public void Test_000_FloorCheck() { try { Game1 game = new Game1(); Vector3 camEyeVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Vector3 camPositionVector = Vector3.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1.6f, 0)); Vector3 deltaVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.001f); Vector3 AABBOffsetCamera = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f); Matrix theCamera = Matrix.CreateLookAt(camPositionVector, camEyeVector, Vector3.Up); Camera camera = new Camera(theCamera, camPositionVector, camEyeVector, deltaVector, AABBOffsetCamera); string modelPigeon = "Models/SK_Pigeon"; string texturePigeon = "Maya/sourceimages/pigeon_normal2"; Vector3 predictedPigeon = camPositionVector; Vector3 positionPigeon = camPositionVector; Vector3 rotationPigeon = new Vector3(-90, 0, 0) + deltaVector; Vector3 AABBOffsetPigeon = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f); float scalePigeon = 0.05f; Pigeon pigeon = new Pigeon(game.Content, modelPigeon, texturePigeon, predictedPigeon, positionPigeon, rotationPigeon, scalePigeon, AABBOffsetPigeon, camera); Assert.Pass(); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public void CreatePigeonTest() { Pigeon pigeon = new Pigeon(); Assert.AreEqual(pigeon.PowerPoints, 1); Assert.AreEqual(pigeon.SpeedPoints, 3); }
public ActionResult Edit(PigeonDetailsViewModel viewModel) { int year; if (!int.TryParse(viewModel.Detail.Year, out year)) { AddModelError(viewModel, m => m.Detail.Year, StyleContext.GetTranslation(Dom.Translation.Pigeon.IncorrectYear)); } else { if (year < DateTime.Now.AddYears(-25).Year || year > DateTime.Now.Year) { AddModelError(viewModel, m => m.Detail.Year, StyleContext.GetTranslation(Dom.Translation.Pigeon.IncorrectYear)); } } if (ModelState.IsValid) { Pigeon pigeon = _pigeonRepository.Get <Pigeon>(viewModel.Detail.Id); pigeon.Year = year; pigeon.Code = viewModel.Detail.Code; pigeon.Number = viewModel.Detail.Number; pigeon.SexId = viewModel.Detail.SexId; _pigeonRepository.UnitOfWork.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(Mvc.Controller.Pigeon.Details, Mvc.Controller.Pigeon.Name, new { id = viewModel.Detail.Id })); } viewModel.Detail.SexItems = InitSexSelectListItems(); return(View(Mvc.View.Pigeon.Edit, viewModel)); }
private void empAddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var pigeon = new Pigeon { PigeonId = $"H{(DatabaseInstance.PigeonTable.Count + 1).ToString("00000")}", PigeonName = psswordAddTextBox.Text, PublicKey = "ほげ", StatusId = "d" }; DatabaseInstance.PigeonTable.Insert(pigeon); DatabaseInstance.PigeonTable.Sync(); var emp = new Employee { EmployeeId = empId.Text, Password = psswordAddTextBox.Text, EmployeeName = empNameTextBox.Text, EmployeeKatakana = empKanaTextBox.Text, AffiliationId = affiliationId.Text, PhoneNumber = empPhoneTextBox.Text, PigeonId = pigeon.PigeonId, WorkingFlag = true }; DatabaseInstance.EmployeeTable.Insert(emp); DatabaseInstance.EmployeeTable.Sync(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("社員の追加に失敗しました"); } }
public override void Deplacement(int dimX, int dimY, Pigeon unPerso) { if (unPerso.Y > 0 && unPerso.Y < 20 && unPerso.X > 0 && unPerso.X < 20) //empeche de sortir du cadre { if (unPerso.target2.X != unPerso.X) { if (unPerso.target2.X > unPerso.X) { unPerso.X--; } else { unPerso.X++; } } if (unPerso.target2.Y != unPerso.Y) { if (unPerso.target2.Y > unPerso.Y) { unPerso.Y--; } else { unPerso.Y++; } } } }
