コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores or updates single note for personal goal in storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personalGoalNoteDetail">Holds personal goal note data.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that represents personal goal note detail entity data is saved or updated.</returns>
        public async Task <bool> CreateOrUpdatePersonalGoalNoteDetailAsync(PersonalGoalNoteDetail personalGoalNoteDetail)
            personalGoalNoteDetail = personalGoalNoteDetail ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(personalGoalNoteDetail));

                await this.EnsureInitializedAsync();

                TableOperation operation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(personalGoalNoteDetail);
                var            result    = await this.CloudTable.ExecuteAsync(operation);

            catch (Exception ex)
                this.logger.LogError(ex, $"An error occurred in {nameof(this.CreateOrUpdatePersonalGoalNoteDetailAsync)} while storing a note in storage for personal goal id: {personalGoalNoteDetail.PersonalGoalId}.");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets add note card on task module through bot command or button click.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personalGoalNoteDetail">Holds personal goal note detail entity data.</param>
        /// <param name="personalGoalDetail">Holds collection of personal goal detail entity data.</param>
        /// <param name="localizer">The current cultures' string localizer.</param>
        /// <param name="isNoteEmpty">Determines whether note is empty.</param>
        /// /// <param name="isPersonalGoalEmpty">Determines whether personal goal is empty.</param>
        /// <param name="isNoteCountExceedsTen">Determines whether note count exceeds ten.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an attachment of card.</returns>
        public static Attachment GetAddNoteCardInTaskModule(PersonalGoalNoteDetail personalGoalNoteDetail, IEnumerable <PersonalGoalDetail> personalGoalDetail, IStringLocalizer <Strings> localizer, bool isNoteEmpty = false, bool isPersonalGoalEmpty = false, bool isNoteCountExceedsTen = false)
            personalGoalDetail = personalGoalDetail ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(personalGoalDetail));

            List <AdaptiveChoice> personalGoalList = new List <AdaptiveChoice>();

            foreach (var personalGoal in personalGoalDetail)
                string truncatedGoalName = personalGoal.GoalName.Length <= TruncateThresholdLength ? personalGoal.GoalName : personalGoal.GoalName.Substring(0, 80) + "...";
                personalGoalList.Add(new AdaptiveChoice {
                    Title = truncatedGoalName, Value = personalGoal.PersonalGoalId,

            AdaptiveCard addNoteCard = new AdaptiveCard(new AdaptiveSchemaVersion(1, 0));
                var container = new AdaptiveContainer()
                    PixelMinHeight = NotesCardContainerHeight,
                    Items          = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                        new AdaptiveColumnSet
                            Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>
                                new AdaptiveColumn
                                    Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch,
                                    Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                        new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                            Size    = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                            Wrap    = true,
                                            Text    = localizer.GetString("GoalBucketText"),
                                            Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.None,
                                new AdaptiveColumn
                                    Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto,
                                    Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                        new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                            Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                            Wrap = true,
                                            Text = localizer.GetString("AddNoteEmptyGoalError"),
                                            HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Right,
                                            Color     = AdaptiveTextColor.Attention,
                                            IsVisible = isPersonalGoalEmpty,
                                new AdaptiveColumn
                                    Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto,
                                    Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                        new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                            Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                            HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Right,
                                            Color     = AdaptiveTextColor.Attention,
                                            Text      = localizer.GetString("AddNoteMaximumNoteError"),
                                            IsVisible = isNoteCountExceedsTen,
                                            Wrap      = true,
                        new AdaptiveChoiceSetInput
                            Value         = personalGoalNoteDetail?.PersonalGoalId,
                            Choices       = personalGoalList,
                            IsMultiSelect = false,
                            Id            = "personalgoalid",
                            Style         = AdaptiveChoiceInputStyle.Compact,
                        new AdaptiveColumnSet
                            Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>
                                new AdaptiveColumn
                                    Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch,
                                    Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                        new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                            Size    = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                            Text    = localizer.GetString("NoteText"),
                                            Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.None,
                                new AdaptiveColumn
                                    Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto,
                                    Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                        new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                            Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                            Wrap = true,
                                            Text = localizer.GetString("AddNoteEmptyNoteError"),
                                            HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Right,
                                            Color     = AdaptiveTextColor.Attention,
                                            IsVisible = isNoteEmpty,
                        new AdaptiveTextInput
                            Spacing     = AdaptiveSpacing.Small,
                            Id          = "personalgoalnotedescription",
                            MaxLength   = NotesInputMaximumLength,
                            IsMultiline = true,
                            Placeholder = localizer.GetString("AddNotePlaceHolder"),
                            Value       = personalGoalNoteDetail?.PersonalGoalNoteDescription,
                        new AdaptiveTextBlock
                            Text = localizer.GetString("SourceText"),
                            HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Left,
                            Wrap = true,
                        new AdaptiveTextInput
                            Spacing     = AdaptiveSpacing.Small,
                            Id          = "sourcename",
                            MaxLength   = SourceInputMaximumLength,
                            Placeholder = localizer.GetString("SourceNamePlaceHolder"),
                            Value       = personalGoalNoteDetail?.SourceName,

