コード例 #1
        public List <MonthCost> GetCosts(DateTime from, DateTime to, int organizationId)
            List <MonthCost> monthCostList = new List <MonthCost>();

            to = to.AddDays(1); //Need to add 1 day for correcly querying the database.
            //Acá se pide todo el año papa!!!!! PUEDE Y DEBE MEJORAR
            try {
                IEnumerable <OrganizationCost> ocList = this.orgCostRepo.GetByCondition(x => x.OrganizationId == organizationId && x.Year == from.Year);
                IEnumerable <CostHistory>      chList = this.costHistRepo.GetByCondition(x => x.OrganizationId == organizationId);

                List <CostHistory> list = chList.ToList <CostHistory>();

                foreach (var item in ocList)
                    CostHistory best = this.GetCostByClosetsMonthYear(list, item.Month, item.Year);

                    PeriodCost pc = new PeriodCost()
                        month = item.Month,
                        year  = item.Year

                    Cost bugsCost = new Cost()
                        cant     = item.BugsAmount,
                        unitCost = best.BugCost,
                    Cost usersCost = new Cost()
                        cant     = item.UsersAmount,
                        unitCost = best.UserCost,

                    MonthCost m = new MonthCost()
                        id     = item.Id,
                        bugs   = bugsCost,
                        users  = usersCost,
                        period = pc
            } catch (Exception e) {
コード例 #2
        public async Task GetCostsTest()
            DateTime from = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
            DateTime to   = new DateTime(2020, 12, 1);

            List <MonthCost> returnedList = new List <MonthCost>();

            PeriodCost periodMonth2 = new PeriodCost()
                month = 2,
                year  = 2020
            Cost bugsCostMonth2 = new Cost()
                cant     = 100,
                unitCost = 2,
            Cost usersCostMonth2 = new Cost()
                cant     = 13,
                unitCost = 5,
            PeriodCost periodMonth5 = new PeriodCost()
                month = 5,
                year  = 2020
            Cost bugsCostMonth5 = new Cost()
                cant     = 167,
                unitCost = 4,
            Cost usersCostMonth5 = new Cost()
                cant     = 7,
                unitCost = 6,

            MonthCost monthCost2 = new MonthCost()
                id     = 1,
                bugs   = bugsCostMonth2,
                users  = usersCostMonth2,
                period = periodMonth2
            MonthCost monthCost5 = new MonthCost()
                id     = 2,
                bugs   = bugsCostMonth5,
                users  = usersCostMonth5,
                period = periodMonth5


            var mockCostService = new Mock <ICostsService>();

            mockCostService.Setup(m => m.GetCosts(from, to, 1)).Returns(returnedList);

            var controller = new CostsController(
                (new Mock <ILoggerManager>()).Object,
                (new Mock <IPingService>()).Object);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext();
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();

            User usr = new User()
                id = 1, organizationId = 1
            TokenContent tokenCont = new TokenContent()
                user = usr, organizationId = 1
            Token token = new Token()
                exp = 10000, iat = 10000, data = tokenCont

            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Items["Token"] = token;

            var queryParam = new CostsFilterOptions()
                From = from, To = to

            var result = await controller.Get(queryParam);

            var okResult = result as OkObjectResult;

            List <MonthCost> model = okResult.Value as List <MonthCost>;


            Assert.AreEqual(200, okResult.StatusCode);
            Assert.IsFalse(model == null);
            Assert.AreEqual(model.Count, 2);