public bool InitiateInstall(PkgInfo pkgInfo, bool skipInstallCheck, out long id) { id = 0; if (!skipInstallCheck && TryRecoverTaskID(pkgInfo, out id)) { if (id == -1) //App is already installed and no id was returned { id = 0xAFFFFFF; //The flag we will use to determine if it is installed } return(true); } var response = HttpUtil.Post($"http://{PS4IP}:12800/api/install", HttpUtil.GetInstallJson(pkgInfo.PkgFiles, ServerIp, ServerPort)); //{ "status": "fail", "error_code": 0x80990004 } if (response.Contains("task_id")) { id = long.Parse(JToken.Parse(response)["task_id"].ToString()); return(true); } if (response.Contains("{ \"status\": \"fail\"")) { throw new RPIErrorThrownException(long.Parse(JToken.Parse(response)["error_code"].ToString())); } return(false); }
public bool TryRecoverTaskID(PkgInfo pkgInfo, out long id) { id = -1; id = RecoverTaskID(pkgInfo); if (id != -1) { return(true); } //Because it checks the title id instead of content id //this will return true if the game is installed //there is no way of knowing the patch is installed accurately //So we just return false and assume it's not. if (pkgInfo.Type == Enums.PkgType.Patch || pkgInfo.Type == Enums.PkgType.Additional_Content) { return(false); } var url = $"http://{PS4IP}:12800/api/is_exists"; var json = $"{{\"title_id\":\"{pkgInfo.TitleID}\"}}"; var response = HttpUtil.Post(url, json); if (response.Contains("task_id")) { id = int.Parse(JToken.Parse(response)["task_id"].ToString()); return(true); } Logger.WriteLine("::GetTaskID.AppExists - " + response, Logger.Type.StandardOutput); //App is already installed, usually a task ID comes with it but I'm not certain //If this happens with DLC/Themes //Better safe than sorry return(response.Contains("\"exists\": \"true\"")); }
private void AddItem(PkgInfo pkgInfo) { //Add To ListView ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(pkgInfo.Title); listViewItem.Tag = pkgInfo.FilePath; listViewItem.SubItems.Add(Path.GetFileName(pkgInfo.FilePath)); listViewItem.SubItems.Add(pkgInfo.Type.ToString()); listViewItem.SubItems.Add(Enums.TaskType.Queued.ToString()); this.listViewItemsQueue.InvokeIfRequired(() => listViewItemsQueue.Items.Add(listViewItem)); QueueItem queueItem = new QueueItem(listViewItem, pkgInfo); ps4PkgList.Add(queueItem); }
public static void UploadPkg(PkgInfo uploadForm, byte[] fileByte, Action <ResponseModel> callback) { WWWForm wwwForm = new WWWForm(); wwwForm.AddBinaryData("file", fileByte); wwwForm.AddField("pkg_name", uploadForm.pkg_name); wwwForm.AddField("version", uploadForm.version); wwwForm.AddField("unity_version", uploadForm.unity_version); wwwForm.AddField("pkg_path", uploadForm.pkg_path); wwwForm.AddField("author",; wwwForm.AddField("describtion", uploadForm.describtion); wwwForm.AddField("help_url", uploadForm.help_url); wwwForm.AddField("dependences", uploadForm.dependences); wwwForm.AddField("permissions", uploadForm.permissions); PostRequest <ResponseModel>(PkgConstant.API_UPLOAD_PKG, wwwForm, callback, true); }
private int RecoverTaskID(PkgInfo pkgInfo) { var url = $"http://{PS4IP}:12800/api/find_task"; var json = $"{{\"content_id\":\"{pkgInfo.ContentID}\", \"sub_type\":{(int)pkgInfo.Type}}}"; var response = HttpUtil.Post(url, json); Logger.WriteLine("::RecoverTaskID - " + response, Logger.Type.StandardOutput); if (response.Contains("task_id")) { return(int.Parse(JToken.Parse(response)["task_id"].ToString())); } if (response.Contains("error_code")) { throw new RPIErrorThrownException(long.Parse(JToken.Parse(response)["error_code"].ToString())); } return(-1); }
//发送协议逻辑 private int SendInternal() { int len = m_pkgList.Count; if (len > 0) { PkgInfo info = null; int index = 0; PkgInfo tempInfo; while (index < len) { tempInfo = m_pkgList[index]; if (onChkSendPkg(tempInfo.cmd)) {//包发送条件 info = tempInfo; //"前面的协议包要等角色登录后才能发送,调整发送索引到" + index); break; } index++; } if (null == info) { //"所有的协议包要等角色登录后才能发送"); return(0); } int iRet = 0;"SendInternal Send pkg: " + info.cmd); //"pkg len: " + info.bufferLen); //"pkg buffer len: " + info.buffer.Length); iRet = m_TgcpHandle.Send(info.buffer, info.bufferLen, info.timeoutInterval); if (0 != iRet) {"after send,happend error: " + iRet); return(iRet); } m_pkgList.RemoveAt(index); m_networkTimeoutMonitor.SendPkg((UInt16)CS_CMD_ID.CS_SYN_TIME == info.cmd); } return(0); }
