/// <summary> /// 获取数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="strWhere">查询条件</param> public void getdata(String strWhere) { string where = ""; Teacher teacher = new Teacher(); string currentPage = Request.QueryString["currentPage"]; if (currentPage == null || currentPage.Length <= 0) { currentPage = "1"; } if (state == "0") { where = ""; dsColl = colbll.Select(); dsPro = probll.SelectByCollegeId(Convert.ToInt32(Session["collegeId"])); dsPlan = plabll.getPlanByCid(Convert.ToInt32(Session["collegeId"])); } else if (state == "1") { teacher = (Teacher)Session["loginuser"]; where = "collegeId = '" + teacher.college.ColID + "'"; dsPro = probll.SelectByCollegeId(teacher.college.ColID); dsPlan = plabll.getPlanByCid(teacher.college.ColID); } else if (state == "2") { teacher = (Teacher)Session["user"]; where = "collegeId = '" + teacher.college.ColID + "'"; dsPro = probll.SelectByCollegeId(teacher.college.ColID); dsPlan = plabll.getPlanByCid(teacher.college.ColID); } TitleBll titbll = new TitleBll(); TableBuilder tabuilder = new TableBuilder(); tabuilder.StrTable = "V_Title"; tabuilder.StrWhere = (strWhere == null || strWhere == "" ? where : strWhere); tabuilder.IntColType = 0; tabuilder.IntOrder = 1; tabuilder.IntPageNum = int.Parse(currentPage); tabuilder.IntPageSize = pagesize; tabuilder.StrColumn = "titleId"; tabuilder.StrColumnlist = "*"; getCurrentPage = int.Parse(currentPage); ds = titbll.SelectBypage(tabuilder, out count); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string op = Request.QueryString["op"]; //获取数据 state = Convert.ToInt32(Session["state"]); if (state == 1) { teacher = (Teacher)Session["loginuser"]; } else if (state == 2) { teacher = (Teacher)Session["user"]; } dsPlan = planBll.getPlanByCid(teacher.college.ColID); dsPro = proBll.SelectByCollegeId(teacher.college.ColID); //展示数据 string type = Request.QueryString["type"]; order = Request.QueryString["order"]; if (!IsPostBack) { if (order == "up") { Search(); getdata(Search(), 0); } else { Search(); getdata(Search(), 1); } } //导出列表 if (op == "export") { try { //获取成绩占比 Score scoreRatio = scoreBll.getRatio(); double guide = scoreRatio.guideRatio, cross = scoreRatio.crossRatio, defen = scoreRatio.defenceRatio; //分院id int collegeId = teacher.college.ColID; //专业id string pro = Request.QueryString["dropstrWherepro"]; //批次Id string batch = Request.QueryString["dropstrWhereplan"]; //输入框条件 string input = Request.QueryString["search"]; string strWhere = ""; if (state == 2) { if (input == null) { if ((pro == null || pro == "0") && batch == null || pro == "0") { strWhere = string.Format(" where collegeId = {0}", collegeId); } else if (pro != "null" && batch == "null") { strWhere = string.Format(" where proId = {0} and collegeId = {1}", "'" + pro + "'", collegeId); } else if ((pro == "null" || pro == "0") && batch != "null") { strWhere = string.Format(" where planId = {0} and collegeId = {1}", "'" + batch + "'", collegeId); } else { strWhere = string.Format(" where planId = {0} and proId = {1} and collegeId = {2}", "'" + batch + "'", "'" + pro + "'", collegeId); } } //如果不为空传 input里的值 else { strWhere = string.Format(" where (teaName {0} or title {0} or realName {0} or planName {0} or proName {0}) and collegeId = {1}", "like '%" + input + "%'", collegeId); } } else { if (input == null) { strWhere = string.Format(" where collegeId = {0}", collegeId); } //如果不为空传 input里的值 else { strWhere = string.Format(" where (teaName {0} or title {0} or realName {0} or planName {0} or proName {0}) and collegeId = {1}", "like '%" + input + "%'", collegeId); } } var name = "学生成绩" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + new Random(DateTime.Now.Second).Next(10000); DataTable dt = scoreBll.ExportExcel(strWhere, scoreRatio); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { var path = Server.MapPath("~/download/学生成绩导出/" + name + ".xls"); ExcelHelper.x2007.TableToExcelForXLSX(dt, path); downloadfile(path); } else { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('查询不到数据,不能执行导出操作!')