コード例 #1
        public static DateTime?GetCurrentCheckpoint(this PersistentFileRollingInterval interval, DateTime instant)
            switch (interval)
            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Infinite:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Year:
                return(new DateTime(instant.Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, instant.Kind));

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Month:
                return(new DateTime(instant.Year, instant.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0, instant.Kind));

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Day:
                return(new DateTime(instant.Year, instant.Month, instant.Day, 0, 0, 0, instant.Kind));

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Hour:
                return(new DateTime(instant.Year, instant.Month, instant.Day, instant.Hour, 0, 0, instant.Kind));

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Minute:
                return(new DateTime(instant.Year, instant.Month, instant.Day, instant.Hour, instant.Minute, 0, instant.Kind));

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid rolling interval");
コード例 #2
        public static DateTime?GetNextCheckpoint(this PersistentFileRollingInterval interval, DateTime instant)
            var current = GetCurrentCheckpoint(interval, instant);

            if (current == null)

            switch (interval)
            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Year:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Month:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Day:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Hour:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Minute:

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid rolling interval");
コード例 #3
        public static string GetFormat(this PersistentFileRollingInterval interval)
            switch (interval)
            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Infinite:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Year:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Month:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Day:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Hour:

            case PersistentFileRollingInterval.Minute:

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid rolling interval");
コード例 #4
        public PathRoller(string path, PersistentFileRollingInterval interval)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            _interval     = interval;
            _periodFormat = interval.GetFormat();

            var pathDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathDirectory))
                pathDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            _directory       = Path.GetFullPath(pathDirectory);
            _filenamePrefix  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            _filenameSuffix  = Path.GetExtension(path);
            _filenameMatcher = new Regex(
                "^" +
                Regex.Escape(_filenamePrefix) +
                "(?<" + PeriodMatchGroup + ">\\d{" + _periodFormat.Length + "})" +
                "(?<" + SequenceNumberMatchGroup + ">_[0-9]{3,}){0,1}" +
                Regex.Escape(_filenameSuffix) +

            DirectorySearchPattern = $"{_filenamePrefix}*{_filenameSuffix}";
コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: saltydk/SARotate
        private static Logger CreateLogger(string cwd, string?logFilePath, bool verboseFlagExists)
            string logPath = logFilePath ?? _configuration["Serilog:WriteTo:0:Args:configure:0:Args:path"] ?? cwd + "/sarotate.log";
            string minimumLogLevelConfig  = verboseFlagExists ? "Verbose" : _configuration["Serilog:WriteTo:0:Args:configure:0:Args:restrictedToMinimumLevel"] ?? "Information";
            string rollingIntervalConfig  = _configuration["Serilog:WriteTo:0:Args:configure:0:Args:rollingInterval"] ?? "Day";
            int    fileSizeLimitBytes     = int.Parse(_configuration["Serilog:WriteTo:0:Args:configure:0:Args:fileSizeLimitBytes"] ?? "5000000");
            int    retainedFileCountLimit = int.Parse(_configuration["Serilog:WriteTo:0:Args:configure:0:Args:retainedFileCountLimit"] ?? "5");

            LogEventLevel minimumLogEventLevel            = ConvertMinimumLogLevelConfigToLogEventLevel(minimumLogLevelConfig);
            PersistentFileRollingInterval rollingInterval = ConvertRollingIntervalConfigValueToEnum(rollingIntervalConfig);

            Logger logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                            .Enrich.WithProperty("Application", "SARotate")
                            .Enrich.With <GenericLogEnricher>()
                            .MinimumLevel.ControlledBy(new LoggingLevelSwitch(minimumLogEventLevel))
                                                    fileSizeLimitBytes: fileSizeLimitBytes,
                                                    persistentFileRollingInterval: rollingInterval,
                                                    retainedFileCountLimit: retainedFileCountLimit)
                            .WriteTo.Async(a => a.Console(outputTemplate: "{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{Level:u3}] {Message:j}{NewLine}{Exception}"))

            Log.Logger = logger;

コード例 #6
        public void NextIntervalTests(PersistentFileRollingInterval interval, DateTime instant, DateTime?currentCheckpoint, DateTime?nextCheckpoint)
            var current = interval.GetCurrentCheckpoint(instant);

            Assert.Equal(currentCheckpoint, current);

            var next = interval.GetNextCheckpoint(instant);

