コード例 #1
        private void Construct(Identity init, Identity recv, World world, Pairing pairing)
            Subject = $"{world.Name} - smallworld Connection";

            var member = recv as Member;

{feedbackRequest.Create(member, pairing)}

Hi {recv.FirstName},

You have been paired with {init.FullName()} for your next smallworld
connection. {init.FirstName} has been selected as the initiator. Since
everyone is busy from time to time, we suggest contacting your partner
if you have not heard from them within 48 hours of the initial pairing email.

Your partner’s contact information is below. We suggest providing three or
more times to connect in your initial email.

{init.FirstName} {init.LastName}  


-The smallworld Team


Use the following link to leave/join your smallworld group at any time: [click here]({links.InvitePage(world)})
コード例 #2
        private void Construct(Member init, Identity recv, World world, Pairing pairing)
            Subject = $"{init.World.Name} - smallworld Connection";

{feedbackRequest.Create(init, pairing)}

Hi {init.FirstName},

You have been paired with {recv.FirstName} for your next smallworld
connection. You have been selected as the initiator. **As the initiator,
it is your responsibility to send the first email to set up your meeting.**

Your partner’s contact information is below. We suggest providing three or
more times to connect in your initial email.  

{recv.FirstName} {recv.LastName}  


-The smallworld Team


Use the following link to leave/join your smallworld group at any time: [click here]({links.InvitePage(world)})