コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string fn            = @"C:\Users\q0hecngn\Downloads\precip.2018.09.dss";
            string pathname      = "/SHG/MARFC/PRECIP///NEXRAD/";
            var    targetDSSPath = new DssPath(pathname);

            double sum = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                using (var dssr = new DssReader(fn, DssReader.MethodID.MESS_METHOD_GENERAL_ID, DssReader.LevelID.MESS_LEVEL_CRITICAL))
                    var cat   = dssr.GetCatalog(false);
                    var paths = cat.Paths.Select(dssPath => dssPath.FullPath).ToArray();

                    var filterPaths = PathAssist.FilterByPart(paths, targetDSSPath);

                    for (int i = 0; i < filterPaths.Count; i++)
                        string subpath = filterPaths[i];
                        var    dssPath = new DssPath(subpath);

                        var grd = dssr.GetGrid(dssPath, true);
                        sum += grd.MaxDataValue;

コード例 #2
        public void FilterTest()
            string fn       = Path.GetFullPath(TestUtility.BasePath + "NDFD_Wind.dss");
            string pathname = "/SHG/CONUS/WIND DIRECTION///NDFD (YUBZ98) (001-003)/";

            /* Catalog.Paths:
             *  [0]: "/SHG/CONUS/WIND DIRECTION/08SEP2018:2400-11SEP2018:2400//NDFD (YUBZ98) (001-003)/"
             *  [1]: "/SHG/CONUS/WIND SPEED/08SEP2018:2400-11SEP2018:2400//NDFD (YWUZ98) (001-003)/"

            using (var dssr = new DssReader(fn))
                var targetDSSPath = new DssPath(pathname);

                // Should cache catalogue in local var?
                var cat = dssr.GetCatalog(false);

                // var paths = cat.Paths.Select(dssPath => dssPath.FullPath).ToArray();
                // var filterPaths = PathAssist.FilterByPart(paths, targetDSSPath);

                // No 'FilterByPart' overload that takes DSSPath objects (not strings) and accepts a dss path to filter on
                // D and E part are empty, but filtering is failing. Is there a wildcard?
                var filterPaths = PathAssist.FilterByPart(cat.Paths, targetDSSPath.Apart, targetDSSPath.Bpart, targetDSSPath.Cpart, targetDSSPath.Dpart, targetDSSPath.Epart, targetDSSPath.Fpart);
                if (filterPaths.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No filtered paths found.");
コード例 #3
        public void ReadAllGrids()
            string fn            = TestUtility.BasePath + "precip.2018.09.dss";
            string pathname      = "/SHG/MARFC/PRECIP///NEXRAD/";
            var    targetDSSPath = new DssPath(pathname);

            double sum = 0;

            using (var dssr = new DssReader(fn, DssReader.MethodID.MESS_METHOD_GENERAL_ID, DssReader.LevelID.MESS_LEVEL_CRITICAL))
                var cat   = dssr.GetCatalog(false);
                var paths = cat.Paths.Select(dssPath => dssPath.FullPath).ToArray();

                var filterPaths = PathAssist.FilterByPart(paths, targetDSSPath);

                for (int i = 0; i < filterPaths.Count; i++)
                    string subpath = filterPaths[i];
                    var    dssPath = new DssPath(subpath);

                    var grd = dssr.GetGrid(dssPath, true);
                    sum += grd.MaxDataValue;

コード例 #4
        public void FilterGridByParts()
            string fn = TestUtility.BasePath + "NDFD_Wind.dss";

            using (DssReader dssr = new DssReader(fn))
                var cat   = dssr.GetCatalog(false);
                var paths = cat.Paths.Select(dssPath => dssPath.FullPath).ToArray();

                string _pathname     = "/SHG/CONUS/WIND DIRECTION///NDFD (YUBZ98) (001-003)/";
                var    targetDSSPath = new DssPath(_pathname);
                var    filterPaths   = PathAssist.FilterByPart(paths, targetDSSPath);