コード例 #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            //Set margin
            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins       margin   = new PdfMargins();

            margin.Top    = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left   = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right  = margin.Left;

            //Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin);

            float y = 10;

            PdfBrush        brush1  = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont font1   = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold));
            PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Part List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1);
            y = y + font1.MeasureString("Part List", format1).Height;
            y = y + 2;

            //Table top
            PdfDestination tableTopDest = new PdfDestination(page);

            tableTopDest.Location = new PointF(0, y);
            tableTopDest.Mode     = PdfDestinationMode.Location;
            tableTopDest.Zoom     = 1f;

            //Draw table
            PdfTrueTypeFont buttonFont        = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold));
            float           buttonWidth       = 70;
            float           buttonHeight      = buttonFont.Height * 1.5f;
            float           tableTop          = y;
            PdfLayoutResult tableLayoutResult = DrawTable(page, y + buttonHeight + 5);

            //Table bottom
            PdfDestination tableBottomDest = new PdfDestination(tableLayoutResult.Page);

            tableBottomDest.Location = new PointF(0, tableLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom);
            tableBottomDest.Mode     = PdfDestinationMode.Location;
            tableBottomDest.Zoom     = 1f;

            //Go to table bottom
            float           x            = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - buttonWidth;
            PdfStringFormat format2      = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle);
            RectangleF      buttonBounds = new RectangleF(x, tableTop, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

            page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.DarkGray, buttonBounds);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("To Bottom", buttonFont, PdfBrushes.CadetBlue, buttonBounds, format2);
            PdfGoToAction       action1 = new PdfGoToAction(tableBottomDest);
            PdfActionAnnotation annotation1
                = new PdfActionAnnotation(buttonBounds, action1);

            annotation1.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0.75f);
            annotation1.Color  = Color.LightGray;
            (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation1);

            //Go to table top
            float tableBottom = tableLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            buttonBounds = new RectangleF(x, tableBottom, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
            tableLayoutResult.Page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.DarkGray, buttonBounds);
            tableLayoutResult.Page.Canvas.DrawString("To Top", buttonFont, PdfBrushes.CadetBlue, buttonBounds, format2);
            PdfGoToAction       action2 = new PdfGoToAction(tableTopDest);
            PdfActionAnnotation annotation2
                = new PdfActionAnnotation(buttonBounds, action2);

            annotation2.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0.75f);
            annotation2.Color  = Color.LightGray;
            (tableLayoutResult.Page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation2);

            //Go to last page
            PdfNamedAction action3 = new PdfNamedAction(PdfActionDestination.LastPage);

            doc.AfterOpenAction = action3;

            String script
                = "app.alert({"
                  + "    cMsg: \"Oh no, you want to leave me.\","
                  + "    nIcon: 3,"
                  + "    cTitle: \"JavaScript Action\""
                  + "});";
            PdfJavaScriptAction action4 = new PdfJavaScriptAction(script);

            doc.BeforeCloseAction = action4;

            //Save pdf file

            //Launch the Pdf file
コード例 #2
ファイル: Actions.cs プロジェクト: littlefeihu/checktask
        private static void CreateNamedActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font)
            PdfPen   blackPen   = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1);
            PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush();

            font.Size = 12;
            PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions();

            sao.Brush = blackBrush;
            sao.Font  = font;
            PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions();

            slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center;
            slo.VerticalAlign   = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle;

            for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++)
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Named actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 20);

                // First page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 40, 200, 20);
                slo.X = 500;
                slo.Y = 50;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To First Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 40, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                PdfNamedAction namedAction = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.FirstPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Prev page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 80, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 90;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Previous Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 80, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.PrevPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Next page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 120, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 130;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Next Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 120, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.NextPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Last page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 160, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 170;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Last Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 160, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.LastPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Print document
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 200, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 210;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Print Document", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 200, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.Print;
                link.Action             = namedAction;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Actions.cs プロジェクト: baitun/BGUEP-Journal
        private static void CreateNamedActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font)
            PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1);
            PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush();

            font.Size = 12;
            PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions();
            sao.Brush = blackBrush;
            sao.Font = font;
            PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions();
            slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center;
            slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle;

            for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++)
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Named actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 20);

