コード例 #1
            public async Task GetAllDepartmentIdsByManagerIdTest()
                var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext>()
                              .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDB")

                Department testdept1 = new Department();

                testdept1.Id   = 1;
                testdept1.Name = "Blacksmithing";

                Department testdept2 = new Department();

                testdept2.Id   = 2;
                testdept2.Name = "Jewelcrafting";

                Employee testregremp1 = new Employee();

                testregremp1.Email      = "*****@*****.**";
                testregremp1.FirstName  = "Bob";
                testregremp1.HireDate   = DateTime.Now;
                testregremp1.Id         = 1;
                testregremp1.JobTitle   = "The Terminator";
                testregremp1.LastName   = "Man";
                testregremp1.Salary     = 55000.00m;
                testregremp1.WorksiteId = 1;

                Employee testregremp2 = new Employee();

                testregremp2.Email      = "*****@*****.**";
                testregremp2.FirstName  = "Timmy";
                testregremp2.HireDate   = DateTime.Now;
                testregremp2.Id         = 2;
                testregremp2.JobTitle   = "The Tim";
                testregremp2.LastName   = "Marely";
                testregremp2.Salary     = 99000.00m;
                testregremp2.WorksiteId = 2;

                Employee testmanageremp = new Employee();

                testmanageremp.Email      = "*****@*****.**";
                testmanageremp.FirstName  = "The";
                testmanageremp.HireDate   = DateTime.Now;
                testmanageremp.Id         = 3;
                testmanageremp.JobTitle   = "Bossman";
                testmanageremp.LastName   = "Boss";
                testmanageremp.Salary     = 99000.00m;
                testmanageremp.WorksiteId = 2;

                // Run the test against one instance of the context
                using (var context = new PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext(options))
                    var repo = new Repository(context);

                    await repo.Save();

                    await repo.Save();

                    await repo.Save();

                    await repo.Save();

                    await repo.Save();

                    repo.PromoteEmployeeToManager(3);  //boss has emp id 3 and manager id should be 1
                    await repo.Save();

                    repo.RelateManagertoDepartment(1, 2); //should make boss a manager of jewelcrafting
                    await repo.Save();

                    repo.RelateManagertoDepartment(1, 1); //should make boss a manager of blacksmithing
                    await repo.Save();

                // Use a separate instance of the context to verify correct data was saved to database
                using (var context = new PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext(options))
                    var repo = new Repository(context);

                    List <int> deptsthatbobmanages = await repo.GetAllDepartmentIdsByManagerId(1);

                    Assert.Equal(2, deptsthatbobmanages.Count()); //we added bob to be the manager of two departments

                    Assert.Equal(1, deptsthatbobmanages[1]);
                    Assert.Equal(2, deptsthatbobmanages[0]);

コード例 #2
        public async Task DepartmentRepoMethodsTest()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDB2")

            Department testdept1 = new Department();

            testdept1.Id   = 1;
            testdept1.Name = "Blacksmithing";

            Department testdept2 = new Department();

            testdept2.Id   = 2;
            testdept2.Name = "Jewelcrafting";

            // Run the test against one instance of the context
            using (var context = new PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext(options))
                var repo = new Repository(context);
                await repo.Save();

                await repo.Save();

            // Use a separate instance of the context to verify correct data was saved to database
            using (var context = new PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext(options))
                var repo = new Repository(context);

                List <Department> testdeptlist = new List <Department>();

                //testing get all depts
                testdeptlist = repo.GetAllDepartments();
                Assert.Equal(2, testdeptlist.Count());

                //TESTinG getdeptby id
                Department testgetbyID = await repo.GetDepartmentByID(2);

                Assert.Equal("Jewelcrafting", testgetbyID.Name);

                //null path of getdeptby id tested
                Department testgetbyIDnull = await repo.GetDepartmentByID(3);


                //testing get apt id by name

                int aptidtest = await repo.GetDepartmentIdByName("Jewelcrafting");

                Assert.Equal(2, aptidtest);

