IEnumerator GameOverProcess() { planStage = PlanStage.GameOver; CameraShaking.instance.SwitchEffect(CameraEffect.None); //GameOverUI.SetActive (true); //scoreText.text = DataManager.instance.GetCurrentScore ()+""; if (drillMachine.GetRemainHP() > 0) { //gameoverText.text = "DONE"; //ambientSound.Stop(); //ambientSound.PlayOneShot(drillstop, 1); ambSound.StopAmbient(); ambSound.PlayOneShot(1, 1); HintCtrl.instance.UpdateHintText("End of path reached"); } else { //gameoverText.text = "BROKEN"; //ambientSound.Stop(); //ambientSound.PlayOneShot(drillbroken, 1); ambSound.StopAmbient(); ambSound.PlayOneShot(2, 1); HintCtrl.instance.UpdateHintText("Bit wore out"); } //DrillUI.SetActive (false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); EndingFadeBlack.FadeIn(); }
public void StartGame() { planStage = PlanStage.Planning; TimeUI.SetActive(true); HintBox.SetActive(true); InvokeRepeating("UpdateHintDisp", 0, 4); //plan prepare ambient sound //ambientSound.clip = standby; //ambientSound.Play (); //the total score of current level Transform layers = GameObject.Find("/Layers").transform; int scoreEntityNum = 0; foreach (Transform child in layers) { float layerScore = child.GetComponent <LayerProperty>().GetScoreFactor(); if (layerScore > 0) { totalScore += layerScore; scoreEntityNum++; } } DataManager.instance.SetAvgScore(totalScore / scoreEntityNum); totalScore *= (3f / 4f); //totalScore += 1000; //total score of stage 2 DataManager.instance.SetTotalScore(totalScore); //save a copy to total score in DataManager DataManager.instance.score = 0; }
public void StartTutorial() { Debug.Log("start tutorial"); if (planStage == PlanStage.Intro) { planStage = PlanStage.Tutorial; TutorialControl.instance.gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
IEnumerator PauseDrillImp(float duration) { planStage = PlanStage.DrillingPause; ambSound.StopAmbient(); CameraShaking.instance.SwitchEffect(CameraEffect.None); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(duration)); planStage = PlanStage.Drilling; ambSound.PlayAmbientLoop(2); }
public void StartDrillPhase() { planStage = PlanStage.Drilling; scoreDisp.gameObject.SetActive(true); HPBar.SetActive(true); CameraShaking.instance.SwitchEffect(CameraEffect.Shake); ambSound.PlayAmbientLoop(2); DepthMeterCtrl.instance.SetScaledDepth(0); //ambientSound.clip = drilling; //ambientSound.Play (); }
public void StartIntro() { planStage = PlanStage.Intro; GeologistUICtrl.instance.StartIntro(); //put sample points on stage object[] samples = DataManager.instance.GetCollectedSamples(); int i = 0; foreach (CoreSample sample in samples) { i++; GameObject point = Instantiate(CoreSamplePoints, sample.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; point.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>().text = i + ""; } }
//fade in fade out and display small battery animation void StartDrillingStage() { BlackFadeInOut.FadeIn(); planStage = PlanStage.Loading; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Shelf_Right") || Input.GetButtonDown("Shelf_Left")) { SoundFXCtrl.instance.PlaySound(13, 1); } switch (planStage) { case PlanStage.Intro: if (Input.GetButtonDown("NextStage")) { GeologistUICtrl.instance.StopIntro(); } break; case PlanStage.Tutorial: float horiAxisT = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal_Planpath"); float vertAxisT = Input.GetAxis("Verticle_Planpath"); if (TutorialControl.instance.GetCurrentIndex() != 0) { horiAxisT = 0; vertAxisT = 0; } if (TutorialControl.instance.GetCurrentIndex() != 5) { pencAnim.SetInteger("drawing", 0); if (linePoints.Count == 0) //choosing horizontal location mode { if (horiAxisT < 0) { OilRig.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(OilRig.position, horizontalLeftBoundary, horiPlanSpeed * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Abs(horiAxisT)); } else if (horiAxisT > 0) { OilRig.