} /* ValidateAll */ private void StartTheBackGroundProcedure() { DateTime n = DateTime.Now; String logFileName = OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.TempDirectory()) + "ImportGroupAssignments_Log_" + n.Year.ToString("0000") + "-" + n.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Day.ToString("00") + "_" + n.Hour.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Minute.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Hour.ToString("00") + ".txt"; backGroundLog = new PicesRunLog(logFileName); cancelBackGround = false; backGroundThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ImportAssignments)); backGroundThread.Start(); BackGroundTimer.Enabled = true; SourceDirectory.Enabled = false; BrowseSourceDir.Enabled = false; GroupName.Enabled = false; GroupDescription.Enabled = false; } /* StartTheHarvestingProcedure */
private void StartReconciliationThread() { String rootName = OSservices.GetRootNameOfDirectory(SourceDirectory.Text); DateTime d = DateTime.Now; String logFileName = OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.TempDirectory()) + rootName + "_ReconcileImageNames_" + d.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".txt"; // Any images that are not in the Database that are to be removed will be moved to the subdirectory structure below. removalDestRootDir = "c:\\Temp\\PicesDatabaseImageReconciliationRemovedImages\\" + rootName; OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(removalDestRootDir); reconcilingRunLog = new PicesRunLog(logFileName); Start.Enabled = false; SourceDirectory.ReadOnly = true; SourceDirectoryBrowse.Enabled = false; reconcilingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReconciliationThread)); reconcilingThread.Start(); Cancel.Enabled = true; RunStatsTimer.Enabled = true; } /* StartReconciliationThread */
private void SaveActiveTrainingModelFeatureData_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { modelNames = TrainingModel2.GetListOfTrainingModels(); if (modelNames != null) { foreach (String s in modelNames) { ModelName.Items.Add(s); } } ModelName.Text = OSservices.GetRootName(initialModelName); String[] fileFormats = PicesFeatureFileIO.RegisteredDriverNames(false, true); if (fileFormats != null) { foreach (String ff in fileFormats) { FileFormat.Items.Add(ff); } } FileFormat.Text = "Pices"; DestinationFileName.Text = OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.TempDirectory()) + ModelName.Text + ".data"; }
} /* StartTheBackGroundProcedure */ private void BackGroundProcess() { backGroundRunning = true; PicesDataBase.ThreadInit(); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(reportFileDir); DateTime n = DateTime.Now; String logFileName = OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.TempDirectory()) + "InstrumentDataByDeployment_Log_" + n.Year.ToString("0000") + "-" + n.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Day.ToString("00") + "_" + n.Hour.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Minute.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Hour.ToString("00") + ".txt"; backGroundLog = new PicesRunLog(logFileName); PicesDataBase threadConn = PicesDataBase.GetGlobalDatabaseManagerNewInstance(backGroundLog); RunLogAddMsg("Cruise [" + cruiseName + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Station [" + stationName + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Deployment [" + deploymentNum + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Start Date/Time [" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Active DataBase [" + threadConn.Server.Description + "]" + "\n"); PicesSipperDeploymentList deployments = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentNum)) { PicesSipperDeployment d = threadConn.SipperDeploymentLoad(cruiseName, stationName, deploymentNum); if (d != null) { deployments = new PicesSipperDeploymentList(); deployments.Add(d); } } else { deployments = threadConn.SipperDeploymentLoad(cruiseName, stationName); } if (deployments == null) { RunLogAddMsg("\n\nNo Deployments for Specified Criteria!\n\n"); return; } int reportNum = 0; foreach (PicesSipperDeployment d in deployments) { if (cancelBackGround) { break; } reportNum++; RunLogAddMsg("Generating Report " + reportNum.ToString() + " of " + deployments.Count.ToString()); SummarizeInstrumentDataForADeployment(threadConn, d.CruiseName, d.StationName, d.DeploymentNum); } threadConn.Close(); threadConn = null; GC.Collect(); PicesDataBase.ThreadEnd(); backGroundRunning = false; } /* BackGroundProcess */