private void ReadFontAlignZones() { SWFFont font = fontDict[this.sdtr.ReadUI16()]; if (font == null) { throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.SWFParsing, "Bad font ID in pixel alignment data", swf.Context); } font.ThicknessHint = (SWFFont.Thickness) this.sdtr.ReadUBits(2); /*(void)*/ this.sdtr.ReadUBits(6); /* Reserved */ char[] codes = font.CodePoints; for (int i = 0; i < codes.Length; i++) { PixelAlignment alignment = new PixelAlignment(); alignment.ZoneInfo = new PixelAlignment.ZoneData[this.sdtr.ReadUI8()]; for (int j = 0; j < alignment.ZoneInfo.Length; j++) { alignment.ZoneInfo[j] = new PixelAlignment.ZoneData() { AlignmentCoord = this.sdtr.ReadUI16(), Range = this.sdtr.ReadUI16() }; } /*(void)*/ this.sdtr.ReadUBits(6); /* Reserved */ alignment.HasY = this.sdtr.ReadBit(); alignment.HasX = this.sdtr.ReadBit(); font.AddPixelAlignment(codes[i], alignment); } }
private void WriteFont(SWFFont font, int fid) { WriteBuffer fontTag = this.OpenTag(Tag.DefineFont3, font.Name + "; id=" + fid); char[] codes = font.CodePoints; /* Tag.DefineFont3 */ { fontTag.WriteUI16((uint)fid); fontTag.WriteBit(font.HasLayout); fontTag.WriteBit(false); /* ISSUE 50: ShiftJIS support */ fontTag.WriteBit(font.IsSmall); fontTag.WriteBit(false); /* ISSUE 51: ANSI support, though I think this might never be false. */ fontTag.WriteBit(true); /* ISSUE 52: We always write wide offsets. This is because we're too lazy to measure our table. */ fontTag.WriteBit(true); /* Spec says must be true. */ fontTag.WriteBit(font.IsItalic); fontTag.WriteBit(font.IsBold); fontTag.WriteUI8((uint)font.LanguageCode); fontTag.WriteString(font.Name, true); fontTag.WriteUI16((uint)font.GlyphCount); byte[][] shapeData = new byte[font.GlyphCount][]; int totalShapeBytes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < font.GlyphCount; i++) { Tag format; shapeData[i] = ShapeWriter.ShapeToBytes(font.GetGlyphShape(codes[i]), out format); if (format != Tag.DefineFont3) { throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.Internal, "Can't write non-font shapes as glyphs"); } totalShapeBytes += shapeData[i].Length; } int startOffset = font.GlyphCount * 4 + 4; /* 4 bytes per offset (wide offsets) + 4 for the code table offset */ int nextOffset = startOffset; foreach (byte[] shapeBytes in shapeData) { fontTag.WriteUI32((uint)nextOffset); nextOffset += shapeBytes.Length; } fontTag.WriteUI32((uint)(startOffset + totalShapeBytes)); foreach (byte[] shapeBytes in shapeData) { fontTag.WriteBytes(shapeBytes); } foreach (char code in codes) { fontTag.WriteUI16((uint)code); } if (font.HasLayout) { fontTag.WriteSI16(font.Ascent.Value); fontTag.WriteSI16(font.Descent.Value); fontTag.WriteSI16(font.Leading.Value); Rect[] bounds = new Rect[font.GlyphCount]; int boundsPos = 0; foreach (char c in codes) { GlyphLayout gl = font.GetLayout(c); fontTag.WriteSI16(gl.Advance); bounds[boundsPos++] = gl.Bounds; } foreach (Rect bound in bounds) { fontTag.WriteRect(bound); fontTag.Align8(); } fontTag.WriteUI16((uint)font.KerningTable.Length); foreach (KerningPair kern in font.KerningTable) { fontTag.WriteUI16(kern.LeftChar); fontTag.WriteUI16(kern.RightChar); fontTag.WriteSI16(kern.Adjustment); } } } this.CloseTag(); if (font.HasPixelAlignment) { WriteBuffer zonesTag = this.OpenTag(Tag.DefineFontAlignZones, font.Name + "; id=" + fid); zonesTag.WriteUI16((uint)fid); if (font.ThicknessHint == null) { throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.Internal, "Can't have pixel aligmnent without a font thickness hint."); } zonesTag.WriteUBits((uint)font.ThicknessHint, 2); zonesTag.WriteUBits(0, 6); /* Reserved */ foreach (char c in codes) { PixelAlignment pa = font.GetPixelAligment(c); if (pa.ZoneInfo.Length != 2) { throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.Internal, "Pixel aligment should always have 2 zones."); } zonesTag.WriteUI8((uint)pa.ZoneInfo.Length); foreach (PixelAlignment.ZoneData zi in pa.ZoneInfo) { /* These int values are just unparsed 16-bit floats. */ zonesTag.WriteUI16((uint)zi.AlignmentCoord); zonesTag.WriteUI16((uint)zi.Range); } zonesTag.WriteUBits(0, 6); /* Reserved */ zonesTag.WriteBit(pa.HasY); zonesTag.WriteBit(pa.HasX); } this.CloseTag(); } if (font.HasExtraNameInfo) { WriteBuffer nameTag = this.OpenTag(Tag.DefineFontName, font.FullName + "; id=" + fid); nameTag.WriteUI16((uint)fid); nameTag.WriteString(font.FullName); nameTag.WriteString(font.Copyright); this.CloseTag(); } }