public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id, int?rating) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } Path = await _context.Paths.FindAsync(id); if (Path == null) { return(NotFound()); } _ = await Path.AddCalculatedPropertiesAsync(_context); if (rating.HasValue) { if (rating > 0 && rating <= 5) { _ = await Path.RegisterEventAsync(_context, EventType.UserRating, rating.ToString()); } } // Now let's Apply a new rating to this Path _ = await Path.ApplyPathRatingAsyc(_context); RatingAcknowledged = true; RatingAccepted = false; return(Page()); }
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details see public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { IdentityUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(RedirectToPage("Group", new { Id = Group.Id })); } GameGroup UpdateGroup = await _context.GameGroups.FindAsync(Group.Id); if (UpdateGroup == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd! We weren't able to find that Group" })); } if (UpdateGroup.Owner != user.Email) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Sorry, Only the owner can manage a Group" })); } _context.Entry(UpdateGroup) .Collection(g => g.GameTeams) .Load(); if (await TryUpdateModelAsync <GameGroup>( UpdateGroup, "Group", // Prefix for form value. t => t.PathId)) { UpdateGroup.GroupState = (int)GameGroup.GameGroupState.InPlay; UpdateGroup.Modified = DateTime.Now; // go get the Path so we can set first step Path path = await _context.Paths.FindAsync(UpdateGroup.PathId); if (path == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Very Odd! We were not able to find the Path for this Group" })); } // We will need that first step. _ = await path.AddCalculatedPropertiesAsync(_context); // Now we need to iterate through each Team and reset it. foreach (GameTeam Team in UpdateGroup.GameTeams) { Team.CurrentStepId = path.FirstStepId; Team.TeamType = 0; Team.BoardState = (int)GameTeam.GameBoardState.WordSelect; Team.StepNumber = 1; Team.Modified = DateTime.Now; } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToPage("Group", new { Id = UpdateGroup.Id, Message = String.Format("Group {0} has been Restarted!", UpdateGroup.Name) })); } return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } Path = await _context.Paths.FindAsync(id); if (Path == null) { return(NotFound()); } _ = await Path.AddCalculatedPropertiesAsync(_context); // We have a 48 hour back off timer on rating a given path, to try and avoid rating abuse // To calculate this we need to find time of the the latest userRating RatingAccepted = false; DateTimeOffset?LatestUserRating = null; try { LatestUserRating = (await _context.PathStats .Where(s => s.PathId == Path.Id && s.EventType == (int)EventType.UserRating) .OrderByDescending(s => s.EventWritten) .FirstAsync()).EventWritten; } catch { // we assume this Path is not rated yet so let's accept a rating. RatingAccepted = true; } if (LatestUserRating.HasValue) { TimeSpan TimeSinceLastRated = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - LatestUserRating); if (TimeSinceLastRated.TotalHours > 48) { RatingAccepted = true; } } // To keep the score somewhat fresh we'll recalculate score on every 10 reads. if (Path.Reads % 10 == 0) { _ = await Path.ApplyPathRatingAsyc(_context); } RatingAcknowledged = false; return(Page()); }
public async Task OnGetAsync(SortBy SortOrder = SortBy.HighestRated) { var paths = from p in _context.Paths select p; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString)) { paths = paths.Where(s => (s.Name.Contains(SearchString) || s.Topics.Contains(SearchString)) && s.IsPublished == true && s.IsDeleted == false); } else { paths = paths.Where(s => s.IsPublished == true && s.IsDeleted == false); } switch (SortOrder) { case SortBy.HighestRated: paths = paths.OrderByDescending(p => p.ComputedRating); break; case SortBy.Newest: paths = paths.OrderByDescending(p => p.Created); break; case SortBy.Shortest: paths = paths.OrderBy(p => p.Length); break; case SortBy.Reads: paths = paths.OrderByDescending(p => p.Reads); break; default: paths = paths.OrderByDescending(p => p.ComputedRating); break; } OrderedBy = SortOrder; Paths = await paths.ToListAsync(); foreach (Path Path in Paths) { _ = await Path.AddCalculatedPropertiesAsync(_context); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string name) { try { Path = await _context.Paths.Where(P => P.Name == name && P.IsPublished == true && P.IsDeleted == false).SingleAsync(); if (Path == null) { return(RedirectToPage("Index")); } // We need to find the first Step _ = await Path.AddCalculatedPropertiesAsync(_context); return(RedirectToPage("/Steps/Step", new { Id = Path.FirstStepId })); } catch { return(RedirectToPage("Index")); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(int GroupId, int TeamId) { List <PathNode> TeamSteps = new List <PathNode>(); GameGroup Group = await _context.GameGroups.FindAsync(GroupId); GameTeam Team = await _context.GameTeams.FindAsync(TeamId); string BibleId = await GameTeam.GetValidBibleIdAsync(_context, null); Path Path = await _context.Paths.FindAsync(Group.PathId); _ = await Path.AddCalculatedPropertiesAsync(_context); if (Team.BoardState == (int)GameTeam.GameBoardState.StepSelect) { TeamSteps = await Team.GetTeamStepsAsync(_context, BibleId); } Team.Steps = TeamSteps; return(View(Team)); }
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details see public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { IdentityUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["PathSelectList"] = await GameGroup.GetPathSelectListAsync(_context); return(Page()); } // Now let's create an empty group var emptyGroup = new GameGroup { Created = DateTime.Now, Modified = DateTime.Now, GroupState = (int)GameGroup.GameGroupState.Open, Owner = user.Email }; if (await TryUpdateModelAsync <GameGroup>( emptyGroup, "Group", // Prefix for form value. g => g.Name, g => g.PathId)) { _context.GameGroups.Add(emptyGroup); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // go get the Path so we can set first step Path path = await _context.Paths.FindAsync(emptyGroup.PathId); if (path == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Very Odd! We were not able to find the Path for this Group" })); } // We will need that first step. _ = await path.AddCalculatedPropertiesAsync(_context); // Now we need to parse our Teams and add/remove foreach (GameTeam Team in Teams) { if (Team.Name != null) { if (Team.Name.Length > 0) { var emptyTeam = new GameTeam { CurrentStepId = path.FirstStepId, TeamType = 0, BoardState = (int)GameTeam.GameBoardState.WordSelect, StepNumber = 1, Created = DateTime.Now, Modified = DateTime.Now, }; emptyTeam.Name = Team.Name; emptyTeam.Group = emptyGroup; _context.GameTeams.Add(emptyTeam); } } } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToPage("Group", new { Id = emptyGroup.Id, Message = String.Format("Group {0} successfully created...", emptyGroup.Name) })); } return(Page()); }