コード例 #1
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is Mobile)
                    if (targeted is PirateCaptain)
                        PirateCaptain cap = (PirateCaptain)targeted;

                        if (cap.Hits > cap.HitsMax / 10)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1116756); //The pirate seems to have too much fight left to be bound.
                        else if (cap.TryBound(from, m_Rope.Quest))
                            m_Rope.BoundMobile = cap;

                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1116721); //You begin binding the pirate.

                        from.SendMessage("They cannot by bound by that!");
                    from.SendMessage("They cannot by bound by that!");
コード例 #2
ファイル: SeaMarket.cs プロジェクト: sector1337/ServUO
        public static void TryPirateBlab(Mobile from, Mobile npc)
            if (m_PirateBlabTable.ContainsKey(from) && m_PirateBlabTable[from] > DateTime.UtcNow || BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Count <= 0)

            //Make of list of bounties on their map
            List <Mobile> bounties = new List <Mobile>();

            foreach (Mobile mob in BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Keys)
                if (mob.Map == from.Map && mob is PirateCaptain && !bounties.Contains(mob))

            if (bounties.Count > 0)
                Mobile bounty = bounties[Utility.Random(bounties.Count)];

                if (bounty != null)
                    PirateCaptain capt = (PirateCaptain)bounty;

                    int     xLong = 0, yLat = 0;
                    int     xMins = 0, yMins = 0;
                    bool    xEast = false, ySouth = false;
                    Point3D loc = capt.Location;
                    Map     map = capt.Map;

                    string locArgs;
                    //string nameArgs;
                    string combine;

                    if (Sextant.Format(loc, map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth))
                        locArgs = String.Format("{0}°{1}'{2},{3}°{4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W");
                        locArgs = "?????";

                    combine = String.Format("{0}\t{1}", capt.PirateName > -1 ? String.Format("#{0}", capt.PirateName) : capt.Name, locArgs);

                    int cliloc = Utility.RandomMinMax(1149856, 1149865);
                    npc.SayTo(from, cliloc, combine);

                    m_PirateBlabTable[from] = DateTime.UtcNow + BlabDuration;

コード例 #3
ファイル: DeathCertificate.cs プロジェクト: pallop/Servuo
        public DeathCertificate(Mobile owner)
            : base(0x14F0)
            if (owner is PirateCaptain)
                PirateCaptain capt = (PirateCaptain)owner;

                if (capt.PirateName > 0)
                    m_Owner = String.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t#{2}", capt.Adjective, capt.Noun, capt.PirateName);
                    m_Owner = String.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t{2}", capt.Adjective, capt.Noun, Name);
コード例 #4
        public void SpawnPirateAndGalleon(SpawnZone zone, Map map)
            SpawnDefinition def = m_Zones[zone];

            if (map != Map.Internal && map != null)
                Rectangle2D   rec    = def.SpawnRegion;
                OrcishGalleon gal    = new OrcishGalleon(Direction.North);
                PirateCaptain pirate = new PirateCaptain(gal);
                pirate.Zone = zone;
                gal.Owner   = pirate;
                Point3D p       = Point3D.Zero;
                bool    spawned = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                    int x = Utility.Random(rec.X, rec.Width);
                    int y = Utility.Random(rec.Y, rec.Height);
                    p = new Point3D(x, y, -5);

                    if (gal.CanFit(p, map, gal.ItemID))
                        spawned = true;

                if (!spawned)

                int gold = Utility.RandomMinMax(GoldRange[0], GoldRange[1]);
                gal.MoveToWorld(p, map);
                pirate.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(gal.X, gal.Y - 1, gal.ZSurface), map);

                int crewCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);

                for (int i = 0; i < crewCount; i++)
                    Mobile crew = new PirateCrew();

                    if (i == 0)
                        crew.Title = "the orc captain";

                    crew.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(gal.X + Utility.RandomList(-1, 1), gal.Y + Utility.RandomList(-1, 0, 1), gal.ZSurface), map);

                Point2D[] course = def.GetRandomWaypoints();
                gal.BoatCourse = new BoatCourse(gal, new List <Point2D>(def.GetRandomWaypoints()));

                gal.NextNavPoint = 0;
                gal.StartCourse(false, false);


                m_Bounties.Add(pirate, gold);
コード例 #5
        public BountyBoardGump(int index) : base(20, 20)
            int darkHue  = 19686;
            int lightHue = 19884;

            AddAlphaRegion(50, 50, 50, 50);
            AddImage(0, 0, 5400);

