protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (PhotoProcessingDataContext dataDB = new PhotoProcessingDataContext()) { var counter = from a in dataDB.Photo_CustomerRegistrationDetails where a.Email == login_id select a; var update = counter.FirstOrDefault(); Photo_Change_Password_logBL obj = new Photo_Change_Password_logBL(txtNewpassword.Text, update.Password, DateTime.Now, update.Customer_id); obj.Insert(); update.Password = txtNewpassword.Text; dataDB.SubmitChanges(); lbResponse.Text = "Reset Successfully!"; } }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Path = ""; using (PhotoProcessingDataContext dataDB = new PhotoProcessingDataContext()) { var UpdateRegDetail = (from a in dataDB.Photo_CustomerRegistrationDetails where a.Email == Session["email"] select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (fuProfileImage.HasFile) { if (Request.ContentLength < 2097152) { string filename = fuProfileImage.FileName; string[] a = filename.Split('.'); if (a[1] == "gif" || a[1] == "png" || a[1] == "jpg") { Path = "~/Images/Profile/" + UpdateRegDetail.Customer_id + fuProfileImage.FileName; fuProfileImage.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(Path)); UpdateRegDetail.Profile_Image = Path; } else { lbResponse.Text = "Invalid Format!"; } } else { lbResponse.Text = "File size should be less then 2mb!"; } } UpdateRegDetail.Mobile = Convert.ToInt64(txtMobile.Text); UpdateRegDetail.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text); UpdateRegDetail.Country = 1; UpdateRegDetail.Email_Subs = 0; if (cbEmailPrefer.Checked) { UpdateRegDetail.Email_Subs = 1; } dataDB.SubmitChanges(); } }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (PhotoProcessingDataContext dataDB = new PhotoProcessingDataContext()) { var counter = from a in dataDB.Photo_CustomerRegistrationDetails where a.Email == txtEmail.Text && a.Password == txtPassword.Text select a; if (counter.Count() == 1) { var checkAcivation = counter.FirstOrDefault(); if (checkAcivation.ActivationStatus_Mail==1) { //ContentPlaceHolder ph = (ContentPlaceHolder)Page.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1"); //FormView fv = (FormView)ph.FindControl("form1"); //UpdatePanel up = (UpdatePanel)fv.FindControl("UpdatePanel1"); //LinkButton lbtnLoginfind = (LinkButton)up.FindControl("lbtnLogin"); //LinkButton lbtnLogoutfind = (LinkButton)up.FindControl("lbtnLogout"); //lbtnLogoutfind.Visible = true; //lbtnLoginfind.Visible = false; Session["username"] = checkAcivation.Full_Name; Session["email"]=checkAcivation.Email; var lastlogin = (from a in dataDB.Photo_CustomerRegistrationDetails where a.Customer_id == checkAcivation.Customer_id select a).FirstOrDefault(); lastlogin.Last_Login = DateTime.Now; dataDB.SubmitChanges(); Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } else { lbResponse.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#006600"); lbResponse.Text = "We had sent mail to your Email Id Verify it..!"; } } else { lbResponse.Text = "Invalid Login!"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { string login_id = string.Empty; EncryptedQueryString args = new EncryptedQueryString(Request.QueryString["args"]); foreach (var arg in args) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = String.Format("{0}={1}", arg.Key, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(arg.Value)); login_id = label.Text; } if (login_id == "") { throw new Exception("Invalid User!"); } string[] b = login_id.Split('='); login_id = b[1]; using (PhotoProcessingDataContext dataDB = new PhotoProcessingDataContext()) { var account = (from a in dataDB.Photo_CustomerRegistrationDetails where a.Email == login_id select a).FirstOrDefault(); account.ActivationStatus_Mail = 1; dataDB.SubmitChanges(); lbResponse.Text = "Your Account activated successfully!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { lbResponse.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#CC0000"); lbResponse.Text = ex.Message; } } }