public void generateSkin(Color c1, Color c2) { this.c1 = c1; this.c2 = c2; var noise = new PerlinNoise2D(10, 10, 5); var texture = new Texture2D(100, 100, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < 100; y++) { var c = / 10f, y / 10f) / 2 + .5f; var color = Color.Lerp(c1, c2, c); texture.SetPixel(x, y, color); } } texture.Apply(); var renderer = GetComponent <Renderer>(); var tempMaterial = new Material(renderer.sharedMaterial); tempMaterial.mainTexture = texture; tempMaterial.SetTexture(EmissionMap, texture); tempMaterial.SetColor(EmissionColor, Color.white); renderer.sharedMaterial = tempMaterial; }
// todo probably don't need public static Texture2D getCracks(int width, int height) { var xyPeriod = 8.0f; //number of rings var turbPower = 0.2f; //makes twists var turbSize = 32.0f; //initial size of the turbulence var noise = new PerlinNoise2D(width / 10, height / 100, 1); var texWid = width; var texHei = height; var texture = new Texture2D(texWid, texHei, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); for (int x = 0; x < texWid; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < texHei; y++) { var noiseVal = / 10, (float)y / 100) / (.5f * Mathf.Sqrt(2)) + .5f; noiseVal = noiseVal > 0.9 ? (noiseVal - 0.9f) / (1 - 0.9f) : 0; var noiseColor = new Color(noiseVal, noiseVal, noiseVal); var treeColor = noiseColor; texture.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Lerp(treeColor, noiseColor, 0f)); } } texture.Apply(); return(texture); }
public void generateSkin(GameObject sun, Color c1, Color c2, float speed, float aS) { this.aS = aS; this.sun = sun; this.speed = speed; var noise = new PerlinNoise2D(7, 7, 5); var texture = new Texture2D(70, 70, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); for (var x = 0; x < 70; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < 70; y++) { var c = / 10f, y / 10f) / 2 + .5f; var color = Color.Lerp(c1, c2, c); texture.SetPixel(x, y, color); } } texture.Apply(); var renderer = GetComponent <Renderer>(); var tempMaterial = new Material(renderer.sharedMaterial); tempMaterial.mainTexture = texture; renderer.sharedMaterial = tempMaterial; }
BiomeData Generate2DBiomeData() { BiomeData biomeData = new BiomeData(); BiomeSwitchGraph switchGraph = new BiomeSwitchGraph(); Sampler2D terrainHeight = new Sampler2D(size, step); PerlinNoise2D perlin = new PerlinNoise2D(seed); perlin.UpdateParams(seed, step, octaves, persistance, lacunarity); perlin.ComputeSampler2D(terrainHeight); terrainHeight = NoiseFunctions.Map(terrainHeight, 0, maxTerrainHeight); biomeData.waterLevel = waterLevel; biomeData.isWaterless = isWaterless; biomeData.UpdateSamplerValue(BiomeSamplerName.terrainHeight, terrainHeight); if (!isWaterless) { biomeData.UpdateSamplerValue(BiomeSamplerName.waterHeight, GenerateWaterHeight(terrainHeight)); } switchGraph.BuildTestGraph(0); biomeData.biomeMap = Generate2DBiomeMap(0); biomeData.biomeSwitchGraph = switchGraph; return(biomeData); }
public static Mesh generateAsteroid(float radius, float distortion) { var mesh = new Mesh(); = "Asteroid"; var horizontalLines = 40; var verticalLines = 40; var vertices = new Vector3[horizontalLines * verticalLines]; var posMap = new Dictionary <(int, int), int>(); List <Vector2> newUVs = new List <Vector2>(); List <int> newTriangles = new List <int>(); List <Vector3> normals = new List <Vector3>(); var noise = new PerlinNoise2D(5, 5, 5); int index = 0; var origin = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); for (int m = 0; m < horizontalLines; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < verticalLines - 1; n++) { var sample = / 8f, n / 8f) * distortion; sample *= Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * m / (horizontalLines - 1)); var pos = at(n, m, verticalLines, horizontalLines, radius + sample); vertices[index] = pos; posMap[(n, m)] = index;
private void Start() { mesh = new Mesh(); GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; perlinNoise2D = new PerlinNoise2D(); CreateMeshShape(); UpdateMesh(); }
