void Update()
        PerceptronInterface PI = gameObject.GetComponent <PerceptronInterface>();    // check if this GO have perceptron interface

        if (Learn && PCT != null && Answer != null)
            if (Task == null)
                PLBBP.Learn(PCT, Answer[0]);                                               // perceptron's learn
                PLBBP.Learn(PCT, Task, Answer);                                         // perceptron's learn
            Learn = !PLBBP.Learned;

            if (PI != null && PI.PV != null)
                PI.PV.DisplayPerceptronModel(null);                                     // display perceptron model

        if (PI != null)
            if (PI.Reload)
                PLBBP.LearnIteration = 0;
                PLBBP.ModificateStartWeights(PCT, ModificateStartWeights);
                if (PI != null && PI.PV != null)
                    PI.PV.DisplayPerceptronModel(null);                                     // display perceptron model
コード例 #2
    void Update()
        if (PCT != null && Learn)
        PerceptronInterface PI = gameObject.GetComponent <PerceptronInterface>();

        if (PI != null)
            if (PI.Reload)
コード例 #3
    private PerceptronInterface PI;                //Perceptron interface

    void Start()
        //Find cow control
        ENC = gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyController>();

        //Hiden layers and neurons
        int[] Layers = new int[2];
        Layers[0] = 9;
        Layers[1] = 9;

        //Create perceptron
        EnemyPCT.CreatePerceptron(1, false, true, 5, Layers, 2);

        //Add perceptron interface to game object & add perceptron to interface
        PI     = gameObject.AddComponent <PerceptronInterface>();
        PI.PCT = EnemyPCT;
コード例 #4
    private PerceptronInterface PI;                 //Perceptron interface

    void Start()
        //Find cow control
        THC = gameObject.GetComponent <TutorialCowControl>();

        //Hiden layers and neurons
        int[] Layers = new int[2];
        Layers[0] = 9;
        Layers[1] = 9;

        //Create perceptron
        PCT.CreatePerceptron(1, false, true, 4, Layers, 3);

        //Add perceptron interface to game object & add perceptron to interface
        PI     = gameObject.AddComponent <PerceptronInterface>();
        PI.PCT = PCT;
    void Window(int ID)                                                                             // interface window
        if (WindowRect.height == 80)                                                                // small window
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(WindowRect.width - 20, 0, 20, 20), "+"))                        // change window scale
                WindowRect.width  = 400;
                WindowRect.height = 230;
                WindowRect.x      = WindowRect.x - 200;

            Learn = IGUI.Button(1, 2, "Learn OFF", "Learn ON", Learn);                              // start learn
        else                                                                                        // big window
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(WindowRect.width - 20, 0, 20, 20), "-"))                        // change window scale
                WindowRect.width  = 200;
                WindowRect.height = 80;
                WindowRect.x      = WindowRect.x + 200;
            if (Learn)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            bool Temp = false;
            ModificateStartWeights = IGUI.Button(1, 2, "Weights from -0.5 to 0.5", "Mod Weights", ModificateStartWeights, ref Temp);
            if (Temp)
                PLBBP.ModificateStartWeights(PCT, ModificateStartWeights);
                PerceptronInterface PI = gameObject.GetComponent <PerceptronInterface>();
                if (PI != null)
                    if (PI.ShowVisualization)

            PLBBP.ShuffleSamples = IGUI.Button(1, 3, "Samples one by one", "Shuffle samples", PLBBP.ShuffleSamples);
            GUI.enabled          = true;

            if (Learn && Task == null)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            PLBBP.LearningSpeed = (int)IGUI.HorizontalSlider(1, 4, "Learning speed", PLBBP.LearningSpeed, 1, 1800);
            GUI.enabled         = true;
            PLBBP.LearningRate  = IGUI.HorizontalSlider(1, 5, "Learning rate", PLBBP.LearningRate, 0, 1);
            if (Learn && Task == null)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            PLBBP.DesiredMaxError = IGUI.HorizontalSlider(1, 6, "Desired max error", PLBBP.DesiredMaxError, 0, 1);
            GUI.enabled           = true;

            Learn = IGUI.Button(1, 7, "Learn OFF", "Learn ON", Learn);                                         // start learn

            IGUI.Info(2, 2, "Iteration", PLBBP.LearnIteration);
            if (Task != null)
                IGUI.Info(2, 3, "Max error", PLBBP.MaxError);

        if (WindowRect.x < 0)                                           //window restriction on the screen
            WindowRect.x = 0;
        else if (WindowRect.x + WindowRect.width > Screen.width)
            WindowRect.x = Screen.width - WindowRect.width;
        if (WindowRect.y < 0)
            WindowRect.y = 0;
        else if (WindowRect.y + WindowRect.height > Screen.height)
            WindowRect.y = Screen.height - WindowRect.height;

        GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, WindowRect.width, 20));