static void Main(string[] args) { var photo = Photo.LoadPhoto("C:\\photos\\Mypic.jpg"); //PhotoProcessor.PhotoHandler photoHandler = PhotoFilters.ApplyBrightness; // photoHandler += PhotoFilters.ApplyContrast; Action <Photo> photoHandler = PhotoFilters.ApplyBrightness; photoHandler += PhotoFilters.ApplyContrast; PhotoProcessor.ProcessPhoto(photo, photoHandler); //declare, use , instantiate, call the holding method var photo2 = Photo.LoadPhoto("MyPic"); photoHandler -= PhotoFilters.ApplyContrast; photoHandler += MyOwnFilters.MakeBlackAndWhite; PhotoProcessor.ProcessPhoto(photo2, photoHandler); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 for Factory Pattern. \n" + "Enter 2 for Observer Pattern."); int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: var ef = new EmployeeFactory(); Console.WriteLine(ef.GetEmployee(1).GetBonus()); Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: var observable = new TemperatureMonitor(); var observer = new TemperatureReporter(); observer.Subscribe(observable); observable.GetTemperature(); break; case 3: var editor = new Editor(); var history = new Momento.History(); editor.SetContent("a"); history.Push(editor.CreateState()); editor.SetContent("b"); history.Push(editor.CreateState()); editor.SetContent("c"); history.Push(editor.CreateState()); editor.Restore(history.Pop()); editor.Restore(history.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(editor.GetContent()); break; case 4: Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); canvas.SelectTool(new BrushTool()); canvas.MouseDown(); canvas.MouseUp(); break; case 5: BrowseHistory browseHistory = new BrowseHistory(); browseHistory.Push(""); browseHistory.Push(""); browseHistory.Push(""); browseHistory.Push(""); IIterator <string> iterator = browseHistory.CreateIterator(); while (iterator.HasNext()) { var url = iterator.Current(); Console.WriteLine(url);; } break; case 6: //The difference between State and Strategy pattern is that in state pattern there is only a single state of the object and the behaviour is determined by the implementation injected. //In strategy pattern there could be multiple behaviours in form of multiple properties inside class such as IFilter & ICompression. The implementation injected further changes the behaviour. PhotoProcessor photoProcessor = new PhotoProcessor(new BnW(), new JPEG()); photoProcessor.ProcessPhoto(); break; case 7: //template AbstractPreFlightCheckList flightChecklist = new F16PreFlightCheckList(); flightChecklist.runChecklist(); break; case 8: //command var service = new CustomerService(); var command = new AddCustomerCommand(service); var button = new Command.Button(command);; var composite = new CompositeCommand(); composite.Add(new ResizeCommand()); composite.Add(new BlackAndWHiteCommand()); var button2 = new Command.Button(composite);; var commandHisotry = new Command.Undo.History(); var doc = new Command.Undo.HtmlDocument(); doc.SetContent("Hello World"); var boldCommand = new BoldCommand(doc, commandHisotry); boldCommand.Execute(); Console.WriteLine(doc.GetContent()); var undoCommand = new UndoCommand(commandHisotry); undoCommand.Execute(); Console.WriteLine(doc.GetContent()); break; case 9: //Observer DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); dataSource.AddObserver(new Chart()); dataSource.AddObserver(new SpreadSheet(dataSource)); dataSource.SetValue("value changed"); break; case 10: //Mediator //the pattern is applied to encapsulate or centralize the interactions amongst a number of objects var dialog = new ArticlesDialogBox(); dialog.SimulateUsserInteraction(); break; case 11: //Chain of Responsibility //autehnticator --> logger --> compressor --> null var compressor = new Compressor(null); var logger = new Logger(compressor); var authenticator = new Authenticator(logger); var server = new WebServer(authenticator); server.handle(new HttpRequest() { UserName = "******", Password = "******" }); break; case 12: //Visitor var document = new Visitor.HtmlDocument(); document.Add(new HeadingNode()); document.Add(new AnchorNode()); document.Execute(new HighlighOperation()); break; case 13: // Composite var shape1 = new Shape(); var shape2 = new Shape(); var group1 = new Group(); group1.Add(shape1); group1.Add(shape2); var group2 = new Group(); var shape3 = new Shape(); group2.Add(shape3); group1.Add(group2); group1.render(); break; case 14: //Adapter Image image = new Image(); ImageViewer imageViewer = new ImageViewer(image); imageViewer.Apply(new SepiaFilter()); imageViewer.Apply(new FancyAdapter(new FancyFilter())); break; case 15: //Decorator var cloudStream = new CloudStream(); var encryptData = new EncryptStream(cloudStream); var compressData = new CompressStream(encryptData); compressData.write("some random data"); break; case 16: //Facade NotificationService notificationService = new NotificationService(); notificationService.Send("Hello..", ""); break; case 17: //Flyweight PointService pointService = new PointService(new PointFactory()); var points = pointService.getPoints(); foreach (var p in points) { p.draw(); } break; case 18: //Bridge AdvancedRemoteControl remote = new AdvancedRemoteControl(new SonyTv()); remote.setChannel(1); break; case 19: //Proxy Library lib = new Library(); List <string> bookNames = new List <string>() { "a", "b", "c" }; foreach (var book in bookNames) { lib.eBooks.Add(book, new EBookProxy(book)); } lib.OpenEbook("a"); break; case 20: //Factory Method FactoryMethod.Employee emp = new FactoryMethod.Employee(); BaseEmployeeFactory permanentEmp = new PermanentEmployeeFactory(emp); permanentEmp.ApplySalary(); Console.WriteLine(emp.HouseAllowance); break; case 21: //Abstract Factory AbstractFactory.Employee emp1 = new AbstractFactory.Employee(); emp1.EmployeeTypeID = 1; emp1.JobDescription = "Manager"; EmployeeSystemFactory esf = new EmployeeSystemFactory(); var computerFactory = esf.Create(emp1); Console.WriteLine($"{computerFactory.GetType()}, {computerFactory.Processor()}, {computerFactory.SystemType()}, {computerFactory.Brand()}"); break; case 22: //Builder Builder.IToyBuilder toyBuilder = new Builder.PremiumToyBuilder(); Builder.ToyDirector toyDirector = new Builder.ToyDirector(toyBuilder); toyDirector.CreateFullFledgedToy(); Console.WriteLine(toyDirector.GetToy()); break; case 23: //Fluent Builder //Difference of implementation is visible in Director class. FluentBuilder.IToyBuilder toyBuilder1 = new FluentBuilder.PremiumToyBuilder(); FluentBuilder.ToyDirector toyDirector1 = new FluentBuilder.ToyDirector(toyBuilder1); toyDirector1.CreateFullFledgedToy(); Console.WriteLine(toyDirector1.GetToy()); break; case 24: //Object Pool ObjectPool <OneExpensiveObjToCreate> objPool = new ObjectPool <OneExpensiveObjToCreate>(); OneExpensiveObjToCreate obj = objPool.Get(); objPool.Release(obj); break; } Console.ReadLine(); }