static PdfGoToRemote() { DefaultDestination = new PdfArray(); DefaultDestination.Add(new PdfNumeric(0)); DefaultDestination.Add(PdfName.Names.XYZ); DefaultDestination.Add(PdfNull.Null); DefaultDestination.Add(PdfNull.Null); DefaultDestination.Add(PdfNull.Null); }
static PdfResources() { DefaultProcedureSets = new PdfArray(); DefaultProcedureSets.Add(PdfName.Names.PDF); DefaultProcedureSets.Add(PdfName.Names.Text); DefaultProcedureSets.Add(PdfName.Names.ImageB); DefaultProcedureSets.Add(PdfName.Names.ImageC); DefaultProcedureSets.Add(PdfName.Names.ImageI); }
protected internal override void Write(PdfWriter writer) { PdfArray dest = new PdfArray(); dest.Add(pageReference); dest.Add(PdfName.Names.XYZ); dest.Add(new PdfNumeric(xPosition)); dest.Add(new PdfNumeric(yPosition)); dest.Add(PdfNull.Null); this[PdfName.Names.D] = dest; base.Write(writer); }
private PdfObject CleverPdfArrayClone(PdfArray array) { PdfArray newArray = new PdfArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Size; i++) { PdfObject obj = array[i]; if (obj is PdfDictionary) newArray.Add(CleverPdfDictionaryClone((PdfDictionary) obj)); else newArray.Add(obj); } return newArray; }
public PdfPage( PdfResources resources, PdfContentStream contents, int pagewidth, int pageheight, PdfObjectId objectId) : base(objectId) { this[PdfName.Names.Type] = PdfName.Names.Page; this[PdfName.Names.Resources] = resources.GetReference(); this[PdfName.Names.Contents] = contents.GetReference(); PdfArray mediaBox = new PdfArray(); mediaBox.Add(new PdfNumeric(0)); mediaBox.Add(new PdfNumeric(0)); mediaBox.Add(new PdfNumeric(pagewidth)); mediaBox.Add(new PdfNumeric(pageheight)); this[PdfName.Names.MediaBox] = mediaBox; }
private PdfArray EnsureArray( ) { PdfDataObject baseDataObject = BaseDataObject; if (baseDataObject is PdfDictionary) // Merged annotation. { PdfArray widgetsArray = new PdfArray(); { PdfDictionary fieldDictionary = (PdfDictionary)baseDataObject; PdfDictionary widgetDictionary = null; // Extracting widget entries from the field... foreach (PdfName key in new List <PdfName>(fieldDictionary.Keys)) { // Is it a widget entry? if (key.Equals(PdfName.Type) || key.Equals(PdfName.Subtype) || key.Equals(PdfName.Rect) || key.Equals(PdfName.Contents) || key.Equals(PdfName.P) || key.Equals(PdfName.NM) || key.Equals(PdfName.M) || key.Equals(PdfName.F) || key.Equals(PdfName.BS) || key.Equals(PdfName.AP) || key.Equals(PdfName.AS) || key.Equals(PdfName.Border) || key.Equals(PdfName.C) || key.Equals(PdfName.A) || key.Equals(PdfName.AA) || key.Equals(PdfName.StructParent) || key.Equals(PdfName.OC) || key.Equals(PdfName.H) || key.Equals(PdfName.MK)) { if (widgetDictionary == null) { widgetDictionary = new PdfDictionary(); PdfReference widgetReference = File.Register(widgetDictionary); // Remove the field from the page annotations (as the widget annotation is decoupled from it)! PdfArray pageAnnotationsArray = (PdfArray)((PdfDictionary)fieldDictionary.Resolve(PdfName.P)).Resolve(PdfName.Annots); pageAnnotationsArray.Remove(field.BaseObject); // Add the widget to the page annotations! pageAnnotationsArray.Add(widgetReference); // Add the widget to the field widgets! widgetsArray.Add(widgetReference); // Associate the field to the widget! widgetDictionary[PdfName.Parent] = field.BaseObject; } // Transfer the entry from the field to the widget! widgetDictionary[key] = fieldDictionary[key]; fieldDictionary.Remove(key); } } } BaseObject = widgetsArray; field.BaseDataObject[PdfName.Kids] = widgetsArray; baseDataObject = widgetsArray; } return((PdfArray)baseDataObject); }
PdfObject GetColorspace() { if (icc_profile != null) { if ((colorType & 2) == 0) { return(PdfName.DEVICEGRAY); } else { return(PdfName.DEVICERGB); } } if (gamma == 1f && !hasCHRM) { if ((colorType & 2) == 0) { return(PdfName.DEVICEGRAY); } else { return(PdfName.DEVICERGB); } } else { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); if ((colorType & 2) == 0) { if (gamma == 1f) { return(PdfName.DEVICEGRAY); } array.Add(PdfName.CALGRAY); dic.Put(PdfName.GAMMA, new PdfNumber(gamma)); dic.Put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]")); array.Add(dic); } else { PdfObject wp = new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]"); array.Add(PdfName.CALRGB); if (gamma != 1f) { PdfArray gm = new PdfArray(); PdfNumber n = new PdfNumber(gamma); gm.Add(n); gm.Add(n); gm.Add(n); dic.Put(PdfName.GAMMA, gm); } if (hasCHRM) { float z = yW * ((xG - xB) * yR - (xR - xB) * yG + (xR - xG) * yB); float YA = yR * ((xG - xB) * yW - (xW - xB) * yG + (xW - xG) * yB) / z; float XA = YA * xR / yR; float ZA = YA * ((1 - xR) / yR - 1); float YB = -yG * ((xR - xB) * yW - (xW - xB) * yR + (xW - xR) * yB) / z; float XB = YB * xG / yG; float ZB = YB * ((1 - xG) / yG - 1); float YC = yB * ((xR - xG) * yW - (xW - xG) * yW + (xW - xR) * yG) / z; float XC = YC * xB / yB; float ZC = YC * ((1 - xB) / yB - 1); float XW = XA + XB + XC; float YW = 1;//YA+YB+YC; float ZW = ZA + ZB + ZC; PdfArray wpa = new PdfArray(); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(XW)); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(YW)); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(ZW)); wp = wpa; PdfArray matrix = new PdfArray(); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(XA)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(YA)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(ZA)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(XB)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(YB)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(ZB)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(XC)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(YC)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(ZC)); dic.Put(PdfName.MATRIX, matrix); } dic.Put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, wp); array.Add(dic); } return(array); } }
private void OutputDss(PdfDictionary dss, PdfDictionary vrim, PdfArray ocsps, PdfArray crls, PdfArray certs) { writer.AddDeveloperExtension(PdfDeveloperExtension.ESIC_1_7_EXTENSIONLEVEL5); PdfDictionary catalog = reader.Catalog; stp.MarkUsed(catalog); foreach (PdfName vkey in validated.Keys) { PdfArray ocsp = new PdfArray(); PdfArray crl = new PdfArray(); PdfArray cert = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary vri = new PdfDictionary(); foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].crls) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.FlateCompress(); PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference; crl.Add(iref); crls.Add(iref); } foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].ocsps) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.FlateCompress(); PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference; ocsp.Add(iref); ocsps.Add(iref); } foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].certs) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.FlateCompress(); PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference; cert.Add(iref); certs.Add(iref); } if (ocsp.Size > 0) { vri.Put(PdfName.OCSP, writer.AddToBody(ocsp, false).IndirectReference); } if (crl.Size > 0) { vri.Put(PdfName.CRL, writer.AddToBody(crl, false).IndirectReference); } if (cert.Size > 0) { vri.Put(PdfName.CERT, writer.AddToBody(cert, false).IndirectReference); } vrim.Put(vkey, writer.AddToBody(vri, false).IndirectReference); } dss.Put(PdfName.VRI, writer.AddToBody(vrim, false).IndirectReference); if (ocsps.Size > 0) { dss.Put(PdfName.OCSPS, writer.AddToBody(ocsps, false).IndirectReference); } if (crls.Size > 0) { dss.Put(PdfName.CRLS, writer.AddToBody(crls, false).IndirectReference); } if (certs.Size > 0) { dss.Put(PdfName.CERTS, writer.AddToBody(certs, false).IndirectReference); } catalog.Put(PdfName.DSS, writer.AddToBody(dss, false).IndirectReference); }
protected static Image GetTiffImageColor(TIFFDirectory dir, RandomAccessFileOrArray s) { int predictor = 1; TIFFLZWDecoder lzwDecoder = null; int compression = TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION)) { compression = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION); } switch (compression) { case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG: break; default: throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", compression)); } int photometric = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC); switch (photometric) { case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: break; default: if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", photometric)); } break; } float rotation = 0; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION)) { int rot = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION); if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT) { rotation = (float)Math.PI; } else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT) { rotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0); } else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT) { rotation = -(float)(Math.PI / 2.0); } } if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) && dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) == TIFFConstants.PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("planar.images.are.not.supported")); } int extraSamples = 0; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES)) { extraSamples = 1; } int samplePerPixel = 1; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL)) // 1,3,4 { samplePerPixel = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL); } int bitsPerSample = 1; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE)) { bitsPerSample = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE); } switch (bitsPerSample) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: break; default: throw new ArgumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", bitsPerSample)); } Image img = null; int h = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH); int w = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH); int dpiX = 0; int dpiY = 0; int resolutionUnit = TIFFConstants.RESUNIT_INCH; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT)) { resolutionUnit = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT); } dpiX = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit); dpiY = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit); int fillOrder = 1; bool reverse = false; TIFFField fillOrderField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_FILLORDER); if (fillOrderField != null) { fillOrder = fillOrderField.GetAsInt(0); } reverse = (fillOrder == TIFFConstants.FILLORDER_LSB2MSB); int rowsStrip = h; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP)) //another hack for broken tiffs { rowsStrip = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP); } if (rowsStrip <= 0 || rowsStrip > h) { rowsStrip = h; } long[] offset = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS); long[] size = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS); if ((size == null || (size.Length == 1 && (size[0] == 0 || size[0] + offset[0] > s.Length))) && h == rowsStrip) // some TIFF producers are really lousy, so... { size = new long[] { s.Length - (int)offset[0] }; } if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW || compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE || compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE) { TIFFField predictorField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR); if (predictorField != null) { predictor = predictorField.GetAsInt(0); if (predictor != 1 && predictor != 2) { throw new Exception(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } if (predictor == 2 && bitsPerSample != 8) { throw new Exception(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("1.bit.samples.are.not.supported.for.horizontal.differencing.predictor", bitsPerSample)); } } } if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW) { lzwDecoder = new TIFFLZWDecoder(w, predictor, samplePerPixel); } int rowsLeft = h; MemoryStream stream = null; MemoryStream mstream = null; ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = null; ZDeflaterOutputStream mzip = null; if (extraSamples > 0) { mstream = new MemoryStream(); mzip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(mstream); } CCITTG4Encoder g4 = null; if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1 && photometric != TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) { g4 = new CCITTG4Encoder(w); } else { stream = new MemoryStream(); if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream); } } if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG) { // Assume that the TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT tag is optional, since it's obsolete and // is often missing if ((!dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET))) { throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("missing.tag.s.for.ojpeg.compression")); } int jpegOffset = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET); int jpegLength = (int)s.Length - jpegOffset; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT)) { jpegLength = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT) + (int)size[0]; } byte[] jpeg = new byte[Math.Min(jpegLength, s.Length - jpegOffset)]; int posFilePointer = (int)s.FilePointer; posFilePointer += jpegOffset; s.Seek(posFilePointer); s.ReadFully(jpeg); // if quantization and/or Huffman tables are stored separately in the tiff, // we need to add them to the jpeg data TIFFField jpegtables = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES); if (jpegtables != null) { byte[] temp = jpegtables.GetAsBytes(); int tableoffset = 0; int tablelength = temp.Length; // remove FFD8 from start if (temp[0] == (byte)0xFF && temp[1] == (byte)0xD8) { tableoffset = 2; tablelength -= 2; } // remove FFD9 from end if (temp[temp.Length - 2] == (byte)0xFF && temp[temp.Length - 1] == (byte)0xD9) { tablelength -= 2; } byte[] tables = new byte[tablelength]; Array.Copy(temp, tableoffset, tables, 0, tablelength); // TODO insert after JFIF header, instead of at the start byte[] jpegwithtables = new byte[jpeg.Length + tables.Length]; Array.Copy(jpeg, 0, jpegwithtables, 0, 2); Array.Copy(tables, 0, jpegwithtables, 2, tables.Length); Array.Copy(jpeg, 2, jpegwithtables, tables.Length + 2, jpeg.Length - 2); jpeg = jpegwithtables; } img = new Jpeg(jpeg); } else if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { if (size.Length > 1) { throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", size.Length)); } byte[] jpeg = new byte[(int)size[0]]; s.Seek(offset[0]); s.ReadFully(jpeg); img = new Jpeg(jpeg); if (photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_RGB) { img.ColorTransform = 0; } } else { for (int k = 0; k < offset.Length; ++k) { byte[] im = new byte[(int)size[k]]; s.Seek(offset[k]); s.ReadFully(im); int height = Math.Min(rowsStrip, rowsLeft); byte[] outBuf = null; if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE) { outBuf = new byte[(w * bitsPerSample * samplePerPixel + 7) / 8 * height]; } if (reverse) { TIFFFaxDecoder.ReverseBits(im); } switch (compression) { case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: Inflate(im, outBuf); ApplyPredictor(outBuf, predictor, w, height, samplePerPixel); break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE: outBuf = im; break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: DecodePackbits(im, outBuf); break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW: lzwDecoder.Decode(im, outBuf, height); break; } if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1 && photometric != TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) { g4.Fax4Encode(outBuf, height); } else { if (extraSamples > 0) { ProcessExtraSamples(zip, mzip, outBuf, samplePerPixel, bitsPerSample, w, height); } else { zip.Write(outBuf, 0, outBuf.Length); } } rowsLeft -= rowsStrip; } if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1 && photometric != TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) { img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, false, Image.CCITTG4, photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK ? Image.CCITT_BLACKIS1 : 0, g4.Close()); } else { zip.Close(); img = new ImgRaw(w, h, samplePerPixel - extraSamples, bitsPerSample, stream.ToArray()); img.Deflated = true; } } img.SetDpi(dpiX, dpiY); if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE)) { try { TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE); ICC_Profile icc_prof = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(fd.GetAsBytes()); if (samplePerPixel - extraSamples == icc_prof.NumComponents) { img.TagICC = icc_prof; } } catch { //empty } } if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP)) { TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP); char[] rgb = fd.GetAsChars(); byte[] palette = new byte[rgb.Length]; int gColor = rgb.Length / 3; int bColor = gColor * 2; for (int k = 0; k < gColor; ++k) { palette[k * 3] = (byte)(rgb[k] >> 8); palette[k * 3 + 1] = (byte)(rgb[k + gColor] >> 8); palette[k * 3 + 2] = (byte)(rgb[k + bColor] >> 8); } // Colormap components are supposed to go from 0 to 655535 but, // as usually, some tiff producers just put values from 0 to 255. // Let's check for these broken tiffs. bool colormapBroken = true; for (int k = 0; k < palette.Length; ++k) { if (palette[k] != 0) { colormapBroken = false; break; } } if (colormapBroken) { for (int k = 0; k < gColor; ++k) { palette[k * 3] = (byte)rgb[k]; palette[k * 3 + 1] = (byte)rgb[k + gColor]; palette[k * 3 + 2] = (byte)rgb[k + bColor]; } } PdfArray indexed = new PdfArray(); indexed.Add(PdfName.INDEXED); indexed.Add(PdfName.DEVICERGB); indexed.Add(new PdfNumber(gColor - 1)); indexed.Add(new PdfString(palette)); PdfDictionary additional = new PdfDictionary(); additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, indexed); img.Additional = additional; } img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_TIFF; } if (photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE) { img.Inverted = true; } if (rotation != 0) { img.InitialRotation = rotation; } if (extraSamples > 0) { mzip.Close(); Image mimg = Image.GetInstance(w, h, 1, bitsPerSample, mstream.ToArray()); mimg.MakeMask(); mimg.Deflated = true; img.ImageMask = mimg; } return(img); }
private void OutputDss(PdfDictionary dss, PdfDictionary vrim, PdfArray ocsps, PdfArray crls, PdfArray certs ) { PdfCatalog catalog = document.GetCatalog(); if (document.GetPdfVersion().CompareTo(PdfVersion.PDF_2_0) < 0) { catalog.AddDeveloperExtension(PdfDeveloperExtension.ESIC_1_7_EXTENSIONLEVEL5); } foreach (PdfName vkey in validated.Keys) { PdfArray ocsp = new PdfArray(); PdfArray crl = new PdfArray(); PdfArray cert = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary vri = new PdfDictionary(); foreach (byte[] b in validated.Get(vkey).crls) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.SetCompressionLevel(CompressionConstants.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); ps.MakeIndirect(document); crl.Add(ps); crls.Add(ps); crls.SetModified(); } foreach (byte[] b in validated.Get(vkey).ocsps) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.SetCompressionLevel(CompressionConstants.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); ocsp.Add(ps); ocsps.Add(ps); ocsps.SetModified(); } foreach (byte[] b in validated.Get(vkey).certs) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.SetCompressionLevel(CompressionConstants.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); ps.MakeIndirect(document); cert.Add(ps); certs.Add(ps); certs.SetModified(); } if (ocsp.Size() > 0) { ocsp.MakeIndirect(document); vri.Put(PdfName.OCSP, ocsp); } if (crl.Size() > 0) { crl.MakeIndirect(document); vri.Put(PdfName.CRL, crl); } if (cert.Size() > 0) { cert.MakeIndirect(document); vri.Put(PdfName.Cert, cert); } vri.MakeIndirect(document); vrim.Put(vkey, vri); } vrim.MakeIndirect(document); vrim.SetModified(); dss.Put(PdfName.VRI, vrim); if (ocsps.Size() > 0) { ocsps.MakeIndirect(document); dss.Put(PdfName.OCSPs, ocsps); } if (crls.Size() > 0) { crls.MakeIndirect(document); dss.Put(PdfName.CRLs, crls); } if (certs.Size() > 0) { certs.MakeIndirect(document); dss.Put(PdfName.Certs, certs); } dss.MakeIndirect(document); dss.SetModified(); catalog.Put(PdfName.DSS, dss); }
/** * Adds a RichMediaInstance to the instances array of this * configuration. * @param instance a RichMediaInstance */ public void AddInstance(RichMediaInstance instance) { instances.Add(instance); }
private static void ApplyBorderAttributes(AbstractRenderer renderer, PdfDictionary attributes) { bool specificBorderProperties = renderer.GetProperty<Border>(Property.BORDER_TOP) != null || renderer.GetProperty <Border>(Property.BORDER_RIGHT) != null || renderer.GetProperty<Border>(Property.BORDER_BOTTOM) != null || renderer.GetProperty<Border>(Property.BORDER_LEFT) != null; bool generalBorderProperties = !specificBorderProperties && renderer.GetProperty<Object>(Property.BORDER) != null; if (generalBorderProperties) { Border generalBorder = renderer.GetProperty<Border>(Property.BORDER); Color generalBorderColor = generalBorder.GetColor(); int borderType = generalBorder.GetBorderType(); float borderWidth = generalBorder.GetWidth(); if (generalBorderColor is DeviceRgb) { attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderColor, new PdfArray(generalBorderColor.GetColorValue())); attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderStyle, TransformBorderTypeToName(borderType)); attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderThikness, new PdfNumber(borderWidth)); } } if (specificBorderProperties) { PdfArray borderColors = new PdfArray(); PdfArray borderTypes = new PdfArray(); PdfArray borderWidths = new PdfArray(); bool atLeastOneRgb = false; Border[] borders = renderer.GetBorders(); bool allColorsEqual = true; bool allTypesEqual = true; bool allWidthsEqual = true; for (int i = 1; i < borders.Length; i++) { Border border = borders[i]; if (border != null) { if (!border.GetColor().Equals(borders[0].GetColor())) { allColorsEqual = false; } if (border.GetWidth() != borders[0].GetWidth()) { allWidthsEqual = false; } if (border.GetBorderType() != borders[0].GetBorderType()) { allTypesEqual = false; } } } int[] borderOrder = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; //TODO set depending on writing direction foreach (int i_1 in borderOrder) { if (borders[i_1] != null) { if (borders[i_1].GetColor() is DeviceRgb) { borderColors.Add(new PdfArray(borders[i_1].GetColor().GetColorValue())); atLeastOneRgb = true; } else { borderColors.Add(PdfNull.PDF_NULL); } borderTypes.Add(TransformBorderTypeToName(borders[i_1].GetBorderType())); borderWidths.Add(new PdfNumber(borders[i_1].GetWidth())); } else { borderColors.Add(PdfNull.PDF_NULL); borderTypes.Add(PdfName.None); borderWidths.Add(PdfNull.PDF_NULL); } } if (atLeastOneRgb) { if (allColorsEqual) { attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderColor, borderColors.Get(0)); } else { attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderColor, borderColors); } } if (allTypesEqual) { attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderStyle, borderTypes.Get(0)); } else { attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderStyle, borderTypes); } if (allWidthsEqual) { attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderThikness, borderWidths.Get(0)); } else { attributes.Put(PdfName.BorderThikness, borderWidths); } } }
/** * Transforms value abbreviations into their corresponding real value * @param key the key that the value is for * @param value the value that might be an abbreviation * @return if value is an allowed abbreviation for the key, the expanded value for that abbreviation. Otherwise, value is returned without modification */ private static PdfObject GetAlternateValue(PdfName key, PdfObject value){ if (key == PdfName.FILTER){ if (value is PdfName){ PdfName altValue; inlineImageFilterAbbreviationMap.TryGetValue((PdfName)value, out altValue); if (altValue != null) return altValue; } else if (value is PdfArray){ PdfArray array = ((PdfArray)value); PdfArray altArray = new PdfArray(); int count = array.Size; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){ altArray.Add(GetAlternateValue(key, array[i])); } return altArray; } } else if (key == PdfName.COLORSPACE){ if (value is PdfName){ PdfName altValue; inlineImageColorSpaceAbbreviationMap.TryGetValue((PdfName)value, out altValue); if (altValue != null) return altValue; } } return value; }
protected internal static PdfStream CreatePdfStream(ImageData image, iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject imageMask) { PdfStream stream; if (image.GetOriginalType() == ImageType.RAW) { RawImageHelper.UpdateImageAttributes((RawImageData)image, null); } stream = new PdfStream(image.GetData()); String filter = image.GetFilter(); if (filter != null && filter.Equals("JPXDecode") && image.GetColorSpace() <= 0) { stream.SetCompressionLevel(CompressionConstants.NO_COMPRESSION); image.SetBpc(0); } stream.Put(PdfName.Type, PdfName.XObject); stream.Put(PdfName.Subtype, PdfName.Image); PdfDictionary decodeParms = CreateDictionaryFromMap(stream, image.GetDecodeParms()); if (decodeParms != null) { stream.Put(PdfName.DecodeParms, decodeParms); } PdfName colorSpace; switch (image.GetColorSpace()) { case 1: { colorSpace = PdfName.DeviceGray; break; } case 3: { colorSpace = PdfName.DeviceRGB; break; } default: { colorSpace = PdfName.DeviceCMYK; break; } } stream.Put(PdfName.ColorSpace, colorSpace); if (image.GetBpc() != 0) { stream.Put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(image.GetBpc())); } if (image.GetFilter() != null) { stream.Put(PdfName.Filter, new PdfName(image.GetFilter())); } //TODO: return to this later // if (image.getLayer() != null) // put(PdfName.OC, image.getLayer().getRef()); if (image.GetColorSpace() == -1) { stream.Remove(PdfName.ColorSpace); } PdfDictionary additional = CreateDictionaryFromMap(stream, image.GetImageAttributes()); if (additional != null) { stream.PutAll(additional); } if (image.IsMask() && (image.GetBpc() == 1 || image.GetBpc() > 0xff)) { stream.Put(PdfName.ImageMask, PdfBoolean.TRUE); } if (imageMask != null) { if (imageMask.softMask) { stream.Put(PdfName.SMask, imageMask.GetPdfObject()); } else { if (imageMask.mask) { stream.Put(PdfName.Mask, imageMask.GetPdfObject()); } } } ImageData mask = image.GetImageMask(); if (mask != null) { if (mask.IsSoftMask()) { stream.Put(PdfName.SMask, new iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject(image.GetImageMask()).GetPdfObject( )); } else { if (mask.IsMask()) { stream.Put(PdfName.Mask, new iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject(image.GetImageMask()).GetPdfObject() ); } } } if (image.GetDecode() != null) { stream.Put(PdfName.Decode, new PdfArray(image.GetDecode())); } if (image.IsMask() && image.IsInverted()) { stream.Put(PdfName.Decode, new PdfArray(new float[] { 1, 0 })); } if (image.IsInterpolation()) { stream.Put(PdfName.Interpolate, PdfBoolean.TRUE); } // deal with transparency int[] transparency = image.GetTransparency(); if (transparency != null && !image.IsMask() && imageMask == null) { PdfArray t = new PdfArray(); foreach (int transparencyItem in transparency) { t.Add(new PdfNumber(transparencyItem)); } stream.Put(PdfName.Mask, t); } stream.Put(PdfName.Width, new PdfNumber(image.GetWidth())); stream.Put(PdfName.Height, new PdfNumber(image.GetHeight())); return(stream); }
/** * <summary>Serializes the xref stream entries into the stream body.</summary> */ private void Flush( IOutputStream stream ) { // 1. Body. PdfArray indexArray = new PdfArray(); int[] entryFieldSizes = new int[] { EntryField0Size, GetFieldSize((int)stream.Length), // NOTE: We assume this xref stream is the last indirect object. EntryField2Size }; { // Get the stream buffer! IBuffer body = Body; // Delete the old entries! body.SetLength(0); // Serializing the entries into the stream buffer... int prevObjectNumber = -2; // Previous-entry object number. foreach (XRefEntry entry in entries.Values) { int entryNumber = entry.Number; if (entryNumber - prevObjectNumber != 1) // Current subsection terminated. { if (indexArray.Count > 0) { indexArray.Add(new PdfInteger(prevObjectNumber - ((PdfInteger)indexArray[indexArray.Count - 1]).IntValue + 1)); } // Number of entries in the previous subsection. indexArray.Add(new PdfInteger(entryNumber)); // First object number in the next subsection. } prevObjectNumber = entryNumber; switch (entry.Usage) { case XRefEntry.UsageEnum.Free: body.Append((byte)FreeEntryType); body.Append(NumberToByteArray(entry.Offset, entryFieldSizes[1])); body.Append(NumberToByteArray(entry.Generation, entryFieldSizes[2])); break; case XRefEntry.UsageEnum.InUse: body.Append((byte)InUseEntryType); body.Append(NumberToByteArray(entry.Offset, entryFieldSizes[1])); body.Append(NumberToByteArray(entry.Generation, entryFieldSizes[2])); break; case XRefEntry.UsageEnum.InUseCompressed: body.Append((byte)InUseCompressedEntryType); body.Append(NumberToByteArray(entry.StreamNumber, entryFieldSizes[1])); body.Append(NumberToByteArray(entry.Offset, entryFieldSizes[2])); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } } indexArray.Add(new PdfInteger(prevObjectNumber - ((PdfInteger)indexArray[indexArray.Count - 1]).IntValue + 1)); // Number of entries in the previous subsection. } // 2. Header. { PdfDictionary header = Header; header[PdfName.Index] = indexArray; header[PdfName.Size] = new PdfInteger(file.IndirectObjects.Count + 1); header[PdfName.W] = new PdfArray( new PdfInteger(entryFieldSizes[0]), new PdfInteger(entryFieldSizes[1]), new PdfInteger(entryFieldSizes[2]) ); } }
