public static void Run( String openPath, // source PDF document String savePath, // output PDF document String imgPath // watermark to apply ) { Pdfix pdfix = PdfixEngine.Instance; PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, ""); if (doc == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } // identify image format from file path PdfImageFormat format = PdfImageFormat.kImageFormatJpg; if (Path.GetExtension(imgPath).ToLower() == ".png") { format = PdfImageFormat.kImageFormatPng; } // load image file data into memory stream byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(imgPath); var memStm = pdfix.CreateMemStream(); if (memStm == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } memStm.Write(0, bytes); // create XObject from the image var image_obj = doc.CreateXObjectFromImage(memStm, format); if (image_obj == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } // add annotation on the first page var page = doc.AcquirePage(0); if (page == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } var page_view = page.AcquirePageView(1, PdfRotate.kRotate0); if (page_view == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } // rect for the new annotation PdfRect annot_rect = new PdfRect() { left = 100, right = 300, bottom = 100, top = 200 }; PdfAnnot annot = page.CreateAnnot(PdfAnnotSubtype.kAnnotStamp, annot_rect); page.AddAnnot(0, annot); // create content var content = doc.CreateContent(); // add image to content var xobjdict = image_obj.GetStreamDict(); var width = xobjdict.GetNumber("Width"); var height = xobjdict.GetNumber("Height"); var ratio = height / width; var res_width = annot_rect.right - annot_rect.left; var res_height = res_width * ratio; var center_adj = (( - annot_rect.bottom) - res_height) / 2; var imageobject = content.AddNewImage(-1, image_obj, new PdfMatrix(res_width, 0, 0, res_height, 0, center_adj)); PdfGraphicState imageGs = new PdfGraphicState(); imageGs.color_state.fill_opacity = 255; imageobject.SetGState(imageGs); // create text state PdfTextState textState = new PdfTextState(); var colorSpace = doc.CreateColorSpace(PdfColorSpaceFamily.kColorSpaceDeviceRGB); var fontName = "Segoe UI"; var fn = fontName.Trim(); var sysFont = pdfix.FindSysFont(fn, 0, PdfFontCodepage.kFontDefANSICodepage); if (sysFont == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } textState.font = doc.CreateFont(sysFont, PdfFontCharset.kFontAnsiCharset, 0); sysFont.Destroy(); if (textState.font == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } textState.font_size = 11; textState.color_state.fill_type = PdfFillType.kFillTypeSolid; var fill_color = colorSpace.CreateColor(); fill_color.SetValue(0, 0.5f); fill_color.SetValue(1, 0.5f); fill_color.SetValue(2, 0.5f); textState.color_state.fill_color = fill_color; textState.color_state.fill_opacity = 255; textState.color_state.stroke_type = PdfFillType.kFillTypeSolid; var stroke_color = colorSpace.CreateColor(); stroke_color.SetValue(0, 0); stroke_color.SetValue(1, 0); stroke_color.SetValue(2, 0); textState.color_state.stroke_color = stroke_color; textState.color_state.stroke_opacity = 255; textState.char_spacing = 2; // add text to content var line = "test text in appearance"; var textObject = content.AddNewText(-1, textState.font, new PdfMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 10)); if (textObject == null) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } textObject.SetTextState(textState); textObject.SetText(line); // set annotation appearance PdsContentParams contentParams = new PdsContentParams(); contentParams.bbox = new PdfRect(annot_rect.right - annot_rect.left, 0, 0, - annot_rect.bottom); contentParams.matrix = new PdfMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); contentParams.form_type = 1; contentParams.flags = 2; var appearance_stream = content.ToObject(doc, contentParams); annot.SetAppearanceFromXObject(appearance_stream, PdfAnnotAppearanceMode.kAppearanceNormal); page.Release(); // save document if (!doc.Save(savePath, Pdfix.kSaveFull)) { throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError()); } doc.Close(); }