コード例 #1
        public override DataTable Extract()
            DateTime sd     = Period;
            DateTime ed     = Period.AddMonths(1);
            var      reader = new RoomDataReader(Connection);

            _ds = reader.ReadRoomDataClean(sd, ed, ClientID, RoomID);
コード例 #2
        public override DataTable Extract()
            //get all store data for period
            DateTime sd     = Period;
            DateTime ed     = Period.AddMonths(1);
            var      reader = new StoreDataReader(Connection);

            return(reader.ReadStoreDataClean(sd, ed, ClientID, ItemID, StoreDataCleanOption.RechargeItems));
コード例 #3
 private DataCleanCommand GetDataCleanCommand(BillingCategory bc)
     return(new DataCleanCommand
         BillingCategory = bc,
         StartDate = Period,
         EndDate = Period.AddMonths(1),
         ClientID = ClientID
コード例 #4
        public override DataTable Extract()
            DateTime sd = Period;
            DateTime ed = Period.AddMonths(1);

            // Data for all clients must be selected for transferred duration calculations so always pass 0 for clientId
            var reader = new ToolDataReader(Connection);

            _ds = reader.ReadToolDataClean(sd, ed, 0, ResourceID);

コード例 #5
        protected virtual void FillOutputTable(DataTable dtOutput, DataTable dtToolDataClean)
            DateTime sd = Period;
            DateTime ed = Period.AddMonths(1);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtToolDataClean.Rows)
                if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                    // ClientID check. dtToolDataClean contains data for all clients even when ClientID > 0 because of transferred duration calculation.
                    int clientId = dr.Field <int>("ClientID");
                    if (ClientID == 0 || ClientID == clientId)
                        DateTime actDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["BeginDateTime"]).Date;
                        double   schedDuration = dr.Field <double>("SchedDuration");
                        if ((actDate >= sd && actDate < ed) && schedDuration != 0)
                            DataRow ndr = dtOutput.NewRow();
                            ndr.SetField("Period", Period);
                            ndr.SetField("ClientID", clientId);
                            ndr.SetField("ResourceID", dr.Field <int>("ResourceID"));
                            ndr.SetField("RoomID", dr.Field <int>("RoomID"));
                            ndr.SetField("ActDate", actDate);
                            ndr.SetField("AccountID", dr.Field <int>("AccountID"));
                            ndr.SetField("Uses", dr.Field <double>("Uses"));
                            ndr.SetField("SchedDuration", schedDuration);
                            ndr.SetField("ActDuration", dr.Field <double>("ActDuration"));
                            ndr.SetField("Overtime", dr.Field <double>("Overtime"));
                            ndr.SetField("Days", 0D);   //calulated in ToolDataAdjust
                            ndr.SetField("Months", 0D); //calulated in ToolDataAdjust
                            ndr.SetField("IsStarted", dr.Field <bool>("IsStarted"));
                            ndr.SetField("ChargeMultiplier", dr.Field <double>("ChargeMultiplier"));
                            ndr.SetField("ReservationID", dr.Field <int>("ReservationID"));
                            ndr.SetField("ChargeDuration", dr.Field <double>("ChargeDuration"));
                            ndr.SetField("TransferredDuration", dr.Field <double>("TransferredDuration"));
                            ndr.SetField("MaxReservedDuration", dr.Field <double>("MaxReservedDuration"));
                            ndr.SetField("ChargeBeginDateTime", dr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeBeginDateTime"));
                            ndr.SetField("ChargeEndDateTime", dr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeEndDateTime"));
                            ndr.SetField("IsActive", dr.Field <bool>("IsActive"));
                            ndr.SetField("IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime", dr.Field <bool>("IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime"));
コード例 #6
        private DataTable GetClientAccountDataForRoom()
            DateTime sd = Period;
            DateTime ed = Period.AddMonths(1);

            using (var cmd = Connection.CreateCommand("dbo.ClientAccount_Select"))
                using (var adap = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Action", "ForRoomData");
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("sDate", sd);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("eDate", ed);
                    AddParameterIf(cmd, "ClientID", ClientID > 0, ClientID);

                    var dt = new DataTable();

