コード例 #1
        protected void Generate(string name)
            PatternBufferSchemaParser loader = new PatternBufferSchemaParser();
            string pbFile              = @"..\..\Generation\" + name + @".pb";
            string schemaSource        = File.ReadAllText(pbFile);
            PatternBufferSchema schema = loader.Parse(schemaSource);

            PatternBufferCompiler       compiler = new PatternBufferCompiler("Test." + name);
            Dictionary <string, string> files    = compiler.Compile(schema);

            Console.WriteLine(files.Count + " files generated");

            string directory = @"..\..\..\PatternBufferGeneratedTest\" + name + @"\Generated";

            if (Directory.Exists(directory))
                Directory.Delete(directory, true);
            foreach (string fileName in files.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine("writing to " + fileName);
                File.WriteAllText(directory + @"\" + fileName, files[fileName]);
コード例 #2
         * Parses a schema string into a PatternBufferSchema.
        protected PatternBufferSchema Parse(string schema)
            PatternBufferSchema s = null;

            try {
                PatternBufferSchemaParser loader = new PatternBufferSchemaParser(@"..\..\..\..\..\PatternBuffer.cgt");
                s = loader.Parse(schema);
            catch (Exception x) {
                throw x;
コード例 #3
         * The main method that performs cues up the compiler args, gathers files, and feeds it all
         * to the actual compiler object.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // For timing purposes. It's like totally fast, though, don't worry.
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            // Gather the command line args
            PatternBufferCompilerCommandLine commandLine = new PatternBufferCompilerCommandLine(args);

            if (commandLine.DoPrintUsage || commandLine.HasMissingRequiredCommandLineOptions)

            // Load the specified file(s)
            IList <string> schemaFiles = GatherSchemaFiles(commandLine);

            if (schemaFiles.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No input file(s) found.");

            // Verify the output path exists
            string outputDirectory = commandLine.OutputDirectory;

            if (commandLine.OutputDirectory == null)
                outputDirectory = "./";
            else if (Directory.Exists(commandLine.OutputDirectory))
                outputDirectory = commandLine.OutputDirectory;
                Console.WriteLine("Specified output directory does not exist.");

            // Append a directory separator if it's missing
            if (!(outputDirectory.EndsWith("" + Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) || outputDirectory.EndsWith("" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)))
                outputDirectory += Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar;

            // Concatenate all the schema files
            string schemaText = "";
            // A little flag to ignore multiple "name" directives.
            bool nameFound = false;

            foreach (string file in schemaFiles)
                string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(file);
                foreach (string line in allLines)
                    string temp = line.Trim();

                    // Remember the schema name if you haven't seen one yet.
                    if (temp.StartsWith("name"))
                        if (!nameFound)
                            schemaText += line;
                            schemaText += "\r\n";
                            nameFound   = true;
                    // Otherwise, not a name line... append and move on.
                        schemaText += line;
                        schemaText += "\r\n";

            // Load the schema
            PatternBufferSchemaParser loader = new PatternBufferSchemaParser();
            PatternBufferSchema       schema = loader.Parse(schemaText);

            // Create a compiler with the proper namespace
            string @namespace =
                commandLine.CSharpNamespace != null ?
                commandLine.CSharpNamespace :
            PatternBufferCompiler compiler = new PatternBufferCompiler(@namespace);

            // Set the custom boilerplate, if any.
            if (commandLine.BoilerplateFilePath != null)
                compiler.Boilerplate = File.ReadAllText(commandLine.BoilerplateFilePath);

            // Set the type safety flag.
            compiler.MakeThreadsafe = commandLine.MakeThreadsafe;

            // Compile
            Dictionary <string, string> files = compiler.Compile(schema);

            // Save all the files.
            foreach (string fileName in files.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine("writing to " + outputDirectory + fileName);
                if (fileName.Contains("/"))
                    string subdirectory = outputDirectory + fileName;
                    subdirectory = subdirectory.Substring(0, subdirectory.LastIndexOf("/"));
                    if (!Directory.Exists(subdirectory))
                        Console.WriteLine("creating " + subdirectory);
                File.WriteAllText(outputDirectory + fileName, files[fileName]);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCompiled " + files.Count + " files in " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms.");