                addNoteCard.Actions = new List <AdaptiveAction>
                    new AdaptiveSubmitAction
                        Title = localizer.GetString("SubmitActionText"),
                        Data  = new AdaptiveSubmitActionData
                            MsTeams = new CardAction
                                Type = Constants.TaskModuleSubmitType,
                            AdaptiveActionType = Constants.AddNoteCommand,
                            GoalNoteId         = personalGoalNoteDetail.PersonalGoalNoteId,

                return(new Attachment
                    ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType,
                    Content = addNoteCard,
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the add note submit card.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personalGoalNoteDetail">Instance containing personal goal note related details.</param>
        /// <param name="personalGoalDetail">Instance containing personal goal related details.</param>
        /// <param name="localizer">The current cultures' string localizer.</param>
        /// <returns>Attachment having add note submit card.</returns>
        public static Attachment GetsAddNoteSubmitCard(PersonalGoalNoteDetail personalGoalNoteDetail, PersonalGoalDetail personalGoalDetail, IStringLocalizer <Strings> localizer)
            personalGoalDetail     = personalGoalDetail ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(personalGoalDetail));
            personalGoalNoteDetail = personalGoalNoteDetail ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(personalGoalNoteDetail));
            var isSourceEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(personalGoalNoteDetail?.SourceName) ? true : false;

            AdaptiveCard addCardSubmitCard = new AdaptiveCard(Constants.AdaptiveCardVersion)
                Body = new List <AdaptiveElement>()
                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                        Text   = localizer.GetString("AddNoteHeading"),
                        Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                        Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Large,
                        Wrap   = true,
                    new AdaptiveColumnSet
                        Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.Padding,
                        Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>
                            new AdaptiveColumn
                                Width = "1",
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                        Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                        Wrap = true,
                                        Text = localizer.GetString("AddNoteGoalNameSubheading"),
                            new AdaptiveColumn
                                Width = "4",
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                        Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                        Wrap   = true,
                                        Text   = personalGoalDetail.GoalName,
                                        Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                    new AdaptiveColumnSet
                        Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.Padding,
                        Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>
                            new AdaptiveColumn
                                Width = "1",
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                        Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                        Wrap   = true,
                                        Text   = localizer.GetString("AddNoteNoteSubheading"),
                                        Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                            new AdaptiveColumn
                                Width = "4",
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                        Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                        Wrap = true,
                                        Text = personalGoalNoteDetail.PersonalGoalNoteDescription,

            if (!isSourceEmpty)
                addCardSubmitCard.Body.Add(new AdaptiveColumnSet()
                    Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.None,
                    Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>
                        new AdaptiveColumn
                            Width = "1",
                            Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                    Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                    Wrap   = true,
                                    Text   = localizer.GetString("AddNoteSourceSubheading"),
                                    Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                        new AdaptiveColumn
                            Width = "4",
                            Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                    Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                    Wrap = true,
                                    Text = personalGoalNoteDetail.SourceName,

            addCardSubmitCard.Body.Add(new AdaptiveColumnSet()
                Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.None,
                Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>
                    new AdaptiveColumn
                        Width = "1",
                        Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                            new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                Wrap   = true,
                                Text   = localizer.GetString("AddNoteDateSubheading"),
                                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                    new AdaptiveColumn
                        Width = "4",
                        Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                            new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                                Wrap = true,
                                Text = CardHelper.FormatDateStringToAdaptiveCardDateFormat(DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)),

            addCardSubmitCard.Actions = new List <AdaptiveAction>
                new AdaptiveSubmitAction
                    Title = localizer.GetString("AddNoteEditButtonText"),
                    Data  = new AdaptiveSubmitActionData
                        MsTeams = new TaskModuleAction(
                            data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AdaptiveSubmitActionData
                                AdaptiveActionType = Constants.EditNoteCommand,
                                PersonalGoalNoteId = personalGoalNoteDetail.PersonalGoalNoteId,
                                PersonalGoalId     = personalGoalNoteDetail.PersonalGoalId,
                                GoalNoteId         = personalGoalNoteDetail.AdaptiveCardActivityId,

            return(new Attachment
                ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType,
                Content = addCardSubmitCard,