コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves list of Permission objects from SqlCommand, after database query
        /// number of rows retrieved and returned depends upon the rows field value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd">The command object to use for query</param>
        /// <param name="rows">Number of rows to process</param>
        /// <returns>A list of Permission objects</returns>
        private PermissionList GetList(SqlCommand cmd, long rows)
            // Select multiple records
            SqlDataReader reader;
            long          result = SelectRecords(cmd, out reader);

            //Permission list
            PermissionList list = new PermissionList();

            using ( reader )
                // Read rows until end of result or number of rows specified is reached
                while (reader.Read() && rows-- != 0)
                    Permission permissionObject = new Permission();
                    FillObject(permissionObject, reader);


                // Close the reader in order to receive output parameters
                // Output parameters are not available until reader is closed.

コード例 #2
        static FakePermissionDataAdapter()
            var res8 = new PermissionList();

            res8.Add(new FakePerm()
                Id = 1, ResourceId = 8, RoleNumber = 200, PermValue = 3
            res8.Add(new FakePerm()
                Id = 2, ResourceId = 8, RoleNumber = 300, PermValue = 1
            res8.Add(new FakePerm()
                Id = 5, ResourceId = 8, RoleNumber = 400, PermValue = 2
            res8.Add(new FakePerm()
                Id = 6, ResourceId = 8, RoleNumber = 500, PermValue = 16

            db.Add(8, res8);

            var res11 = new PermissionList();

            res11.Add(new FakePerm()
                Id = 3, ResourceId = 11, RoleNumber = 200, PermValue = 15
            res11.Add(new FakePerm()
                Id = 4, ResourceId = 11, RoleNumber = 300, PermValue = 3

            db.Add(11, res11);
コード例 #3
        public BrandSectionPermissionViewModel()
            if (DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool)

            Client.GetAllBrandsCompleted += (d, s) =>
                BrandList = s.Result;

            lkpClient.GetTblBrandSectionLinkCompleted += (s, sv) =>
                foreach (var row in sv.Result)

            Client.GetUserSpectialPermissionsCompleted += (s, sv) =>
                foreach (var row in sv.Result)
                    PermissionList.Add(new TblBrandSectionPermissionViewModel
                        TblAuthPermission = row.Iserial,
                        Ename             = row.Ename,

            Client.GetTblBrandSectionPermissionCompleted += (s, sv) =>
                foreach (var oldrow in PermissionList)
                    oldrow.Iserial   = 0;
                    oldrow.Financial = oldrow.Retail = oldrow.Technical = false;

                foreach (var row in sv.Result)
                    var permissionRow = PermissionList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.TblAuthPermission == row.TblAuthPermission && row.BrandCode == SelectedBrand.Brand_Code && row.TblLkpBrandSection == SelectedBrandSection.Iserial
                    if (permissionRow != null)

            Client.UpdateOrInsertTblBrandSectionPermissionCompleted += (s, x) =>
                var savedRow = (TblBrandSectionPermissionViewModel)PermissionList.GetItemAt(x.outindex);

                if (savedRow != null)

            Client.DeleteTblBrandSectionPermissionCompleted += (s, ev) =>
                var oldrow = PermissionList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Iserial == ev.Result);
                if (oldrow != null)
                    oldrow.Iserial   = 0;
                    oldrow.Financial = oldrow.Retail = oldrow.Technical = false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: UserBrandViewModel.cs プロジェクト: Osama91/CCWFM
        public UserBrandViewModel()
            if (DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool)

            Client.GetAllBrandsCompleted += (d, s) =>
                BrandList = s.Result;
            Client.GetAllUsersAsync(0, int.MaxValue, "it.Ename", null, null);
            Client.GetAllUsersCompleted += (d, s) =>
                UsersList    = s.Result;
                SelectedUser = s.Result.FirstOrDefault();

            //Client.GetGenericCompleted += (s, sv) =>
            //    foreach (var row in sv.Result)
            //    {
            //        var newrow = new TblUserBrandSectionViewModel
            //        {
            //            Aname = row.Aname,
            //            Ename = row.Ename,
            //            Iserial = row.Iserial,
            //            Code = row.Code,
            //            TblLkpBrandSection = row.Iserial,
            //            BrandCode = SelectedBrand.Brand_Code,
            //            TblAuthUser = SelectedUser.Iserial,
            //        };
            //        BrandSectionList.Add(newrow);
            //    }

            lkpClient.GetTblAllBrandSectionLinkCompleted += (s, sv) =>
                BrandSectionList = new ObservableCollection <TblUserBrandSectionViewModel>();
                foreach (var row in sv.Result)
                    var newrow = new TblUserBrandSectionViewModel
                        Aname = row.TblLkpBrandSection1.Aname,
                        Ename = row.TblLkpBrandSection1.Ename,
                        TblLkpBrandSection = row.TblLkpBrandSection,
                        Code        = row.TblLkpBrandSection1.Code,
                        BrandCode   = row.TblBrand,
                        TblAuthUser = SelectedUser.Iserial,
                        TblBrandSectionPermissions = row.TblLkpBrandSection1.TblBrandSectionPermissions

            Client.GetUserSpectialPermissionsCompleted += (s, sv) =>
                foreach (var row in sv.Result)
                    PermissionList.Add(new TblUserBrandSectionPermissionViewModel
                        TblAuthPermission = row.Iserial,
                        Ename             = row.Ename,

            Client.GetTblUserBrandSectionPermissionCompleted += (s, sv) =>
                foreach (var row in PermissionList)
                    row.UpdatedAllowed = false;
                    row.Retail         = row.Technical = row.Financial = row.RetailEnabled = row.TechnicalEnabled = row.FinancialEnabled = row.Checked = false;
                    var brandSectionPermissions =
                            x => x.TblAuthPermission == row.TblAuthPermission && x.BrandCode == SelectedBrand.Brand_Code);

                    var permissionRow = PermissionList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.TblAuthPermission == row.TblAuthPermission

                    if (permissionRow != null)
                        if (brandSectionPermissions != null)
                            permissionRow.FinancialEnabled = brandSectionPermissions.Financial;
                            permissionRow.TechnicalEnabled = brandSectionPermissions.Technical;
                            permissionRow.RetailEnabled    = brandSectionPermissions.Retail;
                foreach (var row in sv.Result)
                    if (SelectedUserBrandSection != null)
                        var permissionRow = PermissionList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.TblAuthPermission == row.TblAuthPermission && SelectedUserBrandSection.Iserial == row.TblUserBrandSection
                        if (permissionRow != null)
                            permissionRow.Checked             = true;
                            permissionRow.TblUserBrandSection = row.Iserial;
                            permissionRow.Retail    = row.Retail;
                            permissionRow.Technical = row.Technical;
                            permissionRow.Financial = row.Financial;

            Client.GetTblUserBrandSectionCompleted += (s, sv) =>
                foreach (var row in BrandSectionList)
                    row.UpdatedAllowed = false;
                    row.Checked        = false;
                foreach (var row in sv.Result)
                    var brandSectionRow = BrandSectionList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.TblLkpBrandSection == row.TblLkpBrandSection && x.TblAuthUser == row.TblAuthUser
                    if (brandSectionRow != null)
                        brandSectionRow.Iserial = row.Iserial;
                        brandSectionRow.Checked = true;
コード例 #5
 public void AddPermissionToList(int permissionID, string legalText)
     PermissionList.Add(new Permission(permissionID, legalText));