コード例 #1
        public void ShouldRebasePathOfChildren()
            var root = new FakeItem(children: new[] { new FakeItem() }, id:Guid.NewGuid());

            var rebase = new PathRebasingItemData(root, "/sitecore/new", Guid.NewGuid());

            rebase.GetChildren().First().Path.Should().Be("/sitecore/new/test item/test item");
コード例 #2
        public void ShouldRebasePathOfChildren()
            var root = new FakeItem(children: new[] { new FakeItem() }, id: Guid.NewGuid());

            var rebase = new PathRebasingItemData(root, "/sitecore/new", Guid.NewGuid());

            rebase.GetChildren().First().Path.Should().Be("/sitecore/new/test item/test item");
コード例 #3
        public void ShouldRebasePath()
            var root = new FakeItem();
            var pid = Guid.NewGuid();

            var rebase = new PathRebasingItemData(root, "/sitecore/new", pid);

            rebase.Path.Should().Be("/sitecore/new/test item");
コード例 #4
        public void ShouldRebasePath()
            var root = new FakeItem();
            var pid  = Guid.NewGuid();

            var rebase = new PathRebasingItemData(root, "/sitecore/new", pid);

            rebase.Path.Should().Be("/sitecore/new/test item");
コード例 #5
        public void MoveItem(ItemDefinition itemDefinition, ItemDefinition destination, CallContext context)
            if (DisableSerialization) return;

            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(itemDefinition, "itemDefinition");

            var sourceItem = GetSourceFromId(itemDefinition.ID, true); // we use cache here because we want the old path (no cache would have the new path); TpSync always has old path

            var oldPath = sourceItem.Path; // NOTE: we cap the path here, because Sitecore can change the item's path value as we're updating stuff.

            var destinationItem = GetSourceFromId(destination.ID);

            if (destinationItem == null) return; // can occur with TpSync on, when this isn't the configuration we're moving for the data store will return null

            if (!_predicate.Includes(destinationItem).IsIncluded) // if the destination we are moving to is NOT included for serialization, we delete the existing item
                var existingItem = _targetDataStore.GetByPathAndId(sourceItem.Path, sourceItem.Id, sourceItem.DatabaseName);

                if (existingItem != null)
                    _logger.MovedItemToNonIncludedLocation(_targetDataStore.FriendlyName, existingItem);


            // rebase the path to the new destination path (this handles children too)
            var rebasedSourceItem = new PathRebasingItemData(sourceItem, destinationItem.Path, destinationItem.Id);

            // this allows us to filter out any excluded children by predicate when the data store moves children
            var predicatedItem = new PredicateFilteredItemData(rebasedSourceItem, _predicate);

            _targetDataStore.MoveOrRenameItem(predicatedItem, oldPath);
            _logger.MovedItem(_targetDataStore.FriendlyName, predicatedItem, destinationItem);