/// <summary> /// コンストラクタ <see cref="MapGenerator" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="amplitude">波の大きさ</param> /// <param name="wavePeriod">波の周期</param> /// <param name="amplitudeDecreasingRate">波の大きさの1オクターブ毎の変化率</param> /// <param name="wavePeriodDecreasingRate">波の周期の1オクターブ毎の変化率</param> /// <param name="octaves">ノイズを何回重ねるか</param> /// <param name="seed">シード値</param> public MapGenerator(float amplitude, float wavePeriod, float amplitudeDecreasingRate, float wavePeriodDecreasingRate, int octaves, int seed) { this.amplitude = amplitude; this.wavePeriod = wavePeriod; this.amplitudeDecreasingRate = amplitudeDecreasingRate; this.wavePeriodDecreasingRate = wavePeriodDecreasingRate; this.octaves = octaves; this.noiseGenerator = new PerlinNoise2D(seed); Assert.IsTrue(this.amplitude > 0, $"波の大きさは0以下にできません"); Assert.IsTrue(this.wavePeriod > 0, $"波の周期は0以下にできません"); Assert.IsTrue((0 < this.amplitudeDecreasingRate) && (this.amplitudeDecreasingRate <= 1f), $"波の大きさの変化率は(0, 1]でなければなりません"); Assert.IsTrue((0 < this.wavePeriodDecreasingRate) && (this.wavePeriodDecreasingRate <= 1f), $"波の周期の変化率は(0, 1]でなければなりません"); Assert.IsTrue(this.octaves > 0, $"ノイズを重ねる回数は0以下にできません"); }
private void calculateTerrainNoise(ref float[,] heights) { var scale = 1 << noiseRandomScale; var fscale = (float)scale; var wid = heights.GetLength(0); var hei = heights.GetLength(1); var noise = new PerlinNoise2D(wid / scale, hei / scale); for (var x = 0; x < wid; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < hei; y++) { heights[x, y] = ( / fscale, y / fscale) / 0.5f + 1) / 2; } } }
public PerlinNoise2D(int wid, int hei, int octaves) { if (octaves < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Can't be negative", "octaves"); } if (octaves == 1) { setUpGrads(wid, hei); p = null; } else { setUpGrads(wid, hei); p = new PerlinNoise2D(wid * 2, hei * 2, octaves - 1); } }
public override void OnNodeProcess() { if (chunkSizeHasChanged) output.Resize(chunkSize); //recalcul perlin noise values with new seed / position. if (needUpdate) { float scale = 40f; output.Foreach((x, y) => { float nx = (float)x * step + chunkPosition.x; float ny = (float)y * step + chunkPosition.z; float val = PerlinNoise2D.GenerateNoise(nx / scale, ny / scale, 2, 2, 1, 1, seed); for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) val *= 1.2f; return val; }); } }
// PerlinNoise2D produces values from -1 to 1. This forces that noise into the range 0.0 to 1.0 private double[,] GetPositiveNoise( ) { double[,] noise = new double[mapParams.size.X, mapParams.size.Y]; PerlinNoise2D.GenPerlinNoise(noise, mapParams.zoomOut, mapParams.frequencyMulti, mapParams.persistence, mapParams.octaves, mapParams.seed); for (int x = 0; x < mapParams.size.X; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapParams.size.Y; y++) { noise[x, y] += 1; noise[x, y] /= 2; } } return(noise); }
static List <Vector2> GenerateRoomVertices(Vector2 p, ROOM_TYPE type) { List <Vector2> verts = new List <Vector2>(); float roomScale = 1; float noiseScale = 0.05f; int nVertices = 40; float degPadd = (360f / nVertices); float deg = 125; float rx = Random.Range(1f, 1.5f); float ry = Random.Range(1f, 1.5f); for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++, deg += degPadd) { float x = Mathf.Cos(deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad); float y = Mathf.Sin(deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad); Vector2 roomPoint = new Vector2(x * rx, y * ry); float noiseModifier = PerlinNoise2D.GenerateNoise(x + p.x, y + p.y, .05f, 2); noiseModifier = (noiseModifier - .5f) * 2 * noiseScale; verts.Add(p + roomPoint * roomScale + (roomPoint * noiseModifier)); } return(verts); }
