コード例 #1
        private double GetNewEccentricity(PlanetSeed the_planet, double e, double a, double mass, double newA)
            var newE = the_planet.Mass * Math.Sqrt(the_planet.SemiMajorAxisAU) * Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow(the_planet.Eccentricity, 2.0));

            newE = newE + (mass * Math.Sqrt(a) * Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow(e, 2.0))));
            newE = newE / ((the_planet.Mass + mass) * Math.Sqrt(newA));
            newE = 1.0 - Math.Pow(newE, 2.0);
            if (newE < 0.0 || newE >= 1.0)
                newE = 0.0;
コード例 #2
        private void SetInitialConditions(double inner_limit_of_dust, double outer_limit_of_dust)
            _histHead = new Generation();

            _planetHead           = null;
            _dustHead             = new DustRecord();
            _dustHead.NextBand    = null;
            _dustHead.OuterEdge   = outer_limit_of_dust;
            _dustHead.InnerEdge   = inner_limit_of_dust;
            _dustHead.DustPresent = true;
            _dustHead.GasPresent  = true;
            _dustLeft             = true;
            _cloudEccentricity    = CloudEccentricity;

            _histHead.Dusts   = _dustHead;
            _histHead.Planets = _planetHead;
            _histHead.Next    = _histHead;
コード例 #3
    public PlanetParameters(PlanetSeed planetSeed)
        this.planetSeed = planetSeed;
        Random.seed = planetSeed.seed;
        gradientMultiplier = Random.Range (1.3f, 2.3f);

        seaLevel = Random.Range (0.25f, 0.8f);
        terrainHeight = Random.Range (0.04f, 0.08f);

        perlinSpaceSeed = new Vector3(Random.Range(1f, 10f), Random.Range(1f, 10f), Random.Range(1f, 10f));

        icyness = Mathf.Sqrt(Random.Range (0.01f, 15.0f))-2f;

        Color32 shore =     color(Random.Range(60, 120),  Random.Range(120, 180), Random.Range(70, 110));
        Color32 hills =     color(Random.Range(80, 140),  Random.Range(100, 160), Random.Range(60, 100));
        Color32 highHills = color(Random.Range(80, 140),  Random.Range(100, 160), Random.Range(60, 100));
        Color32 mountains = color(Random.Range(210, 250), Random.Range(210, 250), Random.Range(230, 250));

        gradient = new Gradient();
        Gradient.GradientPoint p1 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(shore,     0.0f);
        Gradient.GradientPoint p2 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(hills,     0.5f);
        Gradient.GradientPoint p3 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(highHills, 0.8f);
        Gradient.GradientPoint p4 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(mountains, 1.0f);

        gradient.gradientPoints = new Gradient.GradientPoint[] { p1, p2, p3, p4 };

        waterColor    = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(40, 50),    (byte)Random.Range(30, 90),   (byte)Random.Range(90, 150), (byte)80);
        landIceColor  = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(230, 240),  (byte)Random.Range(230, 240), (byte)Random.Range(240, 255), (byte)30);
        waterIceColor = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(230, 245),  (byte)Random.Range(240, 255), (byte)Random.Range(230, 245), (byte)240);

        starLight = new Color32(
                    (byte)(Random.Range(135, 195) - 50*icyness),
                    (byte)(Random.Range(164, 124) - 40*icyness),
                    (byte)(Random.Range(200, 255) - 2*icyness),

        starIntensity = Random.Range (1.5f, 2.0f);

        planetSize = Random.Range (0.75f, 1.25f);

        name = PlanetNameGenerator.GenerateName();
コード例 #4
    public PlanetParameters(PlanetSeed planetSeed)
        this.planetSeed    = planetSeed;
        Random.seed        = planetSeed.seed;
        gradientMultiplier = Random.Range(1.3f, 2.3f);

        seaLevel      = Random.Range(0.25f, 0.8f);
        terrainHeight = Random.Range(0.04f, 0.08f);

        perlinSpaceSeed = new Vector3(Random.Range(1f, 10f), Random.Range(1f, 10f), Random.Range(1f, 10f));

        icyness = Mathf.Sqrt(Random.Range(0.01f, 15.0f)) - 2f;

