/// <summary> /// Returns the geometry corresponding to the Object ID /// </summary> /// <param name="oid">Object ID</param> /// <returns>geometry</returns> public SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry GetGeometryByID(uint oid) { SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry geom = null; using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { String strSql = String.Format("SELECT AsBinary({0}) As Geom FROM {1} WHERE {2} = '{3}'", this.GeometryColumn, this.Table, this.ObjectIdColumn, oid); conn.Open(); using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSql, conn)) { using (PgDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { object obj = dr[0]; if (typeof(PgPoint) == obj.GetType()) { geom = new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(((PgPoint)obj).X, ((PgPoint)obj).Y); } else if (obj != DBNull.Value) { geom = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[0]); } } } } conn.Close(); } return(geom); }
///<sumary>Obtener modelos por marca</sumary> ///<param name="brandId">Id de la marca</param> ///<returns>Lista de modelos por marca</returns> ///<exception cref="Throw BrandNotFoundException"> Si la marca no existe </exception> ///<exception cref=" WithoutExistenceOfModelsException"> /// Si no existen modelos para dicha marca ///</exception> public List <Model> GetModelsByBrand(int brandId) { List <Model> models = new List <Model>(); try{ PostgresBrandDAO brandDAO = new PostgresBrandDAO(); brandDAO.GetBrandById(brandId);//Throw BrandNotFoundException PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetModelsByBrand(@brandId)", brandId); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { Model model = new Model( Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[1]), dataRow[2].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[3]), dataRow[4].ToString() ); models.Add(model); } } else { throw new WithoutExistenceOfModelsException("No se encontraron Modelos para dicha Marca"); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(models); }
///<sumary>Obtener todos los modelos</sumary> ///<returns>Lista de modelos</returns> ///<exception cref="WithoutExistenceOfModelsException"> /// Si no hay existencia de modelos esta exepción es lanzada ///</exception> public List <Model> GetModels() { List <Model> models = new List <Model>(); try{ PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetModels()"); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { Model model = new Model( Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[1]), dataRow[2].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[3]), dataRow[4].ToString() ); models.Add(model); } } else { throw new WithoutExistenceOfModelsException("Sin existencia de Modelos"); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(models); }
///<sumary>Creación de un modelo</sumary> ///<param name="model">Instancia de Model</param> ///<returns>Id del modelo</returns> ///<exception cref="UniqueAttributeException"> /// Es excepción es lanzada cuando el nombre del modelo ya existe ///</exception> public int AddModel(Model model) { int id = 0; try { PostgresBrandDAO brandDAO = new PostgresBrandDAO(); brandDAO.GetBrandById(model.ModelBrandId);//Throw BrandNotFoundException PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "ModelUniqueness(@modelName)", model.ModelName); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dataTable.Rows[0][0])) { throw new UniqueAttributeException("El modelo " + model.ModelName + " ya existe"); } else { dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "AddModel(@brandId, @modelName, @capacity, @picture)", model.ModelBrandId, model.ModelName, model.Capacity, model.Picture); id = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]); } } catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); } catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(id); }
public SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataTable QueryFeatures(SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry geom, double distance) { Collection <Geometries.Geometry> features = new Collection <SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry>(); using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strGeom = "GeomFromText('" + geom.AsText() + "')"; if (this.SRID > 0) { strGeom = "setSRID(" + strGeom + "," + this.SRID.ToString() + ")"; } string strSQL = "SELECT * , AsBinary(" + this.GeometryColumn + ") As sharpmap_tempgeometry FROM " + this.Table + " WHERE "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) { strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + " AND "; } strSQL += this.GeometryColumn + " && " + "buffer(" + strGeom + "," + distance.ToString(Map.numberFormat_EnUS) + ")"; strSQL += " AND distance(" + this.GeometryColumn + ", " + strGeom + ")<" + distance.ToString(Map.numberFormat_EnUS); using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)) { System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); conn.Open(); adapter.Fill(ds); conn.Close(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds.Tables[0]); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") { fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); } } foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") { fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; } } fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr["sharpmap_tempgeometry"]); fdt.AddRow(fdr); } return(fdt); } else { return(null); } } } }
