コード例 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Get current Game Manager instance
        gm = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();

        //Get current backend instance
        bm = FindObjectOfType <BackendManager>();

        //By default the payload is uncaptured. Only changes when an agent catches it.
        State = PayloadState.Uncaptured;

        agent.AgentLanded += Agent_AgentLanded;
コード例 #2
    private void Agent_AgentLanded(object sender, Agent.AgentLocation e)
        //Change our state
        State = PayloadState.Captured;

        //Instantiate the bubble object on the spot the agent landed
        Vector3    locn     = new Vector3(e.Location.x, 0, e.Location.z);
        Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();

        Instantiate(gameObject, locn, rotation);

        //SetInactive after 3 secs
        StartCoroutine(gm.ChangeActiveAfter(3, gameObject, false));