/** * <summary>Parses the current PDF object [PDF:1.6:3.2].</summary> */ public PdfDataObject ParsePdfObject( ) { /* * NOTE: Object parsing is intrinsically a sequential operation tied to the stream pointer. * Calls bound towards other classes are potentially disruptive for the predictability of * the position of the stream pointer, so we are forced to carefully keep track of our * current position in order to recover its proper state after any outbound call. */ do { // Which token type? switch (tokenType) { case TokenTypeEnum.Integer: return(new PdfInteger((int)token)); case TokenTypeEnum.Name: return(new PdfName((string)token, true)); case TokenTypeEnum.Reference: /* * NOTE: Curiously, PDF references are the only primitive objects that require * a file reference. That's because they deal with indirect objects, which are strongly * coupled with the current state of the file: so, PDF references are the fundamental * bridge between the token layer and the file layer. */ return(new PdfReference( (Reference)token, file )); case TokenTypeEnum.Literal: return(new PdfTextString( Encoding.Encode((string)token) )); case TokenTypeEnum.DictionaryBegin: PdfDictionary dictionary = new PdfDictionary(); while (true) { // Key. MoveNext(); if (tokenType == TokenTypeEnum.DictionaryEnd) { break; } PdfName key = (PdfName)ParsePdfObject(); // Value. MoveNext(); PdfDirectObject value = (PdfDirectObject)ParsePdfObject(); // Add the current entry to the dictionary! dictionary[key] = value; } int oldOffset = (int)stream.Position; MoveNext(); // Is this dictionary the header of a stream object [PDF:1.6:3.2.7]? if ((tokenType == TokenTypeEnum.Keyword) && token.Equals(Keyword.BeginStream)) { // Keep track of current position! long position = stream.Position; // Get the stream length! /* * NOTE: Indirect reference resolution is an outbound call (stream pointer hazard!), * so we need to recover our current position after it returns. */ int length = ((PdfInteger)files.File.Resolve(dictionary[PdfName.Length])).RawValue; // Move to the stream data beginning! stream.Seek(position); SkipEOL(); // Copy the stream data to the instance! byte[] data = new byte[length]; stream.Read(data); MoveNext(); // Postcondition (last token should be 'endstream' keyword). Object streamType = dictionary[PdfName.Type]; if (PdfName.ObjStm.Equals(streamType)) // Object stream [PDF:1.6:3.4.6]. { return(new ObjectStream( dictionary, new bytes.Buffer(data), file )); } else if (PdfName.XRef.Equals(streamType)) // Cross-reference stream [PDF:1.6:3.4.7]. { return(new XRefStream( dictionary, new bytes.Buffer(data), file )); } else // Generic stream. { return(new PdfStream( dictionary, new bytes.Buffer(data) )); } } else // Stand-alone dictionary. { stream.Seek(oldOffset); // Restores postcondition (last token should be the dictionary end). return(dictionary); } case TokenTypeEnum.ArrayBegin: PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); while (true) { // Value. MoveNext(); if (tokenType == TokenTypeEnum.ArrayEnd) { break; } // Add the current item to the array! array.Add((PdfDirectObject)ParsePdfObject()); } return(array); case TokenTypeEnum.Real: return(new PdfReal((float)token)); case TokenTypeEnum.Boolean: return(PdfBoolean.Get((bool)token)); case TokenTypeEnum.Date: return(new PdfDate((DateTime)token)); case TokenTypeEnum.Hex: return(new PdfTextString( (string)token, PdfString.SerializationModeEnum.Hex )); case TokenTypeEnum.Null: return(null); case TokenTypeEnum.Comment: // NOOP: Comments are simply ignored and skipped. break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown type: " + tokenType); } } while(MoveNext()); return(null); }
/** * <summary>Parses the current PDF object [PDF:1.6:3.2].</summary> */ public virtual PdfDataObject ParsePdfObject() { switch (TokenType) { case TokenTypeEnum.Integer: return(PdfInteger.Get((int)Token)); case TokenTypeEnum.Name: return(new PdfName((string)Token, true)); case TokenTypeEnum.DictionaryBegin: { PdfDictionary dictionary = new PdfDictionary(); dictionary.Updateable = false; while (true) { // Key. MoveNext(); if (TokenType == TokenTypeEnum.DictionaryEnd) { break; } PdfName key = (PdfName)ParsePdfObject(); // Value. MoveNext(); PdfDirectObject value = (PdfDirectObject)ParsePdfObject(); // Add the current entry to the dictionary! if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) { key = new PdfName(key.StringValue + "Dublicat"); } dictionary[key] = value; } dictionary.Updateable = true; return(dictionary); } case TokenTypeEnum.ArrayBegin: { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); array.Updateable = false; while (true) { // Value. MoveNext(); if (TokenType == TokenTypeEnum.ArrayEnd) { break; } // Add the current item to the array! array.Add((PdfDirectObject)ParsePdfObject()); } array.Updateable = true; return(array); } case TokenTypeEnum.Literal: if (Token is DateTime) { return(PdfDate.Get((DateTime)Token)); } else { return(new PdfTextString(Token == null ? null : Encoding.Pdf.Encode((string)Token))); } case TokenTypeEnum.Hex: return(new PdfTextString((string)Token, PdfString.SerializationModeEnum.Hex)); case TokenTypeEnum.Real: return(PdfReal.Get((double)Token)); case TokenTypeEnum.Boolean: return(PdfBoolean.Get((bool)Token)); case TokenTypeEnum.Null: return(null); default: throw new PostScriptParseException(String.Format("Unknown type beginning: '{0}'", Token), this); } }
public async Task WriterTest() { var documentCatalogDict = new PdfDictionary(); var documentCatalog = new PdfIndirectObject(documentCatalogDict); var infoDict = new PdfDictionary(); var info = new PdfIndirectObject(infoDict); var pageTreeDict = new PdfDictionary(); var pageTree = new PdfIndirectObject(pageTreeDict); var pageReferences = new PdfArray(); documentCatalogDict.Add("Type", new PdfName("Catalog")); documentCatalogDict.Add("Pages", new PdfIndirectObjectReference(pageTree)); infoDict.Add("Producer", "LittlePdf"); infoDict.Add("CreationDate", new PdfDate(DateTime.UtcNow)); infoDict.Add("ModDate", new PdfDate(DateTime.UtcNow)); infoDict.Add("Title", new PdfString("Test Pdf")); infoDict.Add("Author", new PdfString("Salil Ponde")); pageTreeDict.Add("Type", new PdfName("Pages")); pageTreeDict.Add("Kids", pageReferences); pageTreeDict.Add("Count", new PdfInteger(0)); pageTreeDict.Add("MediaBox", new PdfArray(new List <PdfObject> { new PdfReal(0), new PdfReal(0), new PdfReal(595), new PdfReal(842) })); var font1Dict = new PdfDictionary(); var font1 = new PdfIndirectObject(font1Dict); font1Dict.Add("Type", new PdfName("Font")); font1Dict.Add("Subtype", new PdfName("Type1")); font1Dict.Add("BaseFont", new PdfName("Helvetica-Oblique")); font1Dict.Add("Encoding", new PdfName("WinAnsiEncoding")); var fontsDict = new PdfDictionary(); var resourcesDict = new PdfDictionary(); resourcesDict.Add("Font", fontsDict); fontsDict.Add("F1", new PdfIndirectObjectReference(font1)); pageTreeDict.Add("Resources", resourcesDict); var pageDict = new PdfDictionary(); var page = new PdfIndirectObject(pageDict); pageReferences.Add(new PdfIndirectObjectReference(page)); pageDict.Add("Type", new PdfName("Page")); pageDict.Add("Parent", new PdfIndirectObjectReference(pageTree)); //var c = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0.9 0.5 0.0 rg q 10 10 m 500 10 l 5 w [3] 0 d S Q 500 10 m 500 500 l S "); var c = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("BT /F1 24 Tf 100 742 Td (Hey, this is amazing!) Tj ET "); var pageContentStream = new PdfStream(c); var pageContent = new PdfIndirectObject(pageContentStream); pageDict.Add("Contents", new PdfIndirectObjectReference(pageContent)); var page2Dict = new PdfDictionary(); var page2 = new PdfIndirectObject(page2Dict); pageReferences.Add(new PdfIndirectObjectReference(page2)); page2Dict.Add("Type", new PdfName("Page")); page2Dict.Add("Parent", new PdfIndirectObjectReference(pageTree)); page2Dict.Add("MediaBox", new PdfArray(new List <PdfObject> { new PdfReal(0), new PdfReal(0), new PdfReal(842), new PdfReal(595) })); // Write var fileName = @"c:\temp\ddd.pdf"; File.Delete(fileName); var stream = File.Create(fileName); var writer = new PdfWriter(stream); await writer.WriteAsync(documentCatalog); await writer.WriteAsync(info); await writer.WriteAsync(pageTree); await writer.WriteAsync(font1); await writer.WriteAsync(page); await writer.WriteAsync(pageContent); await writer.WriteAsync(page2); await writer.CloseAsync(documentCatalog, info); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); writer.SetTagged(); writer.UserProperties = true; // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 PdfStructureTreeRoot tree = writer.StructureTreeRoot; PdfStructureElement top = new PdfStructureElement( tree, new PdfName("Directors") ); Dictionary <int, PdfStructureElement> directors = new Dictionary <int, PdfStructureElement>(); int id; Director director; PdfStructureElement e; DbProviderFactory dbp = AdoDB.Provider; using (var c = dbp.CreateConnection()) { c.ConnectionString = AdoDB.CS; using (DbCommand cmd = c.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = SELECTDIRECTORS; c.Open(); using (var r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { id = Convert.ToInt32(r["id"]); director = PojoFactory.GetDirector(r); e = new PdfStructureElement(top, new PdfName("director" + id)); PdfDictionary userproperties = new PdfDictionary(); userproperties.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.USERPROPERTIES); PdfArray properties = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary property1 = new PdfDictionary(); property1.Put(PdfName.N, new PdfString("Name")); property1.Put(PdfName.V, new PdfString(director.Name)); properties.Add(property1); PdfDictionary property2 = new PdfDictionary(); property2.Put(PdfName.N, new PdfString("Given name")); property2.Put(PdfName.V, new PdfString(director.GivenName)); properties.Add(property2); PdfDictionary property3 = new PdfDictionary(); property3.Put(PdfName.N, new PdfString("Posters")); property3.Put(PdfName.V, new PdfNumber(Convert.ToInt32(r["c"]))); properties.Add(property3); userproperties.Put(PdfName.P, properties); e.Put(PdfName.A, userproperties); directors.Add(id, e); } } } } Dictionary <Movie, int> map = new Dictionary <Movie, int>(); for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { foreach (Movie movie in PojoFactory.GetMovies(i)) { map.Add(movie, i); } } PdfContentByte canvas = writer.DirectContent; Image img; float x = 11.5f; float y = 769.7f; string RESOURCE = Utility.ResourcePosters; foreach (var entry in map.Keys) { img = Image.GetInstance(Path.Combine(RESOURCE, entry.Imdb + ".jpg")); img.ScaleToFit(1000, 60); img.SetAbsolutePosition(x + (45 - img.ScaledWidth) / 2, y); canvas.BeginMarkedContentSequence(directors[map[entry]]); canvas.AddImage(img); canvas.EndMarkedContentSequence(); x += 48; if (x > 578) { x = 11.5f; y -= 84.2f; } } } }
protected static Image GetTiffImageColor(TIFFDirectory dir, RandomAccessFileOrArray s) { int predictor = 1; TIFFLZWDecoder lzwDecoder = null; int compression = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION); switch (compression) { case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG: break; default: throw new ArgumentException("The compression " + compression + " is not supported."); } int photometric = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC); switch (photometric) { case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: break; default: if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) throw new ArgumentException("The photometric " + photometric + " is not supported."); break; } float rotation = 0; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION)) { int rot = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION); if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT) rotation = (float)Math.PI; else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT) rotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0); else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT) rotation = -(float)(Math.PI / 2.0); } if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) && dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) == TIFFConstants.PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) throw new ArgumentException("Planar images are not supported."); if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES)) throw new ArgumentException("Extra samples are not supported."); int samplePerPixel = 1; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL)) // 1,3,4 samplePerPixel = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL); int bitsPerSample = 1; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE)) bitsPerSample = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE); switch (bitsPerSample) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Bits per sample " + bitsPerSample + " is not supported."); } Image img = null; int h = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH); int w = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH); int dpiX = 0; int dpiY = 0; int resolutionUnit = TIFFConstants.RESUNIT_INCH; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT)) resolutionUnit = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT); dpiX = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit); dpiY = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit); int fillOrder = 1; bool reverse = false; TIFFField fillOrderField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_FILLORDER); if (fillOrderField != null) fillOrder = fillOrderField.GetAsInt(0); reverse = (fillOrder == TIFFConstants.FILLORDER_LSB2MSB); int rowsStrip = h; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP)) //another hack for broken tiffs rowsStrip = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP); if (rowsStrip <= 0 || rowsStrip > h) rowsStrip = h; long[] offset = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS); long[] size = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS); if ((size == null || (size.Length == 1 && (size[0] == 0 || size[0] + offset[0] > s.Length))) && h == rowsStrip) { // some TIFF producers are really lousy, so... size = new long[]{s.Length - (int)offset[0]}; } if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW) { TIFFField predictorField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR); if (predictorField != null) { predictor = predictorField.GetAsInt(0); if (predictor != 1 && predictor != 2) { throw new Exception("Illegal value for Predictor in TIFF file."); } if (predictor == 2 && bitsPerSample != 8) { throw new Exception(bitsPerSample + "-bit samples are not supported for Horizontal differencing Predictor."); } } lzwDecoder = new TIFFLZWDecoder(w, predictor, samplePerPixel); } int rowsLeft = h; MemoryStream stream = null; ZOutputStream zip = null; CCITTG4Encoder g4 = null; if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) { g4 = new CCITTG4Encoder(w); } else { stream = new MemoryStream(); if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) zip = new ZOutputStream(stream); } if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG) { // Assume that the TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT tag is optional, since it's obsolete and // is often missing if ((!dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET))) { throw new IOException("Missing tag(s) for OJPEG compression."); } int jpegOffset = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET); int jpegLength = s.Length - jpegOffset; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT)) { jpegLength = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT) + (int)size[0]; } byte[] jpeg = new byte[Math.Min(jpegLength, s.Length - jpegOffset)]; int posFilePointer = s.FilePointer; posFilePointer += jpegOffset; s.Seek(posFilePointer); s.ReadFully(jpeg); img = new Jpeg(jpeg); } else if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { if (size.Length > 1) throw new IOException("Compression JPEG is only supported with a single strip. This image has " + size.Length + " strips."); byte[] jpeg = new byte[(int)size[0]]; s.Seek(offset[0]); s.ReadFully(jpeg); img = new Jpeg(jpeg); } else { for (int k = 0; k < offset.Length; ++k) { byte[] im = new byte[(int)size[k]]; s.Seek(offset[k]); s.ReadFully(im); int height = Math.Min(rowsStrip, rowsLeft); byte[] outBuf = null; if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE) outBuf = new byte[(w * bitsPerSample * samplePerPixel + 7) / 8 * height]; if (reverse) TIFFFaxDecoder.ReverseBits(im); switch (compression) { case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: Inflate(im, outBuf); break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE: outBuf = im; break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: DecodePackbits(im, outBuf); break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW: lzwDecoder.Decode(im, outBuf, height); break; } if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) { g4.Fax4Encode(outBuf, height); } else { zip.Write(outBuf, 0, outBuf.Length); } rowsLeft -= rowsStrip; } if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) { img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, false, Image.CCITTG4, photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK ? Image.CCITT_BLACKIS1 : 0, g4.Close()); } else { zip.Close(); img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, samplePerPixel, bitsPerSample, stream.ToArray()); img.Deflated = true; } } img.SetDpi(dpiX, dpiY); if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE)) { try { TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE); ICC_Profile icc_prof = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(fd.GetAsBytes()); if (samplePerPixel == icc_prof.NumComponents) img.TagICC = icc_prof; } catch { //empty } } if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP)) { TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP); char[] rgb = fd.GetAsChars(); byte[] palette = new byte[rgb.Length]; int gColor = rgb.Length / 3; int bColor = gColor * 2; for (int k = 0; k < gColor; ++k) { palette[k * 3] = (byte)(rgb[k] >> 8); palette[k * 3 + 1] = (byte)(rgb[k + gColor] >> 8); palette[k * 3 + 2] = (byte)(rgb[k + bColor] >> 8); } PdfArray indexed = new PdfArray(); indexed.Add(PdfName.INDEXED); indexed.Add(PdfName.DEVICERGB); indexed.Add(new PdfNumber(gColor - 1)); indexed.Add(new PdfString(palette)); PdfDictionary additional = new PdfDictionary(); additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, indexed); img.Additional = additional; } img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_TIFF; } if (photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE) img.Inverted = true; if (rotation != 0) img.InitialRotation = rotation; return img; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the colorspace. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private PdfObjectBase GetColorspace() { if ((this.gamma == 1f) && !this.hasCHRM) { if ((this.colorType & 2) != 0) { return(PdfName.DeviceRGB); } return(PdfName.DeviceGray); } PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary item = new PdfDictionary(); if ((this.colorType & 2) == 0) { if (this.gamma == 1f) { return(PdfName.DeviceGray); } array.Add(PdfName.CalGray); item.Add(PdfName.Gamma, new PdfNumber((double)this.gamma)); item.Add(PdfName.WhitePoint, PdfArray.Convert(new int[] { 1, 1, 1 })); array.Add(item); return(array); } PdfArray array2 = PdfArray.Convert(new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }); array.Add(PdfName.CalRGB); if (this.gamma != 1f) { PdfArray array3 = new PdfArray(); PdfNumber number = new PdfNumber((double)this.gamma); array3.Add(number); array3.Add(number); array3.Add(number); item.Add(PdfName.Gamma, array3); } if (this.hasCHRM) { float num = this.yW * ((((this.xG - this.xB) * this.yR) - ((this.xR - this.xB) * this.yG)) + ((this.xR - this.xG) * this.yB)); float num2 = (this.yR * ((((this.xG - this.xB) * this.yW) - ((this.xW - this.xB) * this.yG)) + ((this.xW - this.xG) * this.yB))) / num; float num3 = (num2 * this.xR) / this.yR; float num4 = num2 * (((1f - this.xR) / this.yR) - 1f); float num5 = (-this.yG * ((((this.xR - this.xB) * this.yW) - ((this.xW - this.xB) * this.yR)) + ((this.xW - this.xR) * this.yB))) / num; float num6 = (num5 * this.xG) / this.yG; float num7 = num5 * (((1f - this.xG) / this.yG) - 1f); float num8 = (this.yB * ((((this.xR - this.xG) * this.yW) - ((this.xW - this.xG) * this.yW)) + ((this.xW - this.xR) * this.yG))) / num; float num9 = (num8 * this.xB) / this.yB; float num10 = num8 * (((1f - this.xB) / this.yB) - 1f); float num11 = (num3 + num6) + num9; float num12 = (num4 + num7) + num10; array2 = new PdfArray { new PdfNumber((double)num11), new PdfNumber(1.0), new PdfNumber((double)num12) }; PdfArray array5 = new PdfArray { new PdfNumber((double)num3), new PdfNumber((double)num2), new PdfNumber((double)num4), new PdfNumber((double)num6), new PdfNumber((double)num5), new PdfNumber((double)num7), new PdfNumber((double)num9), new PdfNumber((double)num8), new PdfNumber((double)num10) }; item.Add(PdfName.Matrix, array5); } item.Add(PdfName.WhitePoint, array2); array.Add(item); return(array); }
/// <summary> /// Reads next frame image /// </summary> protected void ReadImage() { Ix = ReadShort(); // (sub)image position & size Iy = ReadShort(); Iw = ReadShort(); Ih = ReadShort(); int packed = Inp.ReadByte(); LctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1 - local color table flag Interlace = (packed & 0x40) != 0; // 2 - interlace flag // 3 - sort flag // 4-5 - reserved LctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 - local color table size MBpc = NewBpc(MGbpc); if (LctFlag) { MCurrTable = ReadColorTable((packed & 7) + 1); // read table MBpc = NewBpc((packed & 7) + 1); } else { MCurrTable = MGlobalTable; } if (Transparency && TransIndex >= MCurrTable.Length / 3) { Transparency = false; } if (Transparency && MBpc == 1) { // Acrobat 5.05 doesn't like this combination byte[] tp = new byte[12]; Array.Copy(MCurrTable, 0, tp, 0, 6); MCurrTable = tp; MBpc = 2; } bool skipZero = DecodeImageData(); // decode pixel data if (!skipZero) { Skip(); } Image img = null; img = new ImgRaw(Iw, Ih, 1, MBpc, MOut); PdfArray colorspace = new PdfArray(); colorspace.Add(PdfName.Indexed); colorspace.Add(PdfName.Devicergb); int len = MCurrTable.Length; colorspace.Add(new PdfNumber(len / 3 - 1)); colorspace.Add(new PdfString(MCurrTable)); PdfDictionary ad = new PdfDictionary(); ad.Put(PdfName.Colorspace, colorspace); img.Additional = ad; if (Transparency) { img.Transparency = new[] { TransIndex, TransIndex }; } img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_GIF; img.OriginalData = FromData; img.Url = FromUrl; GifFrame gf = new GifFrame(); gf.Image = img; gf.Ix = Ix; gf.Iy = Iy; Frames.Add(gf); // add image to frame list //ResetFrame(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MarkText(List <TextItem> items, int iPosition, int iCount, PdfStamper stamper, BaseColor color, int iPageAdd = 0, string stComment = null) { const string stTittle = "PDFCompare"; if (iCount == 0) { float rWidth, rPosition; if (iPosition >= items.Count) { iPosition = items.Count - 1; rWidth = (items[iPosition].MaxY - items[iPosition].MinY) / 5; rPosition = items[iPosition].MaxX; } else { rWidth = (items[iPosition].MaxY - items[iPosition].MinY) / 5; rPosition = items[iPosition].MinX - rWidth; } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(rPosition, items[iPosition].MaxY, rPosition + rWidth, items[iPosition].MinY); float[] quad = { rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top }; PdfAnnotation highlight = PdfAnnotation.CreateMarkup(stamper.Writer, rect, stComment, PdfAnnotation.MARKUP_HIGHLIGHT, quad); highlight.Color = color; highlight.Title = stTittle; stamper.AddAnnotation(highlight, items[iPosition].Page + iPageAdd); } else { while (iCount > 0 && items[iPosition].IsImage) { TextItem item = items[iPosition]; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(item.MinX, item.MaxY, item.MaxX, item.MinY); PdfArray vertices = new PdfArray(); float rHalfWidth = 4; vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MinX - rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MinY - rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MaxX + rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MinY - rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MaxX + rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MaxY + rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MinX - rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MaxY + rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MinX - rHalfWidth)); vertices.Add(new PdfNumber(item.MinY - rHalfWidth)); PdfAnnotation highlight = PdfAnnotation.CreatePolygonPolyline(stamper.Writer, rect, stComment, true, vertices); highlight.Color = color; highlight.Title = stTittle; highlight.Border = new PdfBorderArray(0, 0, rHalfWidth * 2); stamper.AddAnnotation(highlight, item.Page + iPageAdd); iPosition++; iCount--; } if (iCount == 0) { return; } int i; for (i = iPosition; i < iPosition + iCount; i++) { if (items[i].IsImage) { MarkText(items, iPosition, i - iPosition, stamper, color, iPageAdd, stComment); MarkText(items, i, 1, stamper, color, iPageAdd, stComment); if (i + 1 >= iPosition + iCount) { return; } iCount -= (i - iPosition) + 1; iPosition = i + 1; } } if (!items[iPosition].IsNewLine) { i = iPosition; while (i < iPosition + iCount - 1 && !items[i + 1].IsNewLine) { i++; } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(items[iPosition].MinX, items[iPosition].MaxY, items[i].MaxX, items[iPosition].MinY); float[] quad = { rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top }; PdfAnnotation highlight = PdfAnnotation.CreateMarkup(stamper.Writer, rect, stComment, PdfAnnotation.MARKUP_HIGHLIGHT, quad); highlight.Color = color; highlight.Title = stTittle; stamper.AddAnnotation(highlight, items[iPosition].Page + iPageAdd); iCount -= (i - iPosition) + 1; iPosition = i + 1; } if (iCount == 0) { return; } if (items.Count > iPosition + iCount && !items[iPosition + iCount].IsNewLine) { i = iPosition + iCount - 1; while (!items[i].IsNewLine) { i--; } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(items[i].MinX, items[i].MaxY, items[i = iPosition + iCount - 1].MaxX, items[i].MinY); float[] quad = { rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top }; PdfAnnotation highlight = PdfAnnotation.CreateMarkup(stamper.Writer, rect, stComment, PdfAnnotation.MARKUP_HIGHLIGHT, quad); highlight.Color = color; highlight.Title = stTittle; stamper.AddAnnotation(highlight, items[iPosition].Page + iPageAdd); iCount -= iPosition + iCount - i; } if (iCount == 0) { return; } i = iPosition; float rMinX = items[iPosition].MinX; float rMaxX = items[iPosition].MaxX; while (i < iPosition + iCount) { i++; if (i == iPosition + iCount || items[iPosition].Page != items[i].Page) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(rMinX, items[iPosition].MaxY, rMaxX, items[i - 1].MinY); float[] quad = { rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top }; PdfAnnotation highlight = PdfAnnotation.CreateMarkup(stamper.Writer, rect, stComment, PdfAnnotation.MARKUP_HIGHLIGHT, quad); highlight.Color = color; highlight.Title = stTittle; stamper.AddAnnotation(highlight, items[iPosition].Page + iPageAdd); iCount -= i - iPosition; iPosition = i; if (iCount == 0) { return; } rMinX = items[iPosition].MinX; rMaxX = items[iPosition].MaxX; } if (items[i].MinX < rMinX) { rMinX = items[i].MinX; } if (items[i].MaxX > rMaxX) { rMaxX = items[i].MaxX; } } /* * for(i = iPosition; i < iPosition + iCount; i++) * { * TextItem item = items[i]; * Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(item.MinX, item.MaxY, item.MaxX, item.MinY); * float[] quad = { rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Top }; * PdfAnnotation highlight = PdfAnnotation.CreateMarkup(stamper.Writer, rect, stComment, PdfAnnotation.MARKUP_HIGHLIGHT, quad); * highlight.Color = color; * highlight.Title = stTittle; * stamper.AddAnnotation(highlight, item.Page + iPageAdd); * } */ } }
