コード例 #1
        public async void Setup()
            var dbContext = new OrderDbContext
                Orders = Aef.FakeDbSet(orders)

            placedAtDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            orderId      = new Guid("DE81F6B5-7F29-4AE7-A72B-023F6B58DE72");
            var placeOrderCommand = new PlaceOrderCommand
                OrderId      = orderId,
                OrderNumber  = 100,
                PlacedAtDate = placedAtDate

            var context = new TestableMessageHandlerContext();

            var orderStorageContextMock = new Mock <IDbContextWrapper <OrderDbContext> >();

            orderStorageContextMock.SetupIgnoreArgs(x => x.Get(null)).Returns(dbContext);

            handler = new PlaceOrderCommandHandler(orderStorageContextMock.Object);

            await handler.Handle(placeOrderCommand, context);

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #2
 public PlaceOrderCommandHandlerTests()
     _placeOrderCommandHandler = new PlaceOrderCommandHandler(
コード例 #3
    public async Task PlaceOrderCommand_validation_should_fail_with_empty_required_fields()
        var handler = new PlaceOrderCommandHandler(_unitOfWork, _currencyConverter);
        var command = new PlaceOrderCommand(Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty, string.Empty);
        var result  = await handler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None);

コード例 #4
    public async Task Order_has_been_placed_for_customer()
        var currency        = Currency.CanadianDollar;
        var productPrice    = 12.5;
        var productQuantity = 10;
        var customerEmail   = "*****@*****.**";

        var productMoney = Money.Of(Convert.ToDecimal(productPrice), currency.Code);

        _currencyConverter.Convert(currency, Money.Of(Convert.ToDecimal(productPrice * productQuantity), currency.Code))

        var customerUniquenessChecker = Substitute.For <ICustomerUniquenessChecker>();


        var customerId = new CustomerId(Guid.NewGuid());
        var customer   = Customer.CreateNew(customerEmail, "Customer X", customerUniquenessChecker);

        _customers.GetById(Arg.Any <CustomerId>()).Returns(customer);

        var product = Product.CreateNew("Product X", productMoney);

        _products.GetById(Arg.Any <ProductId>()).Returns(product);

        var productData = new QuoteItemProductData(product.Id, product.Price, productQuantity);
        var quote       = Quote.CreateNew(customerId);


        List <Product> products = new List <Product>()

        _products.GetByIds(Arg.Any <List <ProductId> >()).Returns(products);

        var placeOrderCommandHandler = new PlaceOrderCommandHandler(_unitOfWork, _currencyConverter);
        var placeOrderCommand        = new PlaceOrderCommand(quote.Id.Value, customerId.Value, currency.Code);

        var orderResult = await placeOrderCommandHandler.Handle(placeOrderCommand, CancellationToken.None);

        await _unitOfWork.Received(1).CommitAsync(Arg.Any <CancellationToken>());

コード例 #5
        public async void Setup()
            var dbContext = new OrderDbContext()
                Orders = Aef.FakeDbSet(orders)

            placedAtDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            orderId      = new Guid("DE81F6B5-7F29-4AE7-A72B-023F6B58DE72");
            var placeOrderCommand = new PlaceOrderCommand
                OrderId      = orderId,
                OrderNumber  = 100,
                PlacedAtDate = placedAtDate

            var context = new TestableMessageHandlerContext();

            //TODO: Question? How do you test this, since I cannot inject the OrderDbContext into the handler
            //In the handler there is the context.SynchronizedStorageSession.FromCurrentSession() that returns a new OrderDbContext
            //In V5 we did new PlaceOrderCommandHandler(OrderDbContext dbContext); and then we could use the FakeDbSet.
            //Since I could not use Moq to mock the return value of context.SynchronizedStorageSession.FromCurrentSession() since it is an extension method
            //so I created a OrderStorageContext instead
            //Then I realized that U guys have your own TestingFramework that I installed so that I could get a TestableMessageHandlerContext
            //but cannot find a way to set the session.SqlPersistenceSession();

            var orderStorageContextMock = new Mock <IDbContextWrapper <OrderDbContext> >();

            orderStorageContextMock.SetupIgnoreArgs(x => x.GetDbContext(null)).Returns(dbContext);

            handler = new PlaceOrderCommandHandler(orderStorageContextMock.Object);

                await handler.Handle(placeOrderCommand, context)

                await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync()
            catch (Exception e)