</script>"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(this.GetType(), ex); } } if (order == "down") { //批次下拉菜单 if (type == "plandrop") { planId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWhereplan"].ToString(); if (planId == "0") { getdata("", 1); } string strWhere = string.Format(" planId = {0}", planId); getdata(strWhere, 1); } //专业下拉菜单 if (type == "prodrop") { proId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWherepro"].ToString(); if (proId == "0") { getdata("", 1); } string strWhere = string.Format(" proId = {0}", proId); getdata(strWhere, 1); } //所有下拉菜单 if (type == "alldrop") { planId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWhereplan"].ToString(); proId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWherepro"].ToString(); string strWhere = string.Format(" proId = {0} and planId = {1}", proId, planId); getdata(strWhere, 1); } } else if (order == "up") { //批次下拉菜单、升序 if (type == "plandropUp") { planId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWhereplan"].ToString(); if (planId == "0") { getdata("", 0); } string strWhere = string.Format(" planId = {0}", planId); getdata(strWhere, 0); } //专业下拉菜单、升序 if (type == "prodropUp") { proId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWherepro"].ToString(); if (proId == "0") { getdata("", 0); } string strWhere = string.Format(" proId = {0}", proId); getdata(strWhere, 0); } //所有下拉菜单、升序 if (type == "alldropUp") { planId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWhereplan"].ToString(); proId = Request.QueryString["dropstrWherepro"].ToString(); string strWhere = string.Format(" proId = {0} and planId = {1}", proId, planId); getdata(strWhere, 0); } //仅升序 if (type == "up") { getdata("", 0); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string op = Context.Request["op"]; //下拉专业id planId = Request.QueryString["planId"]; //下拉学院id collegeid = Request.QueryString["collegeId"]; //输入框信息 string strsearch = Request.QueryString["search"]; teacher = (Teacher)Session["user"]; userType = Session["state"].ToString(); state = Convert.ToInt32(Session["state"]); if (state==0) { //超管 getColl = collBll.Select(); dsPlan = null; if (collegeid == null || collegeid == "0" || collegeid == "null") { //学院为空,专业为空 dsPlan = null; getdata(""); } else { dsPlan = planBll.getPlanByCid(int.Parse(collegeid)); if (planId == "null" || planId == "0" || planId == null) { //学院不为空,专业为空 getdata(SearchCollege()); } else if (planId != null && planId != "null" && planId != "0") { //两个都不为空 getdata(SearchCollAndPlan()); } else if (strsearch != null) { getdata(Search()); } } } else if(state==2) { //分管 collegeId = teacher.college.ColID; planId = Request.QueryString["planId"]; dsPlan = planBll.getPlanByCid(collegeId); leader = Request.QueryString["leader"]; member = Request.QueryString["member"]; record = Request.QueryString["record"]; _planId = Request.QueryString["planId"]; getPlan = planBll.getPlanByCid(collegeId); op = Request.QueryString["op"]; string submit = Request["submit"]; try { if (submit == "submit") { insert(); } if (op == "" || op == null) { getLeader = teacherBll.getLeaderByColl(collegeId, "", ""); getMember = teacherBll.getMemberByColl(collegeId, "", ""); getRecord = teacherBll.getRecordByColl(collegeId, "", ""); } else { if (op == "change1") { getLeader = teacherBll.getLeaderByColl(collegeId, member, record); getMember = teacherBll.getMemberByColl(collegeId, leader, record); getRecord = teacherBll.getRecordByColl(collegeId, leader, member); } else if (op == "change2") { getLeader = teacherBll.getLeaderByColl(collegeId, member, record); getMember = teacherBll.getMemberByColl(collegeId, leader, record); getRecord = teacherBll.getRecordByColl(collegeId, leader, member); } else if (op == "change3") { getLeader = teacherBll.getLeaderByColl(collegeId, member, record); getMember = teacherBll.getMemberByColl(collegeId, leader, record); getRecord = teacherBll.getRecordByColl(collegeId, leader, member); ; } } getColl = collBll.Select(); dsPlan = planBll.getPlanByCid(collegeId); if (strsearch != null) { getdata(Search()); } else if (planId != null && planId != "null") { getdata(SearchPlan()); } else { getdata(""); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(this.GetType(), ex); } } }