コード例 #7
 protected override void FillOutputTable(DataTable dtOutput, DataTable dtToolDataClean)
     foreach (DataRow dr in dtToolDataClean.Rows)
         if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
             // ClientID check. dtToolDataClean contains data for all clients even when ClientID > 0 because of transferred duration calculation.
             int clientId = dr.Field <int>("ClientID");
             if (ClientID == 0 || ClientID == clientId)
                 DateTime actDate = dr.Field <DateTime>("BeginDateTime").Date;
                 if ((actDate >= Period && actDate < Period.AddMonths(1)) && dr.Field <double>("SchedDuration") != 0D)
                     DataRow ndr = dtOutput.NewRow();
                     ndr.SetField("Period", new DateTime(actDate.Year, actDate.Month, 1));
                     ndr.SetField("ClientID", clientId);
                     ndr.SetField("ResourceID", dr.Field <int>("ResourceID"));
                     ndr.SetField("RoomID", dr.Field <int>("RoomID"));
                     ndr.SetField("ActDate", actDate);
                     ndr.SetField("AccountID", dr.Field <int>("AccountID"));
                     ndr.SetField("Uses", dr.Field <double>("Uses"));
                     ndr.SetField("SchedDuration", dr.Field <double>("SchedDuration"));
                     ndr.SetField("ActDuration", dr.Field <double>("ActDuration"));
                     ndr.SetField("Overtime", dr.Field <double>("Overtime"));
                     ndr.SetField("Days", 0D);   //calculated in ToolDataAdjust
                     ndr.SetField("Months", 0D); //calulated in ToolDataAdjust
                     ndr.SetField("IsStarted", dr.Field <bool>("IsStarted"));
                     ndr.SetField("ChargeMultiplier", dr.Field <double>("ChargeMultiplier"));
                     ndr.SetField("ReservationID", dr.Field <int>("ReservationID"));
                     ndr.SetField("ChargeDuration", dr.Field <double>("ChargeDuration"));
                     ndr.SetField("TransferredDuration", 0D); //not applicable in old billing model
                     ndr.SetField("MaxReservedDuration", dr.Field <double>("MaxReservedDuration"));
                     ndr.SetField("ChargeBeginDateTime", dr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeBeginDateTime"));
                     ndr.SetField("ChargeEndDateTime", dr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeEndDateTime"));
                     ndr.SetField("IsActive", dr.Field <bool>("IsActive"));
                     ndr.SetField("IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime", dr.Field <bool>("IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime"));
コード例 #8
        //in this function, we first find all the days an event belongs to, then agg by day
        //don't need to worry about charged rooms as clean data only has charged rooms
        private DataTable AggRoomDataClean(DataTable dtRoomData)
            DataTable dtAggRoomDataClean = new DataTable("AggRoomDataClean");

            dtAggRoomDataClean.Columns.Add("ClientID", typeof(int));
            dtAggRoomDataClean.Columns.Add("RoomID", typeof(int));
            dtAggRoomDataClean.Columns.Add("EntryDT", typeof(DateTime));
            dtAggRoomDataClean.Columns.Add("Entries", typeof(double));
            dtAggRoomDataClean.Columns.Add("Duration", typeof(double));

            DataTable dtClient = _ds.Tables["Client"];
            DataTable dtRoom   = _ds.Tables["Room"];

            dtRoomData.Columns.Add("eDay", typeof(int)); //used below in the compute
            dtRoomData.Columns.Add("Entries", typeof(double));


            if (dtRoomData.Rows.Count == 0)

            double  entries;
            double  duration;
            DataRow ndr;

            // need to use for (not foreach) because the enumeration changes when a row is added and this causes an exception
            int rowCount = dtRoomData.Rows.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                DataRow  drRoomDataClean = dtRoomData.Rows[i];
                bool     passbackRoom    = drRoomDataClean.Field <bool>("PassbackRoom");
                DateTime entryDate       = drRoomDataClean.Field <DateTime>("EntryDT");
                drRoomDataClean.SetField("eDay", entryDate.Day);
                drRoomDataClean.SetField("Entries", 1D);

                if (passbackRoom)
                    DateTime exitDate = drRoomDataClean.Field <DateTime>("exitDT");

                    //note that no room event can be longer than MaxTime hours
                    if (entryDate.Day != exitDate.Day)
                        //entry date and exit date are different, we have to create a new data row
                        DateTime newDate = new DateTime(exitDate.Year, exitDate.Month, exitDate.Day);

                        // [2021-01-27 jg] We now will put the entire Entry amount (1) on the day the entry occurred and zero on the day the exit occurred.