public void Flush( ) { // Ensuring that there's room for the new content chunks inside the page's content stream... /* NOTE: This specialized stamper is optimized for content insertion without modifying existing content representations, leveraging the peculiar feature of page structures to express their content streams as arrays of data streams. */ PdfArray streams; { PdfDirectObject contentsObject = page.BaseDataObject[PdfName.Contents]; PdfDataObject contentsDataObject = PdfObject.Resolve(contentsObject); // Single data stream? if(contentsDataObject is PdfStream) { /* NOTE: Content stream MUST be expressed as an array of data streams in order to host background- and foreground-stamped contents. */ streams = new PdfArray(); streams.Add(contentsObject); page.BaseDataObject[PdfName.Contents] = streams; } else {streams = (PdfArray)contentsDataObject;} } // Background. // Serialize the content! background.Flush(); // Insert the serialized content into the page's content stream! streams.Insert(0, background.Scanner.Contents.BaseObject); // Foreground. // Serialize the content! foreground.Flush(); // Append the serialized content into the page's content stream! streams.Add(foreground.Scanner.Contents.BaseObject); }
/** * <summary>Creates the character code mapping for composite fonts.</summary> */ private void Load_CreateEncoding( PdfDictionary font, PdfDictionary cidFont ) { /* * NOTE: Composite fonts map text shown by content stream strings through a 2-level encoding * scheme: * character code -> CID (character index) -> GID (glyph index) * This works for rendering purposes, but if we want our text data to be intrinsically meaningful, * we need a further mapping towards some standard character identification scheme (Unicode): * Unicode <- character code -> CID -> GID * Such mapping may be provided by a known CID collection or (in case of custom encodings like * Identity-H) by an explicit ToUnicode CMap. * CID -> GID mapping is typically identity, that is CIDS correspond to GIDS, so we don't bother * about that. Our base encoding is Identity-H, that is character codes correspond to CIDs; * however, sometimes a font maps multiple Unicode codepoints to the same GID (for example, the * hyphen glyph may be associated to the hyphen (\u2010) and minus (\u002D) symbols), breaking * the possibility to recover their original Unicode values once represented as character codes * in content stream strings. In this case, we are forced to remap the exceeding codes and * generate an explicit CMap (TODO: I tried to emit a differential CMap using the usecmap * operator in order to import Identity-H as base encoding, but it failed in several engines * (including Acrobat, Ghostscript, Poppler, whilst it surprisingly worked with pdf.js), so we * have temporarily to stick with full CMaps). */ // Encoding [PDF:1.7:5.6.1,5.6.4]. PdfDirectObject encodingObject = PdfName.IdentityH; SortedDictionary <ByteArray, int> sortedCodes; { codes = new BiDictionary <ByteArray, int>(glyphIndexes.Count); int lastRemappedCharCodeValue = 0; IList <int> removedGlyphIndexKeys = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> glyphIndexEntry in glyphIndexes.ToList()) { int glyphIndex = glyphIndexEntry.Value; ByteArray charCode = new ByteArray(new byte[] { (byte)((glyphIndex >> 8) & 0xFF), (byte)(glyphIndex & 0xFF) }); // Checking for multiple Unicode codepoints which map to the same glyph index... /* * NOTE: In case the same glyph index maps to multiple Unicode codepoints, we are forced to * alter the identity encoding creating distinct cmap entries for the exceeding codepoints. */ if (codes.ContainsKey(charCode)) { if (glyphIndex == 0) // .notdef glyph already mapped. { if (removedGlyphIndexKeys == null) { removedGlyphIndexKeys = new List <int>(); } removedGlyphIndexKeys.Add(glyphIndexEntry.Key); continue; } // Assigning the new character code... /* * NOTE: As our base encoding is identity, we have to look for a value that doesn't * collide with existing glyph indices. */ while (glyphIndexes.ContainsValue(++lastRemappedCharCodeValue)) { ; } charCode.Data[0] = (byte)((lastRemappedCharCodeValue >> 8) & 0xFF); charCode.Data[1] = (byte)(lastRemappedCharCodeValue & 0xFF); } else if (glyphIndex == 0) // .notdef glyph. { DefaultCode = glyphIndexEntry.Key; } codes[charCode] = glyphIndexEntry.Key; } if (removedGlyphIndexKeys != null) { foreach (int removedGlyphIndexKey in removedGlyphIndexKeys) { glyphIndexes.Remove(removedGlyphIndexKey); } } sortedCodes = new SortedDictionary <ByteArray, int>(codes); if (lastRemappedCharCodeValue > 0) // Custom encoding. { string cmapName = "Custom"; bytes::IBuffer cmapBuffer = CMapBuilder.Build( CMapBuilder.EntryTypeEnum.CID, cmapName, sortedCodes, delegate(KeyValuePair <ByteArray, int> codeEntry) { return(glyphIndexes[codeEntry.Value]); } ); encodingObject = File.Register( new PdfStream( new PdfDictionary( new PdfName[] { PdfName.Type, PdfName.CMapName, PdfName.CIDSystemInfo }, new PdfDirectObject[] { PdfName.CMap, new PdfName(cmapName), new PdfDictionary( new PdfName[] { PdfName.Registry, PdfName.Ordering, PdfName.Supplement }, new PdfDirectObject[] { PdfTextString.Get("Adobe"), PdfTextString.Get("Identity"), PdfInteger.Get(0) } ) } ), cmapBuffer ) ); } } font[PdfName.Encoding] = encodingObject; // Character-code-to-CID mapping. cidFont[PdfName.CIDToGIDMap] = PdfName.Identity; // CID-to-glyph-index mapping. // ToUnicode [PDF:1.6:5.9.2]. PdfDirectObject toUnicodeObject = null; { bytes::IBuffer toUnicodeBuffer = CMapBuilder.Build( CMapBuilder.EntryTypeEnum.BaseFont, null, sortedCodes, delegate(KeyValuePair <ByteArray, int> codeEntry) { return(codeEntry.Value); } ); toUnicodeObject = File.Register(new PdfStream(toUnicodeBuffer)); } font[PdfName.ToUnicode] = toUnicodeObject; // Character-code-to-Unicode mapping. // Glyph widths. PdfArray widthsObject = new PdfArray(); { int lastGlyphIndex = -10; PdfArray lastGlyphWidthRangeObject = null; foreach (int glyphIndex in glyphIndexes.Values.OrderBy(x => x).ToList()) { int width; if (!glyphWidths.TryGetValue(glyphIndex, out width)) { width = 0; } if (glyphIndex - lastGlyphIndex != 1) { widthsObject.Add(PdfInteger.Get(glyphIndex)); widthsObject.Add(lastGlyphWidthRangeObject = new PdfArray()); } lastGlyphWidthRangeObject.Add(PdfInteger.Get(width)); lastGlyphIndex = glyphIndex; } } cidFont[PdfName.W] = widthsObject; // Glyph widths. }
protected internal virtual void FlushFontData(String fontName, PdfName subtype) { GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.Subtype, subtype); if (fontName != null && fontName.Length > 0) { GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.BaseFont, new PdfName(fontName)); } int firstChar; int lastChar; for (firstChar = 0; firstChar < 256; ++firstChar) { if (shortTag[firstChar] != 0) { break; } } for (lastChar = 255; lastChar >= firstChar; --lastChar) { if (shortTag[lastChar] != 0) { break; } } if (firstChar > 255) { firstChar = 255; lastChar = 255; } if (!IsSubset() || !IsEmbedded()) { firstChar = 0; lastChar = shortTag.Length - 1; for (int k = 0; k < shortTag.Length; ++k) { // remove unsupported by encoding values in case custom encoding. // save widths information in case standard pdf encodings (winansi or macroman) if (fontEncoding.CanDecode(k)) { shortTag[k] = 1; } else { if (!fontEncoding.HasDifferences() && fontProgram.GetGlyphByCode(k) != null) { shortTag[k] = 1; } else { shortTag[k] = 0; } } } } if (fontEncoding.HasDifferences()) { // trim range of symbols for (int k = firstChar; k <= lastChar; ++k) { if (!FontEncoding.NOTDEF.Equals(fontEncoding.GetDifference(k))) { firstChar = k; break; } } for (int k = lastChar; k >= firstChar; --k) { if (!FontEncoding.NOTDEF.Equals(fontEncoding.GetDifference(k))) { lastChar = k; break; } } PdfDictionary enc = new PdfDictionary(); enc.Put(PdfName.Type, PdfName.Encoding); PdfArray diff = new PdfArray(); bool gap = true; for (int k = firstChar; k <= lastChar; ++k) { if (shortTag[k] != 0) { if (gap) { diff.Add(new PdfNumber(k)); gap = false; } diff.Add(new PdfName(fontEncoding.GetDifference(k))); } else { gap = true; } } enc.Put(PdfName.Differences, diff); GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.Encoding, enc); } else { if (!fontEncoding.IsFontSpecific()) { GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.Encoding, PdfEncodings.CP1252.Equals(fontEncoding.GetBaseEncoding()) ? PdfName. WinAnsiEncoding : PdfName.MacRomanEncoding); } } if (IsForceWidthsOutput() || !IsBuiltInFont() || fontEncoding.HasDifferences()) { GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.FirstChar, new PdfNumber(firstChar)); GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.LastChar, new PdfNumber(lastChar)); PdfArray wd = new PdfArray(); for (int k = firstChar; k <= lastChar; ++k) { if (shortTag[k] == 0) { wd.Add(new PdfNumber(0)); } else { //prevent lost of widths info int uni = fontEncoding.GetUnicode(k); Glyph glyph = uni > -1 ? GetGlyph(uni) : fontProgram.GetGlyphByCode(k); wd.Add(new PdfNumber(GetGlyphWidth(glyph))); } } GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.Widths, wd); } PdfDictionary fontDescriptor = !IsBuiltInFont() ? GetFontDescriptor(fontName) : null; if (fontDescriptor != null) { GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.FontDescriptor, fontDescriptor); if (fontDescriptor.GetIndirectReference() != null) { fontDescriptor.Flush(); } } }
private static PdfDictionary CopyObject(PdfDictionary source, ICollection <PdfObject> objectsToCopy, PdfDocument toDocument, IDictionary <PdfDictionary, PdfDictionary> page2page, bool copyFromDestDocument) { PdfDictionary copied; if (copyFromDestDocument) { copied = source.Clone(ignoreKeysForCopy); if (source.IsIndirect()) { copied.MakeIndirect(toDocument); } } else { copied = source.CopyTo(toDocument, ignoreKeysForCopy, true); } if (source.ContainsKey(PdfName.Obj)) { PdfDictionary obj = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Obj); if (!copyFromDestDocument && obj != null) { // Link annotations could be not added to the toDocument, so we need to identify this case. // When obj.copyTo is called, and annotation was already copied, we would get this already created copy. // If it was already copied and added, /P key would be set. Otherwise /P won't be set. obj = obj.CopyTo(toDocument, iText.IO.Util.JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(PdfName.P), false); copied.Put(PdfName.Obj, obj); } } PdfDictionary pg = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Pg); if (pg != null) { //TODO It is possible, that pg will not be present in the page2page map. Consider the situation, // that we want to copy structElem because it has marked content dictionary reference, which belongs to the page from page2page, // but the structElem itself has /Pg which value could be arbitrary page. copied.Put(PdfName.Pg, page2page.Get(pg)); } PdfObject k = source.Get(PdfName.K); if (k != null) { if (k.IsArray()) { PdfArray kArr = (PdfArray)k; PdfArray newArr = new PdfArray(); for (int i = 0; i < kArr.Size(); i++) { PdfObject copiedKid = CopyObjectKid(kArr.Get(i), copied, objectsToCopy, toDocument, page2page, copyFromDestDocument ); if (copiedKid != null) { newArr.Add(copiedKid); } } // TODO new array may be empty or with single element copied.Put(PdfName.K, newArr); } else { PdfObject copiedKid = CopyObjectKid(k, copied, objectsToCopy, toDocument, page2page, copyFromDestDocument); if (copiedKid != null) { copied.Put(PdfName.K, copiedKid); } } } return(copied); }
private static PdfDictionary CopyObject(PdfDictionary source, PdfDictionary destPage, bool parentChangePg, StructureTreeCopier.StructElemCopyingParams copyingParams) { PdfDictionary copied; if (copyingParams.IsCopyFromDestDocument()) { //TODO: detect wether object is needed to be cloned at all copied = source.Clone(ignoreKeysForClone); if (source.IsIndirect()) { copied.MakeIndirect(copyingParams.GetToDocument()); } PdfDictionary pg = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Pg); if (pg != null) { if (copyingParams.IsCopyFromDestDocument()) { if (pg != destPage) { copied.Put(PdfName.Pg, destPage); parentChangePg = true; } else { parentChangePg = false; } } } } else { copied = source.CopyTo(copyingParams.GetToDocument(), ignoreKeysForCopy, true); PdfDictionary obj = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Obj); if (obj != null) { // Link annotations could be not added to the toDocument, so we need to identify this case. // When obj.copyTo is called, and annotation was already copied, we would get this already created copy. // If it was already copied and added, /P key would be set. Otherwise /P won't be set. obj = obj.CopyTo(copyingParams.GetToDocument(), JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(PdfName.P), false); copied.Put(PdfName.Obj, obj); } PdfDictionary nsDict = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.NS); if (nsDict != null) { PdfDictionary copiedNsDict = CopyNamespaceDict(nsDict, copyingParams); copied.Put(PdfName.NS, copiedNsDict); } PdfDictionary pg = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Pg); if (pg != null) { PdfDictionary pageAnalog = copyingParams.GetPage2page().Get(pg); if (pageAnalog == null) { pageAnalog = destPage; parentChangePg = true; } else { parentChangePg = false; } copied.Put(PdfName.Pg, pageAnalog); } } PdfObject k = source.Get(PdfName.K); if (k != null) { if (k.IsArray()) { PdfArray kArr = (PdfArray)k; PdfArray newArr = new PdfArray(); for (int i = 0; i < kArr.Size(); i++) { PdfObject copiedKid = CopyObjectKid(kArr.Get(i), copied, destPage, parentChangePg, copyingParams); if (copiedKid != null) { newArr.Add(copiedKid); } } if (!newArr.IsEmpty()) { if (newArr.Size() == 1) { copied.Put(PdfName.K, newArr.Get(0)); } else { copied.Put(PdfName.K, newArr); } } } else { PdfObject copiedKid = CopyObjectKid(k, copied, destPage, parentChangePg, copyingParams); if (copiedKid != null) { copied.Put(PdfName.K, copiedKid); } } } return(copied); }
PdfObject getColorspace() { if (_iccProfile != null) { if ((_colorType & 2) == 0) { return(PdfName.Devicegray); } else { return(PdfName.Devicergb); } } if (_gamma.ApproxEquals(1f) && !_hasChrm) { if ((_colorType & 2) == 0) { return(PdfName.Devicegray); } else { return(PdfName.Devicergb); } } else { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); if ((_colorType & 2) == 0) { if (_gamma.ApproxEquals(1f)) { return(PdfName.Devicegray); } array.Add(PdfName.Calgray); dic.Put(PdfName.Gamma, new PdfNumber(_gamma)); dic.Put(PdfName.Whitepoint, new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]")); array.Add(dic); } else { PdfObject wp = new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]"); array.Add(PdfName.Calrgb); if (_gamma.ApproxNotEqual(1f)) { PdfArray gm = new PdfArray(); PdfNumber n = new PdfNumber(_gamma); gm.Add(n); gm.Add(n); gm.Add(n); dic.Put(PdfName.Gamma, gm); } if (_hasChrm) { float z = _yW * ((_xG - _xB) * _yR - (_xR - _xB) * _yG + (_xR - _xG) * _yB); float ya = _yR * ((_xG - _xB) * _yW - (_xW - _xB) * _yG + (_xW - _xG) * _yB) / z; float xa = ya * _xR / _yR; float za = ya * ((1 - _xR) / _yR - 1); float yb = -_yG * ((_xR - _xB) * _yW - (_xW - _xB) * _yR + (_xW - _xR) * _yB) / z; float xb = yb * _xG / _yG; float zb = yb * ((1 - _xG) / _yG - 1); float yc = _yB * ((_xR - _xG) * _yW - (_xW - _xG) * _yW + (_xW - _xR) * _yG) / z; float xc = yc * _xB / _yB; float zc = yc * ((1 - _xB) / _yB - 1); float xw = xa + xb + xc; float yw = 1;//YA+YB+YC; float zw = za + zb + zc; PdfArray wpa = new PdfArray(); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(xw)); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(yw)); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(zw)); wp = wpa; PdfArray matrix = new PdfArray(); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(xa)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(ya)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(za)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(xb)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(yb)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(zb)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(xc)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(yc)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(zc)); dic.Put(PdfName.Matrix, matrix); } dic.Put(PdfName.Whitepoint, wp); array.Add(dic); } return(array); } }