            Assert.Equal(nextCheckpoint, next);
コード例 #7
 public static LoggerConfiguration PersistentFile(
     this LoggerSinkConfiguration sinkConfiguration,
     ITextFormatter formatter,
     string path,
     LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel,
     LoggingLevelSwitch levelSwitch,
     bool buffered,
     bool shared,
     PersistentFileRollingInterval persistentFileRollingInterval,
     bool rollOnFileSizeLimit,
     Encoding encoding)
     return(PersistentFile(sinkConfiguration, formatter, path, restrictedToMinimumLevel, fileSizeLimitBytes, levelSwitch, buffered,
                           shared, flushToDiskInterval, persistentFileRollingInterval, rollOnFileSizeLimit, retainedFileCountLimit, encoding, null));
コード例 #8
        public RollingFileSink(string path,
                               ITextFormatter textFormatter,
                               Encoding encoding,
                               bool buffered,
                               bool shared,
                               PersistentFileRollingInterval persistentFileRollingInterval,
                               bool rollOnFileSizeLimit,
                               FileLifecycleHooks hooks,
                               bool keepFilename            = false,
                               bool rollOnEachProcessRun    = true,
                               bool useLastWriteAsTimestamp = false)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            if (fileSizeLimitBytes.HasValue && fileSizeLimitBytes < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Negative value provided; file size limit must be non-negative.");
            if (retainedFileCountLimit.HasValue && retainedFileCountLimit < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Zero or negative value provided; retained file count limit must be at least 1.");

            _roller                 = new PathRoller(path, persistentFileRollingInterval);
            _textFormatter          = textFormatter;
            _fileSizeLimitBytes     = fileSizeLimitBytes;
            _retainedFileCountLimit = retainedFileCountLimit;
            _encoding               = encoding;
            _buffered               = buffered;
            _shared                 = shared;
            _rollOnFileSizeLimit    = rollOnFileSizeLimit;
            _hooks                   = hooks;
            _keepFilename            = keepFilename;
            _rollOnEachProcessRun    = rollOnEachProcessRun;
            _useLastWriteAsTimestamp = useLastWriteAsTimestamp;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Write log events to the specified file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sinkConfiguration">Logger sink configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="path">Path to the file.</param>
        /// <param name="restrictedToMinimumLevel">The minimum level for
        /// events passed through the sink. Ignored when <paramref name="levelSwitch"/> is specified.</param>
        /// <param name="levelSwitch">A switch allowing the pass-through minimum level
        /// to be changed at runtime.</param>
        /// <param name="formatProvider">Supplies culture-specific formatting information, or null.</param>
        /// <param name="outputTemplate">A message template describing the format used to write to the sink.
        /// the default is "{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}".</param>
        /// <param name="fileSizeLimitBytes">The approximate maximum size, in bytes, to which a log file will be allowed to grow.
        /// For unrestricted growth, pass null. The default is 1 GB. To avoid writing partial events, the last event within the limit
        /// will be written in full even if it exceeds the limit.</param>
        /// <param name="buffered">Indicates if flushing to the output file can be buffered or not. The default
        /// is false.</param>
        /// <param name="shared">Allow the log file to be shared by multiple processes. The default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="flushToDiskInterval">If provided, a full disk flush will be performed periodically at the specified interval.</param>
        /// <param name="persistentFileRollingInterval">The interval at which logging will roll over to a new file.</param>
        /// <param name="rollOnFileSizeLimit">If <code>true</code>, a new file will be created when the file size limit is reached. Filenames
        /// will have a number appended in the format <code>_NNN</code>, with the first filename given no number.</param>
        /// <param name="retainedFileCountLimit">The maximum number of log files that will be retained,
        /// including the current log file. For unlimited retention, pass null. The default is 31.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">Character encoding used to write the text file. The default is UTF-8 without BOM.</param>
        /// <param name="hooks">Optionally enables hooking into log file lifecycle events.</param>
        /// <param name="preserveLogFilename">Avoid the log file name to change after each roll, on roll the log file is copied to a new file and the current file is restarted empty</param>
        /// <param name="rollOnEachProcessRun">Roll the name of the log file every time the process starts.</param>
        /// <param name="useLastWriteAsTimestamp">When the file is rolled, the last write timestamp of the log file is used instead of the current timestamp.</param>
        /// <returns>Configuration object allowing method chaining.</returns>
        public static LoggerConfiguration PersistentFile(
            this LoggerSinkConfiguration sinkConfiguration,
            string path,
            LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel = LevelAlias.Minimum,
            string outputTemplate          = DefaultOutputTemplate,
            IFormatProvider formatProvider = null,
            long?fileSizeLimitBytes        = DefaultFileSizeLimitBytes,
            LoggingLevelSwitch levelSwitch = null,
            bool buffered = false,
            bool shared   = false,
            TimeSpan?flushToDiskInterval = null,
            PersistentFileRollingInterval persistentFileRollingInterval = PersistentFileRollingInterval.Infinite,
            bool rollOnFileSizeLimit     = false,
            int?retainedFileCountLimit   = DefaultRetainedFileCountLimit,
            Encoding encoding            = null,
            FileLifecycleHooks hooks     = null,
            bool preserveLogFilename     = true,
            bool rollOnEachProcessRun    = true,
            bool useLastWriteAsTimestamp = false)
            if (sinkConfiguration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sinkConfiguration));
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            if (outputTemplate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputTemplate));

