// string inputType; // string inputValue; static void Main(string[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("This program calculate the income tax, gross income, net income and super based on positive values"); System.Console.WriteLine ( "Please select how do you want to enter data by press number:\n" + "[1] I want to enter the data manually via the console.\n" + "[2] I want to import the file.\n" + "NOTE: If you select [2], you need to enter the absolute path of your file, only .csv file will be accepted\n" ); string userInputKey = System.Console.ReadLine(); if (userInputKey == "1") { PayDetails payDetails = new PayDetails(); UserInput userInput = new UserInput(); userInput.InputName(payDetails); userInput.InputAnnualSalary(payDetails); userInput.InputSuperRate(payDetails); userInput.InputDates(payDetails); payDetails.PrintPayDetails(); } else if (userInputKey == "2") { System.Console.WriteLine("Please paste your path here:"); UserImport userImport = new UserImport(); string importPath = System.Console.ReadLine(); userImport.readImportPath(importPath); /*System.Console.WriteLine("\nSorry, you've just selected a feature that is still in development, you are recommended to terminate the program."); * Environment.Exit(0);*/ userImport.exportPayDetails(); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("\nYour selection is invalid"); Environment.Exit(0); } //TODO: set print as UserInput() }