コード例 #1
        //If another namespace is needed for the pattern lookup it can be written as Namespace__Key, i.e. namespace and key seperated by two underscores '_'
        public ParameterValue GetValue(EvaluationContext context)
            var values = context.Parameters;

            string actualPatternKey;

            if (PatternKey.StartsWith("@"))
                var parts = PatternKey.Substring(1).Split('+');
                actualPatternKey = (string)values.GetObject(parts[0]);
                if (parts.Length > 1)
                    actualPatternKey += parts[1];
                actualPatternKey = PatternKey;

            string ns = context.Namespace;

            int ix = actualPatternKey.IndexOf(NamespaceQualifier);

            if (ix != -1)
                ns = actualPatternKey.Substring(0, ix);
                actualPatternKey = actualPatternKey.Substring(ix + NamespaceQualifier.Length);

            if (actualPatternKey != null)
                int i          = 0;
                var callValues = new DicitionaryParameterSet();
                foreach (var p in Parameters)
                    if ((p.Key.StartsWith("\"") || p.Key.StartsWith("'")) && (p.Key.EndsWith("\"") || p.Key.EndsWith("'")))
                        callValues["" + i] = ParameterValue.Wrap(p.Key.Substring(1, p.Key.Length - 2));
                        ParameterValue v = null;
                        if (p.Value != null)
                            v = values[p.Key].Clone();
                            v.DefaultFormat = p.Value;
                            v = values[p.Key];

                        callValues[p.Key]  = v;
                        callValues["" + i] = v;

                return(new UnencodedParameterValue(Manager.Get(actualPatternKey, callValues,
                                                               ns: ns, language: context.Language, returnNullOnMissing: true)));
                //The pattern key was to be looked up and wasn't in the provided values. Return null