            AddHtmlLocalized(172, 37, 200, 16, 1116689, darkHue, false, false);   // WANTED FOR PIRACY
            AddHtmlLocalized(166, 320, 200, 16, 1116703, darkHue, false, false);  // WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE

            AddHtmlLocalized(180, 135, 200, 16, 1116704, lightHue, false, false); //Notice to all sailors
            AddHtmlLocalized(130, 150, 300, 16, 1116705, lightHue, false, false); //There be a bounty on these lowlifes!
            AddHtmlLocalized(150, 170, 300, 16, 1116706, lightHue, false, false); //See officers fer information.
            AddHtmlLocalized(195, 190, 300, 16, 1116707, lightHue, false, false); //********

            if (index < 0)
                index = 0;
            if (index >= BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Count)
                index = BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Count - 1;

            List <Mobile> mobs = new List <Mobile>(BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Keys);

            if (mobs.Count == 0)

            int y      = 210;
            int idx    = 0;
            int reward = 1116696; //Reward: ~1_val~
            int cliloc = 1116690; //~1_val~ ~2_val~ ~3_val~

            for (int i = index; i < mobs.Count; i++)
                if (idx++ > 4)

                Mobile mob      = mobs[i];
                int    toReward = 1000;

                BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.TryGetValue(mob, out toReward);
                PirateCaptain capt = mob as PirateCaptain;

                if (capt == null)

                string args;

                if (capt.PirateName > 0)
                    args = String.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t#{2}", capt.Adjective, capt.Noun, capt.PirateName);
                    args = String.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t{2}", capt.Adjective, capt.Noun, capt.Name);

                AddHtmlLocalized(110, y, 160, 16, cliloc, args, lightHue, false, false);
                AddHtmlLocalized(280, y, 125, 16, reward, toReward.ToString(), lightHue, false, false);

                y += 16;

            AddButton(362, 115, 2084, 2084, 1 + index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(362, 342, 2085, 2085, 500 + index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #6
        public override void GiveRewards()
            bool captured = false;

            foreach (BaseObjective obj in Objectives)
                if (obj is BountyQuestObjective && ((BountyQuestObjective)obj).Captured)
                    BountyQuestObjective o = (BountyQuestObjective)obj;
                    captured = true;

                    if (o.CapturedCaptain != null && o.CapturedCaptain is PirateCaptain)
                        PirateCaptain p = o.CapturedCaptain as PirateCaptain;
                        p.Quest = null;

                    o.CapturedCaptain = null;
                    o.Captured        = false;

            if (Owner == null)

            int totalAward = 7523;

            if (m_Captain != null && BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.ContainsKey(m_Captain))
                totalAward = BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties[m_Captain];

            int eachAward = totalAward;

            if (m_Helpers.Count > 1)
                eachAward = totalAward / m_Helpers.Count;

            foreach (Mobile mob in m_Helpers)
                if (mob.NetState != null || mob == Owner)
                    mob.AddToBackpack(new Gold(eachAward));

                    if (captured)
                        Item reward = Loot.Construct(m_CapturedRewards[Utility.Random(m_CapturedRewards.Length)]);

                        if (reward != null)
                            if (reward is RuinedShipPlans)
                                mob.SendLocalizedMessage(1149838); //Here is something special!  It's a salvaged set of orc ship plans.  Parts of it are unreadable, but if you could get another copy you might be able to fill in some of the missing parts...
                                mob.SendLocalizedMessage(1149840); //Here is some special cannon ammunition.  It's imported!
                            if (reward is HeavyFlameCannonball || reward is LightFlameCannonball || reward is HeavyFrostCannonball || reward is LightFrostCannonball)
                                reward.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 10);


                    mob.SendLocalizedMessage(1149825, String.Format("{0}\t{1}", totalAward, eachAward)); //Here's your share of the ~1_val~ reward money, you get ~2_val~ gold.  You've earned it!
                    foreach (Mobile mobile in m_Helpers)
                        if (mobile != mob && mobile.NetState != null)
                            mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1149837, String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", eachAward, mob.Name, Owner.Name)); //~1_val~ gold is for ~2_val~, I can't find them so I'm giving this to Captain ~3_val~.