            var formatter = new MessageTemplateTextFormatter(outputTemplate, formatProvider);

            return(PersistentFile(sinkConfiguration, formatter, path, restrictedToMinimumLevel, fileSizeLimitBytes,
                                  levelSwitch, buffered, shared, flushToDiskInterval,
                                  persistentFileRollingInterval, rollOnFileSizeLimit, retainedFileCountLimit, encoding, hooks,
                                  preserveLogFilename, rollOnEachProcessRun, useLastWriteAsTimestamp));
コード例 #10
        static LoggerConfiguration ConfigureFile(
            this Func <ILogEventSink, LogEventLevel, LoggingLevelSwitch, LoggerConfiguration> addSink,
            ITextFormatter formatter,
            string path,
            LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel,
            LoggingLevelSwitch levelSwitch,
            bool buffered,
            bool propagateExceptions,
            bool shared,
            Encoding encoding,
            PersistentFileRollingInterval persistentFileRollingInterval,
            bool rollOnFileSizeLimit,
            FileLifecycleHooks hooks,
            bool preserveLogFilename     = true,
            bool rollOnEachProcessRun    = true,
            bool useLastWriteAsTimestamp = false)
            if (addSink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(addSink));
            if (formatter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(formatter));
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            if (fileSizeLimitBytes.HasValue && fileSizeLimitBytes < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Negative value provided; file size limit must be non-negative.", nameof(fileSizeLimitBytes));
            if (retainedFileCountLimit.HasValue && retainedFileCountLimit < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("At least one file must be retained.", nameof(retainedFileCountLimit));
            if (shared && buffered)
                throw new ArgumentException("Buffered writes are not available when file sharing is enabled.", nameof(buffered));
            if (shared && hooks != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("File lifecycle hooks are not currently supported for shared log files.", nameof(hooks));

            ILogEventSink sink;

            if (rollOnFileSizeLimit || persistentFileRollingInterval != PersistentFileRollingInterval.Infinite)
                sink = new RollingFileSink(path, formatter, fileSizeLimitBytes, retainedFileCountLimit, encoding, buffered, shared, persistentFileRollingInterval, rollOnFileSizeLimit, hooks, preserveLogFilename, rollOnEachProcessRun, useLastWriteAsTimestamp);
                    if (shared)
#pragma warning disable 618
                        sink = new SharedFileSink(path, formatter, fileSizeLimitBytes, encoding);
#pragma warning restore 618
                        sink = new FileSink(path, formatter, fileSizeLimitBytes, encoding, buffered, hooks);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SelfLog.WriteLine("Unable to open file sink for {0}: {1}", path, ex);

                    if (propagateExceptions)

                    return(addSink(new NullSink(), LevelAlias.Maximum, null));

            if (flushToDiskInterval.HasValue)
#pragma warning disable 618
                sink = new PeriodicFlushToDiskSink(sink, flushToDiskInterval.Value);
#pragma warning restore 618

            return(addSink(sink, restrictedToMinimumLevel, levelSwitch));
コード例 #11
        public void MatchingSelectsFiles(string template, string zeroth, string thirtyFirst, PersistentFileRollingInterval interval)
            var roller  = new PathRoller(template, interval);
            var matched = roller.SelectMatches(new[] { zeroth, thirtyFirst }).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(2, matched.Length);
            Assert.Equal(null, matched[0].SequenceNumber);
            Assert.Equal(31, matched[1].SequenceNumber);
コード例 #12
        public void MatchingParsesSubstitutions(string template, string newer, string older, PersistentFileRollingInterval interval)
            var roller  = new PathRoller(template, interval);
            var matched = roller.SelectMatches(new[] { older, newer }).OrderByDescending(m => m.DateTime).Select(m => m.Filename).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(new[] { newer, older }, matched);