public static bool Test_GetDirs() { PhysFS.Initialize(); string[] cdromDirs = PhysFS.Instance.CdRomDirectories; #if PRINT_INFO Debug.WriteLine($" CdRom available dirs: {string.Join(", ", cdromDirs)}"); #endif string baseDir = PhysFS.Instance.BaseDirectory; #if PRINT_INFO Debug.WriteLine($" Base Dir: {baseDir}"); #endif string userDir = PhysFS.Instance.UserDirectory; #if PRINT_INFO Debug.WriteLine($" User Dir: {userDir}"); #endif PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_PhysFSStreamWrite() { PhysFS.Initialize(); PhysFS.Instance.WriteDirectory = TestWriteDir; Debug.WriteLine($" Write Dir: {PhysFS.Instance.WriteDirectory}"); PhysFSFile file = PhysFSFile.OpenWrite("test-write-stream.txt"); using (PhysFSStream stream = new PhysFSStream(file)) { string text = "Just a PhysFSFileWrite test..."; byte[] textBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text); Debug.WriteLine($" Before writing, file length: {stream.Length}"); Debug.WriteLine(" Writing to file"); stream.Write(textBytes, 0, textBytes.Length); Debug.WriteLine($" After writing, file length: {stream.Length}"); } PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_Archiver() { PhysFS.Initialize(); TestArchiver archiver = new TestArchiver(); PhysFS.Instance.RegisterArchiver(archiver); PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo[] supportedArchiveTypes = PhysFS.Instance.SupportedArchiveTypes; #if PRINT_INFO foreach (PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo archiveInfo in supportedArchiveTypes) { Debug.WriteLine($" ext: {archiveInfo.Extension} | desc: {archiveInfo.Description} | author: {archiveInfo.Author} | url: {archiveInfo.Url} | sym links: {archiveInfo.SupportsSymlinks == 1}"); } #endif PhysFS.Instance.Mount("folder/hue", mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); ShowAllFilesAt("/"); ShowSearchPaths(); using (PhysFSStream stream = new PhysFSStream(PhysFSFile.OpenRead("file a"))) { byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length]; int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); Debug.WriteLine($" File contents:\n{text}"); Debug.WriteLine($" Bytes Read: {bytesRead}"); } PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_Mount() { PhysFS.Initialize(); bool ret = PhysFS.Instance.Mount(TestArchiveFilePath, mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(ret); }
public static bool Test_MountIOStream() { PhysFS.Initialize(); TestStream stream = new TestStream(""); PhysFS.Instance.MountIOStream(stream, "", mountPoint: "/", appendToPath: true); ShowAllFilesAt("/"); ShowSearchPaths(); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_MountHandle() { PhysFS.Initialize(); PhysFS.Instance.Mount("archive inside", mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); PhysFSFile file = PhysFSFile.OpenRead("inner"); PhysFS.Instance.MountHandle(file, "", mountPoint: "/inner archive things", appendToPath: true); ShowAllFilesAt("/"); ShowSearchPaths(); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_Stat() { PhysFS.Initialize(); PhysFS.Instance.Mount(TestFolder, mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); PHYSFS_Stat stat = PhysFS.Stat("test.txt"); System.DateTimeOffset createTime = System.DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(stat.CreateTime), modTime = System.DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(stat.ModTime), accessTime = System.DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(stat.AccessTime); Debug.WriteLine($" File Size: {stat.FileSize} bytes, ModTime: {modTime}, Create Time: {createTime}, Access Time: {accessTime}, File Type: {stat.FileType}, Is Readonly: {System.Convert.ToBoolean(stat.IsReadonly)}"); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_WriteDir() { PhysFS.Initialize(); Debug.WriteLine($" Setting Write Dir to '{TestWriteDir}'"); PhysFS.Instance.WriteDirectory = TestWriteDir; string writeDir = PhysFS.Instance.WriteDirectory; Debug.WriteLine($" Getting Write Dir: {writeDir}"); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(writeDir == TestWriteDir); }
