public ActionResult <PatientMedications> AssignMedication([FromBody] PatientMedications p_med) { _repository.AssociateMedication(p_med); _repository.SaveChanges(); return(Created("", p_med)); }
public PatientMedication AddMedication(Concept concept, DateTime startDate, DateTime?endDate, string dose, string doseFrequency, string doseUnit, Product product, string medicationSource) { if (DateOfBirth.HasValue) { if (startDate.Date < DateOfBirth.Value.Date) { throw new DomainException("Start Date should be after patient Date Of Birth"); } } if (DateOfBirth.HasValue && endDate.HasValue) { if (endDate.Value.Date < DateOfBirth.Value.Date) { throw new DomainException("End Date should be after Date Of Birth"); } } if (CheckMedicationStartDateAgainstStartDateWithNoEndDate(concept.Id, startDate, 0)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } else { if (CheckMedicationStartDateWithinRange(concept.Id, startDate, 0)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } else { if (endDate.HasValue) { if (CheckMedicationStartDateWithNoEndDateBeforeStart(concept.Id, startDate, 0)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } } } } if (endDate.HasValue) { if (CheckMedicationEndDateAgainstStartDateWithNoEndDate(concept.Id, endDate.Value, 0)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } else { if (CheckMedicationEndDateWithinRange(concept.Id, endDate.Value, 0)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } } } var newPatientMedication = new PatientMedication(concept, startDate, endDate, dose, doseFrequency, doseUnit, product, medicationSource); PatientMedications.Add(newPatientMedication); return(newPatientMedication); }
public void ArchiveMedication(int patientMedicationId, string reason, User user) { var patientMedication = PatientMedications.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Id == patientMedicationId); if (patientMedication == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Unable to locate medication {patientMedicationId} for patient {Id}"); } patientMedication.Archive(user, reason); }
private Boolean CheckMedicationStartDateWithNoEndDateBeforeStart(int conceptId, DateTime startDate, long patientMedicationId) { if (patientMedicationId > 0) { return(PatientMedications .OrderBy(pc => pc.StartDate) .Where(pc => pc.Id != patientMedicationId && pc.Concept?.Id == conceptId && startDate < pc.StartDate && pc.Archived == false) .Any()); } else { return(PatientMedications .OrderBy(pc => pc.StartDate) .Where(pc => pc.Concept?.Id == conceptId && startDate < pc.StartDate && pc.Archived == false) .Any()); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <PatientViewModel> > PostPatient(PatientViewModel patient) { var newPatient = patient.ConvertToPatient(); _context.Patients.Add(newPatient); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); newPatient.PatientAilments = new List <PatientAilments>(); newPatient.PatientMedications = new List <PatientMedications>(); foreach (var ailment in patient.Ailments) { var Ailment = await _context.Ailments.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == ailment.Id); var patientAilment = new PatientAilments() { Patient = newPatient, PatientId = newPatient.PatientId, Ailment = Ailment, AilmentId = Ailment.Id }; newPatient.PatientAilments.Add(patientAilment); } foreach (var medication in patient.Medications) { var Medication = await _context.Medications.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == medication.Id); var patientMedication = new PatientMedications() { Patient = newPatient, PatientId = newPatient.PatientId, Medication = Medication, MedicationId = Medication.Id }; newPatient.PatientMedications.Add(patientMedication); } _context.Patients.Update(newPatient); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(new PatientViewModel(newPatient)); //CreatedAtAction("GetPatient", new { id = patient.PatientId }, patient); }
private Boolean CheckMedicationEndDateWithinRange(int conceptId, DateTime endDate, long patientMedicationId) { if (patientMedicationId > 0) { return(PatientMedications .OrderBy(pc => pc.StartDate) .Where(pc => pc.Id != patientMedicationId && pc.Concept?.Id == conceptId && endDate >= pc.StartDate && endDate <= pc.EndDate && pc.Archived == false) .Any()); } else { return(PatientMedications .OrderBy(pc => pc.StartDate) .Where(pc => pc.Concept?.Id == conceptId && endDate >= pc.StartDate && endDate <= pc.EndDate && pc.Archived == false) .Any()); } }
/*-------------------------------- * ENTITY MEDICATIONS *--------------------------------*/ /// <summary> /// Assign a medication to a patient, given the patient's Dni. /// </summary> /// <param name="patientMedication">new patient medication.</param> public void AssociateMedication(PatientMedications patientMedication) { _context.PatientMedications.Add(patientMedication); }
public bool HasClinicalData() { var hasData = false; if (PatientClinicalEvents.Count() > 0 || PatientConditions.Count() > 0 || PatientLabTests.Count() > 0 || PatientMedications.Count() > 0 || Encounters.Count() > 0) { hasData = true; } ; return(hasData); }
public void ChangeMedicationDetails(int patientMedicationId, DateTime startDate, DateTime?endDate, string dose, string doseFrequency, string doseUnit) { var patientMedication = PatientMedications.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Id == patientMedicationId); if (patientMedication == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Unable to locate medication {patientMedicationId} on patient {Id}"); } if (DateOfBirth.HasValue) { if (startDate.Date < DateOfBirth.Value.Date) { throw new DomainException("Start Date should be after patient Date Of Birth"); } } if (DateOfBirth.HasValue && endDate.HasValue) { if (endDate.Value.Date < DateOfBirth.Value.Date) { throw new DomainException("End Date should be after Date Of Birth"); } } if (CheckMedicationStartDateAgainstStartDateWithNoEndDate(patientMedication.Concept.Id, startDate, patientMedicationId)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } else { if (CheckMedicationStartDateWithinRange(patientMedication.Concept.Id, startDate, patientMedicationId)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } else { if (endDate.HasValue) { if (CheckMedicationStartDateWithNoEndDateBeforeStart(patientMedication.Concept.Id, startDate, patientMedicationId)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } } } } if (endDate.HasValue) { if (CheckMedicationEndDateAgainstStartDateWithNoEndDate(patientMedication.Concept.Id, endDate.Value, patientMedicationId)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } else { if (CheckMedicationEndDateWithinRange(patientMedication.Concept.Id, endDate.Value, patientMedicationId)) { throw new DomainException("Duplication of medication. Please check start and end dates"); } } } patientMedication.ChangeDetails(startDate, endDate, dose, doseFrequency, doseUnit); }