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(OilRig.position, horizontalRightBoundary, horiPlanSpeed * Time.deltaTime * horiAxisT); } if (vertAxisT < -0.2f) { linePoints.Add(drawPointer.position); pickPointDelay = DetectDelay; } } else //free drawing mode { if (Input.GetButton("Erase_Planpath") && TutorialControl.instance.GetCurrentIndex() == 3) { drawPointer.collider2D.enabled = true; pencAnim.SetInteger("drawing", 2); if (linePoints.Count > 0) { Vector3 moveTarget = linePoints[linePoints.Count - 1]; if (drawPointer.position != moveTarget) { Vector3 dir = moveTarget - drawPointer.position; dir.z = 0; drawPointer.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, dir); drawPointer.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(drawPointer.position, moveTarget, 5 * speed * Time.deltaTime); ambSound.PlayAmbientLoop(1); } else { linePoints.RemoveAt(linePoints.Count - 1); ambSound.StopAmbient(); } } } else { drawPointer.collider2D.enabled = false; pencAnim.SetInteger("drawing", 1); Vector3 targetDir =; if (linePoints.Count > 2) { targetDir.x = horiAxisT; } targetDir.y = vertAxisT; targetDir = targetDir.normalized; drawPointer.position -= drawPointer.up * speed * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(targetDir, -drawPointer.up)); if (targetDir != drawPointer.up) { Vector3 dir = Vector3.RotateTowards(drawPointer.up, -targetDir, turnspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0); dir.z = 0; //drawPointer.up = dir; drawPointer.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, dir); } Vector3 drawPosition = drawPointer.position; if (drawPosition.y > groundlevel) { drawPosition.y = groundlevel; } if (drawPosition.y < bottomlevel) { drawPosition.y = bottomlevel; } if (drawPosition.x < horizontalLeftBoundary.x) { drawPosition.x = horizontalLeftBoundary.x; } if (drawPosition.x > horizontalRightBoundary.x) { drawPosition.x = horizontalRightBoundary.x; } drawPointer.position = drawPosition; if (pickPointDelay > 0) { pickPointDelay -= Time.deltaTime; } else { pickPointDelay = DetectDelay; if (linePoints[linePoints.Count - 1] != drawPosition) { linePoints.Add(drawPosition); ambSound.PlayAmbientLoop(0); } else { ambSound.StopAmbient(); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("PlaceMarker_Planpath") && TutorialControl.instance.GetCurrentIndex() == 1) { if (DataManager.instance.CheckLayerReveal(DataManager.instance.DetectLayerAtPosition(drawPosition))) { if (MarkerNum > 0) { MarkerNum--; GameObject newmarker = Instantiate(marker, drawPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newmarker.transform.parent = CurMarkers.transform; ambSound.PlayOneShot(3, 1); } } else { informBox.DispInform("You can only put markers on places you have revealed", 2); SoundFXCtrl.instance.PlaySound(6, 1); } } } if (linePoints.Count > 0) { trailPath.SetVertexCount(linePoints.Count); lineLength = 0; trailPath.SetPosition(0, linePoints[0]); for (int i = 1; i < linePoints.Count; i++) { lineLength += (linePoints[i] - linePoints[i - 1]).magnitude; trailPath.SetPosition(i, linePoints[i]); } lineMat.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", new Vector2(lineLength / 0.3f, 1)); offset -= Time.deltaTime * 1.5f; lineMat.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(offset, 1)); } } DepthMeterCtrl.instance.SetScaledDepth(1f - (drawPointer.position.y - bottomlevel) / (groundlevel - bottomlevel)); } switch (TutorialControl.instance.GetCurrentIndex()) { case 0: if (linePoints.Count > 10) { TutorialControl.instance.DisplayNext(); if (!sendBtnLight1) { sendBtnLight1 = true; SendData.SendToArduinoTutorial('e'); } } break; case 1: if (Input.GetButtonDown("PlaceMarker_Planpath")) { TutorialControl.instance.DisplayNext(); } break; case 3: if (linePoints.Count == 0) { TutorialControl.instance.DisplayNext(); if (!sendBtnLight2) { sendBtnLight2 = true; SendData.SendToArduinoTutorial('f'); } } break; case 4: if (Input.GetButtonDown("StartDrill_Planpath")) { TutorialControl.instance.DisplayNext(); } break; case 5: if (Input.GetButtonDown("Shelf_Right") || Input.GetButtonDown("Shelf_Left")) { TutorialControl.instance.DisplayNext(); StartGame(); TutorialControl.instance.TotalFadeOut(); } break; default: if (Input.GetButtonDown("StartDrill_Planpath") || Input.GetButtonDown("Erase_Planpath") || Input.GetButtonDown("PlaceMarker_Planpath") || horiAxisT != 0 || vertAxisT != 0) { if (TutorialControl.instance.DisplayNext()) { StartGame(); TutorialControl.instance.TotalFadeOut(); } } break; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("NextStage")) { StartGame(); TutorialControl.instance.TotalFadeOut(); if (!sendBtnLight1) { sendBtnLight1 = true; SendData.SendToArduinoTutorial('e'); } if (!sendBtnLight2) { sendBtnLight2 = true; SendData.SendToArduinoTutorial('f'); } } break; case PlanStage.Planning: float horiAxis = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal_Planpath"); float vertAxis = Input.GetAxis("Verticle_Planpath"); pencAnim.SetInteger("drawing", 0); if (linePoints.Count == 0) //choosing horizontal location mode { if (horiAxis < 0) { OilRig.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(OilRig.position, horizontalLeftBoundary, horiPlanSpeed * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Abs(horiAxis)); } else if (horiAxis > 0) { OilRig.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(OilRig.position, horizontalRightBoundary, horiPlanSpeed * Time.deltaTime * horiAxis); } if (vertAxis < -0.2f) { linePoints.Add(drawPointer.position); pickPointDelay = DetectDelay; } } else //free drawing mode { if (Input.GetButton("Erase_Planpath")) { drawPointer.collider2D.enabled = true; pencAnim.SetInteger("drawing", 2); if (linePoints.Count > 0) { Vector3 moveTarget = linePoints[linePoints.Count - 1]; if (drawPointer.position != moveTarget) { Vector3 dir = moveTarget - drawPointer.position; dir.z = 0; drawPointer.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, dir); drawPointer.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(drawPointer.position, moveTarget, 5 * speed * Time.deltaTime); ambSound.PlayAmbientLoop(1); } else { linePoints.RemoveAt(linePoints.Count - 1); ambSound.StopAmbient(); } } } else { drawPointer.collider2D.enabled = false; pencAnim.SetInteger("drawing", 1); Vector3 targetDir =; if (linePoints.Count > 2) { targetDir.x = horiAxis; } targetDir.y = vertAxis; targetDir = targetDir.normalized; drawPointer.position -= drawPointer.up * speed * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(targetDir, -drawPointer.up)); if (targetDir != drawPointer.up) { Vector3 dir = Vector3.RotateTowards(drawPointer.up, -targetDir, turnspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0); dir.z = 0; //drawPointer.up = dir; drawPointer.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, dir); } Vector3 drawPosition = drawPointer.position; if (drawPosition.y > groundlevel) { drawPosition.y = groundlevel; } if (drawPosition.y < bottomlevel) { drawPosition.y = bottomlevel; } if (drawPosition.x < horizontalLeftBoundary.x) { drawPosition.x = horizontalLeftBoundary.x; } if (drawPosition.x > horizontalRightBoundary.x) { drawPosition.x = horizontalRightBoundary.x; } drawPointer.position = drawPosition; if (pickPointDelay > 0) { pickPointDelay -= Time.deltaTime; } else { pickPointDelay = DetectDelay; if (linePoints[linePoints.Count - 1] != drawPosition) { linePoints.Add(drawPosition); ambSound.PlayAmbientLoop(0); } else { ambSound.StopAmbient(); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("PlaceMarker_Planpath")) { if (DataManager.instance.CheckLayerReveal(DataManager.instance.DetectLayerAtPosition(drawPosition))) { if (MarkerNum > 0) { MarkerNum--; GameObject newmarker = Instantiate(marker, drawPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newmarker.transform.parent = CurMarkers.transform; ambSound.PlayOneShot(3, 1); } } else { informBox.DispInform("You can only put markers on places you have revealed", 2); SoundFXCtrl.instance.PlaySound(6, 1); } } } if (linePoints.Count > 0) { trailPath.SetVertexCount(linePoints.Count); lineLength = 0; trailPath.SetPosition(0, linePoints[0]); for (int i = 1; i < linePoints.Count; i++) { lineLength += (linePoints[i] - linePoints[i - 1]).magnitude; trailPath.SetPosition(i, linePoints[i]); } lineMat.