public static void UploadPackage(UploadInfo uploadInfo) { // MultyFrameworkEditorTool.CreateVersionJson(uploadInfo.assetPath, uploadInfo); AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(uploadInfo.assetPath, + ".unitypackage", ExportPackageOptions.Recurse); byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Assets/../" + + ".unitypackage"); PkgInfo form = new PkgInfo() { unity_version = uploadInfo.unityVersion, author =, pkg_path = uploadInfo.assetPath, pkg_name =, version = uploadInfo.version, dependences = "", permissions = uploadInfo.isPublic ? PkgConstant.PKG_PERMISSIONS_PUBLIC : PkgConstant.PKG_PERMISSIONS_PRIVATE, help_url = uploadInfo.helpurl, describtion = uploadInfo.describtion, }; for (int i = 0; i < uploadInfo.dependences.Count; i++) { form.AddDependences(uploadInfo.dependences[i]); } HttpPkg.UploadPkg(form, bytes, (m) => { string source = "Assets/../" + + ".unitypackage"; string dest = Path.Combine(localPkgPath, + "_" + uploadInfo.version + ".unitypackage"); if (File.Exists(dest)) { File.Delete(dest); } File.Move(source, dest); FreshWebCollection(); }); }
private bool SanitizePathNeeded(PkgInfo pkgInfo, out FileRenameInfo fileRenameInfo) { fileRenameInfo = null; var pattern = @"^[\\a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$"; var currentFileName = Path.GetFileName(pkgInfo.FilePath); var match = Regex.Match(currentFileName, pattern); if (!Regex.IsMatch(currentFileName, pattern)) { fileRenameInfo = new FileRenameInfo() { CurrentName = currentFileName, CurrentPath = Path.GetFullPath(pkgInfo.FilePath), }; pattern = pattern.Substring(1, pattern.Length - 2); string newFileName = ""; var newMatch = Regex.Match(currentFileName, pattern); while (newMatch.Success) { newFileName += newMatch.Value; newMatch = newMatch.NextMatch(); } int maxFileNameSize = 60; if (newFileName.Length > maxFileNameSize) { //PS4 only seems to like titles < 60 (including ".pkg") //So we eliminate the remainder from the start //this is only used for renaming files, nothing more //so it does not matter if the name looks weird. It's only temporary :) newFileName = newFileName.Remove(0, newFileName.Length - maxFileNameSize); } fileRenameInfo.WantedName = newFileName; return(true); } return(false); }
public bool Uninstall(PkgInfo pkgInfo) { var url = $"http://{PS4IP}:12800/api/uninstall_"; var json = ""; switch (pkgInfo.Type) { case Enums.PkgType.Game: url += "game"; json = $"{{\"title_id\":\"{pkgInfo.TitleID}\"}}"; break; case Enums.PkgType.Patch: json = $"{{\"title_id\":\"{pkgInfo.TitleID}\"}}"; url += "patch"; break; case Enums.PkgType.Additional_Content: url += "ac"; json = $"{{\"content_id\":\"{pkgInfo.ContentID}\"}}"; break; case Enums.PkgType.Addon_Theme: url += "theme"; json = $"{{\"content_id\":\"{pkgInfo.ContentID}\"}}"; break; } var response = HttpUtil.Post(url, json); if (response.Contains("success")) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void StartServer(PkgInfo info) { foreach (var proc in NodeJSUtil.GetNodeProcesses()) { NodeJsProcessSet.Add(proc.Id); } Logger.WriteLine("::StartServer - Starting server in directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(info.FilePath), Logger.Type.StandardOutput); var cmdProcess = new Process(); var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(info.FilePath); cmdProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; cmdProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = $"/C http-server \"{path}\" -p {GetNextBestPort()}"; cmdProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; cmdProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; if (Directory.GetLogicalDrives().Contains(path)) { cmdProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = cmdProcess.StartInfo.Arguments.Replace(@"\", @"\\"); } cmdProcess.Start(); //Assumption will be that it should always be found currentProcessPid = 0; while (currentProcessPid == 0) { try { currentProcessPid = NodeJSUtil.GetNodeProcesses() .ToList() .Find(proc => !NodeJsProcessSet.Contains(proc.Id)) .Id; } catch (Exception) { } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } var temp = cmdProcess; System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { while (temp.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } var stdout = ""; while (stdout != null) { stdout = temp.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); if (stdout != null) { Logger.WriteLine(stdout, Logger.Type.StandardOutput); } } }); System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { while (temp.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } var stderr = ""; while (stderr != null) { stderr = temp.StandardError.ReadLine(); if (stderr != null) { if (stderr.Contains("EADDRINUSE")) { server.IsRunning = false; break; } } Logger.WriteLine(stderr, Logger.Type.StandardOutput); } }); IsRunning = true; }