        Color32 shore     = color(Random.Range(60, 120), Random.Range(120, 180), Random.Range(70, 110));
        Color32 hills     = color(Random.Range(80, 140), Random.Range(100, 160), Random.Range(60, 100));
        Color32 highHills = color(Random.Range(80, 140), Random.Range(100, 160), Random.Range(60, 100));
        Color32 mountains = color(Random.Range(210, 250), Random.Range(210, 250), Random.Range(230, 250));

        gradient = new Gradient();
        Gradient.GradientPoint p1 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(shore, 0.0f);
        Gradient.GradientPoint p2 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(hills, 0.5f);
        Gradient.GradientPoint p3 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(highHills, 0.8f);
        Gradient.GradientPoint p4 = new Gradient.GradientPoint(mountains, 1.0f);

        gradient.gradientPoints = new Gradient.GradientPoint[] { p1, p2, p3, p4 };

        waterColor    = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(40, 50), (byte)Random.Range(30, 90), (byte)Random.Range(90, 150), (byte)80);
        landIceColor  = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(230, 240), (byte)Random.Range(230, 240), (byte)Random.Range(240, 255), (byte)30);
        waterIceColor = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(230, 245), (byte)Random.Range(240, 255), (byte)Random.Range(230, 245), (byte)240);

        starLight = new Color32(
            (byte)(Random.Range(135, 195) - 50 * icyness),
            (byte)(Random.Range(164, 124) - 40 * icyness),
            (byte)(Random.Range(200, 255) - 2 * icyness),

        starIntensity = Random.Range(1.5f, 2.0f);

        planetSize = Random.Range(0.75f, 1.25f);

        name = PlanetNameGenerator.GenerateName();
コード例 #5
ファイル: Generator.cs プロジェクト: simon-hibbs/StarformNET
        private static Planet GeneratePlanet(PlanetSeed seed, int planetNo, ref Star sun, bool useRandomTilt, string planetID, bool isMoon, SystemGenerationOptions genOptions)
            var planet = new Planet(seed, sun, planetNo);

            planet.OrbitZone         = Environment.OrbitalZone(sun.Luminosity, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU);
            planet.OrbitalPeriodDays = Environment.Period(planet.SemiMajorAxisAU, planet.MassSM, sun.Mass);
            if (useRandomTilt)
                planet.AxialTiltDegrees = Environment.Inclination(planet.SemiMajorAxisAU);
            planet.ExosphereTempKelvin = GlobalConstants.EARTH_EXOSPHERE_TEMP / Utilities.Pow2(planet.SemiMajorAxisAU / sun.EcosphereRadiusAU);
            planet.RMSVelocityCMSec    = Environment.RMSVelocity(GlobalConstants.MOL_NITROGEN, planet.ExosphereTempKelvin);
            planet.CoreRadiusKM        = Environment.KothariRadius(planet.DustMassSM, false, planet.OrbitZone);

            // Calculate the radius as a gas giant, to verify it will retain gas.
            // Then if mass > Earth, it's at least 5% gas and retains He, it's
            // some flavor of gas giant.

            planet.DensityGCC = Environment.EmpiricalDensity(planet.MassSM, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU, sun.EcosphereRadiusAU, true);
            planet.RadiusKM   = Environment.VolumeRadius(planet.MassSM, planet.DensityGCC);

            planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM);
            planet.SurfaceGravityG           = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2);

            planet.MolecularWeightRetained = Environment.MinMolecularWeight(planet);