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", new Vector2(lineLength / 0.3f, 1)); offset -= Time.deltaTime * 1.5f; lineMat.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(offset, 1)); } } DepthMeterCtrl.instance.SetScaledDepth(1f - (drawPointer.position.y - bottomlevel) / (groundlevel - bottomlevel)); if (Input.GetButtonDown("StartDrill_Planpath")) { ambSound.StopAmbient(); if (MarkerNum < 5) { if (MarkerNum == 0) { optionBox.DispOptionBox("Are you sure to start drilling?"); } else { optionBox.DispOptionBox("You have not used all five markers, Are you sure to start drilling?"); } planStage = PlanStage.BeforeDrill; ambSound.PlayOneShot(3, 1); } else { informBox.DispInform("Remember to place markers on places you want to collect resources", 2); SoundFXCtrl.instance.PlaySound(6, 1); } } markerCountDisp.text = MarkerNum + " / " + 5; break; case PlanStage.BeforeDrill: float holsel = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal_Planpath"); if (holsel < 0) { if (optionBox.ChangeSelection(0)) { ambSound.PlayOneShot(3, 1); } } else if (holsel > 0) { if (optionBox.ChangeSelection(1)) { ambSound.PlayOneShot(3, 1); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("StartDrill_Planpath")) { switch (optionBox.GetCurrentSelection()) { case 0: SoundFXCtrl.instance.PlaySound(11, 1); StartDrillingStage(); break; case 1: SoundFXCtrl.instance.PlaySound(12, 1); planStage = PlanStage.Planning; break; } optionBox.CloseOptionBox(); //ambSound.PlayOneShot(3, 1); } break; case PlanStage.Drilling: if (curMoveTarget < linePoints.Count) { Vector3 target = linePoints[curMoveTarget]; target.z = Drill.position.z; if (Drill.position != target) { Vector3 dir = Drill.position - target; dir.z = 0; if (dir.magnitude > 0.01f) { drillObject.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, dir); } //Drill.up = dir; Drill.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(Drill.position, target, drillMachine.GetMoveSpeed() * Time.deltaTime); } else { curMoveTarget++; } //update trail of drill if (pickPointDelay > 0) { pickPointDelay -= Time.deltaTime; } else { pickPointDelay = DetectDelay; if (drillObject.position.y < groundlevel) { drillTrailPoints.Add(Drill.position); drillTrail.SetVertexCount(drillTrailPoints.Count); drillTrail.SetPosition(drillTrailPoints.Count - 1, drillObject.position); } } } else { GameOver(); } //hpDisp.text = (int)DrillMachine.instance.GetRemainHP()+""; float scoreFactor = DataManager.instance.GetCurrentScore() / totalScore; //Vector3 batteryLevelScale = BatteryLevel.localScale; //batteryLevelScale.x = Mathf.Clamp01(scoreFactor); //BatteryLevel.localScale = batteryLevelScale; //BatteryFillmentSprite.color = Color.Lerp(,, scoreFactor); //BatteryCtrl.UpdateCurrentLevel(Mathf.Clamp01(scoreFactor)); batteryCtrl.UpdateCurrentLevel(Mathf.Clamp01(scoreFactor)); currentFinal = Mathf.MoveTowards(currentFinal, scoreFactor, transitSpeed); int finalScore = (int)(currentFinal * 7000000); scoreDisp.text = string.Format("{0:n0}", finalScore) + " kWh"; //scoreDisp.text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", scoreFactor*100)+"%"; DepthMeterCtrl.instance.SetScaledDepth(1f - (Drill.position.y - bottomlevel) / (groundlevel - bottomlevel)); break; } }
void Awake() { instance = this; planStage = PlanStage.Loading; }