                //testing delete apartment

                await repo.Save();

                List <Department> testdeptlist2 = repo.GetAllDepartments();

                //should only be one left

                //testing update apartment

                Department updatetestdept = new Department();
                updatetestdept.Id   = 1;
                updatetestdept.Name = "New Department";


                Department checkingitwasupdated = new Department();

                checkingitwasupdated = await repo.GetDepartmentByID(1);

                Assert.Equal("New Department", checkingitwasupdated.Name);

コード例 #3
        public async Task TestingTimesheetRepoMethods()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDB3")

            TimeSheet timesheet1 = new TimeSheet();

            timesheet1.Date         = DateTime.Now;
            timesheet1.EmployeeId   = 1;
            timesheet1.Id           = 1;
            timesheet1.RegularHours = 40.00m;

            TimeSheet timesheet2 = new TimeSheet();

            timesheet2.Date         = DateTime.Now;
            timesheet2.EmployeeId   = 2;
            timesheet2.Id           = 2;
            timesheet2.RegularHours = 30.00m;

            TimeSheet updatedtimesheet2 = new TimeSheet();

            updatedtimesheet2.Date         = timesheet2.Date;
            updatedtimesheet2.EmployeeId   = 2;
            updatedtimesheet2.Id           = 2;
            updatedtimesheet2.RegularHours = 35.00m;

            TimeSheetApproval TSA = new TimeSheetApproval();

            TSA.WeekEnd          = DateTime.Parse("07/29/2018 14:50:50.42");
            TSA.WeekStart        = DateTime.Parse("07/22/2018 14:50:50.42");
            TSA.WeekTotalRegular = 56.00m;
            TSA.Status           = "0";
            TSA.TimeSubmitted    = DateTime.Now;
            TSA.EmployeeId       = 1;

            // Run the test against one instance of the context
            using (var context = new PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext(options))
                var repo = new Repository(context);
                await repo.Save();

                await repo.Save();

                await repo.Save();

            // Use a separate instance of the context to verify correct data was saved to database
            using (var context = new PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext(options))
                var repo = new Repository(context);

                List <TimeSheet> testtimesheetlist = new List <TimeSheet>();

                //testing get all timesheets
                testtimesheetlist = repo.GetAllTimeSheets();
                Assert.Equal(2, testtimesheetlist.Count());

                //TESTinG Task<int> GetTimeSheetIdByDateAndEmpId(DateTime date, int employeeId);
                int testtimesheetid = await repo.GetTimeSheetIdByDateAndEmpId(timesheet1.Date, 1);

                Assert.Equal(1, testtimesheetid);

                //testing  Task<TimeSheet> GetTimeSheetByID(int id);

                TimeSheet timesheetfromgetbyid = await repo.GetTimeSheetByID(1);

                Assert.Equal(timesheetfromgetbyid.Date, timesheet1.Date);

                // testing  List<TimeSheet> GetTimeSheetsByEmployeeId(int employeeId);

                List <TimeSheet> emp2timesheets = repo.GetTimeSheetsByEmployeeId(2);

                //testing List<TimeSheet> GetEmployeeTimeSheetWeekFromDate(DateTime date, int employeeId);

                List <TimeSheet> timesheetsbydate = repo.GetEmployeeTimeSheetWeekFromDate(timesheet2.Date, 2);

                //testing void UpdateTimeSheet(TimeSheet timesheet);


                TimeSheet testingifitupdated = await repo.GetTimeSheetByID(2);

                Assert.Equal(35.00m, testingifitupdated.RegularHours);

                var TSAs = repo.GetAllTimeSheetApprovals();

                TSAs = repo.GetAllTimeSheetsFromEmployee(TSA.EmployeeId);

                var TSAtest = await repo.GetTimeSheetApprovalById(1);

                Assert.Equal(1, TSAtest.EmployeeId);

コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new philanski management solutions repo given a suitable Entity Framework DbContext.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="db">The DbContext</param>
 public Repository(PhilanskiManagementSolutionsContext db)
     _db = db ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(db));