public static IEnumerable <object[]> ReplaceArguments() { yield return(new object[] { "Hello", 'l', '!' }); // Contains two 'l' yield return(new object[] { "Hello", 'a', 'b' }); // Contains one 'a' yield return(new object[] { "This is a very nice sentence", 'z', 'y' }); // 'z' does not exist in the string yield return(new object[] { "This is a very nice sentence", 'i', 'I' }); // 'i' occurs 3 times in the string yield return(new object[] { PerfUtils.CreateRandomString(100, seed: 42), 'b', '+' }); // b occurs 8 times in the string yield return(new object[] { PerfUtils.CreateRandomString(1000, seed: 42), 'b', '+' }); // b occurs 42 times in the string }