                // First page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 40, 200, 20);
                slo.X = 500;
                slo.Y = 50;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To First Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 40, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                PdfNamedAction namedAction = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.FirstPage;
                link.Action = namedAction;

                // Prev page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 80, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 90;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Previous Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 80, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.PrevPage;
                link.Action = namedAction;

                // Next page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 120, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 130;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Next Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 120, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.NextPage;
                link.Action = namedAction;

                // Last page
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 160, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 170;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Last Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 160, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.LastPage;
                link.Action = namedAction;

                // Print document
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 200, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 210;
                document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Print Document", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PdfLinkAnnotation();
                link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 200, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction = new PdfNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.Print;
                link.Action = namedAction;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: e-iceblue/Spire.PDF-for-.NET
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins();
            margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right = margin.Left;

            // Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin);

            float y = 10;

            PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold));
            PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Part List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1);
            y = y + font1.MeasureString("Part List", format1).Height;
            y = y + 2;

            //table top
            PdfDestination tableTopDest = new PdfDestination(page);
            tableTopDest.Location = new PointF(0, y);
            tableTopDest.Mode = PdfDestinationMode.Location;
            tableTopDest.Zoom = 1f;

            //Draw table            
            PdfTrueTypeFont buttonFont = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold));
            float buttonWidth = 70;
            float buttonHeight = buttonFont.Height * 1.5f;
            float tableTop = y;
            PdfLayoutResult tableLayoutResult = DrawTable(page, y + buttonHeight + 5);

            //table bottom
            PdfDestination tableBottomDest = new PdfDestination(tableLayoutResult.Page);
            tableBottomDest.Location = new PointF(0, tableLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom);
            tableBottomDest.Mode = PdfDestinationMode.Location;
            tableBottomDest.Zoom = 1f;

            //go to table bottom
            float x = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - buttonWidth;
            PdfStringFormat format2 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle);
            RectangleF buttonBounds = new RectangleF(x, tableTop, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
            page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.DarkGray, buttonBounds);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("To Bottom", buttonFont, PdfBrushes.CadetBlue, buttonBounds, format2);
            PdfGoToAction action1 = new PdfGoToAction(tableBottomDest);
            PdfActionAnnotation annotation1
                = new PdfActionAnnotation(buttonBounds, action1);
            annotation1.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0.75f);
            annotation1.Color = Color.LightGray;
            (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation1);

            //go to table top
            float tableBottom = tableLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom + 5;
            buttonBounds = new RectangleF(x, tableBottom, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
            tableLayoutResult.Page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.DarkGray, buttonBounds);
            tableLayoutResult.Page.Canvas.DrawString("To Top", buttonFont, PdfBrushes.CadetBlue, buttonBounds, format2);
            PdfGoToAction action2 = new PdfGoToAction(tableTopDest);
            PdfActionAnnotation annotation2
                = new PdfActionAnnotation(buttonBounds, action2);
            annotation2.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0.75f);
            annotation2.Color = Color.LightGray;
            (tableLayoutResult.Page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation2);

            //goto last page
            PdfNamedAction action3 = new PdfNamedAction(PdfActionDestination.LastPage);
            doc.AfterOpenAction = action3;

            String script
                = "app.alert({"
                + "    cMsg: \"Oh no, you want to leave me.\","
                + "    nIcon: 3,"
                + "    cTitle: \"JavaScript Action\""
                + "});";
            PdfJavaScriptAction action4 = new PdfJavaScriptAction(script);
            doc.BeforeCloseAction = action4;

            //Save pdf file.

            //Launching the Pdf file.