コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> CheckoutPayment(CheckoutVM model)
            //register the user and sign them in if they are not already signed in
            ApplicationUser user = await CurrentUser();

            if (user == null)
                var userresult = await CreateUser(model);

                if (userresult.HasErrors)
                    CheckoutErrorVM errorVM = new CheckoutErrorVM()
                        ErrorMessage = userresult.ErrorMessage
                    return(RedirectToAction("CheckoutError", errorVM));
                    //we now have a user
                    user = userresult.User;

            //hook up with the stripe service and get the payment intent
            //add this to the model and pass it on
            model.Cart = _cart;
            PaymentIntentResult result = await _stripeService.CreatePaymentIntent((model.Cart.Total * 100), model.Email);

            //add the user to the courses but with the PaymentSucceeded set to false for now
            //this is set when the webhook handles the payment success event
            var useraddedresult = AddUserToCourses(user, result.PaymentIntentId);

            if (!useraddedresult.Succeeded)
                //we've been able to create the user but unable to add them to any courses
                //this is highly unlikely but in this event we don't want them to go through
                //to the payment form where the payment will be asked to be collected
                //from stripe.  So just send them to an error page
                CheckoutErrorVM errorVM = new CheckoutErrorVM()
                    ErrorMessage = "There was a problem adding the user to the course(s).  This may be a system problem.  Please try again later."
                return(RedirectToAction("CheckoutError", errorVM));

            model.Cart.ClientSecret = result.ClientSecret;
            model.PublishableKey    = result.PublishableKey;
コード例 #2
        public async Task <PaymentIntentResult> PaymentIntentCreated(PaymentIntent paymentIntent)
            _logger.LogInformation(GetLogMessage("Payment Intent: {0}"), paymentIntent.Id);
            var retVal = new PaymentIntentResult()
                PaymentIntentId = paymentIntent.Id

            var pi = new StripePaymentIntent
                Id               = paymentIntent.Id,
                ObjectState      = ObjectState.Added,
                CustomerId       = paymentIntent.CustomerId,
                Amount           = paymentIntent.Amount.GetValueOrDefault() / 100m,
                AmountCapturable = paymentIntent.AmountCapturable.GetValueOrDefault() / 100m,
                Created          = paymentIntent.Created,
                Description      = paymentIntent.Description,
                InvoiceId        = paymentIntent.InvoiceId,
                AmountReceived   = paymentIntent.AmountReceived.GetValueOrDefault() / 100m,
                TransferGroup    = paymentIntent.TransferGroup,

                CancelledAt        = paymentIntent.CanceledAt,
                Updated            = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                CaptureMethod      = paymentIntent.CaptureMethod,
                ConfirmationMethod = paymentIntent.ConfirmationMethod

            var records = _paymentIntents.InsertOrUpdateGraph(pi, true);

            _logger.LogDebug(GetLogMessage("{0} Payment Intent Records Updated"), records);

            if (records > 0)
                retVal.Succeeded = true;

            return(await Task.FromResult(retVal));
コード例 #3
        public async Task <PaymentIntentResult> PaymentIntentUpdated(PaymentIntent paymentIntent)
            _logger.LogInformation(GetLogMessage("Payment Intent: {0}"), paymentIntent.Id);

            var retVal = new PaymentIntentResult()
                PaymentIntentId = paymentIntent.Id

            var entity = await _paymentIntents.Queryable().Where(x => x.Id == paymentIntent.Id)

            if (entity != null)
                entity.Amount             = paymentIntent.Amount ?? paymentIntent.Amount.GetValueOrDefault() / 100m;
                entity.AmountCapturable   = paymentIntent.AmountCapturable ?? paymentIntent.AmountCapturable.GetValueOrDefault() / 100m;
                entity.AmountReceived     = paymentIntent.AmountReceived ?? paymentIntent.AmountReceived.GetValueOrDefault() / 100m;
                entity.CancelledAt        = paymentIntent.CanceledAt;
                entity.ConfirmationMethod = paymentIntent.ConfirmationMethod;
                entity.CaptureMethod      = paymentIntent.CaptureMethod;
                entity.Description        = paymentIntent.Description;
                entity.CustomerId         = paymentIntent.CustomerId;
                entity.InvoiceId          = paymentIntent.InvoiceId;
                entity.TransferGroup      = paymentIntent.TransferGroup;

            var results = _paymentIntents.InsertOrUpdateGraph(entity, true);

            _logger.LogDebug(GetLogMessage("{0} updated payment intent records"), results);
            if (results > 0)
                retVal.Succeeded = true;
