コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Index(Payroll_Input newPayInput)
            string employeeId = "";
            string wid = "";

                //Lookup by Username
                employeeId = EmployeeIDLookup();

                //Validate the Amount
                decimal amount = 0;
                if (!decimal.TryParse(newPayInput.AMOUNT, out amount) || amount < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error: You have entered an invalid amount.");

                //Check for an existing pay input for this deduction code.
                //Override the amount if the deduction already exists.
                Payroll payroll = CurrentInputGet(employeeId);
                if (payroll.Payroll_Inputs != null)
                    foreach (Payroll_Input payInput in payroll.Payroll_Inputs)
                        //Retrieve the Workday ID for the matching deduction code.
                        if (newPayInput.DEDCD == payInput.DEDCD)
                            wid = payInput.WID;

                //Workday Payroll Client
                PayrollPortClient client = new PayrollPortClient("Payroll");
                string tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WD_TENANT"];
                string version = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WD_VERSION"];
                string dedCode = newPayInput.DEDCD;

                string[] cred = null;
                cred = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WD_CRED"].Split(',');
                client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = cred[0] + "@" + tenant;
                client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = cred[1];

                //** Get an existing pay input **
                Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs_ResponseType getResp = null;
                if (wid.Length > 0)
                    //Request Type
                    Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs_RequestType getRqst = new Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs_RequestType();

                    getRqst.version = version;

                    //References Type
                    Payroll_Input_Request_ReferencesType getRefs = new Payroll_Input_Request_ReferencesType();
                    getRefs.Payroll_Input_Reference = new Payroll_InputObjectType[1];

                    //Input Type
                    Payroll_InputObjectIDType inputID = new Payroll_InputObjectIDType();
                    inputID.type = "WID";
                    inputID.Value = wid;
                    Payroll_InputObjectType inputObj = new Payroll_InputObjectType();
                    inputObj.ID = new Payroll_InputObjectIDType[1];
                    inputObj.ID.SetValue(inputID, 0);

                    //Set References
                    getRefs.Payroll_Input_Reference.SetValue(inputObj, 0);
                    getRqst.Item = getRefs;

                    //Get Pay Input Object
                    getResp = client.Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs(getRqst);

                //Submit Payroll Input Request
                Submit_Payroll_Input_RequestType rqst = new Submit_Payroll_Input_RequestType();
                rqst.version = version;

                if (wid.Length > 0)
                    //Update the existing deduction.
                    if (getResp != null && getResp.Response_Data != null)
                        getResp.Response_Data[0].Payroll_Input_Data[0].Amount = decimal.Parse(newPayInput.AMOUNT);
                        rqst.Payroll_Input_Data = getResp.Response_Data[0].Payroll_Input_Data;
                        throw new Exception("Error: You already have an existing deduction for this deduction type and the current deduction cannot be updated.");
                    //Input Data
                    Submit_Payroll_Input_DataType input = new Submit_Payroll_Input_DataType();

                    input.Amount = decimal.Parse(newPayInput.AMOUNT);
                    input.AmountSpecified = true;

                    //Effective date for the pay input.
                    DateTime effDt = DateTime.Parse(payroll.PAY_END_DT).AddDays(1);

                    input.Batch_ID = "VOLUNTARY:" + effDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    //This is a one-time pay input starting and ending on the first day after the last completed payroll.
                    input.Start_Date = effDt;
                    input.End_Date = effDt;
                    input.End_DateSpecified = true;
                    input.Ongoing_Input = false;

                    //Deduction Object
                    Deduction__All_ObjectIDType dedID = new Deduction__All_ObjectIDType();
                    dedID.type = "Deduction_Code";
                    dedID.Value = dedCode;
                    Deduction__All_ObjectType dedObj = new Deduction__All_ObjectType();
                    dedObj.ID = new Deduction__All_ObjectIDType[1];
                    dedObj.ID.SetValue(dedID, 0);
                    input.Item = dedObj;