                        var entryDuration = newDate.Subtract(entryDate).TotalHours;
                        var exitDuration  = exitDate.Subtract(newDate).TotalHours;

                        drRoomDataClean.SetField("ExitDT", newDate);
                        drRoomDataClean.SetField("Duration", entryDuration);
                        drRoomDataClean.SetField("Entries", 1D);

                        ndr           = dtRoomData.NewRow();
                        ndr.ItemArray = drRoomDataClean.ItemArray; //start by copying everything
                        ndr.SetField("EntryDT", newDate);
                        ndr.SetField("eDay", newDate.Day);
                        ndr.SetField("ExitDT", exitDate);
                        ndr.SetField("Duration", exitDuration);
                        ndr.SetField("Entries", 0D);

            DateTime sd = Period;
            DateTime ed = Period.AddMonths(1);

            // delete the records that are out of bound of current month, typically it happens when user enters
            // at the last day of month and exit the first day of month etc.
            DataRow[] fdrDelete = dtRoomData.Select($"EntryDT < '{sd}' OR EntryDT >= '{ed}'");
            foreach (DataRow dr in fdrDelete)
                dtRoomData.Rows.Remove(dr); // Remove is the same as calling Delete and then AcceptChanges per the Microsoft docs
            // at this point, the client/room has proper number of records
            // so, at this time, agg by day and add records to new dt
            // TODO: make this more efficient
            int upperbound = ed.Subtract(sd).Days + 1;

            for (int i = 1; i <= upperbound; i++)
                foreach (DataRow drClient in dtClient.Rows)
                    foreach (DataRow drRoom in dtRoom.Rows)
                        int    cid    = drClient.Field <int>("ClientID");
                        int    rid    = drRoom.Field <int>("RoomID");
                        string filter = $"eDay = {i} AND ClientID = {cid} AND RoomID = {rid}";

                        object val = dtRoomData.Compute("SUM(Entries)", filter);

                        if (!Utility.IsDBNullOrNull(val))
                            entries  = Utility.ConvertToDouble(val);
                            duration = Utility.ConvertToDouble(dtRoomData.Compute("SUM(Duration)", filter));
                            ndr      = dtAggRoomDataClean.NewRow();
                            ndr.SetField("ClientID", cid);
                            ndr.SetField("RoomID", rid);
                            ndr.SetField("EntryDT", sd.AddDays(i - 1));
                            ndr.SetField("Entries", entries);
                            ndr.SetField("Duration", duration);

            // These are already existing rows in RoomDataClean, there's nothing to be inserted, updated, or deleted
            // so this is just a precaution to make sure nothing happens later.

コード例 #9
        //This handles generation of toolData table since 2011-04-01
        public override void ProcessCleanData(DataTable dtToolDataClean)
            // must be done before any changes are made to the table, this will be used later to calculate transfer durations
            _durations = GetReservationDurations(dtToolDataClean);

            dtToolDataClean.Columns.Add("Uses", typeof(double));
            dtToolDataClean.Columns.Add("TransferredDuration", typeof(double));
            dtToolDataClean.Columns.Add("IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime", typeof(bool));
            dtToolDataClean.Columns.Add("ChargeBeginDateTime", typeof(DateTime));
            dtToolDataClean.Columns.Add("ChargeEndDateTime", typeof(DateTime));
            dtToolDataClean.Columns.Add("ChargeDuration", typeof(double));

            //handled started separately from unstarted
            double   schedDuration, chargeDuration;
            DateTime beginDateTime, endDateTime, actualBeginDateTime, actualEndDateTime, chargeBeginDateTime, chargeEndDateTime;
            int      toolDataCleanRowCount = dtToolDataClean.Rows.Count;

            //2011-12-05 Get ReservationHistory so we can calculate the max charge time
            //DataTable dtResHistory = GetReservationHistory();

            for (int i = 0; i < toolDataCleanRowCount; i++)
                DataRow dr = dtToolDataClean.Rows[i];