                    Owner.AddToBackpack(new Gold(eachAward));

            if (m_Captain != null && m_Captain.Alive)

コード例 #7
        public override void AddGumpLayout()
            AddAlphaRegion(50, 50, 50, 50);
            AddImage(0, 0, 5400);

            AddHtmlLocalized(150, 37, 190, 16, CenterLoc, "#1116689", darkHue, false, false);  // WANTED FOR PIRACY
            AddHtmlLocalized(150, 320, 190, 16, CenterLoc, "#1116703", darkHue, false, false); // WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE

            AddHtmlLocalized(180, 135, 200, 16, 1116704, lightHue, false, false);              //Notice to all sailors
            AddHtmlLocalized(130, 150, 300, 16, 1116705, lightHue, false, false);              //There be a bounty on these lowlifes!
            AddHtmlLocalized(150, 170, 300, 16, 1116706, lightHue, false, false);              //See officers fer information.
            AddHtmlLocalized(195, 190, 300, 16, 1116707, lightHue, false, false);              //********

            if (Index < 0)
                Index = 0;
            if (Index >= BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Count)
                Index = BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Count - 1;

            List <Mobile> mobs = new List <Mobile>(BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.Keys);

            if (mobs.Count == 0)

            int y   = 210;
            int idx = 0;

            for (int i = Index; i < mobs.Count; i++)
                if (idx++ > 4)

                Mobile mob      = mobs[i];
                int    toReward = 1000;

                BountyQuestSpawner.Bounties.TryGetValue(mob, out toReward);
                PirateCaptain capt = mob as PirateCaptain;

                if (capt == null)

                string args;

                if (User.NetState != null && User.NetState.IsEnhancedClient && VendorSearch.StringList != null)
                    var strList = VendorSearch.StringList;

                    args = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", strList.GetString(capt.Adjective), strList.GetString(capt.Noun), capt.PirateName > 0 ? strList.GetString(capt.PirateName) : capt.Name);

                    AddHtml(110, y, 400, 16, Color(C16232(lightHue), args), false, false);
                    if (capt.PirateName > 0)
                        args = string.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t#{2}", capt.Adjective, capt.Noun, capt.PirateName);
                        args = string.Format("#{0}\t#{1}\t{2}", capt.Adjective, capt.Noun, capt.Name);

                    AddHtmlLocalized(110, y, 400, 16, 1116690 + (idx - 1), args, lightHue, false, false); // ~1_val~ ~2_val~ ~3_val~

                AddHtmlLocalized(280, y, 125, 16, 1116696 + (idx - 1), toReward.ToString(), lightHue, false, false); // Reward: ~1_val~

                y += 16;

            AddButton(362, 115, 2084, 2084, 1 + Index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(362, 342, 2085, 2085, 500 + Index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #8
        public void SpawnPirateAndGalleon(SpawnZone zone, Map map)
            SpawnDefinition def = m_Zones[zone];

            if (map != Map.Internal && map != null)
                Rectangle2D   rec    = def.SpawnRegion;
                OrcishGalleon gal    = new OrcishGalleon(Direction.North);
                PirateCaptain pirate = new PirateCaptain(gal);
                pirate.Zone = zone;
                gal.Owner   = pirate;
                Point3D p       = Point3D.Zero;
                bool    spawned = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                    int x = Utility.Random(rec.X, rec.Width);
                    int y = Utility.Random(rec.Y, rec.Height);
                    p = new Point3D(x, y, -5);

                    if (gal.CanFit(p, map, gal.ItemID))
                        spawned = true;

                if (!spawned)

                int gold = Utility.RandomMinMax(GoldRange[0], GoldRange[1]);
                gal.MoveToWorld(p, map);
                pirate.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(gal.X, gal.Y - 1, gal.ZSurface), map);

                int crewCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);

                for (int i = 0; i < crewCount; i++)
                    Mobile crew = new PirateCrew();

                    if (i == 0)
                        crew.Title = "the orc captain";

                    crew.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(gal.X + Utility.RandomList(-1, 1), gal.Y + Utility.RandomList(-1, 0, 1), gal.ZSurface), map);

                Point2D[] course = def.GetRandomWaypoints();
                gal.BoatCourse = new BoatCourse(gal, new List <Point2D>(def.GetRandomWaypoints()));

                gal.NextNavPoint = 0;
                gal.StartCourse(false, false);

                /*MapItem mapItem = new MapItem(map);
                 * if (map == Map.Tokuno)
                 *  mapItem.SetDisplay(5, 5, 1448 - 32, 1448 - 10, 400, 400);
                 * else
                 *  mapItem.SetDisplay(5, 5, 5120 - 32, 4096 - 10, 400, 400);
                 * for (int i = 0; i < course.Length; i++)
                 *  mapItem.AddWorldPin(course[i].X, course[i].Y);
                 * pirate.Backpack.DropItem(mapItem);
                 * gal.MapItem = mapItem;*/

                //mapItem.Name = "Pirate Map";

                //if (0.90 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                //    mapItem.Movable = false;

                m_Bounties.Add(pirate, gold);