コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Co-routine that services one PendingRequest. This method must be called with StartCoroutine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request to service.</param>
        private IEnumerator HandleWebRequest(PendingRequest request, BufferHolder bufferHolder)
            // NOTE: This method runs on the main thread, but never blocks -- the blocking part of the work is
            // done by yielding the UnityWebRequest, which releases the main thread for other tasks while we
            // are waiting for the web request to complete (by the miracle of coroutines).

            // Let the caller create the UnityWebRequest, configuring it as they want. The caller can set the URL,
            // method, headers, anything they want. The only thing they can't do is call Send(), as we're in charge
            // of doing that.
            UnityWebRequest webRequest = request.creationCallback();

            PtDebug.LogVerboseFormat("Web request: {0} {1}", webRequest.method, webRequest.url);

            bool cacheAllowed = cache != null && webRequest.method == "GET" && request.maxAgeMillis != CACHE_NONE;

            // Check the cache (if it's a GET request and cache is enabled).
            if (cacheAllowed)
                bool   cacheHit      = false;
                byte[] cacheData     = null;
                bool   cacheReadDone = false;
                cache.RequestRead(webRequest.url, request.maxAgeMillis, (bool success, byte[] data) =>
                    cacheHit      = success;
                    cacheData     = data;
                    cacheReadDone = true;
                while (!cacheReadDone)
                    yield return(null);
                if (cacheHit)
                    PtDebug.LogVerboseFormat("Web request CACHE HIT: {0}, response: {1} bytes",
                                             webRequest.url, cacheData.Length);
                    request.completionCallback(PolyStatus.Success(), /* responseCode */ 200, cacheData);

                    // Return the buffer to the pool for reuse.

                    yield break;
                    PtDebug.LogVerboseFormat("Web request CACHE MISS: {0}.", webRequest.url);

            DownloadHandlerBuffer handler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();

            webRequest.downloadHandler = handler;

            // We need to asset that we actually succeeded in setting the download handler, because this can fail
            // if, for example, the creation callback mistakenly called Send().
            PolyUtils.AssertTrue(webRequest.downloadHandler == handler,
                                 "Couldn't set download handler. It's either disposed of, or the creation callback mistakenly called Send().");

            // Start the web request. This will suspend this coroutine until the request is done.
            PtDebug.LogVerboseFormat("Sending web request: {0}", webRequest.url);
            yield return(UnityCompat.SendWebRequest(webRequest));

            // Request is finished. Call user-supplied callback.
            PtDebug.LogVerboseFormat("Web request finished: {0}, HTTP response code {1}, response: {2}",
                                     webRequest.url, webRequest.responseCode, webRequest.downloadHandler.text);
            PolyStatus status = UnityCompat.IsNetworkError(webRequest) ? PolyStatus.Error(webRequest.error) : PolyStatus.Success();

            request.completionCallback(status, (int)webRequest.responseCode, webRequest.downloadHandler.data);

            // Cache the result, if applicable.
            if (!UnityCompat.IsNetworkError(webRequest) && cacheAllowed)
                byte[] data = webRequest.downloadHandler.data;
                if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                    byte[] copy = new byte[data.Length];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, copy, 0, data.Length);
                    cache.RequestWrite(webRequest.url, copy);

            // Clean up.