public int addcomment(Comment comment) { int id = 0; try{ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.description) || comment.datetime == DateTime.MinValue || string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.idforanea.ToString())) { throw new RequiredAttributeException("Falta información importante para poder crear el viaje"); } PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "addcomment( @commentdescription, @tcommentdatetime, @commentidforanea)", comment.description, comment.datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), comment.idforanea); id = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(id); }
public List <Brand> GetBrands() { List <Brand> brands = new List <Brand>(); try{ PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetBrands()"); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { Brand brand = new Brand( Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), dataRow[1].ToString() ); brands.Add(brand); } } else { // Throw Exception } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(brands); }
///<sumary>Modificar un vehiculo</sumary> ///<param name="vehicle">Instancia de Vehicle</param> ///<returns>True si actualizo correctamente</returns> ///<exception cref="VehicleNotFoundException"> Si el vehiculo no existe </exception> ///<exception cref="ModelNotFoundException"> Si el modelo no existe </exception> ///<exception cref="LocationNotFoundException"> Si la ciudad no existe </exception> public bool UpdateVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) { bool updated = false; try{ GetVehicleById(vehicle.Id); // Throw VehicleNotFoundException PostgresModelDAO modelDAO = new PostgresModelDAO(); modelDAO.GetModelById(vehicle.VehicleModelId); //Throw ModelNotFoundException PostgresLocationDAO locationDAO = new PostgresLocationDAO(); locationDAO.GetLocationById(vehicle.VehicleLocationId); // Throw LocationNotFoundException PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "UpdateVehicle(@vehid, @vehmodel, @vehlocation, @vehlicense, @vehprice, @vehstatus)", vehicle.Id, vehicle.VehicleModelId, vehicle.VehicleLocationId, vehicle.License, vehicle.Price, vehicle.Status); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dataTable.Rows[0][0])) { updated = true; } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(updated); }
///<sumary>Obtener marcas por Id</sumary> ///<param name="brandId">Id de la marca</param> ///<returns>Instancia de la marca</returns> ///<exception cref="BrandNotFoundException"> Si la marca no existe </exception> public Brand GetBrandById(int brandId) { Brand brand = null; try{ PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetBrandById(@brandId)", brandId); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new BrandNotFoundException(brandId, "No se ha encontrado una Marca con Id "); } else { brand = new Brand( Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]), dataTable.Rows[0][1].ToString() ); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(brand); }
private void setLeggendColorDescriptions(string viewName) { string pgConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[PgConnectionKey]; PgConnection pgCon = new PgConnection(pgConnectionString); DataTable table = pgCon.RunSql(string.Format(GetMinValueSql, viewName)); int min = 0, max = 0; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { min = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } table = pgCon.RunSql(string.Format(GetMaxValueSql, viewName)); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { max = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } int q1 = (max - min) / 3 + min; int q2 = max - (max - min) / 3; string criticalRange = string.Concat(max, RangeIndicator, q2); string highRange = string.Concat(q2 > 0?q2 - 1:q2, RangeIndicator, q1); string moderateRange = string.Concat(q1 > 0?q1 - 1:q1, RangeIndicator, min); CriticalLegendItem.Description = criticalRange; HighLegendItem.Description = highRange; ModerateLegendItem.Description = moderateRange; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Image1.Attributes.Add(Constants.UseMapKey, Constants.UseMapDistricSecretaryValue); if (!IsPostBack) { string pgConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[PgConnectionKey]; PgConnection pgCon = new PgConnection(pgConnectionString); DataTable table = pgCon.RunSql(GetYearsSql); DropDownList2.DataSource = table; DropDownList2.DataTextField = table.Columns[0].ToString(); DropDownList2.DataValueField = table.Columns[0].ToString(); DropDownList2.DataBind(); string sqlConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[SqlConnectionKey]; SqlServerConnection sqlCon = new SqlServerConnection(sqlConnectionString); table = sqlCon.RunSql(GetDieseasesSql); DropDownList1.DataSource = table; DropDownList1.DataTextField = table.Columns[1].ToString(); DropDownList1.DataValueField = table.Columns[0].ToString(); DropDownList1.DataBind(); selectMostSuitableDiesease(); } }
///<sumary> /// Consulta de viejes por usuario ///</sumary> ///<param name="userId">Id del Usuario</param> ///<returns> /// Lista de vieajes del usuario ///</returns> ///<exception cref="WithoutExistenceOfTravelsException"> /// La excepción es lanzada cuando el usuario no pesee ningún viaje ///</exception> ///<exception cref="UserNotFoundException"> /// La excepción es lanzada si el usuario no existe ///</exception> public static List <Travel> GetTravels(int userId) { List <Travel> listOfTravels = new List <Travel>(); try{ User user = (User)UserRepository.GetUserById(userId); //Throw Exception if it doesn'n exist PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetTravels(@userId)", userId); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { Travel travel = new Travel( Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), dataRow[1].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(dataRow[2]), Convert.ToDateTime(dataRow[3]), dataRow[4].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[5]) ); listOfTravels.Add(travel); } } else { throw new WithoutExistenceOfTravelsException(userId, "Animate, planifica un viaje"); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(listOfTravels); }