                // ClientID check. dtToolDataClean contains data for all clients even when ClientID > 0 because of transferred duration calculation.
                if (ClientID == 0 || ClientID == dr.Field <int>("ClientID"))
                    //only chargeable activities get written to Tooldata
                    if (IsChargeable(dr))
                        //this means reservation was started
                        schedDuration       = dr.Field <double>("SchedDuration");
                        beginDateTime       = dr.Field <DateTime>("BeginDateTime");
                        endDateTime         = beginDateTime.AddMinutes(schedDuration); //to prevent auto end's modified end time, which is wrong
                        actualBeginDateTime = dr.Field <DateTime>("ActualBeginDateTime");
                        actualEndDateTime   = dr.Field <DateTime>("ActualEndDateTime");

                        dr["IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime"] = IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime(dr);

                        DateTime begDate = (beginDateTime > actualBeginDateTime) ? actualBeginDateTime : beginDateTime;
                        DateTime finDate = (endDateTime > actualEndDateTime) ? endDateTime : actualEndDateTime;

                        chargeBeginDateTime = begDate;
                        chargeEndDateTime   = finDate;

                        chargeDuration = (chargeEndDateTime - chargeBeginDateTime).TotalMinutes;

                        dr["ChargeBeginDateTime"] = begDate;
                        dr["ChargeEndDateTime"]   = finDate;
                        dr["ChargeDuration"]      = chargeDuration;

                        begDate = begDate.Date;

                        //if the finDate is right on the edge, eg. the next day at 00:00am, we don't need to create a new row, because it's not crossing day
                        if (finDate == new DateTime(finDate.Year, finDate.Month, finDate.Day, 0, 0, 0))
                            finDate = finDate.AddSeconds(-1);

                        finDate = finDate.Date;

                        if (begDate != finDate)
                            //handle case where reservation starts and ends on different days
                            double runningOverTime = 0D;
                            int    loopDays        = finDate.Subtract(begDate).Days;
                            for (int j = 0; j <= loopDays; j++)
                                DateTime bDate = begDate.AddDays(j);
                                DateTime fDate = begDate.AddDays(j + 1);

                                DataRow adr = dtToolDataClean.NewRow();
                                adr.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray; //start by copying everything

                                adr["ChargeBeginDateTime"] = (bDate > chargeBeginDateTime) ? bDate : chargeBeginDateTime;
                                adr["ChargeEndDateTime"]   = (fDate < chargeEndDateTime) ? fDate : chargeEndDateTime;
                                adr["ChargeDuration"]      = (adr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeEndDateTime") - adr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeBeginDateTime")).TotalMinutes;
                                adr["Uses"] = adr.Field <double>("ChargeDuration") / chargeDuration;
                                adr["MaxReservedDuration"] = GetMaxReservedDuration(adr);

                                ////2011-11-08 we have to see of MaxReservedDuration is greater than the ChargeDuration - preventing cases when user shortened the reservation after the 2 hours allowed time
                                //if (!Convert.ToBoolean(adr["IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime"]))
                                //    if (Convert.ToDouble(adr["MaxReservedDuration"]) > Convert.ToDouble(adr["ChargeDuration"]))
                                //        adr["ChargeDuration"] = adr["MaxReservedDuration"];

                                //For backward compatibilty reason, I have to repopulate the correct ActDuration as well
                                adr["ActualBeginDateTime"] = (bDate > actualBeginDateTime) ? bDate : actualBeginDateTime;
                                adr["ActualEndDateTime"]   = (fDate < actualEndDateTime) ? fDate : actualEndDateTime;

                                var fixDate = new DateTime(2012, 12, 1);

                                if (Period >= fixDate)
                                     * [jg 2013-01-24]
                                     * Only do this for periods after 2012-12-01. Before that time the next line of code was missing which caused the 2nd part of a split
                                     * reservation to not be written to the database. In other words the part that happened on the first day of the period. Note: this is
                                     * only for reservations that cross over two periods. For periods before Dec 2012 we are purposefully doing this wrong so that amounts
                                     * billed previously aren't changed retroactively.
                                     * [jg 2020-02-04]
                                     * Note that only ChargeBeginDateTime ChargeEndDateTime, ChargeDuration, ActDuration, and SchedDuration are in ToolData.
                                     * Other columns like BeginDateTime, ActualBeginDateTime, etc are set here only because they're used in calculations or
                                     * checks elsewhere.
                                    adr["BeginDateTime"] = adr["ActualBeginDateTime"]; //for convenience below when writing new table

