private float ShowMidpointControls(Ferr2DPath aPath, int i, PathEditorUtil.Selection aSelection, Matrix4x4 aTransform, SerializedProperty aPathProp, float aCurrDistance) { EventType eType = Event.current.type; // calculate distance data for finding the midpoint float segmentDistance = aPath.GetDistanceBetween(i, PathUtil.WrapIndex(i + 1, aPath.Count, aPath.Closed)); float nextDistance = aCurrDistance + segmentDistance; float midDist = aCurrDistance + (segmentDistance) / 2; // if we have no segment on the control vert, skip this midpoint if (aPath.Count <= 1 || (i == aPath.Count - 1 && !aPath.Closed)) { return(nextDistance); } // find the midpoint of this line Vector2 midPoint = aPath.GetPointAtDistance(midDist); Vector2 midNormal = aPath.GetNormalAtDistance(midDist); Vector3 midWorldPoint = aTransform.MultiplyPoint(midPoint); Vector3 midWorldNormal = aTransform.MultiplyVector(midNormal); float midSize = eType == EventType.Layout || eType == EventType.Repaint ? HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(midWorldPoint) : 0; // edge override button int direction = aPath.GetData(i).directionOverride; if (terrain.EdgeMode != Ferr2D_SectionMode.None && (i == activeSegment || aSelection.IsSegmentSelected(i, aPath.Count, aPath.Closed) || direction != (int)Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None)) { if (Event.current.alt) { if (direction != (int)Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None && Handles.Button(midWorldPoint + midWorldNormal * midSize * sizeLargeHandle * 2, Quaternion.identity, midSize * sizeSmallHandle, midSize * sizeSmallHandle, Ferr2DT_Caps.CapDotReset)) { aSelection.EachSegment(i, aPath.Count, aPath.Closed, id => { SerializedProperty overrideProp = aPathProp.FindPropertyRelative("_data").GetArrayElementAtIndex(id).FindPropertyRelative("directionOverride"); overrideProp.intValue = (int)Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None; }); } } else { if (Handles.Button(midWorldPoint + midWorldNormal * midSize * sizeLargeHandle * 2, Quaternion.identity, midSize * sizeSmallHandle, midSize * sizeSmallHandle, Ferr2DT_Caps.GetEdgeCap(direction))) { CycleEdgeOverride(aPathProp, i); SerializedProperty cycledOverride = aPathProp.FindPropertyRelative("_data").GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).FindPropertyRelative("directionOverride"); aSelection.EachSegment(i, aPath.Count, aPath.Closed, id => { SerializedProperty overrideProp = aPathProp.FindPropertyRelative("_data").GetArrayElementAtIndex(id).FindPropertyRelative("directionOverride"); overrideProp.intValue = cycledOverride.intValue; }); } } } // new point button if (!Event.current.alt && i == activeSegment && Handles.Button(midWorldPoint, Quaternion.identity, midSize * sizeLargeHandle, midSize * sizeLargeHandle, Ferr2DT_Caps.CapDotPlus)) { PathEditorUtil.AddPoint(aPathProp, midPoint, i + 1); ProcessNewPoint(aPathProp, i + 1); } return(nextDistance); }
private void ShowPathGUI(Transform aTransform, Ferr2DPath aPath, SerializedProperty aPathProp) { EventType eType = Event.current.type; Matrix4x4 mat = aTransform.localToWorldMatrix; // show the path and all its standard controls PathEditorUtil.OnSceneGUI(aTransform.localToWorldMatrix, aTransform.worldToLocalMatrix, aPathProp, aPath, true, ProcessNewPoint, ProcessRemovePoint, Path2D.Plane.XY, Ferr2DT_Menu.PathSnapMode, Ferr2DT_Menu.SmartSnap?Ferr2DT_Menu.SmartSnapDist:0, KeyCode.C, visuals); PathEditorUtil.Selection selection = PathEditorUtil.GetSelection(aPath); // find which segments and points are active FindActiveControls(aPath, mat, aTransform.worldToLocalMatrix); if (Ferr2DT_SceneOverlay.segmentLockMode) { ShowTexSegmentSelect(aPath, aPathProp, mat); } else { float currDistance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < aPath.Count; i++) { // show all the data at the control points ShowPointControls(aPath, i, selection, mat, aPathProp); // show midpoint controls currDistance = ShowMidpointControls(aPath, i, selection, mat, aPathProp, currDistance); } } // drag select has to happen last, otherwise it steals control ahead of the other handles ShowDragSelect(aPath, mat); }
private void ShowDragSelect(Ferr2DPath aPath, Matrix4x4 aTransform) { if (!Ferr2DT_Menu.DragSelect) { return; } // manually make a move widget, since we have to override Unity's widget Vector3 center =; if (Tools.pivotMode == PivotMode.Center) { center = PathUtil.Average(aPath.GetPathRaw()); } Vector3 newPos = Handles.DoPositionHandle(terrain.transform.position + center, Quaternion.identity) - center; if (newPos != terrain.transform.position) { Undo.RecordObject(terrain.transform, "Move Terrain Object"); terrain.transform.position = newPos; } // execute the drag-select code PathEditorUtil.DoDragSelect(aTransform, aPath, new Rect(0, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, Screen.width, Screen.height - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), visuals); }