コード例 #1
        protected void GridView1_PayeeResultCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "Select")
                // Grab the index of the selected row
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                // Grab the PayeeId selected and query the DB again for it
                // todo - Is there a way to reference the <Payee> object from the List<Payee>
                // used to render the GridView? That would prevent re-querying for the Payee.
                String selectedPayeeId = GridView1.DataKeys[index]["PayeeId"].ToString();

                Payee selectedPayee = PayeeDb.GetPayeeById(selectedPayeeId);

                // Fill the Form out
                txtName.Text             = selectedPayee.DefaultName;
                txtStreetAddress.Text    = selectedPayee.DefaultStreetAddress;
                txtStreetAddress2.Text   = selectedPayee.DefaultStreetAddressTwo;
                txtCity.Text             = selectedPayee.DefaultCity;
                txtPostalCode.Text       = selectedPayee.DefaultPostalCode;
                ddlRegion.SelectedValue  = selectedPayee.DefaultRegion;
                hdnExistingPayeeId.Value = selectedPayee.PayeeId;

                // Set Filled out Form items to ReadOnly
                txtName.ReadOnly           = true;
                txtStreetAddress.ReadOnly  = true;
                txtStreetAddress2.ReadOnly = true;
                txtCity.ReadOnly           = true;
                txtPostalCode.ReadOnly     = true;
                ddlRegion.Attributes.Add("Disabled", "Disabled");
コード例 #2
        protected void CreatePayee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Check to see if Payee exists

            Payee newPayee = new Payee();

            // If payee not exists, create new payee
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnExistingPayeeId.Value))
                newPayee.PayeeId                 = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
                newPayee.DefaultName             = txtName.Text;
                newPayee.DefaultStreetAddress    = txtStreetAddress.Text;
                newPayee.DefaultStreetAddressTwo = txtStreetAddress2.Text;
                newPayee.DefaultCity             = txtCity.Text;
                newPayee.DefaultPostalCode       = txtPostalCode.Text;
                newPayee.DefaultRegion           = ddlRegion.SelectedValue;
                newPayee.DefaultCountry          = ddlCountry.Text; // Should be converted to a DDL in the future when more countries supported

                // Store into DB

            // Create UserPayee Association
            UserPayee newUserPayee = new UserPayee();

            newUserPayee.UserPayeeId        = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
            newUserPayee.UserId             = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            newUserPayee.PayeeId            = String.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnExistingPayeeId.Value) ? newPayee.PayeeId : hdnExistingPayeeId.Value;
            newUserPayee.Nickname           = txtNickname.Text;
            newUserPayee.PayeeAccountNumber = txtAccountNumber.Text;

            // Store into DB

            // Trigger confirmation Modal

            // Clear Values from Form
            txtName.Text            = "";
            txtStreetAddress.Text   = "";
            txtStreetAddress2.Text  = "";
            txtCity.Text            = "";
            txtPostalCode.Text      = "";
            ddlRegion.SelectedIndex = 0;
            txtNickname.Text        = "";
            txtAccountNumber.Text   = "";

            // Reset GridView1 and search query just in case
            txtSearchQuery.Text = "";