                                // ActDuration will only be for this part of a multi-part reservation because the actuals were modified above
                                adr["ActDuration"] = adr.Field <DateTime>("ActualEndDateTime").Subtract(adr.Field <DateTime>("ActualBeginDateTime")).TotalMinutes;

                                // make sure ActDuration is greater than 0, because if a user finish this reservation on the same day (a cross day reservation originally),
                                // it's possible to have negative ActDuration
                                if (adr.Field <double>("ActDuration") < 0D)
                                    adr["ActDuration"] = 0D; //since user finished on the previous day, today's reservation actual duration is zero
                                if (adr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeEndDateTime") > endDateTime)
                                    adr["OverTime"]  = (adr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeEndDateTime") - endDateTime).TotalMinutes - runningOverTime;
                                    runningOverTime += adr.Field <double>("OverTime");
                                    adr["OverTime"] = 0D;

                                // [2022-03-25 jg] Rounding to two digits now
                                RoundDouble(adr, "ActDuration");
                                RoundDouble(adr, "ChargeDuration");
                                RoundDouble(adr, "OverTime");
                                RoundDouble(adr, "MaxReservedDuration");

                                dtToolDataClean.Rows.Add(adr); //will add to end

                                //make sure next month's data is not included.
                                if (adr.Field <DateTime>("ChargeBeginDateTime") >= Period.AddMonths(1))

                            dr.Delete(); //remove original, multi-day row
                            dr["Uses"] = 1D;
                            if (!dr.Field <bool>("IsStarted"))
                                dr["ActDuration"] = dr["SchedDuration"];

                            //2011-11-08 we have to see of MaxReservedDuration is greater than the ChargeDuration - preventing cases when user shortened the reservation after the 2 hours allowed time
                            if (!dr.Field <bool>("IsCancelledBeforeAllowedTime"))
                                //this will return a list of reservation changigin history ordered by ModifiedDateTime
                                DataRow[] drsResHistory = ReservationHistoryTable.Select($"ReservationID = {dr["ReservationID"]}");

                                //must be at least two rows (becuase I inlcude Insert event as well, when reservation is firstly created)
                                if (drsResHistory.Length > 1)
                                    DataRow  drPrevious = null;
                                    double   maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit = 0.0;
                                    double   currentResTime;
                                    bool     flagtemp = false;
                                    DateTime beginTimeTemp, endTimeTemp;

                                    foreach (DataRow drResHist in drsResHistory)
                                        //the idea here is compare every reservation change and find out the max reservation time
                                        if (drResHist.Field <int>("BeforeMinutes") <= 120)
                                            flagtemp       = true;
                                            beginTimeTemp  = drResHist.Field <DateTime>("BeginDateTime");
                                            endTimeTemp    = drResHist.Field <DateTime>("EndDateTime");
                                            currentResTime = (endTimeTemp - beginTimeTemp).TotalMinutes;

                                            if (currentResTime > maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit)
                                                maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit = currentResTime;

                                        if (!flagtemp)
                                            //We need to track the last change of reservation right before the 2 hours limit, this is our true chargeTime
                                            drPrevious = drResHist;

                                    if (drPrevious != null)
                                        beginTimeTemp  = drPrevious.Field <DateTime>("BeginDateTime");
                                        endTimeTemp    = drPrevious.Field <DateTime>("EndDateTime");
                                        currentResTime = (endTimeTemp - beginTimeTemp).TotalMinutes;

                                        if (currentResTime > maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit)
                                            maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit = currentResTime;

                                    //Lastly, make sure we charge the max time - please note that ChargeDuration could still be higher than maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit because of actual tool usage time
                                    if (maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit > dr.Field <double>("ChargeDuration"))
                                        dr["ChargeDuration"] = maxResTimeAfterTwoHoursLimit;

                            // [2022-03-25 jg] Rounding to two digits now
                            RoundDouble(dr, "ActDuration");
                            RoundDouble(dr, "ChargeDuration");
                            RoundDouble(dr, "OverTime");
                            RoundDouble(dr, "MaxReservedDuration");
                        dr.Delete(); //not chargeable, so remove