// static Color dark = new Color(139 / 255f, 69 / 255f, 19 / 255f); // static Color light = new Color(200 / 255f, 199 / 255f, 137 / 255f); public static Texture2D getLines( bool vertical, int width, int height, int num, Color dark, Color light, float highGrain = 1, float lowGrain = 1 / 5f, float _2dNoise = 1 / 5f ) { var noise = new PerlinNoise2D(width, height, 5); var widthNoise = new PerlinNoise2D(width, 1, 5); var highGrainNoise = new PerlinNoise2D(width, 1, 1); var texture = new Texture2D(width * num, height * num, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); var offset = Random.Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2); if (vertical) { (width, height) = (height, width); } for (int y = 0; y < height * num; y++) { var fy = (float)y / num; var widthDisturb =, 0.5f) * highGrain; widthDisturb +=, 0.5f) * lowGrain; for (int x = 0; x < width * num; x++) { var fx = (float)x / num; var noiseVal =, fy); var pos = new Vector2(fx, fy); pos = shift(pos, noiseVal * _2dNoise); var linePattern = getLinePattern(pos, widthDisturb, offset); var col = Color.Lerp( light, dark, Mathf.Pow(linePattern, 1f / 8) ); if (linePattern > 0.95f) { col = Color.Lerp(, dark, 0.5f + 1 / 0.1f * (1 - linePattern)); // col = Color.Lerp(, dark, 0.5f); } var disCol = new Color(col.r, col.g, col.b); if (vertical) { texture.SetPixel(y, x, disCol); } else { texture.SetPixel(x, y, disCol); } } } texture.Apply(); return(texture); }
private float[,] generatePerlin(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate) { int Tw = (int) arraySize.x; int Th = (int) arraySize.y; // Zero... for (int My = 0; My < Th; My++) { for (int Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) { heightMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f; } } PerlinNoise2D[] noiseFunctions = new PerlinNoise2D[perlinOctaves]; int freq = perlinFrequency; float amp = 1.0f; int i; for (i = 0; i < perlinOctaves; i++) { noiseFunctions[i] = new PerlinNoise2D(freq, amp); freq *= 2; amp /= 2; } for (i = 0; i < perlinOctaves; i++) { double xStep = (float) Tw / (float) noiseFunctions[i].Frequency; double yStep = (float) Th / (float) noiseFunctions[i].Frequency; for (int Px = 0; Px < Tw; Px++) { for (int Py = 0; Py < Th; Py++) { int Pa = (int) (Px / xStep); int Pb = Pa + 1; int Pc = (int) (Py / yStep); int Pd = Pc + 1; double interpValue = noiseFunctions[i].getInterpolatedPoint(Pa, Pb, Pc, Pd, (Px / xStep) - Pa, (Py / yStep) - Pc); heightMap[Px, Py] += (float) (interpValue * noiseFunctions[i].Amplitude); } } // Show progress... float percentComplete = (i + 1) / perlinOctaves; generatorProgressDelegate("Perlin Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", percentComplete); } GeneratorProgressDelegate normaliseProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress); float oldNormaliseMin = normaliseMin; float oldNormaliseMax = normaliseMax; float oldNormaliseBlend = normaliseBlend; normaliseMin = 0.0f; normaliseMax = 1.0f; normaliseBlend = 1.0f; heightMap = normalise(heightMap, arraySize, normaliseProgressDelegate); normaliseMin = oldNormaliseMin; normaliseMax = oldNormaliseMax; normaliseBlend = oldNormaliseBlend; for (int Px = 0; Px < Tw; Px++) { for (int Py = 0; Py < Th; Py++) { heightMap[Px, Py] = heightMap[Px, Py] * perlinAmplitude; } } for (i = 0; i < perlinOctaves; i++) { noiseFunctions[i] = null; } noiseFunctions = null; return heightMap; }
// Helpers/Value private static float GetValue(float x, float y) { const float scale = 1f / 6; return(PerlinNoise2D.GetNoise01(x * scale, y * scale, 1)); }
/** * Apply Template To Map * Method responsible for modifying the nodes to reflect the template. */ public void ApplyTemplateToMap(MapTemplate mapTemplate) { Debug.Log("ApplyTemplateToMap"); // Initialize perlin noise generator to make terrain m_envPerlinNoise = new PerlinNoise2D(GetMapRowCount(), GetMapColCount()); m_nodeList = new SortedDictionary <int, SortedDictionary <int, NodeV2> >(); Vector3 envPos; int col = 0; int row = 0; int N = -m_tileSize / 2; int S = m_tileSize / 2; int E = m_tileSize / 2; int W = -m_tileSize / 2; int westWallCol = GetMapColCount() - 1; int northWallRow = GetMapRowCount() - 1; //isPlayablePerimeter Vector3 westWallOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, -m_tileSize / 2); Vector3 eastWallOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, m_tileSize / 2); Vector3 southWallOffset = new Vector3(m_tileSize / 2, 0, 0); Vector3 northWallOffset = new Vector3(-m_tileSize / 2, 0, 0); int northRow = 0; int eastCol = GetMapRowCount() - 1; int westCol = 0; int southRow = GetMapColCount() - 1; Vector2Int cornerNE = new Vector2Int(northRow, eastCol); Vector2Int cornerSE = new Vector2Int(southRow, eastCol); Vector2Int cornerSW = new Vector2Int(southRow, westCol); Vector2Int cornerNW = new Vector2Int(northRow, westCol); //================================================== // UPDATE CAMERA LIMITATION //================================================== // Super sketch but effective if (m_sketchCameraBounds) { float axisVal; float posOffsetVal; axisVal = (m_tileSize * GetMapColCount() - 1) / 2F; posOffsetVal = transform.position.x; Vector2 rangeX = new Vector2(posOffsetVal, posOffsetVal) + new Vector2(-axisVal, axisVal - m_tileSize); axisVal = (m_tileSize * GetMapRowCount() - 1) / 2F; posOffsetVal = transform.position.z; Vector2 rangeZ = new Vector2(posOffsetVal, posOffsetVal) + new Vector2(-axisVal, axisVal - m_tileSize); axisVal = 100; posOffsetVal = transform.position.y + 5; Vector2 rangeY = new Vector2(posOffsetVal, posOffsetVal + axisVal); UpdateCameraLimitations(rangeX, rangeY, rangeZ); } //================================================== // GENERATE BASE TILES //================================================== // Generate Tiles float mapWidth = m_tileSize * GetMapColCount(); float mapHeight = m_tileSize * GetMapRowCount(); NodeTemplate nodeTemplate; for (row = 0; row < GetMapRowCount(); ++row) { m_nodeList.Add(row, new SortedDictionary <int, NodeV2>()); for (col = 0; col < GetMapColCount(); ++col) { //---------------------------------------------- // Create Tile at position float tileRowPosX = m_tileSize * col - mapWidth / 2; float tileRowPosZ = m_tileSize * row - mapHeight / 2; Vector3 tilePos = transform.position + new Vector3(tileRowPosX, 0, tileRowPosZ); // Decide which prefab nodeTemplate = mapTemplate.GetNode(row, col); GameObject prefab = nodeTemplate.type == "path" || nodeTemplate.type == "start" || nodeTemplate.type == "end" ? m_pathTile : m_grassTile; GameObject spawnNode = Instantiate(prefab, tilePos, Quaternion.identity, this.gameObject.transform); NodeV2 spawnInstance = spawnNode.GetComponent <NodeV2>(); m_nodeList[row].Add(col, spawnInstance); //---------------------------------------------- // Add vegitation to terrain if (nodeTemplate.type == "terrain" && nodeTemplate.isEnvPlacable) { OddsTable subCategoryTable; // Choose which table to role on if (nodeTemplate.isPlayablePerimeter) { subCategoryTable = m_shrubOddsTable; } else { string rolledKey; if (Random.Range(0F, 10f) / 10F > 0.2F) { rolledKey = m_environmentOddsTable.GetForNormalizedRoll(m_envPerlinNoise.GetValue(row, col)); } else { rolledKey = m_environmentOddsTable.Roll(); } subCategoryTable = (OddsTable)m_environmentOddsTable.GetPayload(rolledKey); } // Table exists if (subCategoryTable != null) { // Decide prefab at Random string rolledKey; if (Random.Range(0, 1) > 0.5) { rolledKey = subCategoryTable.GetForNormalizedRoll(Mathf.Clamp(Random.Range(-0.2F, 0.2F) + m_envPerlinNoise.GetValue(row, col), 0, 1)); } else { rolledKey = subCategoryTable.Roll(); } GameObject envPrefab = (GameObject)subCategoryTable.GetPayload(rolledKey); if (envPrefab != null) { SpawnNodeEnv(spawnInstance, envPrefab); } } } //________________________________________________ } } //================================================== // APPLY TILE DATA //================================================== // Read directly from the map NodeTemplate template; for (row = 0; row < GetMapRowCount(); ++row) { for (col = 0; col < GetMapColCount(); ++col) { if (GetNode(row, col)) { NodeV2 node = GetNode(row, col); template = mapTemplate.GetNode(row, col); node.SetNodeType(template.type); node.SetIsPlayablePerimeter(template.isPlayablePerimeter); node.SetIsTowerPlacable(template.isTowerPlacable); node.SetIsEnvPlacable(template.isEnvPlacable); node.SetCoordinate(new