            // Is the planet a gas giant?
            if (((planet.MassSM * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) > 1.0) && ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.05) && (planet.MolecularWeightRetained <= 4.0))
                if ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) < 0.20)
                    planet.Type = PlanetType.SubSubGasGiant;
                else if ((planet.MassSM * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) < 20.0)
                    planet.Type = PlanetType.SubGasGiant;
                    planet.Type = PlanetType.GasGiant;
            else // If not, it's rocky.
                planet.RadiusKM   = Environment.KothariRadius(planet.MassSM, false, planet.OrbitZone);
                planet.DensityGCC = Environment.VolumeDensity(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM);

                planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM);
                planet.SurfaceGravityG           = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2);

                if ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.000001)
                    var h2Mass = planet.GasMassSM * 0.85;
                    var heMass = (planet.GasMassSM - h2Mass) * 0.999;

                    var h2Life = Environment.GasLife(GlobalConstants.MOL_HYDROGEN, planet.ExosphereTempKelvin,
                                                     planet.SurfaceGravityG, planet.RadiusKM);
                    var heLife = Environment.GasLife(GlobalConstants.HELIUM, planet.ExosphereTempKelvin,
                                                     planet.SurfaceGravityG, planet.RadiusKM);

                    if (h2Life < sun.AgeYears)
                        var h2Loss = ((1.0 - (1.0 / Math.Exp(sun.AgeYears / h2Life))) * h2Mass);

                        planet.GasMassSM -= h2Loss;
                        planet.MassSM    -= h2Loss;

                        planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM);
                        planet.SurfaceGravityG           = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2);

                    if (heLife < sun.AgeYears)
                        var heLoss = ((1.0 - (1.0 / Math.Exp(sun.AgeYears / heLife))) * heMass);

                        planet.GasMassSM -= heLoss;
                        planet.MassSM    -= heLoss;

                        planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM);
                        planet.SurfaceGravityG           = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2);

            planet.AngularVelocityRadSec = Environment.AngularVelocity(planet);
            planet.DayLengthHours        = Environment.DayLength(planet.AngularVelocityRadSec, planet.OrbitalPeriodDays,
            planet.HasResonantPeriod = Environment.HasResonantPeriod(planet.AngularVelocityRadSec,
                                                                     planet.DayLengthHours, planet.OrbitalPeriodDays, planet.Eccentricity);
            planet.EscapeVelocityCMSec = Environment.EscapeVelocity(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM);
            planet.HillSphereKM        = Environment.SimplifiedHillSphereKM(sun.Mass, planet.MassSM, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU);

            if (planet.IsGasGiant)
                planet.HasGreenhouseEffect        = false;
                planet.VolatileGasInventory       = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER;
                planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER;

                planet.BoilingPointWaterKelvin = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER;

                planet.SurfaceTempKelvin    = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER;
                planet.GreenhouseRiseKelvin = 0;
                planet.Albedo                  = Utilities.About(GlobalConstants.GAS_GIANT_ALBEDO, 0.1);
                planet.WaterCoverFraction      = 1.0;
                planet.CloudCoverFraction      = 1.0;
                planet.IceCoverFraction        = 0.0;
                planet.SurfaceGravityG         = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2);
                planet.MolecularWeightRetained = Environment.MinMolecularWeight(planet);
                planet.SurfaceGravityG         = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER;
                planet.SurfaceGravityG         = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2);
                planet.MolecularWeightRetained = Environment.MinMolecularWeight(planet);

                planet.HasGreenhouseEffect  = Environment.Greenhouse(sun.EcosphereRadiusAU, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU);
                planet.VolatileGasInventory = Environment.VolatileInventory(
                    planet.MassSM, planet.EscapeVelocityCMSec, planet.RMSVelocityCMSec, sun.Mass,
                    planet.OrbitZone, planet.HasGreenhouseEffect, (planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.000001);
                planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure = Environment.Pressure(
                    planet.VolatileGasInventory, planet.RadiusKM, planet.SurfaceGravityG);

                planet.BoilingPointWaterKelvin = Math.Abs(planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure) < 0.001
                    ? 0.0
                    : Environment.BoilingPoint(planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure);

                // Sets: planet.surf_temp, planet.greenhs_rise, planet.albedo, planet.hydrosphere,
                // planet.cloud_cover, planet.ice_cover
                Environment.IterateSurfaceTemp(ref planet);

                CalculateGases(planet, genOptions.GasTable);

                planet.IsTidallyLocked = Environment.IsTidallyLocked(planet);