/* * public class Bird * { * public string Name { get; private set; } * public string Color { get; private set; } * * public Bird(string name, string color) * { * Name = name; * Color = color; * } * * public void Speak() * { * Console.WriteLine($"My name is {Name} and I am a {Color} bird."); * } * * public void Fly() * { * Console.WriteLine($"I'm {Name} and I can fly high in the blue sky!"); * } * } * * public class Pigeon : Bird * { * //The Pigeon constructor calls the base class Bird constructor * //The name and color parameters are passed to the Bird constructor * public Pigeon(string name, string color) : base(name, color) * { * } * * public void EatPizza() * { * Console.WriteLine("Delicious pizza!"); * } * public void Sleep(string condition) * { * string Condition = condition; * Console.WriteLine($"im a {Condition} sleepy bird :)"); * } * * } * */ static void Main(string[] args) { Pigeon pippa = new Pigeon("Pippa", "Grey"); pippa.Speak(); pippa.Fly(); pippa.EatPizza(); pippa.Spin(); pippa.DoTheCaterpillar(); pippa.Jump(); Penguin pingu = new Penguin("Pingu", "Black & White"); pingu.Speak(); pingu.Fly(); pingu.Spin(); Parrot rio = new Parrot("rio", "blue"); rio.Speak(); rio.Spin(); pingu.Jump(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("\nPress enter to close..."); Console.ReadLine(); #endif }
void Start() { pigeon = GameManager.scene.pigeon; SetTargets(pigeon.cam_follow_target, pigeon.cam_lookat_target); target_follow_speed = follow_lerp_speed; target_fov = cam.fieldOfView; }
public ViewResult Edit(int pigeonId) { Pigeon pigeon = repository.GetAllPigeons() .FirstOrDefault(g => g.PigeonId == pigeonId); PigeonViewModel pigeonDTO = new PigeonViewModel(pigeon); return(View(pigeonDTO)); }
void SpawnPigeon() { Vector2 circlePos = Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized * 50; Vector3 pos = new Vector3(circlePos.x, 30, circlePos.y); Pigeon p = Instantiate(pigeonPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity, birdsPlayground); pigeons.Add(p); }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { birbTouched = col.gameObject.GetComponent <Pigeon>(); if (birbTouched != null) { birbTouched.addLetter(this); } }
internal static void ReturnPigeon(Pigeon pigeon) { pigeon.StopMoving(); Instance.bodies.ReturnToParent(pigeon.GetBodyPart()); Instance.backWings.ReturnToParent(pigeon.GetBackWingPart()); Instance.frontWings.ReturnToParent(pigeon.GetFrontWingPart()); Instance.pigeons.Return(pigeon); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Dog doggie = new Dog(); Cat cattie = new Cat(); Pigeon pigeonnie = new Pigeon(); Console.WriteLine(doggie.TalkToOwner()); Console.WriteLine(cattie.TalkToOwner()); Console.WriteLine(pigeonnie.TalkToOwner()); }
public PigeonViewModel(Pigeon pigeon) { PigeonId = pigeon.PigeonId; PigeonName = pigeon.PigeonName; Description = pigeon.Description; Category = pigeon.Category; BasicPrice = pigeon.BasicPrice; ImageData = pigeon.ImageData; ImageMimeType = pigeon.ImageMimeType; }
static void Test3() { Console.WriteLine("Тест 3(Создание птиц):"); var pigeon = new Pigeon(); Info(pigeon); var penguin = new Penguin(); Info(penguin); }
public IEnumerator DrawPigeonEvent() //mainn function that draws new event and does it { while (true) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(pigeonTimer)); Pigeon pigeon = PigeonFactory.GetInstance(); pigeon.StartMoving(); } }
public ActionResult Add(PigeonAddViewModel viewModel) { int year; if (!int.TryParse(viewModel.Year, out year)) { AddModelError(viewModel, m => m.Year, StyleContext.GetTranslation(Dom.Translation.Pigeon.IncorrectYear)); } else { if (year < DateTime.Now.AddYears(-25).Year || year > DateTime.Now.Year) { AddModelError(viewModel, m => m.Year, StyleContext.GetTranslation(Dom.Translation.Pigeon.IncorrectYear)); } } if (ModelState.IsValid) { Pigeon pigeon = Pigeon.Empty(); pigeon.MemberId = viewModel.OwnerId.Value; pigeon.SexId = viewModel.SexId; pigeon.Year = year; pigeon.Code = viewModel.Code; pigeon.Number = viewModel.Number; var member = _memberRepository.Get <Member>(pigeon.MemberId); var organizationId = member.EntityInfo.EntityOrganizations.First().OrganizationId; EntityContext.AddEntityProgress( pigeon.EntityInfo, new EntityProgress { OrganizationId = organizationId, EntityStateAfterId = Dom.EntityType.Pigeon.State.Created } ); EntityContext.AddEntityOrganization( pigeon.EntityInfo, organizationId, Dom.EntityType.Pigeon.State.Created ); _pigeonRepository.AddOrUpdate(pigeon); _pigeonRepository.UnitOfWork.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(Mvc.Controller.Pigeon.List, Mvc.Controller.Pigeon.Name)); } ICollection <SelectListItemCount> owners = _memberRepository.GetMembers( UserContext.User.Id, UserContext.User.OrganizationId ); viewModel.SexItems = InitSexSelectListItems(); viewModel.OwnerItems = Mapper.Map <ICollection <SelectListItem> >(owners); return(View(Mvc.View.Pigeon.Add, viewModel)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Capability"; Pigeon joey = new Pigeon(); Chicken lola = new Chicken(); Caller call = new Caller(); call.Describe(joey); call.Describe(lola); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Override"; Pigeon joey = new Pigeon(); Chicken lola = new Chicken(); Describe(joey); Describe(lola); Console.ReadKey(); }
public ActionResult Delete(int pigeonId) { Pigeon deletedPigeon = repository.DeletePigeon(pigeonId); if (deletedPigeon != null) { TempData["message"] = string.Format("Pigeon \"{0}\" was deleted", deletedPigeon.PigeonName); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public RedirectToRouteResult RemoveFromCart(Cart cart, int PigeonId, string returnUrl) { Pigeon Pigeon = repository.GetAllPigeons() .FirstOrDefault(g => g.PigeonId == PigeonId); if (Pigeon != null) { cart.RemoveLine(Pigeon); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { returnUrl })); }
public void EatFruitsTestEatPeaFail() { Point point = new Point() { X = 1, Y = 1 }; Pigeon warior = new Pigeon() { Position = point }; Fruit fruit = new Pear() { Position = new Point() { X = 0, Y = 0 } }; List<Figure> fruits = new List<Figure>() { fruit }; int wariorSpeed = warior.SpeedPoints; _playersManager.EatFruits(warior, fruits); Assert.AreEqual(wariorSpeed, warior.SpeedPoints); CollectionAssert.Contains(fruits, fruit); }
public void EatFruitsTestEatAppleSuccess() { Point point = new Point() { X = 1, Y = 1 }; Pigeon warior = new Pigeon() { Position = point }; Fruit fruit = new Apple() { Position = point }; List<Figure> fruits = new List<Figure>() { fruit }; int wariorPower = warior.PowerPoints; _playersManager.EatFruits(warior, fruits); Assert.AreEqual(++wariorPower, warior.PowerPoints); CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(fruits, fruit); }
public void SpawnCar() { if (active) { GameObject pigeonClone = Pigeon.Instantiate(pigeon, this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation); var pigeonCloneScript = pigeonClone.GetComponent <Pigeon>(); pigeonCloneScript.direction = direction; pigeonCloneScript.lifetime = lifetime; pigeonCloneScript.speed = speed; pigeonClone.tag = "car"; } }
public void WarriorMovingOutsideTheGameFieldThrowsIndexOutOfRangeException() { // Arrange var pigeon = new Pigeon('1') { Position = new Position(0, 0) }; // Act and Assert Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => pigeon.Move(Direction.Up)); }
public Pigeon DeletePigeon(int pigeonId) { using (EFDbContext context = new EFDbContext()) { Pigeon dbEntry = context.Pigeons.Find(pigeonId); if (dbEntry != null) { context.Pigeons.Remove(dbEntry); context.SaveChanges(); } return(dbEntry); } }