/** * Reads next frame image */ protected void ReadImage() { ix = ReadShort(); // (sub)image position & size iy = ReadShort(); iw = ReadShort(); ih = ReadShort(); int packed = inp.ReadByte(); lctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1 - local color table flag interlace = (packed & 0x40) != 0; // 2 - interlace flag // 3 - sort flag // 4-5 - reserved lctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 - local color table size m_bpc = NewBpc(m_gbpc); if (lctFlag) { m_curr_table = ReadColorTable((packed & 7) + 1); // read table m_bpc = NewBpc((packed & 7) + 1); } else { m_curr_table = m_global_table; } if (transparency && transIndex >= m_curr_table.Length / 3) { transparency = false; } if (transparency && m_bpc == 1) // Acrobat 5.05 doesn't like this combination { byte[] tp = new byte[12]; Array.Copy(m_curr_table, 0, tp, 0, 6); m_curr_table = tp; m_bpc = 2; } bool skipZero = DecodeImageData(); // decode pixel data if (!skipZero) { Skip(); } Image img = null; img = new ImgRaw(iw, ih, 1, m_bpc, m_out); PdfArray colorspace = new PdfArray(); colorspace.Add(PdfName.INDEXED); colorspace.Add(PdfName.DEVICERGB); int len = m_curr_table.Length; colorspace.Add(new PdfNumber(len / 3 - 1)); colorspace.Add(new PdfString(m_curr_table)); PdfDictionary ad = new PdfDictionary(); ad.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, colorspace); img.Additional = ad; if (transparency) { img.Transparency = new int[] { transIndex, transIndex }; } img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_GIF; img.OriginalData = fromData; img.Url = fromUrl; GifFrame gf = new GifFrame(); gf.image = img; gf.ix = ix; gf.iy = iy; frames.Add(gf); // add image to frame list //ResetFrame(); }
void readPng() { for (int i = 0; i < Pngid.Length; i++) { if (Pngid[i] != _isp.ReadByte()) { throw new IOException("File is not a valid PNG."); } } byte[] buffer = new byte[Transfersize]; while (true) { int len = GetInt(_isp); string marker = GetString(_isp); if (len < 0 || !checkMarker(marker)) { throw new IOException("Corrupted PNG file."); } if (IDAT.Equals(marker)) { int size; while (len != 0) { size = _isp.Read(buffer, 0, Math.Min(len, Transfersize)); if (size <= 0) { return; } _idat.Write(buffer, 0, size); len -= size; } } else if (tRNS.Equals(marker)) { switch (_colorType) { case 0: if (len >= 2) { len -= 2; int gray = GetWord(_isp); if (_bitDepth == 16) { _transRedGray = gray; } else { _additional.Put(PdfName.Mask, new PdfLiteral("[" + gray + " " + gray + "]")); } } break; case 2: if (len >= 6) { len -= 6; int red = GetWord(_isp); int green = GetWord(_isp); int blue = GetWord(_isp); if (_bitDepth == 16) { _transRedGray = red; _transGreen = green; _transBlue = blue; } else { _additional.Put(PdfName.Mask, new PdfLiteral("[" + red + " " + red + " " + green + " " + green + " " + blue + " " + blue + "]")); } } break; case 3: if (len > 0) { _trans = new byte[len]; for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) { _trans[k] = (byte)_isp.ReadByte(); } len = 0; } break; } Utilities.Skip(_isp, len); } else if (IHDR.Equals(marker)) { _width = GetInt(_isp); _height = GetInt(_isp); _bitDepth = _isp.ReadByte(); _colorType = _isp.ReadByte(); _compressionMethod = _isp.ReadByte(); _filterMethod = _isp.ReadByte(); _interlaceMethod = _isp.ReadByte(); } else if (PLTE.Equals(marker)) { if (_colorType == 3) { PdfArray colorspace = new PdfArray(); colorspace.Add(PdfName.Indexed); colorspace.Add(getColorspace()); colorspace.Add(new PdfNumber(len / 3 - 1)); ByteBuffer colortable = new ByteBuffer(); while ((len--) > 0) { colortable.Append_i(_isp.ReadByte()); } colorspace.Add(new PdfString(_colorTable = colortable.ToByteArray())); _additional.Put(PdfName.Colorspace, colorspace); } else { Utilities.Skip(_isp, len); } } else if (pHYs.Equals(marker)) { int dx = GetInt(_isp); int dy = GetInt(_isp); int unit = _isp.ReadByte(); if (unit == 1) { _dpiX = (int)(dx * 0.0254f + 0.5f); _dpiY = (int)(dy * 0.0254f + 0.5f); } else { if (dy != 0) { _xyRatio = dx / (float)dy; } } } else if (cHRM.Equals(marker)) { _xW = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _yW = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _xR = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _yR = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _xG = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _yG = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _xB = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _yB = GetInt(_isp) / 100000f; _hasChrm = !(Math.Abs(_xW) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(_yW) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(_xR) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(_yR) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(_xG) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(_yG) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(_xB) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(_yB) < 0.0001f); } else if (sRGB.Equals(marker)) { int ri = _isp.ReadByte(); _intent = _intents[ri]; _gamma = 2.2f; _xW = 0.3127f; _yW = 0.329f; _xR = 0.64f; _yR = 0.33f; _xG = 0.3f; _yG = 0.6f; _xB = 0.15f; _yB = 0.06f; _hasChrm = true; } else if (gAMA.Equals(marker)) { int gm = GetInt(_isp); if (gm != 0) { _gamma = 100000f / gm; if (!_hasChrm) { _xW = 0.3127f; _yW = 0.329f; _xR = 0.64f; _yR = 0.33f; _xG = 0.3f; _yG = 0.6f; _xB = 0.15f; _yB = 0.06f; _hasChrm = true; } } } else if (iCCP.Equals(marker)) { do { --len; } while (_isp.ReadByte() != 0); _isp.ReadByte(); --len; byte[] icccom = new byte[len]; int p = 0; while (len > 0) { int r = _isp.Read(icccom, p, len); if (r < 0) { throw new IOException("Premature end of file."); } p += r; len -= r; } byte[] iccp = PdfReader.FlateDecode(icccom, true); icccom = null; try { _iccProfile = IccProfile.GetInstance(iccp); } catch { _iccProfile = null; } } else if (IEND.Equals(marker)) { break; } else { Utilities.Skip(_isp, len); } Utilities.Skip(_isp, 4); } }
void ReadPng() { for (int i = 0; i < PNGID.Length; i++) { if (PNGID[i] != isp.ReadByte()) { throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } byte[] buffer = new byte[TRANSFERSIZE]; while (true) { int len = GetInt(isp); String marker = GetString(isp); if (len < 0 || !CheckMarker(marker)) { throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("corrupted.png.file")); } if (IDAT.Equals(marker)) { int size; while (len != 0) { size = isp.Read(buffer, 0, Math.Min(len, TRANSFERSIZE)); if (size <= 0) { return; } idat.Write(buffer, 0, size); len -= size; } } else if (tRNS.Equals(marker)) { switch (colorType) { case 0: if (len >= 2) { len -= 2; int gray = GetWord(isp); if (bitDepth == 16) { transRedGray = gray; } else { additional.Put(PdfName.MASK, new PdfLiteral("[" + gray + " " + gray + "]")); } } break; case 2: if (len >= 6) { len -= 6; int red = GetWord(isp); int green = GetWord(isp); int blue = GetWord(isp); if (bitDepth == 16) { transRedGray = red; transGreen = green; transBlue = blue; } else { additional.Put(PdfName.MASK, new PdfLiteral("[" + red + " " + red + " " + green + " " + green + " " + blue + " " + blue + "]")); } } break; case 3: if (len > 0) { trans = new byte[len]; for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) { trans[k] = (byte)isp.ReadByte(); } len = 0; } break; } Utilities.Skip(isp, len); } else if (IHDR.Equals(marker)) { width = GetInt(isp); height = GetInt(isp); bitDepth = isp.ReadByte(); colorType = isp.ReadByte(); compressionMethod = isp.ReadByte(); filterMethod = isp.ReadByte(); interlaceMethod = isp.ReadByte(); } else if (PLTE.Equals(marker)) { if (colorType == 3) { PdfArray colorspace = new PdfArray(); colorspace.Add(PdfName.INDEXED); colorspace.Add(GetColorspace()); colorspace.Add(new PdfNumber(len / 3 - 1)); ByteBuffer colortable = new ByteBuffer(); while ((len--) > 0) { colortable.Append_i(isp.ReadByte()); } colorspace.Add(new PdfString(colorTable = colortable.ToByteArray())); additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, colorspace); } else { Utilities.Skip(isp, len); } } else if (pHYs.Equals(marker)) { int dx = GetInt(isp); int dy = GetInt(isp); int unit = isp.ReadByte(); if (unit == 1) { dpiX = (int)((float)dx * 0.0254f + 0.5f); dpiY = (int)((float)dy * 0.0254f + 0.5f); } else { if (dy != 0) { XYRatio = (float)dx / (float)dy; } } } else if (cHRM.Equals(marker)) { xW = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yW = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; xR = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yR = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; xG = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yG = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; xB = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yB = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; hasCHRM = !(Math.Abs(xW) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yW) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(xR) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yR) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(xG) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yG) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(xB) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yB) < 0.0001f); } else if (sRGB.Equals(marker)) { int ri = isp.ReadByte(); intent = intents[ri]; gamma = 2.2f; xW = 0.3127f; yW = 0.329f; xR = 0.64f; yR = 0.33f; xG = 0.3f; yG = 0.6f; xB = 0.15f; yB = 0.06f; hasCHRM = true; } else if (gAMA.Equals(marker)) { int gm = GetInt(isp); if (gm != 0) { gamma = 100000f / (float)gm; if (!hasCHRM) { xW = 0.3127f; yW = 0.329f; xR = 0.64f; yR = 0.33f; xG = 0.3f; yG = 0.6f; xB = 0.15f; yB = 0.06f; hasCHRM = true; } } } else if (iCCP.Equals(marker)) { do { --len; } while (isp.ReadByte() != 0); isp.ReadByte(); --len; byte[] icccom = new byte[len]; int p = 0; while (len > 0) { int r = isp.Read(icccom, p, len); if (r < 0) { throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("premature.end.of.file")); } p += r; len -= r; } byte[] iccp = PdfReader.FlateDecode(icccom, true); icccom = null; try { icc_profile = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(iccp); } catch { icc_profile = null; } } else if (IEND.Equals(marker)) { break; } else { Utilities.Skip(isp, len); } Utilities.Skip(isp, 4); } }
protected static Image GetTiffImageColor(TIFFDirectory dir, RandomAccessFileOrArray s) { int predictor = 1; TIFFLZWDecoder lzwDecoder = null; int compression = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION); switch (compression) { case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG: break; default: throw new ArgumentException("The compression " + compression + " is not supported."); } int photometric = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC); switch (photometric) { case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: case TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: break; default: if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { throw new ArgumentException("The photometric " + photometric + " is not supported."); } break; } float rotation = 0; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION)) { int rot = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION); if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT) { rotation = (float)Math.PI; } else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT) { rotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0); } else if (rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP || rot == TIFFConstants.ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT) { rotation = -(float)(Math.PI / 2.0); } } if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) && dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG) == TIFFConstants.PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { throw new ArgumentException("Planar images are not supported."); } if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES)) { throw new ArgumentException("Extra samples are not supported."); } int samplePerPixel = 1; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL)) // 1,3,4 { samplePerPixel = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL); } int bitsPerSample = 1; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE)) { bitsPerSample = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE); } switch (bitsPerSample) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Bits per sample " + bitsPerSample + " is not supported."); } Image img = null; int h = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH); int w = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH); int dpiX = 0; int dpiY = 0; int resolutionUnit = TIFFConstants.RESUNIT_INCH; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT)) { resolutionUnit = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT); } dpiX = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit); dpiY = GetDpi(dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION), resolutionUnit); int fillOrder = 1; bool reverse = false; TIFFField fillOrderField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_FILLORDER); if (fillOrderField != null) { fillOrder = fillOrderField.GetAsInt(0); } reverse = (fillOrder == TIFFConstants.FILLORDER_LSB2MSB); int rowsStrip = h; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP)) //another hack for broken tiffs { rowsStrip = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP); } if (rowsStrip <= 0 || rowsStrip > h) { rowsStrip = h; } long[] offset = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS); long[] size = GetArrayLongShort(dir, TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS); if ((size == null || (size.Length == 1 && (size[0] == 0 || size[0] + offset[0] > s.Length))) && h == rowsStrip) // some TIFF producers are really lousy, so... { size = new long[] { s.Length - (int)offset[0] }; } if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW) { TIFFField predictorField = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR); if (predictorField != null) { predictor = predictorField.GetAsInt(0); if (predictor != 1 && predictor != 2) { throw new Exception("Illegal value for Predictor in TIFF file."); } if (predictor == 2 && bitsPerSample != 8) { throw new Exception(bitsPerSample + "-bit samples are not supported for Horizontal differencing Predictor."); } } lzwDecoder = new TIFFLZWDecoder(w, predictor, samplePerPixel); } int rowsLeft = h; MemoryStream stream = null; ZDeflaterOutputStream zip = null; CCITTG4Encoder g4 = null; if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) { g4 = new CCITTG4Encoder(w); } else { stream = new MemoryStream(); if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { zip = new ZDeflaterOutputStream(stream); } } if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG) { // Assume that the TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT tag is optional, since it's obsolete and // is often missing if ((!dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET))) { throw new IOException("Missing tag(s) for OJPEG compression."); } int jpegOffset = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET); int jpegLength = s.Length - jpegOffset; if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT)) { jpegLength = (int)dir.GetFieldAsLong(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT) + (int)size[0]; } byte[] jpeg = new byte[Math.Min(jpegLength, s.Length - jpegOffset)]; int posFilePointer = s.FilePointer; posFilePointer += jpegOffset; s.Seek(posFilePointer); s.ReadFully(jpeg); img = new Jpeg(jpeg); } else if (compression == TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { if (size.Length > 1) { throw new IOException("Compression JPEG is only supported with a single strip. This image has " + size.Length + " strips."); } byte[] jpeg = new byte[(int)size[0]]; s.Seek(offset[0]); s.ReadFully(jpeg); img = new Jpeg(jpeg); } else { for (int k = 0; k < offset.Length; ++k) { byte[] im = new byte[(int)size[k]]; s.Seek(offset[k]); s.ReadFully(im); int height = Math.Min(rowsStrip, rowsLeft); byte[] outBuf = null; if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE) { outBuf = new byte[(w * bitsPerSample * samplePerPixel + 7) / 8 * height]; } if (reverse) { TIFFFaxDecoder.ReverseBits(im); } switch (compression) { case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: Inflate(im, outBuf); break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_NONE: outBuf = im; break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: DecodePackbits(im, outBuf); break; case TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_LZW: lzwDecoder.Decode(im, outBuf, height); break; } if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) { g4.Fax4Encode(outBuf, height); } else { zip.Write(outBuf, 0, outBuf.Length); } rowsLeft -= rowsStrip; } if (bitsPerSample == 1 && samplePerPixel == 1) { img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, false, Image.CCITTG4, photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK ? Image.CCITT_BLACKIS1 : 0, g4.Close()); } else { zip.Close(); img = Image.GetInstance(w, h, samplePerPixel, bitsPerSample, stream.ToArray()); img.Deflated = true; } } img.SetDpi(dpiX, dpiY); if (compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_OJPEG && compression != TIFFConstants.COMPRESSION_JPEG) { if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE)) { try { TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE); ICC_Profile icc_prof = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(fd.GetAsBytes()); if (samplePerPixel == icc_prof.NumComponents) { img.TagICC = icc_prof; } } catch { //empty } } if (dir.IsTagPresent(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP)) { TIFFField fd = dir.GetField(TIFFConstants.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP); char[] rgb = fd.GetAsChars(); byte[] palette = new byte[rgb.Length]; int gColor = rgb.Length / 3; int bColor = gColor * 2; for (int k = 0; k < gColor; ++k) { palette[k * 3] = (byte)(rgb[k] >> 8); palette[k * 3 + 1] = (byte)(rgb[k + gColor] >> 8); palette[k * 3 + 2] = (byte)(rgb[k + bColor] >> 8); } PdfArray indexed = new PdfArray(); indexed.Add(PdfName.INDEXED); indexed.Add(PdfName.DEVICERGB); indexed.Add(new PdfNumber(gColor - 1)); indexed.Add(new PdfString(palette)); PdfDictionary additional = new PdfDictionary(); additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, indexed); img.Additional = additional; } img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_TIFF; } if (photometric == TIFFConstants.PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE) { img.Inverted = true; } if (rotation != 0) { img.InitialRotation = rotation; } return(img); }
virtual public PdfArray RotateAnnotations(PdfWriter writer, Rectangle pageSize) { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); int rotation = pageSize.Rotation % 360; int currentPage = writer.CurrentPageNumber; for (int k = 0; k < annotations.Count; ++k) { PdfAnnotation dic = annotations[k]; int page = dic.PlaceInPage; if (page > currentPage) { delayedAnnotations.Add(dic); continue; } if (dic.IsForm()) { if (!dic.IsUsed()) { Dictionary <PdfTemplate, object> templates = dic.Templates; if (templates != null) { acroForm.AddFieldTemplates(templates); } } PdfFormField field = (PdfFormField)dic; if (field.Parent == null) { acroForm.AddDocumentField(field.IndirectReference); } } if (dic.IsAnnotation()) { array.Add(dic.IndirectReference); if (!dic.IsUsed()) { PdfArray tmp = dic.GetAsArray(PdfName.RECT); PdfRectangle rect; if (tmp.Size == 4) { rect = new PdfRectangle(tmp.GetAsNumber(0).FloatValue, tmp.GetAsNumber(1).FloatValue, tmp.GetAsNumber(2).FloatValue, tmp.GetAsNumber(3).FloatValue); } else { rect = new PdfRectangle(tmp.GetAsNumber(0).FloatValue, tmp.GetAsNumber(1).FloatValue); } if (rect != null) { switch (rotation) { case 90: dic.Put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle( pageSize.Top - rect.Bottom, rect.Left, pageSize.Top - rect.Top, rect.Right)); break; case 180: dic.Put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle( pageSize.Right - rect.Left, pageSize.Top - rect.Bottom, pageSize.Right - rect.Right, pageSize.Top - rect.Top)); break; case 270: dic.Put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle( rect.Bottom, pageSize.Right - rect.Left, rect.Top, pageSize.Right - rect.Right)); break; } } } } if (!dic.IsUsed()) { dic.SetUsed(); writer.AddToBody(dic, dic.IndirectReference); } } return(array); }
/// <summary>Fills the underlying PdfDictionary object with the current layers and their settings.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Fills the underlying PdfDictionary object with the current layers and their settings. /// Note that it completely regenerates the dictionary, so your direct changes to the dictionary /// will not take any affect. /// </remarks> /// <returns>the resultant dictionary</returns> public virtual PdfObject FillDictionary() { PdfArray gr = new PdfArray(); foreach (PdfLayer layer in layers) { if (layer.GetTitle() == null) { gr.Add(layer.GetIndirectReference()); } } GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.OCGs, gr); // Save radio groups. PdfArray rbGroups = null; PdfDictionary d = GetPdfObject().GetAsDictionary(PdfName.D); if (d != null) { rbGroups = d.GetAsArray(PdfName.RBGroups); } d = new PdfDictionary(); if (rbGroups != null) { d.Put(PdfName.RBGroups, rbGroups); } d.Put(PdfName.Name, new PdfString(CreateUniqueName(), PdfEncodings.UNICODE_BIG)); GetPdfObject().Put(PdfName.D, d); IList <PdfLayer> docOrder = new List <PdfLayer>(layers); for (int i = 0; i < docOrder.Count; i++) { PdfLayer layer = docOrder[i]; if (layer.GetParent() != null) { docOrder.Remove(layer); i--; } } PdfArray order = new PdfArray(); foreach (Object element in docOrder) { PdfLayer layer = (PdfLayer)element; GetOCGOrder(order, layer); } d.Put(PdfName.Order, order); PdfArray off = new PdfArray(); foreach (Object element in layers) { PdfLayer layer = (PdfLayer)element; if (layer.GetTitle() == null && !layer.IsOn()) { off.Add(layer.GetIndirectReference()); } } if (off.Size() > 0) { d.Put(PdfName.OFF, off); } else { d.Remove(PdfName.OFF); } PdfArray locked = new PdfArray(); foreach (PdfLayer layer in layers) { if (layer.GetTitle() == null && layer.IsLocked()) { locked.Add(layer.GetIndirectReference()); } } if (locked.Size() > 0) { d.Put(PdfName.Locked, locked); } else { d.Remove(PdfName.Locked); } d.Remove(PdfName.AS); AddASEvent(PdfName.View, PdfName.Zoom); AddASEvent(PdfName.View, PdfName.View); AddASEvent(PdfName.Print, PdfName.Print); AddASEvent(PdfName.Export, PdfName.Export); return(GetPdfObject()); }
private static PdfStream CreatePdfStream(ImageData image, iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject imageMask ) { PdfStream stream; if (image.GetOriginalType() == ImageType.RAW) { RawImageHelper.UpdateImageAttributes((RawImageData)image, null); } stream = new PdfStream(image.GetData()); String filter = image.GetFilter(); if (filter != null && filter.Equals("JPXDecode") && image.GetColorSpace() <= 0) { stream.SetCompressionLevel(CompressionConstants.NO_COMPRESSION); image.SetBpc(0); } stream.Put(PdfName.Type, PdfName.XObject); stream.Put(PdfName.Subtype, PdfName.Image); PdfDictionary decodeParms = CreateDictionaryFromMap(stream, image.GetDecodeParms()); if (decodeParms != null) { stream.Put(PdfName.DecodeParms, decodeParms); } PdfName colorSpace; switch (image.GetColorSpace()) { case 1: { colorSpace = PdfName.DeviceGray; break; } case 3: { colorSpace = PdfName.DeviceRGB; break; } default: { colorSpace = PdfName.DeviceCMYK; break; } } stream.Put(PdfName.ColorSpace, colorSpace); if (image.GetBpc() != 0) { stream.Put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(image.GetBpc())); } if (image.GetFilter() != null) { stream.Put(PdfName.Filter, new PdfName(image.GetFilter())); } //TODO: return to this later // if (image.getLayer() != null) // put(PdfName.OC, image.getLayer().getRef()); if (image.GetColorSpace() == -1) { stream.Remove(PdfName.ColorSpace); } PdfDictionary additional = CreateDictionaryFromMap(stream, image.GetImageAttributes()); if (additional != null) { stream.PutAll(additional); } IccProfile iccProfile = image.GetProfile(); if (iccProfile != null) { PdfStream iccProfileStream = PdfCieBasedCs.IccBased.GetIccProfileStream(iccProfile); PdfArray iccBasedColorSpace = new PdfArray(); iccBasedColorSpace.Add(PdfName.ICCBased); iccBasedColorSpace.Add(iccProfileStream); PdfObject colorSpaceObject = stream.Get(PdfName.ColorSpace); bool iccProfileShouldBeApplied = true; if (colorSpaceObject != null) { PdfColorSpace cs = PdfColorSpace.MakeColorSpace(colorSpaceObject); if (cs == null) { LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject)).Error(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.IMAGE_HAS_INCORRECT_OR_UNSUPPORTED_COLOR_SPACE_OVERRIDDEN_BY_ICC_PROFILE ); } else { if (cs is PdfSpecialCs.Indexed) { PdfColorSpace baseCs = ((PdfSpecialCs.Indexed)cs).GetBaseCs(); if (baseCs == null) { LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject)).Error(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.IMAGE_HAS_INCORRECT_OR_UNSUPPORTED_BASE_COLOR_SPACE_IN_INDEXED_COLOR_SPACE_OVERRIDDEN_BY_ICC_PROFILE ); } else { if (baseCs.GetNumberOfComponents() != iccProfile.GetNumComponents()) { LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject)).Error(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.IMAGE_HAS_ICC_PROFILE_WITH_INCOMPATIBLE_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_COMPONENTS_COMPARED_TO_BASE_COLOR_SPACE_IN_INDEXED_COLOR_SPACE ); iccProfileShouldBeApplied = false; } else { iccProfileStream.Put(PdfName.Alternate, baseCs.GetPdfObject()); } } if (iccProfileShouldBeApplied) { ((PdfArray)colorSpaceObject).Set(1, iccBasedColorSpace); iccProfileShouldBeApplied = false; } } else { if (cs.GetNumberOfComponents() != iccProfile.GetNumComponents()) { LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject)).Error(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.IMAGE_HAS_ICC_PROFILE_WITH_INCOMPATIBLE_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_COMPONENTS_COMPARED_TO_COLOR_SPACE ); iccProfileShouldBeApplied = false; } else { iccProfileStream.Put(PdfName.Alternate, colorSpaceObject); } } } } if (iccProfileShouldBeApplied) { stream.Put(PdfName.ColorSpace, iccBasedColorSpace); } } if (image.IsMask() && (image.GetBpc() == 1 || image.GetBpc() > 0xff)) { stream.Put(PdfName.ImageMask, PdfBoolean.TRUE); } if (imageMask != null) { if (imageMask.softMask) { stream.Put(PdfName.SMask, imageMask.GetPdfObject()); } else { if (imageMask.mask) { stream.Put(PdfName.Mask, imageMask.GetPdfObject()); } } } ImageData mask = image.GetImageMask(); if (mask != null) { if (mask.IsSoftMask()) { stream.Put(PdfName.SMask, new iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject(image.GetImageMask()).GetPdfObject( )); } else { if (mask.IsMask()) { stream.Put(PdfName.Mask, new iText.Kernel.Pdf.Xobject.PdfImageXObject(image.GetImageMask()).GetPdfObject() ); } } } if (image.GetDecode() != null) { stream.Put(PdfName.Decode, new PdfArray(image.GetDecode())); } if (image.IsMask() && image.IsInverted()) { stream.Put(PdfName.Decode, new PdfArray(new float[] { 1, 0 })); } if (image.IsInterpolation()) { stream.Put(PdfName.Interpolate, PdfBoolean.TRUE); } // deal with transparency int[] transparency = image.GetTransparency(); if (transparency != null && !image.IsMask() && imageMask == null) { PdfArray t = new PdfArray(); foreach (int transparencyItem in transparency) { t.Add(new PdfNumber(transparencyItem)); } stream.Put(PdfName.Mask, t); } stream.Put(PdfName.Width, new PdfNumber(image.GetWidth())); stream.Put(PdfName.Height, new PdfNumber(image.GetHeight())); return(stream); }