                // Assign planet type
                if (planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure < 1.0)
                    if (!isMoon && ((planet.MassSM * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) < GlobalConstants.ASTEROID_MASS_LIMIT))
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Asteroids;
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Barren;
                else if ((planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure > 6000.0) && (planet.MolecularWeightRetained <= 2.0)) // Retains Hydrogen
                    planet.Type = PlanetType.SubSubGasGiant;
                    planet.Atmosphere.Composition = new List <Gas>();
                    // Atmospheres:
                    // TODO remove PlanetType enum entirely and replace it with a more flexible classification systme
                    if (planet.WaterCoverFraction >= 0.95) // >95% water
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Water;
                    else if (planet.IceCoverFraction >= 0.95) // >95% ice
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Ice;
                    else if (planet.WaterCoverFraction > 0.05) // Terrestrial
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Terrestrial;
                    else if (planet.MaxTempKelvin > planet.BoilingPointWaterKelvin) // Hot = Venusian
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Venusian;
                    else if ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.0001) // Accreted gas, but no greenhouse or liquid water make it an ice world
                        planet.Type             = PlanetType.Ice;
                        planet.IceCoverFraction = 1.0;
                    else if (planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure <= 250.0) // Thin air = Martian
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Martian;
                    else if (planet.SurfaceTempKelvin < GlobalConstants.FREEZING_POINT_OF_WATER)
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Ice;
                        planet.Type = PlanetType.Unknown;

            // Generate moons
            planet.Moons = new List <Planet>();
            if (!isMoon)
                var curMoon = seed.FirstMoon;
                var n       = 0;
                while (curMoon != null)
                    if (curMoon.Mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES > .000001)
                        curMoon.SemiMajorAxisAU = planet.SemiMajorAxisAU;
                        curMoon.Eccentricity    = planet.Eccentricity;


                        string moon_id = String.Format("{0}.{1}", planetID, n);

                        var generatedMoon = GeneratePlanet(curMoon, n, ref sun, useRandomTilt, moon_id, true, genOptions);

                        double roche_limit = 2.44 * planet.RadiusKM * Math.Pow((planet.DensityGCC / generatedMoon.DensityGCC), (1.0 / 3.0));
                        double hill_sphere = planet.SemiMajorAxisAU * GlobalConstants.KM_PER_AU * Math.Pow((planet.MassSM / (3.0 * sun.Mass)), (1.0 / 3.0));

                        if ((roche_limit * 3.0) < hill_sphere)
                            generatedMoon.MoonSemiMajorAxisAU = Utilities.RandomNumber(roche_limit * 1.5, hill_sphere / 2.0) / GlobalConstants.KM_PER_AU;
                            generatedMoon.MoonEccentricity    = Utilities.RandomEccentricity();
                            generatedMoon.MoonSemiMajorAxisAU = 0;
                            generatedMoon.MoonEccentricity    = 0;
                    curMoon = curMoon.NextPlanet;

コード例 #6
 void Display(PlanetSeed planetSeed)
     Display(new PlanetParameters(planetSeed));
コード例 #7
        private void CoalescePlanetesimals(double a, double e, double mass, double critMass, double dustMass, double gasMass, double stellLuminosityRatio, double bodyInnerBound, double bodyOuterBound, bool doMoons)
            // First we try to find an existing planet with an over-lapping orbit.
            PlanetSeed thePlanet  = null;
            PlanetSeed nextPlanet = null;
            PlanetSeed prevPlanet = null;
            var        finished   = false;

            for (thePlanet = _planetHead; thePlanet != null; thePlanet = thePlanet.NextPlanet)
                double diff = thePlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU - a;
                double dist1;
                double dist2;

                if (diff > 0.0)
                    dist1 = (a * (1.0 + e) * (1.0 + _reducedMass)) - a;
                    /* x aphelion	 */
                    _reducedMass = Math.Pow((thePlanet.Mass / (1.0 + thePlanet.Mass)), (1.0 / 4.0));
                    dist2        = thePlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU
                                   - (thePlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU * (1.0 - thePlanet.Eccentricity) * (1.0 - _reducedMass));
                    dist1 = a - (a * (1.0 - e) * (1.0 - _reducedMass));
                    /* x perihelion */
                    _reducedMass = Math.Pow((thePlanet.Mass / (1.0 + thePlanet.Mass)), (1.0 / 4.0));
                    dist2        = (thePlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU * (1.0 + thePlanet.Eccentricity) * (1.0 + _reducedMass))
                                   - thePlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU;