Vector2Int(col, row)); } } } //================================================== // DECORATE PATHS //================================================== m_pathSegments = mapTemplate.GetPathSegments(); int globalPathTileCount = 0; int segmentLargestIndex = m_pathSegments.Count - 1; int previousSegmentIndex = -1; Vector2Int currentPos = new Vector2Int(0, 0); Vector2Int previousPos = new Vector2Int(0, 0); for (int s = 0; s <= segmentLargestIndex; ++s) { bool isLastSegment = s == segmentLargestIndex; PathSegment segment = m_pathSegments[s]; int deltaX = segment.end.x - segment.start.x; int deltaY = segment.end.y - segment.start.y; int directionX = deltaX == 0 ? 0 : deltaX / Mathf.Abs(deltaX); int directionY = deltaY == 0 ? 0 : deltaY / Mathf.Abs(deltaY); //isLastTile, isFirstTile // Set up 2D iteration int dy = 0; int dx = 0; bool isLastIteration = false; bool isDone = false; while (!isDone) { // Set loop ending flag if (isLastIteration) { isDone = true; } //---------------------- // Execute for-loop contents with dx and dy // Get tile location row = segment.start.y + dy; col = segment.start.x + dx; // Select colour bool isFirstTile = globalPathTileCount == 0; bool isLastTile = isLastSegment && isLastIteration; bool isDirectionChange = s != previousSegmentIndex; currentPos = new Vector2Int(col, row); if (isFirstTile) { previousPos = currentPos; } //==================================================================== // If the segment is not overlapping form the last segment if (previousPos != currentPos || isFirstTile) { NodeV2 currentTile = GetNode(row, col); Transform parentTransform = currentTile.gameObject.transform; envPos = currentTile.gameObject.transform.position + currentTile.GetEnvOffset(); Vector3 wallPos; Quaternion wallRotation; nodeTemplate = mapTemplate.GetNode(row, col); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADD PATH WALLS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- if (currentTile.GetNodeType() != "end" && m_pathWall != null) { if (nodeTemplate.hasWall[(int)NodeTemplate.Wall.N]) { wallPos = envPos + new Vector3(N, 0, 0); wallRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathWall, wallPos, wallRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasWall[(int)NodeTemplate.Wall.S]) { wallPos = envPos + new Vector3(S, 0, 0); wallRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathWall, wallPos, wallRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasWall[(int)NodeTemplate.Wall.E]) { wallPos = envPos + new Vector3(0, 0, E); wallRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathWall, wallPos, wallRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasWall[(int)NodeTemplate.Wall.W]) { wallPos = envPos + new Vector3(0, 0, W); wallRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathWall, wallPos, wallRotation, parentTransform); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADD PATH PILLARS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion pillarRotation = Quaternion.identity; if (m_pathPiller != null) { if (nodeTemplate.hasPillar[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.NE]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(N, 0, E); Instantiate(m_pathPiller, pillarPos, pillarRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasPillar[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.NW]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(N, 0, W); Instantiate(m_pathPiller, pillarPos, pillarRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasPillar[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.SE]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(S, 0, E); Instantiate(m_pathPiller, pillarPos, pillarRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasPillar[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.SW]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(S, 0, W); Instantiate(m_pathPiller, pillarPos, pillarRotation, parentTransform); } } if (currentTile.GetIsPath() && currentTile.GetPlayablePerimeter() && currentTile.GetNodeType() != "end") { Quaternion pillarRot = Quaternion.identity; if (m_leftEntrancePillar != null) { Instantiate(m_leftEntrancePillar, envPos + westWallOffset + northWallOffset, pillarRot, this.gameObject.transform); } if (m_rightEntrancePillar != null) { Instantiate(m_rightEntrancePillar, envPos + westWallOffset + southWallOffset, pillarRot, this.gameObject.transform); } } /* * if (currentTile.GetNodeType() == "end") * { * Quaternion pillarRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.up); * Instantiate(m_pathPiller, envPos + eastWallOffset + southWallOffset, pillarRot, this.gameObject.transform); * Instantiate(m_pathPiller, envPos + eastWallOffset + northWallOffset, pillarRot, this.gameObject.transform); * } */ if (currentTile.GetNodeType() == "end" && m_finalScene != null) { currentTile.m_height = 11F; Vector3 endPos = currentTile.gameObject.transform.position; Quaternion endRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_finalScene, endPos, endRot, this.gameObject.transform); } if (currentTile.GetNodeType() == "start" && m_startScene != null) { Vector3 startPos = currentTile.gameObject.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -m_tileSize);//HERE Quaternion startRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_startScene, startPos, startRot, this.gameObject.transform); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADD Tiles // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion tileRotation = Quaternion.identity; Vector3 tilePos; GameObject tilePrefrab = null; float tileOffset = 0; tilePos = envPos + new Vector3(N / 2, tileOffset, E / 2); tilePrefrab = (GameObject)m_tileOddsTable.GetPayload(m_tileOddsTable.Roll()); if (tilePrefrab != null) { Instantiate(tilePrefrab, tilePos, tileRotation, parentTransform); } tilePos = envPos + new Vector3(S / 2, tileOffset, E / 2); tilePrefrab = (GameObject)m_tileOddsTable.GetPayload(m_tileOddsTable.Roll()); if (tilePrefrab != null) { Instantiate(tilePrefrab, tilePos, tileRotation, parentTransform); } tilePos = envPos + new Vector3(S / 2, tileOffset, W / 2); tilePrefrab = (GameObject)m_tileOddsTable.GetPayload(m_tileOddsTable.Roll()); if (tilePrefrab != null) { Instantiate(tilePrefrab, tilePos, tileRotation, parentTransform); } tilePos = envPos + new Vector3(N / 2, tileOffset, W / 2); tilePrefrab = (GameObject)m_tileOddsTable.GetPayload(m_tileOddsTable.Roll()); if (tilePrefrab != null) { Instantiate(tilePrefrab, tilePos, tileRotation, parentTransform); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADD LAMPS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- if (currentTile.GetNodeType() != "end" && m_pathLamp != null) { float lampOffset = 3; Quaternion lampRotation = Quaternion.identity; if (nodeTemplate.hasLamp[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.NE]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(N, lampOffset, E); lampRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathLamp, pillarPos, lampRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasLamp[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.SE]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(S, lampOffset, E); lampRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathLamp, pillarPos, lampRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasLamp[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.SW]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(S, lampOffset, W); lampRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathLamp, pillarPos, lampRotation, parentTransform); } if (nodeTemplate.hasLamp[(int)NodeTemplate.Pillar.NW]) { Vector3 pillarPos = envPos + new Vector3(N, lampOffset, W); lampRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_pathLamp, pillarPos, lampRotation, parentTransform); } } } // End segment does not overlatp //==================================================================== // Increment tile could to tell first tile ++globalPathTileCount; //---------------------- // Increment loop if (dx != deltaX) { dx += directionX; } else if (dy != deltaY) { dy += directionY; } // Detect