static void Main(string[] args) { double slow = PerformanceDemo.SlowPerformance(); double fast = PerformanceDemo.FastPerformance(); Console.WriteLine($"It took approx. {Math.Round(slow / fast, 0)} times as long to do it the SLOW way."); // Create a file in the local folder to write result to // Get a list of folders from a directory on disk // First, write the top-level folder // Find all the folders in this folder // Write this folder name to the text file // Go one level deeper // Write this folder name to the text file // The file is now closed. We can open it again for append to add more lines Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Here are a few examples of reading in a file and writing out values // to demonstrate their value. //ReadingInFiles.ReadACharacterFile(); //ReadingInFiles.ReadInACSVFile(); //WritingTextFiles.WritingAFile(); //LoopingCollectionToWriteFile.LoopingADictionaryToWriteAFile(); //BinaryFileWriter.WritePrimitiveValues(); //BinaryFileWriter.ReadPrimitiveValues(); //ReadingAndWritingFiles.OpenAndWrite(); //BinaryImageManipulator.ReadFileIn(); PerformanceDemo.SlowPerformance(); PerformanceDemo.FastPerformance(); FileInfo f = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\Katie Dwyer\BitBucket\c-main\module-1\18_FileIO_Writing_out\lecture-final\dotnet\Lecture\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\fast-file.txt"); Console.WriteLine($"{f.Name} was created at {f.CreationTime}"); // Students find value in building something useful. // As a group you could build something that prompts the user for data and saves it to a file. // OR reads a file in and "processes" the data (geocoding?) Console.Write("Press enter to finish"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string regular = "this\nis\na\nstring\twith\nescape\ncharacters"; string withAtSign = @"this\nis\na\nstring\twith\nescape\ncharacters"; string path = @"C:\Users\Katie Dwyer\workspace\c-base\module-1\18_FileIO_Writing_out\lecture-final\dotnet\Lecture\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2"; Console.WriteLine("Regular string: " + regular); Console.WriteLine("With @ sign: " + withAtSign); //HardCodePath(); //FileAndDirectories.UsingTheDirectoryClass(); WritingTextFiles.WritingAFile(); WritingTextFiles.WritingAFileWithNoPath(); PerformanceDemo.SlowPerformance(); PerformanceDemo.FastPerformance(); LoopingCollectionToWriteFile.LoopingADictionaryToWriteAFile(); ReadingAndWritingFiles.OpenAndWrite(); BinaryImageManipulator.ReadFileIn(); FileWrite(); Console.Write("Press enter to finish"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // WritingTextFiles.WritingAFile(); // LoopingCollectionToWriteFile.LoopingADictionaryToWriteAFile(); // ReadingAndWritingFiles.OpenAndWrite(); PerformanceDemo.FastPerformance(); PerformanceDemo.SlowPerformance(); Console.Write("Press enter to finish"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Here are a few examples of reading in a file and writing out values // to demonstrate their value. //WritingTextFiles.WritingAFile(); //LoopingCollectionToWriteFile.LoopingADictionaryToWriteAFile(); //ReadingAndWritingFiles.OpenAndWrite(); PerformanceDemo.SlowPerformance(); PerformanceDemo.FastPerformance(); Console.Write("Press enter to finish"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Here are a few examples of reading in a file and writing out values // to demonstrate their value. //WritingTextFiles.WritingAFile(); //BinaryFileWriter.WritePrimitiveValues(); //BinaryImageManipulator.FunWithPhoto(); PerformanceDemo.SlowPerformance(); PerformanceDemo.FastPerformance(); Console.Write("Press enter to finish"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Here are a few examples of reading in a file and writing out values // to demonstrate their value. //ReadingInFiles.ReadACharacterFile(); //ReadingInFiles.ReadInACSVFile(); //WritingTextFiles.WritingAFile(); //BinaryFileWriter.WritePrimitiveValues(); //BinaryImageManipulator.FunWithPhoto(); PerformanceDemo.SlowPerformance(); PerformanceDemo.FastPerformance(); //Console.WriteLine( SpecialFolders.GetUserFolder() ); //SpecialFolders.ShowAllSpecialFolders(); //BinaryImageManipulator.FunWithPhoto(); // Students find value in building something useful. // As a group you could build something that prompts the user for data and saves it to a file. // OR reads a file in and "processes" the data (geocoding?) Console.Write("Press enter to finish"); Console.ReadLine(); }