コード例 #1
    void tryfetch() // todo: implement a sub method to simplify this one
        GameObject target = pickuptarget;

        // todo: if on top of pickup, move to the side

        // if fetch target exists
        if (timeSpentFetching < 5 && pickuptarget && pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Key != -1)
            PickupController targetController = target.GetComponentInChildren <PickupController>();
            // if at carry point location
            if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, target.transform.position + pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Value) < 1)//Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, this.transform.position) < target.transform.localScale.x)
                if (targetController)
                    // try to assign agent to carry point
                    if (targetController.assignAgentToCarryPoint(this.gameObject, pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Key))
                        if (agentcontroller)
                            // todo: need to locate the right sound effect
                            // agentcontroller.soundPlayer.clip = agentcontroller.holdClip;
                            // agentcontroller.soundPlayer.Play();
                        agentcontroller.agentState = AgentState.Holding;
                        agentDestination           = target.transform.position + pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Value;
                        if (targetController.checkIfCarryable()) // if enough agents carrying, start moving
                    else // if another agent took the spot already
                        if (targetController.maxAgentsReached()) // if no free spots left, give up
                            // todo: 'give up' animation
                            if (agentcontroller)
                                // todo: need to locate the right sound effect
                                //agentcontroller.soundPlayer.clip = agentcontroller.giveupClip;
                            pickuptarget = null;
                            pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(-1, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                            agentnav.stoppingDistance         = navStopDistanceBackup;
                        else // otherwise get new target carry point
                            pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset = targetController.getFreeCarryIndexAndOffset(this.gameObject);
                            // todo: give up after failing a number of times
                            agentDestination = target.transform.position + pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Value;
            else // not at carry point location yet
                //Debug.Log("pik is approaching pickup. distance: " + Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, target.transform.position + pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Value) + " with required distance 1");

                // check whether carry point was taken already - if so, get new carry point
                if (targetController.checkIfCarryPointOccupied(pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Key))
                    pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset = targetController.getFreeCarryIndexAndOffset(this.gameObject);
                    // todo: give up after failing a number of times

                // approach carry point
                agentDestination = target.transform.position + pickupCarryIndexAndPositionOffset.Value;
        else if (timeSpentFetching >= 5 || !pickuptarget)
            timeSpentFetching = 0;