///<sumary> /// Crear una planificación de viaje ///</sumary> ///<param name="travel">Instancia de Travel, contiene todos los atributos necesarios /// para realizar la creación en la base de datos.</param> ///<returns> /// El id de Travel que fue creado ///</returns> ///<exception cref="RequiredAttributeException"> /// Es excepción es lanzada cuando falta algun campo importante para crear el viaje ///</exception> ///<exception cref="UserNotFoundException"> /// Es excepción es lanzada cuando el usuario no existe ///</exception> public static int AddTravel(Travel travel) { int id = 0; try{ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(travel.Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(travel.Description) || travel.Init == DateTime.MinValue || travel.End == DateTime.MinValue) { throw new RequiredAttributeException("Falta información importante para poder crear el viaje"); } User user = (User)UserRepository.GetUserById(travel.UserId); //Throw Exception if it doesn'n exist PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "AddTravel(@travelName, @travelInit, @travelEnd, @travelDescription, @userId)", travel.Name, travel.Init.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), travel.End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), travel.Description, travel.UserId); id = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]); travel.Id = id; }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(id); }
///<sumary> /// Consulta de reservas de un viaje por ciudad y tipo. ///</sumary> ///<param name="travelId">Id del viaje en la que se basará la consulta</param> ///<param name="locationId">Id de la ciudad en la que se basará la consulta</param> ///<param name="type">Tipo de reserva en la que se basará la consulta, los tipos son: /// RESTAURANT, HOTEL, FLIGHT, CAR -> Todos en Uppercase, basado en alguno de ellos se obtendrán /// las reservas de dicho tipo para determinado viaje con determinada ciudad. ///</param> ///<returns> /// Las reservas por tipo, viaje y ciudad. ///</returns> ///<exception cref="InvalidReservationType"> /// Cuando el cliente envía un tipo de reserva no permitido es lanzada esta excepción ///</exception> ///<exception cref="WithoutTravelReservationsException"> /// Si el usuario no tiene reservaciones en el viaje para esa ciudad retorna esta excepción /// no hay restricciones de si realmente la ciudad pertenece al viaje. ///</exception> /* public static List<T> GetReservationsByTravelAndLocation<T>(int travelId, int locationId, string type){ * List<T> reservations = new List<T>(); * try{ * PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; * if(type.Equals("HOTEL")){ * DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( * "GetReservationsOfHotelByTravelAndLocation(@travelId, @locationId)", travelId, locationId); * if( dataTable.Rows.Count > 0 ){ * List<ReservationRoom> reservationsOfRoom = new List<ReservationRoom>(); * foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows){ * ReservationRoom reservationRoom = new ReservationRoom( * Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), * DateTime.Parse(dataRow[1].ToString()), * DateTime.Parse(dataRow[2].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[5]), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[4])); * reservationsOfRoom.Add(reservationRoom); * } * reservations = reservationsOfRoom.Cast<T>().ToList(); * }else{ * throw new WithoutTravelReservationsException( * travelId, locationId, "No posee reservaciones de " + type.ToLower() + " en dicha ciudad"); * } * }else if(type.Equals("RESTAURANT")){ * DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( * "GetReservationsOfRestaurantByTravelAndLocation(@travelId, @locationId)", travelId, locationId); * if( dataTable.Rows.Count > 0 ){ * List<Restaurant_res> reservationsOfRest = new List<Restaurant_res>(); * * foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows){ * Restaurant_res axu =new Restaurant_res(); * Restaurant_res reservationRest = new Restaurant_res( * Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), * DateTime.Parse(dataRow[1].ToString()), * Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[2].ToString()), * Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[5]), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[4])); * reservationsOfRest.Add(reservationRest); * } * reservations = reservationsOfRest.Cast<T>().ToList(); * }else{ * throw new WithoutTravelReservationsException( * travelId, locationId, "No posee reservaciones de " + type.ToLower() + " en dicha ciudad"); * } * }else if(type.Equals("FLIGHT")){ * * }else if(type.Equals("CAR")){ * DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( * "GetReservationsOfCarssByTravelAndLocation(@travelId, @locationId)", travelId, locationId); * if( dataTable.Rows.Count > 0 ){ * List<ReservationVehicle> reservationsOfAuto = new List<ReservationVehicle>(); * foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows){ * ReservationVehicle reservationAuto = new ReservationVehicle( * Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), * DateTime.Parse(dataRow[1].ToString()), * DateTime.Parse(dataRow[2].