                // Did the planetesimal collide with this planet?
                if (Math.Abs(diff) <= Math.Abs(dist1) || Math.Abs(diff) <= Math.Abs(dist2))
                    double new_dust = 0;
                    double new_gas  = 0;
                    double new_a    = (thePlanet.Mass + mass) / ((thePlanet.Mass / thePlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU) + (mass / a));

                    e = GetNewEccentricity(thePlanet, e, a, mass, new_a);

                    if (doMoons)
                        finished = DoMoons(thePlanet, mass, critMass, dustMass, gasMass);

                    if (!finished)
                        //Trace.TraceInformation("Collision between two planetesimals!\n {0:0.00} AU ({1:0.00}EM) + {2:0.00} AU ({3:0.00}EM = {4:0.00}EMd + {5:0.00}EMg [{6:0.00}EM]). {7:0.00} AU ({8:0.00})",
                        //    the_planet.a, the_planet.mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                        //    a, mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                        //    dust_mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                        //    gas_mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                        //    crit_mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                        //    new_a, e);

                        var newMass = thePlanet.Mass + mass;
                        AccreteDust(ref newMass, ref new_dust, ref new_gas,
                                    new_a, e, stellLuminosityRatio,
                                    bodyInnerBound, bodyOuterBound);

                        thePlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU = new_a;
                        thePlanet.Eccentricity    = e;
                        thePlanet.Mass            = newMass;
                        thePlanet.DustMass       += dustMass + new_dust;
                        thePlanet.GasMass        += gasMass + new_gas;
                        if (thePlanet.Mass >= critMass)
                            thePlanet.IsGasGiant = true;

                        while (thePlanet.NextPlanet != null && thePlanet.NextPlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU < new_a)
                            nextPlanet = thePlanet.NextPlanet;

                            if (thePlanet == _planetHead)
                                _planetHead = nextPlanet;
                                prevPlanet.NextPlanet = nextPlanet;

                            thePlanet.NextPlanet  = nextPlanet.NextPlanet;
                            nextPlanet.NextPlanet = thePlanet;
                            prevPlanet            = nextPlanet;

                    finished = true;
                    prevPlanet = thePlanet;

            // Planetesimals didn't collide. Make it a planet.
            if (!(finished))
                thePlanet = new PlanetSeed(a, e, mass, dustMass, gasMass);

                if (mass >= critMass)
                    thePlanet.IsGasGiant = true;
                    thePlanet.IsGasGiant = false;

                if (_planetHead == null)
                    _planetHead          = thePlanet;
                    thePlanet.NextPlanet = null;
                else if (a < _planetHead.SemiMajorAxisAU)
                    thePlanet.NextPlanet = _planetHead;
                    _planetHead          = thePlanet;
                else if (_planetHead.NextPlanet == null)
                    _planetHead.NextPlanet = thePlanet;
                    thePlanet.NextPlanet   = null;
                    nextPlanet = _planetHead;
                    while (nextPlanet != null && nextPlanet.SemiMajorAxisAU < a)
                        prevPlanet = nextPlanet;
                        nextPlanet = nextPlanet.NextPlanet;
                    thePlanet.NextPlanet  = nextPlanet;
                    prevPlanet.NextPlanet = thePlanet;
コード例 #8
        private bool DoMoons(PlanetSeed planet, double mass, double critMass, double dustMass, double gasMass)
            bool   finished     = false;
            double existingMass = 0.0;

            if (planet.FirstMoon != null)
                for (PlanetSeed m = planet.FirstMoon; m != null; m = m.NextPlanet)
                    existingMass += m.Mass;

            if (mass < critMass)
                if (mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES < 2.5 && mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES > .0001 && existingMass < planet.Mass * .05)
                    PlanetSeed moon = new PlanetSeed(0, 0, mass, dustMass, gasMass);

                    if (moon.DustMass + moon.GasMass > planet.DustMass + planet.GasMass)
                        double tempDust = planet.DustMass;
                        double tempGas  = planet.GasMass;
                        double tempMass = planet.Mass;