                    //Worker Object
                    WorkerObjectIDType wkID = new WorkerObjectIDType();
                    wkID.type = "Employee_ID";
                    wkID.Value = employeeId;
                    WorkerObjectType wk = new WorkerObjectType();
                    wk.ID = new WorkerObjectIDType[1];
                    wk.ID.SetValue(wkID, 0);
                    input.Worker_Reference = wk;

                    //Assign the input data to the request.
                    rqst.Payroll_Input_Data = new Submit_Payroll_Input_DataType[1];
                    rqst.Payroll_Input_Data.SetValue(input, 0);

                //Update Workday

                //Was this a new entry or an update?
                string addedOrUpdated = "Added";
                if (wid.Length > 0)
                    addedOrUpdated = "Updated";

                //Notify Payroll
                //Common.EmailSend(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VolDedSMTPTo"].ToString(), "Voluntary Deduction " + addedOrUpdated,
                //    "Employee Id: " + employeeId
                //    + "<br/>User: "******"<br/>Deduction: " + newPayInput.DEDCD
                //    + "<br/>Amount: " + newPayInput.AMOUNT
                //    );

                ViewBag.Message = "Your deduction was successfully " + addedOrUpdated.ToLower() + ".";
                ViewBag.MessageStyle = "message-success";

                //Redirect to self.
                string page = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                if (page.IndexOf("?") > 0)
                    page = page.Substring(0, page.IndexOf("?"));
                Response.Redirect(page + "?message=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ViewBag.Message) + "&message_style=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ViewBag.MessageStyle));

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.MessageStyle = "error";
                ViewBag.Message = ex.Message;

            //On error we will update the list again.
                //Retrieve the updated list of pay input.
                ViewBag.Payroll = CurrentInputGet(employeeId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.MessageStyle = "error";
                ViewBag.Message = ex.Message;

            return View(newPayInput);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Index(Payroll_Input newPayInput)
            string employeeId = "";
            string wid        = "";

                //Lookup by Username
                employeeId = EmployeeIDLookup();

                //Validate the Amount
                decimal amount = 0;
                if (!decimal.TryParse(newPayInput.AMOUNT, out amount) || amount < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error: You have entered an invalid amount.");

                //Check for an existing pay input for this deduction code.
                //Override the amount if the deduction already exists.
                Payroll payroll = CurrentInputGet(employeeId);

                if (payroll.Payroll_Inputs != null)
                    foreach (Payroll_Input payInput in payroll.Payroll_Inputs)
                        //Retrieve the Workday ID for the matching deduction code.
                        if (newPayInput.DEDCD == payInput.DEDCD)
                            wid = payInput.WID;

                //Workday Payroll Client
                PayrollPortClient client  = new PayrollPortClient("Payroll");
                string            tenant  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WD_TENANT"];
                string            version = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WD_VERSION"];
                string            dedCode = newPayInput.DEDCD;

                string[] cred = null;
                cred = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WD_CRED"].Split(',');
                client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = cred[0] + "@" + tenant;
                client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = cred[1];

                //** Get an existing pay input **
                Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs_ResponseType getResp = null;
                if (wid.Length > 0)
                    //Request Type
                    Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs_RequestType getRqst = new Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs_RequestType();

                    getRqst.version = version;

                    //References Type
                    Payroll_Input_Request_ReferencesType getRefs = new Payroll_Input_Request_ReferencesType();
                    getRefs.Payroll_Input_Reference = new Payroll_InputObjectType[1];

                    //Input Type
                    Payroll_InputObjectIDType inputID = new Payroll_InputObjectIDType();
                    inputID.type  = "WID";
                    inputID.Value = wid;
                    Payroll_InputObjectType inputObj = new Payroll_InputObjectType();
                    inputObj.ID = new Payroll_InputObjectIDType[1];
                    inputObj.ID.SetValue(inputID, 0);