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[4]), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[3])); * reservationsOfAuto.Add(reservationAuto); * } * reservations = reservationsOfAuto.Cast<T>().ToList(); * }else{ * throw new WithoutTravelReservationsException( * travelId, locationId, "No posee reservaciones de " + type.ToLower() + " en dicha ciudad"); * } * }else{ * throw new InvalidReservationTypeException(type,"Tipo de reserva invalido : " + type); * } * }catch(DatabaseException ex){ * throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); * }catch(InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex){ * throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); * } * return reservations; * }*/ ///<sumary> /// Consulta las ciudades relacionadas con un viaje ///</sumary> ///<param name="travelId">Id del viaje con el que se basará la consulta</param> ///<returns> /// Ciudades o Locations que estan asociadas a un viaje ///</returns> ///<exception cref="WithoutTravelLocationsException"> /// Se instancia cuando el viaje no tiene ciudades asociadas ///</exception> public static List <Location> GetLocationsByTravel(int travelId) { List <Location> locationsByTravel = new List <Location>(); try{ PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetLocationsByTravel(@travelId)", travelId); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { Location location = new Location(); location.Id = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]); location.City = dataRow[1].ToString(); location.Country = dataRow[2].ToString(); locationsByTravel.Add(location); } } else { throw new WithoutTravelLocationsException("El viaje aun no tiene ciudades"); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(locationsByTravel); }
private void selectMostSuitableDiesease() { string pgConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[PgConnectionKey]; PgConnection pgCon = new PgConnection(pgConnectionString); string year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); DataTable table = pgCon.RunSql(string.Format(GetMostSuitableDieseaseCodeSql, year)); string dieseaseCode = table.Rows[0][0].ToString(); DropDownList1.ClearSelection(); DropDownList1.Items.FindByValue(dieseaseCode).Selected = true; NameLabel.Text = string.Concat(year, YearDieseaseSeperator, DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text); DropDownList2.ClearSelection(); DropDownList2.Items.FindByValue(year).Selected = true; HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = string.Format(ExportToExcelLinkFormat, DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(), DropDownList1.SelectedValue, year); string viewName = string.Concat(dieseaseCode.ToLower(), year); setMapOptions(dieseaseCode, year, false); setLeggendColorDescriptions(viewName); getDetailedLegend(viewName); }
/// <summary> /// Returns geometry object ids whose bounding box intersects /// <paramref name="boundingBox"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundingBox">The bounding box used to intersect.</param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable <uint> GetIntersectingObjectIds(BoundingBox boundingBox) { using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_connectionString)) { string boundingBoxClause = getBoundingBoxSql(boundingBox, Srid); String sql = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE ", ObjectIdColumn, Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) { sql += DefinitionQuery + " AND "; } sql += GeometryColumn + " && " + boundingBoxClause; using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(sql, conn)) { conn.Open(); using (PgDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) { yield return((uint)(int)reader[0]); } } } conn.Close(); } } }
///<sumary>Creación de un nuevo vehiculo</sumary> ///<param name="vehicle">Instancia de Vehicle</param> ///<returns>Id del vehiculo</returns> ///<exception cref="ModelNotFoundException"> Si no existe el modelo </exception> ///<exception cref="LocationNotFoundException"> Si no existe la ciudad </exception> ///<exception cref="UniqueAttributeException"> /// Es excepción es lanzada cuando ya existe un carro con dicha matricula ///</exception> public int AddVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) { int id = 0; try { PostgresModelDAO modelDAO = new PostgresModelDAO(); modelDAO.GetModelById(vehicle.VehicleModelId); //Throw ModelNotFoundException PostgresLocationDAO locationDAO = new PostgresLocationDAO(); locationDAO.GetLocationById(vehicle.VehicleLocationId); // Throw LocationNotFoundException PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "LicenseUniqueness(@modelName)", vehicle.License); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dataTable.Rows[0][0])) { throw new UniqueAttributeException("La matricula " + vehicle.License + " ya existe"); } else { dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "AddVehicle(@modelId, @locationId, @license, @price, @status)", vehicle.VehicleModelId, vehicle.VehicleLocationId, vehicle.License, vehicle.Price, vehicle.Status); id = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]); } } catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); } catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(id); }
///<sumary>Modificar una marca</sumary> ///<param name="marca">Instancia de una marca</param> ///<returns>True si actualizo correctamente</returns> ///<exception cref="BrandNotFoundException"> Si la marca no existe </exception> ///<exception cref="UniqueAttributeException"> ///Si ya existe una marca con el mismo nombre ///</exception> public bool UpdateBrand(Brand brand) { bool updated = false; try{ GetBrandById(brand.Id);//Throw BrandNotFoundException PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "BrandUniqueness(@brandName)", brand.BrandName); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dataTable.Rows[0][0])) { throw new UniqueAttributeException("La marca " + brand.BrandName + " ya existe"); } else { dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("UpdateBrand(@vbid, @vbname)", brand.Id, brand.BrandName); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dataTable.Rows[0][0])) { updated = true; } } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(updated); }