going on last iteration isLastIteration = (dx == deltaX && dy == deltaY); previousPos = currentPos; previousSegmentIndex = s; } } //================================================== // ADD OUTTER WALLS //================================================== if (m_outterWall != null) { // NORTH WALL for (int i = 0; i < GetMapRowCount(); ++i) { Vector2Int coord = new Vector2Int(northRow, i); NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(coord); Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; if (!nodeInst.GetIsPath()) { Quaternion outterWallRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_outterWall, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + northWallOffset, outterWallRot, this.gameObject.transform); } } // SOUTH WALL for (int i = 0; i < GetMapRowCount(); ++i) { Vector2Int coord = new Vector2Int(southRow, i); NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(coord); Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; if (!nodeInst.GetIsPath()) { Quaternion outterWallRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_outterWall, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + southWallOffset, outterWallRot, this.gameObject.transform); } } // EAST WALL for (int i = 0; i < GetMapColCount(); ++i) { Vector2Int coord = new Vector2Int(i, eastCol); NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(coord); Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; if (!nodeInst.GetIsPath()) { Quaternion outterWallRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_outterWall, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + eastWallOffset, outterWallRot, this.gameObject.transform); } } // WEST WALL for (int i = 0; i < GetMapColCount(); ++i) { Vector2Int coord = new Vector2Int(i, westCol); NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(coord); Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; if (!nodeInst.GetIsPath()) { Quaternion outterWallRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, Vector3.up); Instantiate(m_outterWall, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + westWallOffset, outterWallRot, this.gameObject.transform); } } } //================================================== // ADD OUTTER PILLARS //================================================== if (m_outterPillar != null) { // NE PILLAR if (true) { NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(cornerNE); Vector3 posOffset = northWallOffset + eastWallOffset; Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; Instantiate(m_outterPillar, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + posOffset, Quaternion.identity, this.gameObject.transform); } // NW PILLAR if (true) { NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(cornerNW); Vector3 posOffset = northWallOffset + westWallOffset; Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; Instantiate(m_outterPillar, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + posOffset, Quaternion.identity, this.gameObject.transform); } // SW PILLAR if (true) { NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(cornerSW); Vector3 posOffset = southWallOffset + westWallOffset; Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; Instantiate(m_outterPillar, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + posOffset, Quaternion.identity, this.gameObject.transform); } // SE PILLAR if (true) { NodeV2 nodeInst = GetNode(cornerSE); Vector3 posOffset = southWallOffset + eastWallOffset; Vector3 nodePos = nodeInst.gameObject.transform.position; Instantiate(m_outterPillar, nodePos + nodeInst.GetEnvOffset() + posOffset, Quaternion.identity, this.gameObject.transform); } } }
public NoiseArray2D(float scale) { noise = new PerlinNoise2D(scale); }
public override void OnNodeEnable() { output = new Sampler2D(chunkSize, step); perlin2D = new PerlinNoise2D(seed); }
public override void OnNodeEnable() { output = new Sampler2D(chunkSize, step); perlin2D = new PerlinNoise2D(); delayedChanges.BindCallback(noiseSettingsChangedKey, (unused) => NotifyReload()); }