                        planet.DustMass = moon.DustMass;
                        planet.GasMass  = moon.GasMass;
                        planet.Mass     = moon.Mass;

                        moon.DustMass = tempDust;
                        moon.GasMass  = tempGas;
                        moon.Mass     = tempMass;

                    if (planet.FirstMoon == null)
                        planet.FirstMoon = moon;
                        moon.NextPlanet  = planet.FirstMoon;
                        planet.FirstMoon = moon;

                    finished = true;

                    //Trace.TraceInformation("Moon captured... {0:0.00} AU ({1:0.00}EM) <- {2:0.00} EM",
                    //    the_planet.a,
                    //    the_planet.mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                    //    mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES);
                //    Trace.TraceInformation("Moon escapes... {0:0.00} AU ({1:0.00} EM){2} {3:0.00}L {4}",
                //        the_planet.a,
                //        the_planet.mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                //        existing_mass < (the_planet.mass * .05) ? "" : " (big moons)",
                //        mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES,
                //        (mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) >= 2.5 ? ", too big" : (mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) <= .0001 ? ", too small" : "");

コード例 #9
        // TODO documentation
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stellarMassRatio"></param>
        /// <param name="stellarLumRatio"></param>
        /// <param name="innerDust"></param>
        /// <param name="outerDust"></param>
        /// <param name="outerPlanetLimit"></param>
        /// <param name="dustDensityCoeff"></param>
        /// <param name="seedSystem"></param>
        /// <param name="doMoons"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <PlanetSeed> GetPlanetaryBodies(double stellarMassRatio,
                                                    double stellarLumRatio, double innerDust, double outerDust,
                                                    double outerPlanetLimit, double dustDensityCoeff,
                                                    PlanetSeed seedSystem, bool doMoons)
            SetInitialConditions(innerDust, outerDust);

            double planet_inner_bound = NearestPlanet(stellarMassRatio);
            double planet_outer_bound = outerPlanetLimit == 0
                ? FarthestPlanet(stellarMassRatio)
                : outerPlanetLimit;

            PlanetSeed seeds = seedSystem;

            while (_dustLeft)
                double a, e;
                if (seeds != null)
                    a     = seeds.SemiMajorAxisAU;
                    e     = seeds.Eccentricity;
                    seeds = seeds.NextPlanet;
                    a = Utilities.RandomNumber(planet_inner_bound, planet_outer_bound);
                    e = Utilities.RandomEccentricity();

                double mass      = GlobalConstants.PROTOPLANET_MASS;
                double dust_mass = 0;
                double gas_mass  = 0;

                //Trace.TraceInformation("Checking {0:0.00} AU", a);

                if (DustAvailable(InnerEffectLimit(a, e, mass), OuterEffectLimit(a, e, mass)))
                    //Trace.TraceInformation("Injecting protoplanet at {0:0.00} AU", a);

                    _dustDensity = dustDensityCoeff * Math.Sqrt(stellarMassRatio) * Math.Exp(-GlobalConstants.ALPHA * Math.Pow(a, (1.0 / GlobalConstants.N)));
                    double crit_mass = CriticalLimit(a, e, stellarLumRatio);
                    AccreteDust(ref mass, ref dust_mass, ref gas_mass, a, e, crit_mass, planet_inner_bound, planet_outer_bound);

                    dust_mass += GlobalConstants.PROTOPLANET_MASS;

                    if (mass > GlobalConstants.PROTOPLANET_MASS)
                        CoalescePlanetesimals(a, e, mass, crit_mass,
                                              dust_mass, gas_mass,
                                              planet_inner_bound, planet_outer_bound,

                    //Trace.TraceInformation(".. failed due to large neighbor.");

                //Trace.TraceInformation(".. failed");

            var seedList = new List <PlanetSeed>();
            var next     = _planetHead;

            while (next != null)
                next = next.NextPlanet;