///<sumary>Creación de una marca de carro</sumary> ///<param name="brand">Instancia de Brand</param> ///<returns>Id de marca</returns> ///<exception cref="UniqueAttributeException"> /// Es excepción es lanzada cuando el nombre de la marca ya existe ///</exception> public int AddBrand(Brand brand) { int id = 0; try { PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "BrandUniqueness(@brandName)", brand.BrandName); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dataTable.Rows[0][0])) { throw new UniqueAttributeException("La marca " + brand.BrandName + " ya existe"); } else { dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction( "AddBrand(@brandName)", brand.BrandName); id = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]); } } catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); } catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(id); }
public List <Comment> Getcomment(int id) {/*esta funcion se encarga de traer desde la BD toda la informacion de un comentario * hasta el front, mediante el id especificado */ List <Comment> Listcomment = new List <Comment>(); try{ PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("Getcommentid (@id)", id); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine(dataTable.Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { Comment comments = new Comment( Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[0]), dataRow[1].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(dataRow[2]), Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[3]) ); Listcomment.Add(comments); } } else { throw new WithoutExistenceOfTravelsException(id, "no se encontro ningun comentario con este id "); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(Listcomment); }
///<sumary>Obtener modelos por Id</sumary> ///<param name="modelId">Id del modelo</param> ///<returns>Instancia del Modelo</returns> ///<exception cref="ModelNotFoundException"> Si no existe el modelo </exception> public Model GetModelById(int modelId) { Model model = null; try{ PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetModelById(@modelId)", modelId); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new ModelNotFoundException(modelId, "No se ha encontrado un Modelo con Id "); } else { model = new Model( Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]), Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][1]), dataTable.Rows[0][2].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][3]), dataTable.Rows[0][4].ToString() ); model.ModelBrand = new PostgresBrandDAO().GetBrandById(model.ModelBrandId); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(model); }
///<sumary>Obtener vehiculos por su Id</sumary> ///<param name="vehicleId">Id del vehiculo</param> ///<returns>Instancia del Vehiculo</returns> ///<exception cref="VehicleNotFoundException"> Si no existe el vehiculo </exception> public Vehicle GetVehicleById(int vehicleId) { Vehicle vehicle = null; try{ PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; DataTable dataTable = pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("GetVehicleById(@vehicleId)", vehicleId); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new VehicleNotFoundException(vehicleId, "No se ha encontrado un vehiculo con Id "); } else { vehicle = new Vehicle( Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][0]), Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][1]), Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0][2]), dataTable.Rows[0][3].ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(dataTable.Rows[0][4]), true ); } }catch (DatabaseException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor : Conexion a base de datos", ex); }catch (InvalidStoredProcedureSignatureException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException("Error en el servidor", ex); } return(vehicle); }
static async Task TestQuery() { PgConnection cnn = new PgConnection(await "".ConnectAsync()); await cnn.LoginAsync(); while (true) { Console.Write("#> "); string sql = Console.ReadLine(); sql = sql.Trim(); if (sql == "exit") { break; } try { var res = await cnn.QueryAsync(sql); Console.WriteLine(res.CmdTag); if (res.RowDesc != null) { Console.WriteLine(res.ColNames.ToString2()); foreach (var row in res) { Console.WriteLine(row); } } } catch (PgErrorException ex) { Console.WriteLine("PgErrorException: {0}", ex.Message); } } cnn.Close(); }
public int Deletetravel(int travelid) { int i = 0; PgConnection pgConnection = PgConnection.Instance; pgConnection.ExecuteFunction("deletetravel (@travelid)", travelid); return(i); }
/// <summary> /// Returns all features with the given view bounds. /// </summary> /// <param name="bounds"> /// The bounds of the view to query for intersection. /// </param> /// <param name="ds"> /// FeatureDataSet to fill data into. /// </param> public void ExecuteIntersectionQuery(BoundingBox bounds, FeatureDataSet ds) { using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_connectionString)) { string strBbox = getBoundingBoxSql(bounds, Srid); string sql = String.Format("SELECT *, AsBinary({0}) AS {1} FROM {2} WHERE ", GeometryColumn, RetrievedGeometryColumnName, Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) { sql += DefinitionQuery + " AND "; } sql += GeometryColumn + " && " + strBbox; using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(sql, conn)) { conn.Open(); DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds2); conn.Close(); if (ds2.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds2.Tables[0]); foreach (DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != RetrievedGeometryColumnName) { fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); } } foreach (DataRow dr in ds2.Tables[0].Rows) { FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != RetrievedGeometryColumnName) { fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; } } fdr.Geometry = GeometryFromWkb.Parse((byte[])dr[RetrievedGeometryColumnName]); fdt.AddRow(fdr); } ds.Tables.Add(fdt); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the features that intersects with 'geom' /// </summary> /// <param name="geom"></param> /// <param name="ds">FeatureDataSet to fill data into</param> public void ExecuteIntersectionQuery(Geometry geom, FeatureDataSet ds) { //List<Geometries.Geometry> features = new List<SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry>(); using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_connectionString)) { string strGeom = "GeomFromText('" + geom.AsText() + "')"; if (Srid > 0) { strGeom = "setSrid(" + strGeom + "," + Srid + ")"; } string sql = "SELECT * , AsBinary(" + GeometryColumn + ") As " + RetrievedGeometryColumnName + " FROM " + Table + " WHERE "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) { sql += DefinitionQuery + " AND "; } sql += GeometryColumn + " && " + strGeom + " AND distance(" + GeometryColumn + ", " + strGeom + ") < 0"; using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(sql, conn)) { conn.Open(); adapter.Fill(ds); conn.Close(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds.Tables[0]); foreach (DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != RetrievedGeometryColumnName) { fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); } } foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != RetrievedGeometryColumnName) { fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; } } fdr.Geometry = GeometryFromWkb.Parse((byte[])dr[RetrievedGeometryColumnName]); fdt.AddRow(fdr); } ds.Tables.Add(fdt); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a datarow based on an object id. /// </summary> /// <param name="oid">The id of the feature to retrieve.</param> /// <returns> /// A FeatureDataRow which has the feature geometry and attributes. /// </returns> public FeatureDataRow <uint> GetFeature(uint oid) { string sql = String.Format("SELECT *, AsBinary({0}) as {1} FROM {2} WHERE {3} = '{4}'", GeometryColumn, RetrievedGeometryColumnName, Table, ObjectIdColumn, oid); using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_connectionString)) { using (PgCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = sql; conn.Open(); using (PgDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { FeatureDataTable <uint> fdt = new FeatureDataTable <uint>(Table, ObjectIdColumn); DataTable schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable(); foreach (DataRow row in schemaTable.Rows) { string columnName = row["ColumnName"] as string; if (String.Compare(columnName, GeometryColumn, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == 0 && columnName != RetrievedGeometryColumnName) { fdt.Columns.Add(columnName, row["DataType"] as Type); } } while (reader.Read()) { FeatureDataRow <uint> fdr = fdt.NewRow((uint)reader[ObjectIdColumn]); foreach (DataColumn col in fdt.Columns) { if ( String.Compare(col.ColumnName, GeometryColumn, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == 0 && col.ColumnName != RetrievedGeometryColumnName) { fdr[col.ColumnName] = reader[col.ColumnName]; } } fdr.Geometry = GeometryFromWkb.Parse((byte[])reader[RetrievedGeometryColumnName]); return(fdr); } } } } return(null); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string year = Request.Params[YearParameKey]; string diesease = Request.Params[DieseaseParameKey]; string code = Request.Params[DieseaseCodeParameKey]; string sql = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year)) { sql = string.Format(GetDataSql, year, code); } string pgConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[PgConnectionKey]; PgConnection pgCon = new PgConnection(pgConnectionString); DataTable table = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) { table = pgCon.RunSql(sql); } if (table != null) { DataGrid grid = new DataGrid(); grid.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = true; grid.DataSource = table; grid.DataBind(); // render the DataGrid control to a file StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(builder)) { using (HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(writer)) { grid.RenderControl(hw); } } Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", string.Concat(diesease, year, FileExtension))); Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Private); Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; Response.Write(builder.ToString()); Response.Flush(); Response.Close(); } }
private void SetDatabase(string connectionString) { IConnection <NpgsqlConnection> connection = new PgConnection(connectionString); connection = new LoggedConnection <NpgsqlConnection>(connection, logger); database = new PgDatabase(connection); view.Database = database; columnsSelect.Database = database; joinTable.Database = database; pageSelector.Database = database; tableSelect.Database = database; }