private void OutputDss(PdfDictionary dss, PdfDictionary vrim, PdfArray ocsps, PdfArray crls, PdfArray certs) { writer.AddDeveloperExtension(PdfDeveloperExtension.ESIC_1_7_EXTENSIONLEVEL5); PdfDictionary catalog = reader.Catalog; stp.MarkUsed(catalog); foreach (PdfName vkey in validated.Keys) { PdfArray ocsp = new PdfArray(); PdfArray crl = new PdfArray(); PdfArray cert = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary vri = new PdfDictionary(); foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].crls) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.FlateCompress(); PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference; crl.Add(iref); crls.Add(iref); } foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].ocsps) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.FlateCompress(); PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference; ocsp.Add(iref); ocsps.Add(iref); } foreach (byte[] b in validated[vkey].certs) { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(b); ps.FlateCompress(); PdfIndirectReference iref = writer.AddToBody(ps, false).IndirectReference; cert.Add(iref); certs.Add(iref); } if (ocsp.Size > 0) vri.Put(PdfName.OCSP, writer.AddToBody(ocsp, false).IndirectReference); if (crl.Size > 0) vri.Put(PdfName.CRL, writer.AddToBody(crl, false).IndirectReference); if (cert.Size > 0) vri.Put(PdfName.CERT, writer.AddToBody(cert, false).IndirectReference); vrim.Put(vkey, writer.AddToBody(vri, false).IndirectReference); } dss.Put(PdfName.VRI, writer.AddToBody(vrim, false).IndirectReference); if (ocsps.Size > 0) dss.Put(PdfName.OCSPS, writer.AddToBody(ocsps, false).IndirectReference); if (crls.Size > 0) dss.Put(PdfName.CRLS, writer.AddToBody(crls, false).IndirectReference); if (certs.Size > 0) dss.Put(PdfName.CERTS, writer.AddToBody(certs, false).IndirectReference); catalog.Put(PdfName.DSS, writer.AddToBody(dss, false).IndirectReference); }
void ReadPng() { for (int i = 0; i < PNGID.Length; i++) { if (PNGID[i] != isp.ReadByte()) { throw new IOException("File is not a valid PNG."); } } byte[] buffer = new byte[TRANSFERSIZE]; while (true) { int len = GetInt(isp); String marker = GetString(isp); if (len < 0 || !CheckMarker(marker)) throw new IOException("Corrupted PNG file."); if (IDAT.Equals(marker)) { int size; while (len != 0) { size = isp.Read(buffer, 0, Math.Min(len, TRANSFERSIZE)); if (size <= 0) return; idat.Write(buffer, 0, size); len -= size; } } else if (tRNS.Equals(marker)) { switch (colorType) { case 0: if (len >= 2) { len -= 2; int gray = GetWord(isp); if (bitDepth == 16) transRedGray = gray; else additional.Put(PdfName.MASK, new PdfLiteral("["+gray+" "+gray+"]")); } break; case 2: if (len >= 6) { len -= 6; int red = GetWord(isp); int green = GetWord(isp); int blue = GetWord(isp); if (bitDepth == 16) { transRedGray = red; transGreen = green; transBlue = blue; } else additional.Put(PdfName.MASK, new PdfLiteral("["+red+" "+red+" "+green+" "+green+" "+blue+" "+blue+"]")); } break; case 3: if (len > 0) { trans = new byte[len]; for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) trans[k] = (byte)isp.ReadByte(); len = 0; } break; } Utilities.Skip(isp, len); } else if (IHDR.Equals(marker)) { width = GetInt(isp); height = GetInt(isp); bitDepth = isp.ReadByte(); colorType = isp.ReadByte(); compressionMethod = isp.ReadByte(); filterMethod = isp.ReadByte(); interlaceMethod = isp.ReadByte(); } else if (PLTE.Equals(marker)) { if (colorType == 3) { PdfArray colorspace = new PdfArray(); colorspace.Add(PdfName.INDEXED); colorspace.Add(GetColorspace()); colorspace.Add(new PdfNumber(len / 3 - 1)); ByteBuffer colortable = new ByteBuffer(); while ((len--) > 0) { colortable.Append_i(isp.ReadByte()); } colorspace.Add(new PdfString(colorTable = colortable.ToByteArray())); additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, colorspace); } else { Utilities.Skip(isp, len); } } else if (pHYs.Equals(marker)) { int dx = GetInt(isp); int dy = GetInt(isp); int unit = isp.ReadByte(); if (unit == 1) { dpiX = (int)((float)dx * 0.0254f + 0.5f); dpiY = (int)((float)dy * 0.0254f + 0.5f); } else { if (dy != 0) XYRatio = (float)dx / (float)dy; } } else if (cHRM.Equals(marker)) { xW = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yW = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; xR = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yR = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; xG = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yG = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; xB = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; yB = (float)GetInt(isp) / 100000f; hasCHRM = !(Math.Abs(xW)<0.0001f||Math.Abs(yW)<0.0001f||Math.Abs(xR)<0.0001f||Math.Abs(yR)<0.0001f||Math.Abs(xG)<0.0001f||Math.Abs(yG)<0.0001f||Math.Abs(xB)<0.0001f||Math.Abs(yB)<0.0001f); } else if (sRGB.Equals(marker)) { int ri = isp.ReadByte(); intent = intents[ri]; gamma = 2.2f; xW = 0.3127f; yW = 0.329f; xR = 0.64f; yR = 0.33f; xG = 0.3f; yG = 0.6f; xB = 0.15f; yB = 0.06f; hasCHRM = true; } else if (gAMA.Equals(marker)) { int gm = GetInt(isp); if (gm != 0) { gamma = 100000f / (float)gm; if (!hasCHRM) { xW = 0.3127f; yW = 0.329f; xR = 0.64f; yR = 0.33f; xG = 0.3f; yG = 0.6f; xB = 0.15f; yB = 0.06f; hasCHRM = true; } } } else if (iCCP.Equals(marker)) { do { --len; } while (isp.ReadByte() != 0); isp.ReadByte(); --len; byte[] icccom = new byte[len]; int p = 0; while (len > 0) { int r = isp.Read(icccom, p, len); if (r < 0) throw new IOException("Premature end of file."); p += r; len -= r; } byte[] iccp = PdfReader.FlateDecode(icccom, true); icccom = null; try { icc_profile = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(iccp); } catch { icc_profile = null; } } else if (IEND.Equals(marker)) { break; } else { Utilities.Skip(isp, len); } Utilities.Skip(isp, 4); } }
PdfObject GetColorspace() { if (icc_profile != null) { if ((colorType & 2) == 0) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; else return PdfName.DEVICERGB; } if (gamma == 1f && !hasCHRM) { if ((colorType & 2) == 0) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; else return PdfName.DEVICERGB; } else { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); if ((colorType & 2) == 0) { if (gamma == 1f) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; array.Add(PdfName.CALGRAY); dic.Put(PdfName.GAMMA, new PdfNumber(gamma)); dic.Put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]")); array.Add(dic); } else { PdfObject wp = new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]"); array.Add(PdfName.CALRGB); if (gamma != 1f) { PdfArray gm = new PdfArray(); PdfNumber n = new PdfNumber(gamma); gm.Add(n); gm.Add(n); gm.Add(n); dic.Put(PdfName.GAMMA, gm); } if (hasCHRM) { float z = yW*((xG-xB)*yR-(xR-xB)*yG+(xR-xG)*yB); float YA = yR*((xG-xB)*yW-(xW-xB)*yG+(xW-xG)*yB)/z; float XA = YA*xR/yR; float ZA = YA*((1-xR)/yR-1); float YB = -yG*((xR-xB)*yW-(xW-xB)*yR+(xW-xR)*yB)/z; float XB = YB*xG/yG; float ZB = YB*((1-xG)/yG-1); float YC = yB*((xR-xG)*yW-(xW-xG)*yW+(xW-xR)*yG)/z; float XC = YC*xB/yB; float ZC = YC*((1-xB)/yB-1); float XW = XA+XB+XC; float YW = 1;//YA+YB+YC; float ZW = ZA+ZB+ZC; PdfArray wpa = new PdfArray(); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(XW)); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(YW)); wpa.Add(new PdfNumber(ZW)); wp = wpa; PdfArray matrix = new PdfArray(); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(XA)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(YA)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(ZA)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(XB)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(YB)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(ZB)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(XC)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(YC)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(ZC)); dic.Put(PdfName.MATRIX, matrix); } dic.Put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, wp); array.Add(dic); } return array; } }
public void SetMatrix(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) { matrix = new PdfArray(); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(a)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(b)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(c)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(d)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(e)); matrix.Add(new PdfNumber(f)); }
/** <summary>Creates the character code mapping for composite fonts.</summary> */ private void Load_CreateEncoding( PdfDictionary font, PdfDictionary cidFont ) { // CMap [PDF:1.6:5.6.4]. bytes::Buffer cmapBuffer = new bytes::Buffer(); cmapBuffer.Append( "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap\n" + "%%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit)\n" + "%%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit)\n" + "%%BeginResource: CMap (Adobe-Identity-UCS)\n" + "%%Title: (Adobe-Identity-UCS Adobe Identity 0)\n" + "%%Version: 1\n" + "%%EndComments\n" + "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n" + "12 dict begin\n" + "begincmap\n" + "/CIDSystemInfo\n" + "3 dict dup begin\n" + "/Registry (Adobe) def\n" + "/Ordering (Identity) def\n" + "/Supplement 0 def\n" + "end def\n" + "/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def\n" + "/CMapVersion 1 def\n" + "/CMapType 0 def\n" + "/WMode 0 def\n" + "2 begincodespacerange\n" + "<20> <20>\n" + "<0000> <19FF>\n" + "endcodespacerange\n" + glyphIndexes.Count + " begincidchar\n" ); // ToUnicode [PDF:1.6:5.9.2]. bytes::Buffer toUnicodeBuffer = new bytes::Buffer(); toUnicodeBuffer.Append( "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n" + "12 dict begin\n" + "begincmap\n" + "/CIDSystemInfo\n" + "<< /Registry (Adobe)\n" + "/Ordering (UCS)\n" + "/Supplement 0\n" + ">> def\n" + "/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def\n" + "/CMapVersion 10.001 def\n" + "/CMapType 2 def\n" + "2 begincodespacerange\n" + "<20> <20>\n" + "<0000> <19FF>\n" + "endcodespacerange\n" + glyphIndexes.Count + " beginbfchar\n" ); // CIDToGIDMap [PDF:1.6:5.6.3]. bytes::Buffer gIdBuffer = new bytes::Buffer(); gIdBuffer.Append((byte)0); gIdBuffer.Append((byte)0); int code = 0; codes = new BiDictionary<ByteArray,int>(glyphIndexes.Count); PdfArray widthsObject = new PdfArray(glyphWidths.Count); foreach(KeyValuePair<int,int> glyphIndexEntry in glyphIndexes) { // Character code (unicode to codepoint) entry. code++; byte[] charCode = (glyphIndexEntry.Key == 32 ? new byte[]{32} : new byte[] { (byte)((code >> 8) & 0xFF), (byte)(code & 0xFF) }); codes[new ByteArray(charCode)] = glyphIndexEntry.Key; // CMap entry. cmapBuffer.Append("<"); toUnicodeBuffer.Append("<"); for(int charCodeBytesIndex = 0, charCodeBytesLength = charCode.Length; charCodeBytesIndex < charCodeBytesLength; charCodeBytesIndex++ ) { string hex = ((int)charCode[charCodeBytesIndex]).ToString("X2"); cmapBuffer.Append(hex); toUnicodeBuffer.Append(hex); } cmapBuffer.Append("> " + code + "\n"); toUnicodeBuffer.Append("> <" + glyphIndexEntry.Key.ToString("X4") + ">\n"); // CID-to-GID entry. int glyphIndex = glyphIndexEntry.Value; gIdBuffer.Append((byte)((glyphIndex >> 8) & 0xFF)); gIdBuffer.Append((byte)(glyphIndex & 0xFF)); // Width. int width; if(!glyphWidths.TryGetValue(glyphIndex, out width)) {width = 0;} else if(width > 1000) {width = 1000;} widthsObject.Add(PdfInteger.Get(width)); } cmapBuffer.Append( "endcidchar\n" + "endcmap\n" + "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\n" + "end\n" + "end\n" + "%%EndResource\n" + "%%EOF" ); PdfStream cmapStream = new PdfStream(cmapBuffer); PdfDictionary cmapHead = cmapStream.Header; cmapHead[PdfName.Type] = PdfName.CMap; cmapHead[PdfName.CMapName] = new PdfName("Adobe-Identity-UCS"); cmapHead[PdfName.CIDSystemInfo] = new PdfDictionary( new PdfName[] { PdfName.Registry, PdfName.Ordering, PdfName.Supplement }, new PdfDirectObject[] { new PdfTextString("Adobe"), new PdfTextString("Identity"), PdfInteger.Get(0) } ); // Generic predefined CMap (Identity-H/V (Adobe-Identity-0)) [PDF:1.6:5.6.4]. font[PdfName.Encoding] = File.Register(cmapStream); PdfStream gIdStream = new PdfStream(gIdBuffer); cidFont[PdfName.CIDToGIDMap] = File.Register(gIdStream); cidFont[PdfName.W] = new PdfArray(new PdfDirectObject[]{PdfInteger.Get(1),widthsObject}); toUnicodeBuffer.Append( "endbfchar\n" + "endcmap\n" + "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\n" + "end\n" + "end\n" ); PdfStream toUnicodeStream = new PdfStream(toUnicodeBuffer); font[PdfName.ToUnicode] = File.Register(toUnicodeStream); }
/** <summary>Parses the current PDF object [PDF:1.6:3.2].</summary> */ public virtual PdfDataObject ParsePdfObject( ) { switch(TokenType) { case TokenTypeEnum.Integer: return PdfInteger.Get((int)Token); case TokenTypeEnum.Name: return new PdfName((string)Token,true); case TokenTypeEnum.DictionaryBegin: { PdfDictionary dictionary = new PdfDictionary(); dictionary.Updateable = false; while(true) { // Key. MoveNext(); if(TokenType == TokenTypeEnum.DictionaryEnd) break; PdfName key = (PdfName)ParsePdfObject(); // Value. MoveNext(); PdfDirectObject value = (PdfDirectObject)ParsePdfObject(); // Add the current entry to the dictionary! dictionary[key] = value; } dictionary.Updateable = true; return dictionary; } case TokenTypeEnum.ArrayBegin: { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); array.Updateable = false; while(true) { // Value. MoveNext(); if(TokenType == TokenTypeEnum.ArrayEnd) break; // Add the current item to the array! array.Add((PdfDirectObject)ParsePdfObject()); } array.Updateable = true; return array; } case TokenTypeEnum.Literal: if(Token is DateTime) return PdfDate.Get((DateTime)Token); else return new PdfTextString( Encoding.Pdf.Encode((string)Token) ); case TokenTypeEnum.Hex: return new PdfTextString( (string)Token, PdfString.SerializationModeEnum.Hex ); case TokenTypeEnum.Real: return PdfReal.Get((double)Token); case TokenTypeEnum.Boolean: return PdfBoolean.Get((bool)Token); case TokenTypeEnum.Null: return null; default: throw new Exception("Unknown type: " + TokenType); } }
public virtual void AddPage(PdfDictionary page) { kids.Add(page); IncrementCount(); page.Put(PdfName.Parent, GetPdfObject()); }
private Image IndexedModel(byte[] bdata, int bpc, int paletteEntries) { Image img = new ImgRaw(width, height, 1, bpc, bdata); PdfArray colorspace = new PdfArray(); colorspace.Add(PdfName.INDEXED); colorspace.Add(PdfName.DEVICERGB); byte[] np = GetPalette(paletteEntries); int len = np.Length; colorspace.Add(new PdfNumber(len / 3 - 1)); colorspace.Add(new PdfString(np)); PdfDictionary ad = new PdfDictionary(); ad.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, colorspace); img.Additional = ad; return img; }
/** * Adds a point to the Point Data dictionary. * @param value an XPTS value * @param identifier */ public void AddXPTSValue(PdfNumber value, PtIdentifier identifier) { xpts.Add(value); names.Add(DecodeUnits.Decode(identifier)); }