public Pigeon ToPigeon() { Pigeon pigeon = new Pigeon(); pigeon.PigeonId = PigeonId; pigeon.PigeonName = PigeonName; pigeon.Description = Description; pigeon.Category = Category; pigeon.BasicPrice = BasicPrice; pigeon.ImageData = ImageData; pigeon.ImageMimeType = ImageMimeType; return(pigeon); }
public static void InitializeEntitiesAndDTOs(TestContext testContext) { animalDTOBase = new PigeonDTO() { Name = "Pidgey", MaxAltitude = 100, IsReal = true, Skill = SpecialSkill.FLY }; animalBase = new Pigeon("Pidgey", 100, true, 0, SpecialSkill.FLY); foreach (int value in Enumerable.Range(1, 10)) { Animal pigeon = new Pigeon($"PidgeyNo.{value}", value * 100, false, value - 1, SpecialSkill.FLY); Animal hawk = new Hawk($"FearowNo.{value}", value * 200, false, value - 1, SpecialSkill.FLY, (Bird)pigeon); Animal rattlesnake = new Rattlesnake($"RattlesnakeNo.{value}", value * 10, true, SpecialSkill.BITE); animalsBase.Add(pigeon); animalsBase.Add(hawk); animalsBase.Add(rattlesnake); AnimalDTO pigeonDTO = new PigeonDTO() { Name = $"PidgeyNo.{value}", MaxAltitude = value * 100, IsReal = false, Skill = SpecialSkill.FLY }; AnimalDTO hawkDTO = new HawkDTO() { Name = $"FearowNo.{value}", MaxAltitude = value * 200, IsReal = false, Skill = SpecialSkill.FLY, FlyingPartner = (Bird)pigeon }; AnimalDTO rattlesnakeDTO = new RattlesnakeDTO() { Name = $"RattlesnakeNo.{value}", Length = value * 10, IsPoisonous = true, Skill = SpecialSkill.BITE }; animalDTOsBase.Add(pigeonDTO); animalDTOsBase.Add(hawkDTO); animalDTOsBase.Add(rattlesnakeDTO); } }
public static Pigeon GetInstance() { int direction = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2); Vector3 startPos =; if (direction == 0) { direction = -1; startPos = new Vector3( GameManager.CameraXBound.Right + EnemyFactory.GetSpawnOffsetX(GameManager.CurrentDifficulty), UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameManager.CameraYBound.Left + Instance.yOffset, GameManager.CameraYBound.Right - Instance.yOffset)); } else { startPos = new Vector3( GameManager.CameraXBound.Left - EnemyFactory.GetSpawnOffsetX(GameManager.CurrentDifficulty), UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameManager.CameraYBound.Left + Instance.yOffset, GameManager.CameraYBound.Right - Instance.yOffset)); } Pigeon pigeon = Instance.pigeons.Get(); pigeon.transform.position = startPos; Transform body = Instance.bodies.GetRandom().transform; Transform backWing = Instance.backWings.GetRandom().transform; Transform frontWing = Instance.frontWings.GetRandom().transform; pigeon.Direction = direction; Vector3 oldScale = pigeon.transform.localScale; pigeon.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-direction * Instance.scale, oldScale.y, oldScale.z); body.transform.parent = pigeon.bodyJoint.transform; backWing.transform.parent = pigeon.backWingJoint.transform; frontWing.transform.parent = pigeon.frontWingJoint.transform; body.localScale =; backWing.localScale =; frontWing.localScale =; body.transform.localPosition =; backWing.transform.localPosition =; frontWing.transform.localPosition =; pigeon.head.sprite = ColdCry.Graphic.Graphics.GetRandomHead(); pigeon.MoveSpeed = GetPigeonSpeed(GameManager.CurrentDifficulty); return(pigeon); }
int PigeonHappiness(Pigeon pigeon) { // TBD - Final interface with GamwObject Pigeon // temp random indication if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup > cycleTimeNewPigeons)// happiness checks starts in delay { int happiness = Random.Range(1, 11); return(happiness); } else { return(5);//normal } }
public FileContentResult GetImage(int pigeonId) { Pigeon pigeon = repository.GetPigeon(pigeonId); if (pigeon != null) { return(File(pigeon.ImageData, pigeon.ImageMimeType)); } else { return(null); } }