/// <summary> /// Returns all features with the view box /// </summary> /// <param name="bbox">view box</param> /// <param name="ds">FeatureDataSet to fill data into</param> public void ExecuteIntersectionQuery(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox bbox, SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataSet ds) { using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strBbox = GetBoundingBoxSql(bbox, this.SRID); string strSQL = String.Format("SELECT *, AsBinary({0}) AS sharpmap_tempgeometry FROM {1} WHERE ", this.GeometryColumn, this.Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) { strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + " AND "; } strSQL += this.GeometryColumn + " && " + strBbox; using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)) { conn.Open(); System.Data.DataSet ds2 = new System.Data.DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds2); conn.Close(); if (ds2.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds2.Tables[0]); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") { fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); } } foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds2.Tables[0].Rows) { SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns) { if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") { fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; } } fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr["sharpmap_tempgeometry"]); fdt.AddRow(fdr); } ds.Tables.Add(fdt); } } } }
public FeatureDataTable QueryFeatures(Geometry geom, double distance) { Collection<Geometry> features = new Collection<Geometry>(); using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strGeom = "GeomFromText('" + geom.AsText() + "')"; if (SRID > 0) strGeom = "setSRID(" + strGeom + "," + SRID.ToString() + ")"; string strSQL = "SELECT * , AsBinary(" + GeometryColumn + ") As sharpmap_tempgeometry FROM " + Table + " WHERE "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSQL += DefinitionQuery + " AND "; strSQL += GeometryColumn + " && " + "buffer(" + strGeom + "," + distance.ToString(Map.NumberFormatEnUs) + ")"; strSQL += " AND distance(" + GeometryColumn + ", " + strGeom + ")<" + distance.ToString(Map.NumberFormatEnUs); using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); conn.Open(); adapter.Fill(ds); conn.Close(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds.Tables[0]); foreach (DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; fdr.Geometry = GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[]) dr["sharpmap_tempgeometry"]); fdt.AddRow(fdr); } return fdt; } else return null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Boundingbox of dataset /// </summary> /// <returns>boundingbox</returns> public BoundingBox GetExtents() { using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strSQL = String.Format("SELECT EXTENT({0}) FROM {1}", GeometryColumn, Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSQL += " WHERE " + DefinitionQuery; strSQL += ";"; using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSQL, conn)) { conn.Open(); BoundingBox bbox = null; try { PgBox2D result = (PgBox2D) command.ExecuteScalar(); bbox = new BoundingBox(result.LowerLeft.X, result.LowerLeft.Y, result.UpperRight.X, result.UpperRight.Y); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Box2d couldn't fetched from table. " + ex.Message); } finally { conn.Close(); } return bbox; } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the geometry corresponding to the Object ID /// </summary> /// <param name="oid">Object ID</param> /// <returns>geometry</returns> public IGeometry GetGeometryByID(uint oid) { IGeometry geom = null; using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { String strSql = String.Format("SELECT AsBinary({0}) As Geom FROM {1} WHERE {2} = '{3}'", this.GeometryColumn, this.Table, this.ObjectIdColumn, oid); conn.Open(); using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSql, conn)) { using (PgDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { object obj = dr[0]; if (typeof(PgPoint) == obj.GetType()) geom = SharpMap.Converters.Geometries.GeometryFactory.CreatePoint(((PgPoint)obj).X, ((PgPoint)obj).Y); else if (obj != DBNull.Value) geom = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[0]); } } } conn.Close(); } return geom; }
/// <summary> /// Returns geometries within the specified bounding box /// </summary> /// <param name="bbox"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Collection<IGeometry> GetGeometriesInView(IEnvelope bbox) { Collection<IGeometry> features = new Collection<IGeometry>(); using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strBbox = GetBoundingBoxSql(bbox, this.SRID); String strSql = String.Format("SELECT AsBinary({0}) as geom FROM {1} WHERE ", this.GeometryColumn, this.Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSql += this.DefinitionQuery + " AND "; strSql += String.Format("{0} && {1}", this.GeometryColumn, strBbox); using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSql, conn)) { conn.Open(); using (PgDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { //object obj = dr[0]; IGeometry geom = null; // if ( typeof(PgPoint) == obj.GetType() ) // geom = new SharpMap.Geometries.Point( ((PgPoint)obj).X, ((PgPoint)obj).Y ); // else if (dr[0] != DBNull.Value) geom = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[0]); if (geom != null) features.Add(geom); } } conn.Close(); } } return features; }
/// <summary> /// Boundingbox of dataset /// </summary> /// <returns>boundingbox</returns> public IEnvelope GetExtents() { using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strSQL = String.Format("SELECT EXTENT({0}) FROM {1}", this.GeometryColumn, this.Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSQL += " WHERE " + this.DefinitionQuery; strSQL += ";"; using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSQL, conn)) { conn.Open(); IEnvelope bbox = null; try { PostgreSql.Data.PgTypes.PgBox2D result = (PostgreSql.Data.PgTypes.PgBox2D)command.ExecuteScalar(); bbox = SharpMap.Converters.Geometries.GeometryFactory.CreateEnvelope(result.LowerLeft.X, result.UpperRight.X, result.LowerLeft.Y, result.UpperRight.Y); } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Box2d couldn't fetched from table. " + ex.Message); } finally { conn.Close(); } return bbox; } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns all features with the view box /// </summary> /// <param name="bbox">view box</param> /// <param name="ds">FeatureDataSet to fill data into</param> public void ExecuteIntersectionQuery(IEnvelope bbox, SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataSet ds) { using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strBbox = GetBoundingBoxSql(bbox, this.SRID); string strSQL = String.Format("SELECT *, AsBinary({0}) AS sharpmap_tempgeometry FROM {1} WHERE ", this.GeometryColumn, this.Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + " AND "; strSQL += this.GeometryColumn + " && " + strBbox; using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)) { conn.Open(); System.Data.DataSet ds2 = new System.Data.DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds2); conn.Close(); if (ds2.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds2.Tables[0]); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds2.Tables[0].Rows) { SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr["sharpmap_tempgeometry"]); fdt.AddRow(fdr); } ds.Tables.Add(fdt); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a datarow based on a RowID /// </summary> /// <param name="RowID"></param> /// <returns>datarow</returns> public SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow GetFeature(uint RowID) { using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strSQL = String.Format("select * , AsBinary({0}) As sharpmap_tempgeometry from {1} WHERE {2} = '{3}'", this.GeometryColumn, this.Table, this.ObjectIdColumn, RowID); using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)) { FeatureDataSet ds = new FeatureDataSet(); conn.Open(); adapter.Fill(ds); conn.Close(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds.Tables[0]); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { System.Data.DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr["sharpmap_tempgeometry"]); return fdr; } else return null; } else return null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Queries the PostGIS database to get the name of the Geometry Column. This is used if the columnname isn't specified in the constructor /// </summary> /// <remarks></remarks> /// <returns>Name of column containing geometry</returns> private string GetGeometryColumn() { string strSQL = "select f_geometry_column from geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = @Table'"; using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSQL, conn)) { conn.Open(); command.Parameters.Add(new PgParameter("@Table", PgDbType.VarChar)); command.Parameters[0].Value = this._Table; object columnname = command.ExecuteScalar(); conn.Close(); if (columnname == System.DBNull.Value) throw new ApplicationException("Table '" + this.Table + "' does not contain a geometry column"); return (string)columnname; } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the number of features in the dataset /// </summary> /// <returns>number of features</returns> public int GetFeatureCount() { int count = 0; using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + this.Table; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSQL += " WHERE " + this.DefinitionQuery; using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSQL, conn)) { conn.Open(); count = (int)command.ExecuteScalar(); conn.Close(); } } return count; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the features that intersects with 'geom' /// </summary> /// <param name="geom"></param> /// <param name="ds">FeatureDataSet to fill data into</param> public void ExecuteIntersectionQuery(IGeometry geom, FeatureDataSet ds) { //List<IGeometry> features = new List<IGeometry>(); using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strGeom = "GeomFromText('" + geom.AsText() + "')"; if (this.SRID > 0) strGeom = "setSRID(" + strGeom + "," + this.SRID.ToString() + ")"; string strSQL = "SELECT * , AsBinary(" + this.GeometryColumn + ") As sharpmap_tempgeometry FROM " + this.Table + " WHERE "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + " AND "; strSQL += this.GeometryColumn + " && " + strGeom + " AND distance(" + this.GeometryColumn + ", " + strGeom + ")<0"; using (PgDataAdapter adapter = new PgDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)) { conn.Open(); adapter.Fill(ds); conn.Close(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds.Tables[0]); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression); foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns) if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != "sharpmap_tempgeometry") fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col]; fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr["sharpmap_tempgeometry"]); fdt.AddRow(fdr); } ds.Tables.Add(fdt); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns geometry Object IDs whose bounding box intersects 'bbox' /// </summary> /// <param name="bbox"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Collection<uint> GetObjectIDsInView(IEnvelope bbox) { Collection<uint> objectlist = new Collection<uint>(); using (PgConnection conn = new PgConnection(_ConnectionString)) { string strBbox = GetBoundingBoxSql(bbox, this.SRID); String strSql = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE ", this.ObjectIdColumn, this.Table); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery)) strSql += this.DefinitionQuery + " AND "; strSql += this.GeometryColumn + " && " + strBbox; using (PgCommand command = new PgCommand(strSql, conn)) { conn.Open(); using (PgDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { if (dr[0] != DBNull.Value) { uint ID = (uint)(int)dr[0]; objectlist.Add(ID); } } } conn.Close(); } } return objectlist; }