private void AddAllValidItems(string[] paths) { var pkgFilePaths = GetFilesForFileExtension(".pkg", paths, true); List <PkgInfo> pkgList = new List <PkgInfo>(); List <PkgInfo> patchesList = new List <PkgInfo>(); foreach (var filePath in pkgFilePaths) { var pkgFilePath = filePath; var fileName = Path.GetFileName(pkgFilePath); if (fileName.Contains(" ")) { fileName = fileName.Replace(" ", "."); pkgFilePath = pkgFilePath.Substring(0, pkgFilePath.Length - fileName.Length) + fileName; File.Move(filePath, pkgFilePath); } try { var pkg = PS4_Tools.PKG.SceneRelated.Read_PKG(pkgFilePath); PkgInfo pkgInfo = new PkgInfo(); pkgInfo.FilePath = pkgFilePath; pkgInfo.TitleID = pkg.Param.TitleID; pkgInfo.Title = pkg.Param.Title; pkgInfo.Version = pkg.Param.APP_VER; pkgInfo.Type = Enums.Parser.Parse(pkg.PKG_Type); pkgInfo.ContentID = pkg.Content_ID; pkgInfo.PkgFiles = new string[] { Path.GetFileName(pkgFilePath) }; if (pkgInfo.Type == Enums.PkgType.Patch) { patchesList.Add(pkgInfo); } else { AddItem(pkgInfo); } } catch { } } //Handles multiple patches edge case var patchDict = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); foreach (var patch in patchesList) { if (!patchDict.ContainsKey(patch.TitleID)) { patchDict.Add(patch.TitleID, new List <string>()); } if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(patch.FilePath, @"([A-Za-z0-9-_]+_\d.pkg)+")) { patchDict[patch.TitleID].Add(Path.GetFileName(patch.FilePath)); } } for (int i = 0; i < patchesList.Count; ++i) { var filePaths = patchDict[patchesList[i].TitleID]; if (filePaths.Count == 0) { filePaths.Add(Path.GetFileName(patchesList[i].FilePath)); } patchesList[i].PkgFiles = filePaths.ToArray(); AddItem(patchesList[i]); } //Order by games -> patch -> DLC -> themes so nothing goes wrong //This will not change the order in the list view //But it is not necessary anyway, as each object has an instance //To the UI ps4PkgList.Sort(); ResizeListViewColumns(this.listViewItemsQueue, listViewHwnd); }
public void StartServer(PkgInfo info) { foreach (var proc in NodeJSUtil.GetNodeProcesses()) { NodeJsProcessSet.Add(proc.Id); } Logger.WriteLine("::StartServer - Starting server in directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(info.FilePath), Logger.Type.StandardOutput); var cmdProcess = new Process(); var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(info.FilePath); cmdProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; cmdProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = $"/C http-server \"{path}\" -p {GetNextBestPort()}"; cmdProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; cmdProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; if (Directory.GetLogicalDrives().Contains(path)) { cmdProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = cmdProcess.StartInfo.Arguments.Replace(@"\", @"\\"); } cmdProcess.Start(); //Assumption will be that it should always be found currentProcessPid = 0; while (currentProcessPid == 0) { try { var nodeProcesses = NodeJSUtil.GetNodeProcesses().ToList(); if (nodeProcesses.Count > 0) { currentProcessPid = nodeProcesses .Find(proc => !NodeJsProcessSet.Contains(proc.Id)) .Id; } } catch (Exception e) { } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } var temp = cmdProcess; while (temp.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } Stopwatch stopwatchTimeoutTracker = new Stopwatch(); stopwatchTimeoutTracker.Start(); IsRunning = false; //Couldn't think of a better solution //Just gotta hope this works well //Otherwise we'll be stuck here forever :( var stdout = ""; while (stdout != null) { stdout = temp.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); if (stdout != null) { if (stdout.ToLower().Contains("starting up http-server, serving")) { IsRunning = true; break; } Logger.WriteLine(stdout, Logger.Type.StandardOutput); } } if (!IsRunning && temp.HasExited) { var strdErr = temp.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); if (strdErr.Contains("EADDRINUSE")) { throw new ServerInitializationException("Address already in use"); } } }