コード例 #1
        /// Finds shortest path between Nodes.
        /// Once the path is found, it will return the path as List of Positions ( not Nodes, but vector3. If you need Nodes, use FindShortestPathOfNodes).
        /// <returns> Returns list of **Positions**</returns>
        /// <param name="startNodeID">Find the path from this node</param>
        /// <param name="endNodeID">Find the path to this node</param>
        /// <param name="pathType">Path type. It can be a straight line or curved path</param>
        /// <param name="executionType">Synchronous is immediate and locks the control till path is found and returns the path.
        /// Asynchronous type runs in coroutines with out locking the control. If you have more than 50 Nodes, Asynchronous is recommended</param>
        /// <param name="searchMode"> This is still WIP. For now, Intermediate and Complex does a tad bit more calculations to make the path even shorter</param>
        /// <param name="OnPathFound">Callback once the path is found</param>

        public static void FindShortestPathOfPoints(this PathFinder manager, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, PathLineType pathType, Execution executionType, SearchMode searchMode, System.Action <List <Vector3> > OnPathFound)
            PathFollowerUtility.FindShortestPathOfPoints_Internal(manager, startPoint, endPoint, pathType, executionType, searchMode, OnPathFound);
コード例 #2
        internal static void FindShortestPathOfPoints_Internal(PathFinder manager, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, PathLineType pathType, Execution execution, SearchMode searchMode, System.Action <List <Vector3> > OnPathFound)
            bool makeItMoreAccurate    = searchMode == SearchMode.Intermediate || searchMode == SearchMode.Complex;
            int  nearestPointFromStart = manager.FindNearestNode(startPoint);
            int  nearestPointFromEnd   = -1;

            if (nearestPointFromStart != -1)
                nearestPointFromEnd = manager.FindNearestNode(endPoint);

            if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogInfo)
                QPathFinder.Logger.LogInfo("Nearest point from start" + startPoint + " is " + nearestPointFromStart, true);
            if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogInfo)
                QPathFinder.Logger.LogInfo("Nearest point from end:" + endPoint + " is " + nearestPointFromEnd, true);

            if (nearestPointFromEnd == -1 || nearestPointFromStart == -1)
                if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogError)
                    QPathFinder.Logger.LogError("Could not find path between " + nearestPointFromStart + " and " + nearestPointFromEnd, true);

            float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            System.Action <List <Node> > onPathOfNodesFound = delegate(List <Node> nodes)
                if (nodes == null || nodes.Count == 0)

                List <System.Object> allNodes = new List <System.Object>();
                if (nodes != null)
                    foreach (var a in nodes)

                if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogInfo)
                    QPathFinder.Logger.LogInfo("Search Mode " + searchMode.ToString() + " opted", true);

                if (makeItMoreAccurate)
                    if (allNodes.Count > 1)
                        Vector3 shortestPointOnPath;
                        int     nearestNode    = -1;
                        Path    currentPath    = null;
                        int     shortestPathID = -1;

                            nearestNode    = ((Node)allNodes[0]).autoGeneratedID;
                            shortestPathID = -1;
                            currentPath    = manager.graphData.GetPathBetween(GetNodeFromNodeOrVector(allNodes, 0), GetNodeFromNodeOrVector(allNodes, 1));

                            if (currentPath != null)
                                shortestPointOnPath = GetClosestPointOnAnyPath(nearestNode, manager, startPoint, out shortestPathID);

                                if (shortestPathID == currentPath.autoGeneratedID)
                                    allNodes[0] = shortestPointOnPath;
                                    allNodes.Insert(0, shortestPointOnPath);
                                if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogError)
                                    QPathFinder.Logger.LogInfo("Error occured while finding path");

                            shortestPathID = -1;
                            nearestNode    = ((Node)allNodes[allNodes.Count - 1]).autoGeneratedID;
                            currentPath    = manager.graphData.GetPathBetween(GetNodeFromNodeOrVector(allNodes, allNodes.Count - 2), GetNodeFromNodeOrVector(allNodes, allNodes.Count - 1));

                            if (currentPath != null)
                                shortestPointOnPath = GetClosestPointOnAnyPath(nearestNode, manager, endPoint, out shortestPathID);

                                if (shortestPathID == currentPath.autoGeneratedID)
                                    allNodes[allNodes.Count - 1] = shortestPointOnPath;
                                if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogError)
                                    QPathFinder.Logger.LogInfo("Error occured while finding path");
                        if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogWarning)
                            QPathFinder.Logger.LogWarning("Unable to get the best result due to less node count", true);

                List <Vector3> path = null;

                    allNodes.Insert(0, startPoint);

                    path = (pathType == PathLineType.Straight ? GetStraightPathPoints(allNodes) : GetCatmullRomCurvePathPoints(allNodes));

                if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogInfo)
                    for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                        Debug.DrawLine(path[i - 1], path[i], Color.red, QPathFinder.Logger.DrawLineDuration);


            manager.FindShortestPathOfNodes(nearestPointFromStart, nearestPointFromEnd, execution, onPathOfNodesFound);
コード例 #3
        /// Finds shortest path between Nodes.
        /// Once the path is found, it will return the path as List of Positions (not Nodes, but vector3. If you need Nodes, use FindShortestPathOfNodes).
        /// <returns> Returns list of **Positions**</returns>
        /// <param name="startNodeID">Find the path from this node</param>
        /// <param name="endNodeID">Find the path to this node</param>
        /// <param name="pathType">Path type. It can be a straight line or curved path</param>
        /// <param name="executionType">Synchronous is immediate and locks the control till path is found and returns the path.
        /// Asynchronous type runs in coroutines without locking the control. If you have more than 50 Nodes, Asynchronous is recommended</param>
        /// <param name="OnPathFound">Callback once the path is found</param>

        public static void FindShortestPathOfPoints(this PathFinder manager, int startNodeID, int endNodeID, PathLineType pathType, Execution executionType, System.Action <List <Vector3> > OnPathFound)
            PathFollowerUtility.FindShortestPathOfPoints_Internal(manager, startNodeID, endNodeID, pathType, executionType, OnPathFound);
コード例 #4
        // *** PRIVATE AND INTERNAL ***

        #region PRIVATE AND INTERNAL

        internal static void FindShortestPathOfPoints_Internal(PathFinder manager, int startNodeID, int endNodeID, PathLineType pathType, Execution execution, System.Action <List <Vector3> > OnPathFound)
            int nearestPointFromStart = startNodeID;
            int nearestPointFromEnd   = endNodeID;

            if (nearestPointFromEnd == -1 || nearestPointFromStart == -1)
                if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogError)
                    QPathFinder.Logger.LogError("Could not find path between " + nearestPointFromStart + " and " + nearestPointFromEnd, true);

            float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            System.Action <List <Node> > onPathOfNodesFound = delegate(List <Node> nodes)
                if (nodes == null || nodes.Count == 0)

                List <System.Object> allNodes = new List <System.Object>();
                List <Vector3>       path     = null;

                if (nodes != null)
                    foreach (var a in nodes)
                path = (pathType == PathLineType.Straight ? GetStraightPathPoints(allNodes) : GetCatmullRomCurvePathPoints(allNodes));

                if (QPathFinder.Logger.CanLogInfo)
                    for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                        Debug.DrawLine(path[i - 1], path[i], Color.red, QPathFinder.Logger.DrawLineDuration);


            manager.FindShortestPathOfNodes(nearestPointFromStart, nearestPointFromEnd, execution, onPathOfNodesFound);