private void ConfirmInvoice_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice != null && BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice.Count > 0) { FC_Invoice invTemp = PlannerClass.GenerateInvoice(BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice[0]); PlannerClass.InsertInvoice(invTemp, BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice[0]); PlannerClass.UpdateContratState(BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice[0], 4); BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice.Remove(BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice[0]); foreach (FC_LocalContract c in BuyerClass.SelectedForInvoice) { PlannerClass.AddContractToInvoices(invTemp, c); PlannerClass.UpdateContratState(c, 4); } InvoiceForFileSystem fsIn = new InvoiceForFileSystem(invTemp); try { string invoiceDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Invoices"; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(invoiceDir); if (fi.Exists == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(invoiceDir); } string filePath = "\\invoice_" + fsIn.FC_InvoiceID + ".txt"; /// Open the filestream to append to the file. FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(invoiceDir + filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream); /// Add each log entry from the working list to the file as a BSV fileWriter.WriteLine(fsIn.ToString()); fileWriter.Flush(); /// Close the file fileWriter.Close(); fileStream.Close(); } /// If an exception is thrown here, catch it catch (Exception ex) { TMSLogger.LogIt("|" + "/InvoiceSelection.xaml.cs" + "|" + "InvoiceSelection" + "|" + "ConfirmInvoice_Click" + "|" + ex.GetType().ToString() + "|" + ex.Message + "|"); } BuyerPage newpage = new BuyerPage(); this.NavigationService.Navigate(newpage); } }