public static bool Test_Allocator() { TestAllocator allocator = new TestAllocator { ShowDebugInfo = false }; PhysFS.Allocator = allocator; PhysFS.Initialize(); Debug.WriteLine(" Testing Mount"); PhysFS.Instance.Mount(TestFolder, mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); Debug.WriteLine(" Testing Unmount"); PhysFS.Instance.Unmount(TestFolder); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_MountMemory() { PhysFS.Initialize(); byte[] folderBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(""); Debug.WriteLine($" Reading '', size: {folderBytes.Length} bytes"); Debug.WriteLine(" Mounting file on memory"); PhysFS.Instance.MountMemory(folderBytes, "", "/memory-mount-test/", appendToPath: true); ShowAllFilesAt("/"); ShowSearchPaths(); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_SupportedArchiveTypes() { PhysFS.Initialize(); PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo[] supportedArchiveTypes = PhysFS.Instance.SupportedArchiveTypes; #if PRINT_INFO foreach (PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo archiveInfo in supportedArchiveTypes) { Debug.WriteLine($" ext: {archiveInfo.Extension} | desc: {archiveInfo.Description} | author: {archiveInfo.Author} | url: {archiveInfo.Url} | sym links: {archiveInfo.SupportsSymlinks == 1}"); } #endif PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_ReadWriteBytes() { PhysFS.Initialize(); //PhysFS.Instance.WriteDirectory = TestFolder; PhysFS.Instance.Mount(TestFolder, mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); string filename = "test.txt"; Debug.WriteLine($" Reading '{filename}' file"); PhysFSFile file = PhysFSFile.OpenRead(filename); using (PhysFSStream stream = new PhysFSStream(file)) { uint value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* * if (stream.WriteULE16(60)) { * Debug.WriteLine(" Write to file"); * } else { * Debug.WriteLine(" Can't write to file"); * } */ if (stream.ReadULE32(ref value)) { Debug.WriteLine($" Read ULE 32: {value}"); } else { Debug.WriteLine(" Can't Read ULE 32"); } } Debug.WriteLine($" Current Stream Pos: {stream.Position}"); } PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_PhysFSStreamRead() { PhysFS.Initialize(); PhysFS.Instance.Mount(TestFolder, mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); Debug.WriteLine($" Reading 'just a text.txt' file"); PhysFSFile file = PhysFSFile.OpenRead("test.txt"); using (PhysFSStream stream = new PhysFSStream(file)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length]; int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); //Debug.WriteLine($" File contents:\n{text}"); Debug.WriteLine($" Bytes Read: {bytesRead}"); } PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); }
public static bool Test_Enumerate() { PhysFS.Initialize(); PhysFS.Instance.Mount(TestFolder, mountPoint: "", appendToPath: true); Debug.WriteLine(" Enumerating all files (explicit callback result returning):"); PhysFS.Instance.Enumerate( "/", FileCallbackExplicit ); Debug.WriteLine(" Enumerating all files (using enumerator):"); PhysFS.Instance.Enumerate( "/", FileCallbackEnumerator ); PhysFS.Deinitialize(); return(true); PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult FileCallbackExplicit(string dir, string filename) { /* * To stop enumerating: * * if (filename.Contains("test")) { * Debug.WriteLine(" > stopping..."); * return PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult.PHYSFS_ENUM_STOP; * } * * * To signaling an error to PhysFS: * * if (filename.Contains("test")) { * Debug.WriteLine(" > some error has happened!"); * return PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult.PHYSFS_ENUM_ERROR; * } */ Debug.WriteLine($" dir: {dir}, filename: {filename}"); return(PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult.PHYSFS_ENUM_OK); } IEnumerator FileCallbackEnumerator(string dir, string filename) { /* * To stop enumerating: * * if (filename.Contains("test")) { * Debug.WriteLine(" > stopping..."); * yield false; * } * * * To signaling an error to PhysFS: * * if (filename.Contains("test")) { * Debug.WriteLine(" > some error has happened!"); * yield break; * } */ Debug.WriteLine($" dir: {dir}, filename: {filename}"); yield return(true); } }