コード例 #1
        private Dictionary <P, long> GetCategoryAcl(P permission, K?categoryKey)
            var acl = UserAcl();
            var cat = PermissionCoordinator.GetPermissionCategory(permission);

            // In some senarios, we haven't set the categorykey yet. so we shouldn't get exception!
            //   if (cat != null && categoryKey == null)
            //       throw new Exception("The requested permission object[" + typeof(P).ToString() + "] has category[" + cat.Value.ToString() + "], but you passed a null categoryKey! This permission is only valid within an instance of a category.");

            // In some senarios, we pass the categoryKey always (by controller) but it shouldn't be used for permissions with no category. so we comment it and make the related key.
            //if (cat == null && categoryKey != null)//TODO : we can bypass this instead of exception throwing...
            //    throw new Exception("The requested permission object[" + typeof(P).ToString() + "] has no any category, but you passed categoryKey[" + categoryKey.ToString() + "]!");

            if (cat == null)
                categoryKey = null;             //In some senarios, we pass the categoryKey always (by controller) but it shouldn't be used for permissions with no category.
            var key = new UserAclKey <C, K>(cat, categoryKey);

            if (acl.ContainsKey(key))
            return(null);//مثلا زمانیکه در رسته استان تهران  کلا دسترسی ای برای ایشان تعریف نشده است
コード例 #2
        protected internal override object GetPermissionCategoryKey(long permissionObject, IEnumerable <long> permissions, object entityKey, string entityKeyParameterName)
            object obj = permissionObject;
            var    cat = PermissionCoordinator.GetPermissionCategory((P)obj);

コード例 #3
 public bool?HasPermission(P permissionObject, long requestedPermissions /*NOTE:this parameter can be cumulative*/, PermissionLimiterBase permissionLimiter, K?categoryKey = null)
     if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
     if (categoryKey == null)
         categoryKey = GetPermissionCategoryKey(PermissionCoordinator.GetPermissionCategory(permissionObject));
     return(UserPermissionHelper.HasPermission(permissionObject, requestedPermissions, permissionLimiter, categoryKey));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// از ارسال اجازه های ترکیبی به این پارامتر خودداری شود
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="permissions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool HasFullPermissionOf <T>(T permissions, K?categoryKey = null) where T : struct
            if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            if (categoryKey == null)
                categoryKey = GetPermissionCategoryKey(PermissionCoordinator.GetPermissionCategory(PermissionCoordinator.GetRelatedPermissionItem(typeof(T))));

            return(UserPermissionHelper.HasFullPermissionOf <T>(permissions, categoryKey));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// مقدار بازگشتی نال به معنی این است که بر روی همه موجودیت ها اجازه دارد. این موضوع تنها برای مدیر ارشد معنا دارد
        /// برای سایرین لیست خالی یا لیست با مقدار بازگردانده می شود
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="permissions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <K?> GetAllowedObjects <T>(T permissions) where T : struct
            if (IsEnterpriseAdmin != null && IsEnterpriseAdmin())
            var entityItem = PermissionCoordinator.GetRelatedPermissionItem(typeof(T));
            var acls       = UserAcl();
            var cat        = PermissionCoordinator.GetPermissionCategory(entityItem);
            var lst        = new List <K?>();

            foreach (var aclItem in acls)
                if (aclItem.Key.Category.Equals(cat))
                    if (HasPermissionInAcl(entityItem, Convert.ToInt64(permissions), null, aclItem.Value) == true)