                    //Set References
                    getRefs.Payroll_Input_Reference.SetValue(inputObj, 0);
                    getRqst.Item = getRefs;

                    //Get Pay Input Object
                    getResp = client.Get_Submit_Payroll_Inputs(getRqst);

                //Submit Payroll Input Request
                Submit_Payroll_Input_RequestType rqst = new Submit_Payroll_Input_RequestType();
                rqst.version = version;

                if (wid.Length > 0)
                    //Update the existing deduction.
                    if (getResp != null && getResp.Response_Data != null)
                        getResp.Response_Data[0].Payroll_Input_Data[0].Amount = decimal.Parse(newPayInput.AMOUNT);
                        rqst.Payroll_Input_Data = getResp.Response_Data[0].Payroll_Input_Data;
                        throw new Exception("Error: You already have an existing deduction for this deduction type and the current deduction cannot be updated.");
                    //Input Data
                    Submit_Payroll_Input_DataType input = new Submit_Payroll_Input_DataType();

                    input.Amount          = decimal.Parse(newPayInput.AMOUNT);
                    input.AmountSpecified = true;

                    //Effective date for the pay input.
                    DateTime effDt = DateTime.Parse(payroll.PAY_END_DT).AddDays(1);

                    input.Batch_ID = "VOLUNTARY:" + effDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    //This is a one-time pay input starting and ending on the first day after the last completed payroll.
                    input.Start_Date        = effDt;
                    input.End_Date          = effDt;
                    input.End_DateSpecified = true;
                    input.Ongoing_Input     = false;

                    //Deduction Object
                    Deduction__All_ObjectIDType dedID = new Deduction__All_ObjectIDType();
                    dedID.type  = "Deduction_Code";
                    dedID.Value = dedCode;
                    Deduction__All_ObjectType dedObj = new Deduction__All_ObjectType();
                    dedObj.ID = new Deduction__All_ObjectIDType[1];
                    dedObj.ID.SetValue(dedID, 0);
                    input.Item = dedObj;

                    //Worker Object
                    WorkerObjectIDType wkID = new WorkerObjectIDType();
                    wkID.type  = "Employee_ID";
                    wkID.Value = employeeId;
                    WorkerObjectType wk = new WorkerObjectType();
                    wk.ID = new WorkerObjectIDType[1];
                    wk.ID.SetValue(wkID, 0);
                    input.Worker_Reference = wk;

                    //Assign the input data to the request.
                    rqst.Payroll_Input_Data = new Submit_Payroll_Input_DataType[1];
                    rqst.Payroll_Input_Data.SetValue(input, 0);

                //Update Workday

                //Was this a new entry or an update?
                string addedOrUpdated = "Added";
                if (wid.Length > 0)
                    addedOrUpdated = "Updated";

                //Notify Payroll
                //Common.EmailSend(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VolDedSMTPTo"].ToString(), "Voluntary Deduction " + addedOrUpdated,
                //    "Employee Id: " + employeeId
                //    + "<br/>User: "******"<br/>Deduction: " + newPayInput.DEDCD
                //    + "<br/>Amount: " + newPayInput.AMOUNT
                //    );

                ViewBag.Message      = "Your deduction was successfully " + addedOrUpdated.ToLower() + ".";
                ViewBag.MessageStyle = "message-success";

                //Redirect to self.
                string page = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                if (page.IndexOf("?") > 0)
                    page = page.Substring(0, page.IndexOf("?"));

                Response.Redirect(page + "?message=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ViewBag.Message) + "&message_style=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ViewBag.MessageStyle));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.MessageStyle = "error";
                ViewBag.Message      = ex.Message;

            //On error we will update the list again.
                //Retrieve the updated list of pay input.
                ViewBag.Payroll = CurrentInputGet(employeeId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.MessageStyle = "error";
                ViewBag.Message      = ex.Message;
