public void InsertTextInField_InsertingTextTwice() { //Arrange byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_WITH_CHECKBOX); using (PdfUtility doc = new PdfUtility(file, null)) { //Act //Inserting first time doc.InsertTextInField("Nome", "Pippo"); //Inserting second time doc.InsertTextInField("Nome", "Pippo2"); } }
public void InsertTextInField_FieldDoesntExist_FieldNotFoundException() { //Arrange byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_WITH_CHECKBOX); using (PdfUtility doc = new PdfUtility(file, null)) { //Act doc.InsertTextInField("Nomi", "Pippo"); } }
public void InsertTextInField_FieldExists() { //Arrange byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_WITH_CHECKBOX); using (PdfUtility doc = new PdfUtility(file, null)) { //Act doc.InsertTextInField("Nome", "Pippo"); } }
public void InsertTextInField_TextArgumentNull_ArgumentNullException() { //Arrange byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_WITH_CHECKBOX); using (PdfUtility doc = new PdfUtility(file, null)) { //Act doc.InsertTextInField("Nome", null); } }
public void InsertTextInField_DocumentHasNoFields_DocumentHasNoFieldsException() { //Arrange byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_WITH_NO_FIELDS); using (PdfUtility doc = new PdfUtility(file, null)) { //Act doc.InsertTextInField("Nome", "Pippo"); } }
public void Save_DocumentTouched() { //Arrange byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(FILE_WITH_CHECKBOX); using (PdfUtility doc = new PdfUtility(file, null)) { //Modifying file doc.FlagCheckbox("CheckBox1"); doc.InsertTextInField("Nome", "Pippo"); //Act var file_out = doc.Save(); //checking if the given file isn't null Assert.IsTrue(file_out != null); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int option = 0; string name; string value; byte [] file = File.ReadAllBytes(FILENAME); using (PdfUtility p = new PdfUtility(file, PrintLog)) { do { Console.WriteLine("\nMENU\n\n1. Metodo: ricerca di un acrofield generico per name, l’oggetto ritornato deve indicare il tipo di acrofield(checkbox, textbox, signaturefield, radiobutton)\n2. Metodo: per flaggare un acrofield di tipo checkbox\n3. Metodo: per sostituire un acrofield di tipo signature con un acrofield di tipo checkbox\n4. Metodo: per selezionare un acrofield di tipo radiobutton\n5. Metodo: per inserire un testo in un acrofield di tipo testo\n6. Metodo: per ottenere il pdf elaborato\n7. Appiattisci pdf\n8. Esci\n\nInserisci la tua scelta:"); try { option = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("\nWrong command"); } try { switch (option) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("\nInsert field name: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); int fieldType = p.GetAcrofieldType(name); Console.WriteLine("Found type: " + fieldType + " (" + PdfUtility.GetFormType(fieldType) + ")"); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("\nInsert checkbox name: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); p.FlagCheckbox(name); Console.WriteLine("Checked successfully!"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("\nInsert signaturefield name: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); p.SubstituteSignature(name); Console.WriteLine("Substituted successfully!"); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("\nInsert radiobutton name: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nInsert value to select: "); value = Console.ReadLine(); p.SelectRadiobutton(name, value); Console.WriteLine("Renamed successfully!"); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("\nInsert field name: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nInsert text: "); value = Console.ReadLine(); p.InsertTextInField(name, value); Console.WriteLine("Text inserted successfully!"); break; case 6: var data = p.Save(); var filename_out = getModifiedFilename(FILENAME); using (var fs = new FileStream(filename_out, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } Console.WriteLine("File \"" + filename_out + "\" saved successfully!"); break; case 7: p.FlatteningDocument(); break; case 8: break; } } catch (DocumentHasNoFieldsException) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Document has no fields"); } catch (FieldNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Field not found"); } catch (RadiobuttonValueNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: The inserted value was not found in this radiobutton field"); } }while (option < 6 || option == 7 || option > 8); } CloseProgram(); }