestsParametersTable(0x8407, spectrumMemory, decoder, program);

            MemoryMap testMemoryMap = new MemoryMap(65536);

            Assembler.CompileProgram(program, 0x8000, testMemoryMap);
            for (int programAddress = program.BaseAddress; programAddress <= program.MaxAddress; programAddress++)
                if (testMemoryMap.MemoryCells[programAddress] != spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[programAddress])
                    throw new Exception("Error in decompiled program at address " + programAddress + " : source byte = " + spectrumMemory.MemoryCells[programAddress] + ", decompiled program line + " + ((ProgramLine)spectrumMemory.MemoryCellDescriptions[programAddress].Description).Text + " produced byte = " + testMemoryMap.MemoryCells[programAddress]);

            string htmlProgram = AsmHtmlFormatter.BeautifyAsmCode(fileName, program);
コード例 #18
        public static void Check_InstructionSet(int launchAddress, string testDescription)
            TestSystem testSystem = new TestSystem();

            string testSourcePath = "Zexall/zexall2-Tests.asm";

            using (Stream stream = PlatformSpecific.GetStreamForProjectFile(testSourcePath))
                testSystem.LoadProgramInMemory(testSourcePath, stream, Encoding.UTF8, false);

            /*string[] testNames = new string[] { "SCFOP","CCFOP","SCFCCF","CCFSCF","BITA","BITHL","BITX","BITZ80","DAAOP","CPLOP","ADC16","ADD16","ADD16X",
             * "ADD16Y","ALU8I","ALU8R","ALU8RX","ALU8X","CPD1","CPI1","INCA","INCB","INCBC","INCC","INCD","INCDE","INCE","INCH","INCHL","INCIX","INCIY",
             * "INCL","INCM","INCSP","INCX","INCXH","INCXL","INCYH","INCYL","LD161","LD162","LD163","LD164","LD165","LD166","LD167","LD168","LD16IM","LD16IX",
             * "LD8BD","LD8IM","LD8IMX","LD8IX1","LD8IX2","LD8IX3","LD8IXY","LD8RR","LD8RRX","LDA","LDD1","LDD2","LDI1","LDI2","NEGOP","RLDOP","ROT8080",
             * "ROTXY","ROTZ80","SRZ80","SRZX","ST8IX1","ST8IX2","ST8IX3","STABD" };
             * string[] testDescriptions = new string[] {"scf","ccf","scf+ccf","ccf+scf","bit n,a","bit n,(hl)","bit n,(<ix,iy>+1)","bit n,<b,c,d,e,h,l,(hl),a>",
             * "daa","cpl","<adc,sbc> hl,<bc,de,hl,sp>","add hl,<bc,de,hl,sp>","add ix,<bc,de,ix,sp>","add iy,<bc,de,iy,sp>","aluop a,nn","aluop a,<b,c,d,e,h,l,(hl),a>",
             * "aluop a,<ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl>","aluop a,(<ix,iy>+1)","cpd<r>","cpi<r>","<inc,dec> a","<inc,dec> b","<inc,dec> bc","<inc,dec> c","<inc,dec> d","<inc,dec> de",
             * "<inc,dec> e","<inc,dec> h","<inc,dec> hl","<inc,dec> ix","<inc,dec> iy","<inc,dec> l","<inc,dec> (hl)","<inc,dec> sp","<inc,dec> (<ix,iy>+1)","<inc,dec> ixh",
             * "<inc,dec> ixl","<inc,dec> iyh","<inc,dec> iyl","ld <bc,de>,(nnnn)","ld hl,(nnnn)","ld sp,(nnnn)","ld <ix,iy>,(nnnn)","ld (nnnn),<bc,de>","ld (nnnn),hl",
             * "ld (nnnn),sp","ld (nnnn),<ix,iy>","ld <bc,de,hl,sp>,nnnn","ld <ix,iy>,nnnn","ld a,<(bc),(de)>","ld <b,c,d,e,h,l,(hl),a>,nn","ld (<ix,iy>+1),nn",
             * "ld <b,c,d,e>,(<ix,iy>+1)","ld <h,l>,(<ix,iy>+1)","ld a,(<ix,iy>+1)","ld <ixh,ixl,iyh,iyl>,nn","ld <bcdehla>,<bcdehla>","ld <bcdexya>,<bcdexya>",
             * "ld a,(nnnn) / ld (nnnn),a","ldd<r> (1)","ldd<r> (2)","ldi<r> (1)","ldi<r> (2)","neg","<rrd,rld>","<rlca,rrca,rla,rra>","shf/rot (<ix,iy>+1)",
             * "shf/rot <b,c,d,e,h,l,(hl),a>","<set,res> n,<bcdehl(hl)a>","<set,res> n,(<ix,iy>+1)","ld (<ix,iy>+1),<b,c,d,e>","ld (<ix,iy>+1),<h,l>","ld (<ix,iy>+1),a",
             * "ld (<bc,de>),a" };
             * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             * int testIndex = 0;
             * foreach (string testName in testNames)
             * {
             *  sb.AppendLine("public static int ZEXALL2_TEST_"+testName+"_ADDR = 0x" + testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables[testName].GetValue(testSystem.ProgramInMemory.Variables, null).ToString("X4") +";");
             *  sb.AppendLine("public static string ZEXALL2_TEST_"+testName+"_DESC = \"" + testDescriptions[testIndex++] + "\";");
             *  //sb.AppendLine("ZexallTests.Check_InstructionSet(ZexallTests.ZEXALL2_TEST_" + testName + "_ADDR, ZexallTests.ZEXALL2_TEST_" + testName + "_DESC);");
             * }*/

            // Sample results :
            // scf............................
            // CRC: 9e4dbc94 expected: ff4ceb48
            // ccf............................
            // CRC: 363b6874 expected: 573a3fa8
            // scf+ccf........................OK
            // ccf+scf........................OK

            // Input parameter :
            // HL = test address
            testSystem.CPU.InitRegister16(Register16.HL, (ushort)launchAddress);

            // Test execution routine : STT - address 1B86
            // Exit point : address 1BFB

            /*CPUStateLogger logger = new CPUStateLogger(testSystem.CPU);
             * logger.StartLogging(
             * CPUStateLogger.CPUStateElements.InternalState |
             * CPUStateLogger.CPUStateElements.Registers,
             * new Z80CPU.LifecycleEventType[] {
             *      Z80CPU.LifecycleEventType.InstructionEnd
             *  });*/

            // Output parameters :
            // A = 0 success
            // A = 1 error
            // =>  HL points to expected CRC, CRCVAL is the address of observed CRC
            if (testSystem.CPU.A != 0)
                int expCRCAddress = testSystem.CPU.HL; // Pointer in CRCTAB
                int obsCRCAddress = 0x1E5E;            // CRCVAL

                int expCRC = 0x1000000 * testSystem.Memory.Cells[expCRCAddress] + 0x10000 * testSystem.Memory.Cells[expCRCAddress + 1] + 0x100 * testSystem.Memory.Cells[expCRCAddress + 2] + testSystem.Memory.Cells[expCRCAddress + 3];
                int obsCRC = 0x1000000 * testSystem.Memory.Cells[obsCRCAddress] + 0x10000 * testSystem.Memory.Cells[obsCRCAddress + 1] + 0x100 * testSystem.Memory.Cells[obsCRCAddress + 2] + testSystem.Memory.Cells[obsCRCAddress + 3];

                throw new Exception("Zexall instruction test for " + testDescription + " failed : observed CRC = " + obsCRC.ToString("X8") + ", expected CRC = " + expCRC.ToString("X8"));